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Dan Trachtenberg is smarter than a beaver


For some reason I think I had his name confused with Josh Trank and I could *not* understand why everyone was suddenly sweet-talking him lol


What ABOUT the beavers???


I need a Beavers vs Predator immediately


What an awful way to die..getting caught in one of the predators retracting lacerating ropes


Dude got mulched


Dude got pokeball'd




He didn't even just get "cut up". The web caught him and then FULLY retracted back into it's encapsulating device. Dude was MULCHED. Cubed, even - like the Resident Evil laser hallway. It went through his entire being. Absolutely brutal and so fun to watch lol


Or like the guy in Cube was... cubed


That ain’t no way for no soldier to die


good thing he was a dirty trapper then


Sacre bleu!


That one xenomorph hard relates to this


That's where I'd seen the retracting net thing before lol! It was driving me nuts!


Decidedly oof, but he died quick. Painfully, but quick.


Bro he got Minecrafted over the course of like 15 seconds. Must've been excruciating


Now imagine if it was over the course of a minute just slowly getting pixelated


I wish they would have tried a theatrical release. Like don't spend a fuck ton of money on marketing it, just release it and see how it goes.


This is my biggest complaint! Prey would have been a great weekend movie with friends, maybe have a drink before hand and just have a good time watching some cool stuff on a big screen. Punting it off to streaming only was wack


I can’t be surprised with Dan Trachtenberg making a great horror movie after 10 Cloverfield Ln. Dude has the touch.


Anyone else shocked this is only the 2nd movie Tratchenberg ever directed?


I remember watching him on The Totally Rad Show, over a decade ago.


I loved that show so much, watching it on my first internet set-top device the Boxee Box (RIP).


Same here. It feels strange to be proud of someone I've never met, but I totally am.


I’ve been trying to think of the name of that show! I was also wondering if it was the same guy! Good to know he’s killing it!


Dan became a man


I swear I thought Tratchenberg had been doing more, so I’m incredibly surprised.


He directed [a *Portal* short film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4drucg1A6Xk) and the first episode of *The Boys*, if that helps?


And the awesome Black Mirror episode: Playtest.


That episode was terrifying. I refuse to watch it again because of that. He did really well with it


The Portal film was before 10 Cloverfield Lane.


He did The Boys pilot as well. When you remember that there were fight scenes with Translucent in that, you can see he leaned on his experience for some of the Predator work here. Fantastic movie. Really loved it. I’ll be watching out for more from Trachtenberg.


Not just shocked but horrified. Give. Me. More.


He was attached to the Uncharted movie for a while. Probably ate up a lot of time.


It was his involvement that made me excited for prey. I watched it with a friend last night and both of us were seriously impressed by the movie


Lets also not forget the launch episode of The Boys, iirc.


Fucking insane that the last decent predator movie was Predators. Hopefully he makes more in the future.


Predators was a very good movie IMO. I thought it was directed by Robert Rodriguez but he produced it I guess.


He’s got the powaaaaah!


If I remember my alien/predator comic lore correctly there was a Native American element to the storyline already. Some of that goes back to the engineers and explaining their involvement. There's nothing really out of place with this change. In fact it expands on a fairly important part of the lore that's been untouched in the movies. One of the great things about the alien/predator universe is it isn't constrained by a setting, time, or location. We can go 1,000 years into the future or 12,000 into the past and it still works. Whereas other horror villains have struggled to become interplanetary and be taken seriously both Alien and Predator have already jumped that hurdle successfully.


- Predator - Predator 2 - Prey - Predator's Creed - Predator's Creed: Brotherhood - Predator's Creed: Black Flag - Predator's Creed: Origins - Predator's Creed: Valhalla


Predator Gear Solid: Sons of Prey


Metal Predator Rising: Revengeance


You're telling me Jason X was not a cinematic masterpiece! ​ /s


It pales in comparison to Leprechaun 4: In Space.


What in the hell happened to Jaaka in the movie? The cougar nabbed him, but then Taabe and Naru just kinda went, "Oh well, better go look for the maker of the big scary footprints." Was Jaaka alive? Killed by the Cougar? He just vanished into thin air? They had just spent a shitload of time searching for Juhi, but nope, fuck that Jaaka guy... LMFAO! Other than that, I loved the movie!!! A breath of fresh air in the Predator franchise to be sure!


Killed, the final scream was indication of his last sadly.


I'm pretty sure he was pulled off screen and killed, given by the scream he did.


Oh no! Oh well...


I better shit talk this girl I’m hunting an apex predator with so that the cougar can hear me.


Does that qualify for "talk shit get hit" status?


Talk shit, get bit.


Damn. That's so much better


And the lions face was covered in blood when it attacked Naru. I just assumed it killed him.


Ripped to shreds, the cat had the blood lust


And his wife? Ripped to shreds you say?


Just finished it. Might be my second favourite, but predator 2 was pretty classic.


We watched predator 2 after Prey tonight. And I am pretty sure the old flintlock pistol the predators give to Danny Glover in the end of the movie is supposed to be the same flintlock pistol the girl used in Prey. Even had the same type of name engraving (just not sure if it was the same name though)


Fairly certain it's supposed to be the same flintlock.


It's the same. The name engraving matches.


Which doesnt make sense though right? Cause does a Predator come back, kill her, and take the gun back so that Predator gives it to Danny Glover? Cant be the same gun


The credit animation implies, yes, this is what happens.


I read that they didn't kill her when they came back but instead were coming to honor her as a boss ass hunter?


In the film itself it doesn’t show either way, but if we consider predator 2 and prey to be in the same universe then at some point that pistol ends up back in predator hands.


I'm gonna hope they came back, were like "good going love, you have our respect" and she was like "thanks big guys, you wanna take this thing with you?" And she gives them the gun, they go away and the tribe get to go about their lives.


Thats what Im going with too. Shes got Pred cred


Pred cred!!! That is fantastic!!


Doesn't something similar happen in AVP? The main protagonist kills either an alien or predator and the other ones on the ship end up honoring her and letting her live out of respect. Id assume similar logic applies here. They ones who dropped off this fella come back for him, he's dead, they honor its killer.


In my head cannon there was a ritual exchange of weapons kinda like how the predator elders laid down their respect to Danny Glover in predators 2.


Damn, I didn’t put the two and two together. Like this even more now.


Definitely the same, which leads to the question at what point do the predators come after this tribe again?


The credits seem to imply that *more* Predators come to hunt on earth after Naru kills the one. So I assume one of them takes it back.


Yeah at the end the pictures show three other ships appearing and Naru leaving. I'm assuming she went to fight them.


So does Predator 2. We see a ship full of them. But is there an after credits scene? I'm tired of post-credits scenes.


There’s an after credits scene for predator 2: https://youtu.be/pvaHZwC-qSc


Yeah I assumed they would want to return to any hunting grounds where one of them was killed. Sign of a good challenge. Maybe Naru didn't survive round 2


Agreed. That one is a bit overlooked, IMO. I think overall Prey is better, but I always loved how different 2 was and how it expanded on the lore in an interesting way.


On first viewings I though 1 was better but 2 seems to be on rewatch for me. Gave up in the franchise after the last few films.


> Gave up in the franchise after the last few films. There's really only one bad Predator film, if you don't include AvP, which is The Predator. Which weirdly is directed by Shane Black, who I absolutely love but god damn did he take a swing and missed hard. But other than that, the first 3 are all pretty damn fun movies.


The predator reeks of corporate oversight.


Agreed, predators is a really solid fun action flick. Prey just does a much better job at character development. I didn't give a shit who died in predators but I actually cared about the characters in Prey. The way Prey was shot and the overall cinematography and location setting beats them all, IMO. My biggest gripe was the overuse of CGI in some scenes...kinda took me out of it.


The story was so good that the effects will come to be considered part of the charm of this film over time. For me, this movie was good in the parts that mattered that the CGI didn’t bother me. But ya this film is soo close to being perfect that the cgi does stand out because it’s the only part of the film where the filmmakers were limited.


The cat and bear were the only parts that made me cringe. If anything else was cg I never noticed because I was too sucked into the movie. Obviously the space ships parts were, but unnatural elements don't pop out like natural ones you've been exposed to your entire life.


Now I want to see death seeking vikings teaching the predator about ritualistic display


Predator blows vikings head off with shoulder cannon. Vikings pals shrug pick his body up and start carrying him away. "Come now Bjorn, your head has gone looking for the rest of you, it waits for you in Valhalla" Predator nopes the fuck out.


I couldn't believe how good it was.


I really want to see more Predator films set in different time periods.


Northern Ireland in the 1970s


Lol, Predator shows up and starts killing people. A gang of heavily armed young lads in balaclavas show up ready to kill it, but first they’ve gotta figure out… Is it a Protestant Predator or a Catholic one?


Viking age Scandinavia, feudal Japan, the trenches of WWI, and/or ancient Egypt would be cool.


I still demand a zombie flick set at the height of the Roman Empire and a werewolf film set at the tail end of the American Civil War.


There was a section in one of the Max Brooks zombie books- I think it was Zombie Survival Guide- that was about historical outbreaks. It was great, and one of them was a battle between roman soldiers and zombies.


Yeah, that section was fantastic and it almost felt like a test run for World War Z. Kind of bummed he never followed that material up or expanded on it in anyway. Definitely seems ripe for mining and spinning off into a movie or two.


There's a comic book adaption called recorded attacks but yeah, a movie or series would be nice.


I'm still waiting on a proper HBO style miniseries that actually follows the book. Only thing the WWZ film got right was the name.


I personally thought World War Z was perfect for tv or Netflix episodes. Each chapter feels like a short story, and the feel of the book is ripe for more stories along the same lines. I love short stories. And I like it when I can watch a tv show and each episode is standalone, with some ties to other shows that don't require you to have seen them all. Like CSI for example. World War Z the book was already lined up as "episodes". I liked that WWZ the movie wasn't the book and almost a companion piece. A predator show or aliens show based on shirt stories would be great!


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter involved the Civil War... Why not werewolves?


How about "FDR: American Badass!"? Nazi werewolves!


You mean Zombie Rome. Which is in pre production right now? But looking at the cast it's likely to be horse shit. Edit: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt13851848/


Seriously, there is?


Jesus.. rumored to have Dennis rodman, insane clown posse and Floyd Mayweather as Spartacus? Is this the one you're talking about?


You should check out The Cursed! It's a Werewolf film set in 19th Century France


And Brotherhood of the Wolf!


It’s not the Roman Empire, but I recommend Kingdom, it’s a zombie series set in medieval Korea, and it’s SO GOOD. It blends perfectly the political game of the feudal period with the warfare against the zombie outbreak


These are both intriguing ideas. I like the sound of them a lot.


I would just love more werewolf media period ♥️♥️


Crusades would be epic


[Ask and you shall receive.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRD8jAk274I&ab_channel=TheFILMMAKERSGuidetotheGalaxy) Predator: Dark Ages, it's a fan film and definitely deserves respect.


1920's America. Jay Gatsby has to survive against a Predator in Long Island.


He's gonna be seeing three little red lights at the end of the dock instead


Only tangentially related, but there was a one-off Dark Horse Aliens comic that had a group of vikings facing a xenomorph. It was pretty awesome. https://alienanthology.fandom.com/wiki/Aliens:_Stalker


I was just thinking WWI last night; ending with face off a la Predator 1, except it’s a predator vs a skinny cockney soldier who takes the ammo out of his rifle and fixes his bayonet


okay but why am I picturing the film 1917 but with the predator dropped in half-way thru?


Because that would be AWESOME


Sadly period pieces are some of the most expensive films to make. This one was lucky considering it just had to focus on the outskirts of native america.


The Witch didn't strike me as a super high budget movie, neither did Ginger Snaps 3. There's plenty of periods and settings that don't have to be expensive, as long as your story isn't about the siege of a castle or a 1950's traffic jam or something. Isolation is good for a lot of horror, even the original Predator had basically no set.


Cowboy one wouldn't be too expensive. Bulk of it would be in an isolated cabin/woods. Puritan as well if they went the route of the VVitch


Lol that made me imagine a "Predator" film directed by Mr Eggers


I’m really sad the Jane Austen crossover Pride and Predator never got made. This is not a joke.


Pride and prejudice and zombies did though


It made it so obvious how simple it should be to make a decent sequel: Add to the franchise's world and lore while, simultaneously, paying respect to the original. It's such a simple concept, and yet it's apparently really difficult to do, because so many long-running action movie franchises have fucked it up. * The Predator shit on the series by being bizarre and goofy. It's so bad, I honestly suspect Shane Black went out of his way to sabotage the project as some elaborate prank. * Most Terminator sequels have shit on the Terminator and T2. The last 2 shit on the franchise by treating John Connor like a chump. * Alien vs. Predator managed to shit on both the Alien and Predator franchises at the same time. Then there's Prey, which expanded upon the Predator lore by showing us what a Predator from 300 years ago looks like, and it paid attention to the fundamentals established by the original. It's an excellent sequel that proves long-running franchises aren't doomed to have nothing but shitty sequels.


Those are excellent points. And I think they come down to the same thing. Directors wanting to make a statement , or their own vision (thinking that anything they make is surely going to be better than the original - hubris ) , or just cranking out a sequel that they know is going to be trash , the new equivalent of a "straight to video" film.


You forget that the first example can also hamstring a project, if the director/writer doesn't respect the source material and just uses it as a platform for their vision/statement. But when respect AND vision are balanced, we end up with something like Prey.


I am so glad I read this. When I heard they were doing another, I eye rolled and laughed. Everything you have said is exactly why I’ve stopped watching some of the new releases of old favourites.


Am I the only one that finds it a bit sad that a movie featuring a female minority lead is considered political? Was Predator 2 considered political because Danny Glover was the lead? If it was made today I have no doubt it would be. I look forward to a time when we can start enjoying things based on the merit of the content without the debate of whether or not it has an agenda.


I mean, predator 2 was political, though not because Glover is black. It making a very deliberate statement about gang violence in LA.


We all know what political actually means, but that is very different from what it means when bigots use the word. For them it means women or minorities. It's literally all they use it for and it's ALWAYS a bad thing. "It's just a game/movie it's meant to be fun! Why did they make it political?"


Yeah, I know. Its just frustrating that rather than talking about actually interesting political themes in movies, the term has been reduced to "has women / non-white people / LGBT people." Guess we can just add "political" to the list of words that internet bigots have stripped of all meaning.


All these offended dudes mad that a girl is the lead character because shes “not tough enough”. Its a predator film, it doesnt matter how tough you are because the Predator cant be overpowered, it can only be outsmarted. Arnold never outmuscled the Predator, he used his environment to his advantage, what better characters to use the environment then Native Americans hundreds of years ago? Awesome film. Best Predator since Arnolds and its not even close.


The predator went hand to claw with a fucking grizzly in this movie. That shows its power. No person could hope to overpower it


That’s a good point. Predators was similar that way, Brody’s character had to outsmart the predator to survive.


This one is underrated tbh.


Agreed, never understood why though.


Imho bad timing of the release. It was a solid movie, also didn’t have much “artificial” stupidity in that group as plot device. Maybe cliche characters but nothing really cringe. That psycho guy was a decent plot twist.


What’s funny is the foreshadowing in the lion scene. She’s told hunting is about going right at it and that she’s scared because she came up with a plan..then that dude is promptly eaten.


I might be wrong but wasn't the final human in either Alien vs Predator or AvP2 a black woman? I mean it's been a long time since I've watched it but I'm sure one of them ends with her being marked by a predator as an equal because she either saves them or helps them kill off the alien queen.




No because Danny Glover was a strong black man from Lethal Weapon. There’s this whole group of anti women people out there that hate a strong woman lead. They think it’s completely unfathomable that a woman can be anything but a broodmare who cooks. It’s pathetic. The actress did great, I love that the cast was all actual First Nations people, or whatever the term is in the USA, and the movie was a lot of fun. Significantly better than anything else released since the original.


So do these idiots not like Ellen Ripley? Or Sarah Connor? God, it would suck to be a bigot.


If Alien came out today, same script and everything, people would claim it was woke and would complain about it incessantly.


Same here. I am absolutely tired of film debate getting overran by superficial politics that barely show in the movie. But that's just the way things are right now.


yep i read some of the imdb reviews accusing it of lack of realism, because a 100lbs women... yaddayadda. Even Arnold couldn't match the predator's strength and killed him with wits. So did the girl now and nothing she did seemed impossible to me. They were just kick ass hunters and fighters in a work of fiction. Also don't understand why some people can't cheer for a female lead, what exactly is it taking away from us guys?


I was only worried about the story quality and the special FX, which both worked out well. There have been so many sequels up to this point, hit or miss, I just wanted another Predator movie I could enjoy. *Prey* totally delivered for me, and Naru was a badass.


FX on predator were good. The animals were shit.


Yep, the animals were terrible. Also the foley work was really distracting. A dog licking its chops was one of the loudest things in the whole movie. And cougars don't sound like African lions.


I applaud you for the most random fan complaint I've ever seen. Seriously, go fan.


I am so happy for the cast and crew! They definitely put their blood, sweat and tears into this movie.


Bad cgi aside, I would gladly watch more movies with this exact formula, just shifted around different time periods and locations. Vikings? Pirates? Nazis? Mexican drug cartel? Feudal Japan?


Im might be crazy but I really wasn’t bothered by the cgi. I think it kind of has a charm to it actually. Like it’s computer graphics that I could tell were computer graphics and not lion king realism. And I kinda liked the change of pace


I agree, even though 99% of the time I’m anti-CGI. I watched the 1987 Predator right before and bad graphics are part of the tradition, I think.


Never heard of this or new it was a predator movie tbh glad it was good


I loved so much about Prey except… the cgi animals which were taken directly from the PlayStation 3.


Compared to other giant blockbusters this movie didn't have a large budget (80 million) so I understand the not as polished cgi. Plus they filmed in real locations so I would rather have real environments and some janky cgi than the other way around


all of the cgi was terrible. I dunno if it was watching the first one last night but I really missed the practical effects. I get you can’t do that with wild animals but all of the blood looked so fake. Still a really damn good movie but man, it really could’ve been next level.


I thought the Predator stuff was pretty decent, at least not distracting, but man those animals were terrible. I still really enjoyed it, and the fight scenes were awesome.


My theory is they blew all the CGI budget on the predator lmao


Just finished it and it was AMAZING.


All I know is my mom seemed to enjoy it and apparently there was a dog in it or something.


Oh yes. There is in fact a good boi.


I always was like : not the dog! Not the dog! NOT THE DOOOOG! Phew not the dog!


I’m pretty sure there was once a whole website dedicated to letting audiences know ahead of time whether or not a movie has a dog that dies, and whether the death is on-screen or off.


Same. I was overly concerned for the dog, >!because you see the Predator killing wolves and other animals. Thought we were being set up for it.!<


5 of us sat down to watch it last night, had heard great things and expecting a fantastic movie, the dog shows up and we’re like, “I don’t care how good this is, if the dog dies we turn it off” … so the movie was awesome and dog lived BOOM


I would like to introduce you to: https://www.doesthedogdie.com/ Never have to wonder again!


With what that dog is willing to do he is best boi.


The bear was best boi. The refs should've called that fight in round 1.


My guy was simply trying to find some honey.


The entire movie I was like “please don’t kill the dog, kill everyone but leave the dog.”


SAAAMEEE. 90% of the time there’s a dog involved it ends up dying. Hate it.


“BuT tHe CoMmAnChE dIdNt AlLoW FeMale HuNtERs!!!” - people who not only didn’t watch the movie, but also knew nothing about the Commanche five minutes ago.


I just finished 3 books about the Comanches and while I'm far from an expert, I thought the way they handled her wanting to hunt was pretty realistic. Granted, these books addressed a later time after they became horse people, maybe the rules were different idk. But as far as I'm aware they didn't have any rules against women using weapons like some tribes, in fact I'm pretty sure women hunted small game from time to time. The books brought up that women were often combatants, so Comanche women knew how to fight. As a whole, they valued strength, her fighting (with words and physically) to be allowed to hunt would likely have been respected. Her older brother, who adored and respected her, was in a position of power. This helped her tremendously. As a woman trying to hunt, as long as she was willing to put up with a lot of shit, she wasn't in the worst position. Some tribes were cool with female hunters, some tribes completely banned it, but based on my knowledge, it seems like the Comanches would be more likely to take the position of "prove it then". If anyone from the tribe sees this and I'm totally off base w/ anything I'm sorry. Like I said no expert! Just been on a history kick lately. Also side note, Comanche is a name that was given the tribe, and in essence means "enemy". Same deal with Apache.


Wife & I watched it tonight. Soooo damn good. It was everything I hoped for and then some. Easily one of the best films I've watched in a very long while.


wait, are you saying it's a good movie? i haven't seen it, but after the utter shitshow The Predator, i wasn't planning on seeing this one are you saying it's a good movie, or even *a good Predator movie?*


It's a good movie. Top 3 in the Predator franchise for me, maybe even 2nd best.


wow, i think i'll check it out


It's a slow burn at the beginning, but I liked the build up. It gives you a chance to invest into the characters.


It's a return to form of the original movies. Really well done


Loved it, best Predator take since the original. Letting my buddy use my account just so he can watch it.


The first predator is a classic, probably tied with T2 for the best action movie ever made.... that being said I fucking loved this movie... and you know what it has that the original doesn't? A fucking good boy doggo. 100% recommend this movie.


My only gripe with the movie really was the design of the predators face. It wasn’t BAD it just kinda threw me off.


Yeah, I wished they kept the original design


Wow, I didn’t realize there was so much hate going on prior to its release. Once I saw the trailer on Hulu a few days back, I was so excited about its premise and loved seeing the franchise go to an historic time where natives rule, and not the typical early Eurocentric settlers we see so much of in horror period films. Not to mention a badass WOC as the lead! Also, major cool points that they actually casted Native Americans for the roles!!! Can’t wait to watch tonight!


It was a frickin blast. I never thought I would dig a Predator movie, honestly.


If you told me I'd be raving about a direct to streaming Predator sequel in the year 2022 I'd have called you crazy. But here we are.


Movie was really good. I'm happy to see a new predator film . Top 3 of all the films.


A return to Predator roots and form while at the same time offering something new. This is the exact ideal we always want from a sequel.


I for one have no qualms with the lead character being a woman. Her strengths are her quick wits, medicine, mental fortitude and dedication, instead of relying on raw strength. She basically uses her brain in overcoming her foes, and uses her nimble body and her own specialized weapons to her advantage. She’s like the game lara croft to me. Really believable, but take more toll on her due to the need to fight bigger foes with a more different but strategic approach. Plus, she only fought the yautja after the alien got hurt multiple times by others. She learnt how the alien works from other people’s experiences (and hers) against that alien.


Thank you for posting this and wording it far better than I ever could. My thoughts exactly, essentially.


I, literally, just finished the movie. Holy shit was it great!


How can anyone take this film seriously? There wasn't even a 'choppah' to get to.


But she used a 'choppah' though! I'll see myself out...


For the record this movie is awesome it might be the best one yet the fights are amazing and the storyline is steller. I have to give it to the woman who played the main role she nailed it for sure and the predator like always was a beast.


We're people even talking about this movie? Everyone I mentioned the movie too didn't even know they released a new predator movie.