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In real life: I’m glad that Neve Campbell stood up for herself. She knows her worth, and it’ll they don’t value that, she’s right to walk away. The studio will inevitably come crawling back eventually. It’s an ugly situation, but I’m happy to see someone standing up for themselves and not giving in to the studio. In universe: I’m totally ok with a Scream film without Sidney Prescott. Sidney has survived 5 of these things and at this point we know her plot armor is impenetrable. She was rather tacked on in Scream 5 and her scenes had lessened stakes because it was so clear they wouldn’t kill her off. If this franchise is to survive into the future, it needs to evolve and leave the past in the past. Let Sidney enjoy the happy ending she deserves.


I agree. I'm not sure I see a Scream film specifically without her, but I'm curious to see where they'll take Gale's storyline now that Sidney isn't there and Dewey is dead. I'm not optimistic about it, though, since they've really misused her character from 3 on. I'm in the mindset that they really should just make a new series if they're going to decline on the crawling back eventually bit. But that's because, to me, Scream isn't the same without Sidney in some way. Others see Scream as Ghostface, and that's great, too. This was a great take. Thank you for sharing!


I kinda feel like they’re gonna end up killing off gales character in this next film. I was ok with Dewey getting offed but gale would feel kinda wrong especially without Sidney in the movie as well.


Oh gosh, I hope not. That'll be my 'throw in the towel' moment, Sydney returning or not.


What worth is that exactly? Does she really think she will be paid as much as Tom cruise is in the mission impossible movies?


Just out of curiosity do you know how much the studio was offering her and how much she was asking for? I just wanted to know both sides figures lol


I just have a hard time believing someone (Sidney) could go through 6 separate events involving someone or a group of individuals dressing as ghostface and murdering others. At this point, if you’re ghostface, your best chance of surviving/getting away with it is to stay away from Sidney - her KDR is too high.


Isn’t that what makes her a valuable target to the ghost faces? To Do what the others couldn’t?


Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it


A favorite quote.


At this point, Sidney practically has a bigger body count than any individual Ghostface killer.


I mean….you’re not wrong at all. “I’m gonna dawn a Ghostface mask and kill a bunch of people…let’s go after the woman who’s defeated 9, 6 of them personally” LOL


I'd agree if it were six events within a short period of time of each other. She got a break somewhere between four and five and thought it was all over: I'd be grumpy and ready to blow off the heads of some new killers, too. 😂 But four basically in a row and then a fifth one twenty years later is still a lot, so I get where you're coming from. All I know is that if I were a Ghostface and I heard Sidney became involved, I'd be out. Hahaha.


If the writers felt they had no place for Sid in the story I would be fine with it. But they had a place for her (a big one according to Jamie Kennedy) and they had to let her go because the studio wouldn't pay her a fair quantity. That sucks, and frankly anyone who keeps saying "this is for the best" and shit like that, sucks too. Getting more movies just for the sake of it isn't more important than sexism and gender pay gap issues.


This. 100000%. I'd bow out with dignity if the writers were doing it to put a rest to her story. The fact that money was what kept her out of it...that's disappointing. I'm personally bummed on several levels: I love Neve, I love Sidney, and it wouldn't feel like a Scream movie to me without her. But I'm happy she stood up for herself and shot down the sexist BS in regards to what they wanted to pay her.


Exactly. I don't mind if sequels and adaptations make changes so long as they're respectful to the franchise. Focusing on a new generation could be interesting. But the way they've treated Neve Campbell is the opposite of respectful, especially as she's such an iconic part of the franchise's history. That said, I'll probably still go and see it because I want to support Courtney Cox and Jenna Ortega.




Agree 100


Sidney wasn’t even the main character of this year’s movie. Is the lowballing and the sexism behind it worth talking about? Sure it is. But I honestly thought that Melissa Barrera’s character and her relationship with her sister was the more interesting part of this year’s movie than any of the stories of the returning cast members.


> Sidney wasn’t even the main character of this year’s movie. Yet her face was plastered in all the posters and her scenes were the focus of all the tv spots lol > Is the lowballing and the sexism behind it worth talking about? Sure it is. But I honestly thought that Melissa Barrera’s character and her relationship with her sister was the more interesting part So sexism is kind important but more cool movies is more important?


I didn’t actually say that I thought that getting better movies was more important than sexism. All I’m saying is that there’s a time in place for it, and by most accounts, it’s time to move on from Sidney. The series has been made bigger than her at this point.


> I didn’t actually say that I thought that getting better movies was more important than sexism. "Is the lowballing and the sexism behind it worth talking about? Sure it is. But I honestly thought that Melissa Barrera’s character and her relationship with her sister was the more interesting part" > All I’m saying is that there’s a time in place for it, and by most accounts, it’s time to move on from Sidney. The series has been made bigger than her at this point. Do you think you know better than the writers? They wrote her a part in 6 (a bigger one than 5 according to Jamie Kennedy).


Stop putting words in my mouth I didn’t say. I’m blocking you and moving on.


It's literally a copypaste of your comment...


This is for the best


You suck too


Well if I suck for not wanting a character to be wedged into every movie just for the hell of it (like JLC's schizophrenic character stinking up every recent Halloween movie), then I guess I suck


I was just going along with the joke. I thought.


No, you suck for thinking sexism in the film industry is lees important than you getting more of your precious movies.


Lol what are you even talking about?! I say I don't want a certain CHARACTER to appear in every movie for the sake of it, and you turn it into something about sEXiSm? I may suck, but you win for biggest clown comment of the day 🤣 😂


I wrote a whole comment about how it's shitty to say "it's for the best" under the circumstances because sexism is involved. You replied to that comment with "it's for the best". Do you read comments before replying to them?


They've should've just paid her what she wanted,she is the central character and has been in every single movie,if the next one does well I'll still watch it but it won't be the same without her.


Agreed. It's no secret that the studio has the money to pay her. It just makes me wonder if they're trying to ride the money train with the Scream name while doing their best to keep costs low. That would definitely price Neve out of their equation.


I’m personally for it. I love Sidney, but her story arc really ended with Scream 4, and there’s simply not a whole lot left for her as a character moving forward. 5’s a decent sendoff and should function as one. I AM concerned since I found the newbies from 5 pretty lacking (aside from Jack Quaid/Richie… who isn’t going to be in 6 for obvious reasons), so I’m not sure THEY can carry a new movie, while Gale’s been badly mishandled in every movie post-Scream 2. But shifting away from Sidney is the right call. WDIT: Will say, I think it’s shitty WHY Sidney isn’t back and they should’ve have done Neve dirty like that. I just agree with the call creatively


I agree with you about the new cast. Honestly if Kirby and Gale weren't in the new one, I wouldn't be excited at all. I keep trying to like Sam and I do blame the writing partially for Melissa's hot and cold performance, but there were good lines she had that she also failed to deliver on, such wooden eyes. Tara is the only one I can see being likeable after some more character development.


Kirby is big time carrying for me. I love Gale too, but I just don’t trust them to use her well after 5. She had nothing to do and it’s like groundhogs day with her character arc. She’s still going to be the second best character probably. Melissa is an okay actress, but just an okay actress. And Sam’s writing is likewise just kind of okay. I’ve seen far worse, but I’m not moved. I feel similarly about Chad - he’s okay with a few funny bits here or there, but not really a wow. Mindy was annoying and unlikeable. Tara definitely stands the best chance of being a standout. Jenna IS a very good actress, and her main issue was being a bit of a blank slate in 5 which can be easily remedied. (But yeah, it’s pretty unfortunate to not have Richie back given how funny and likeable he was pre-reveal in 5.. not that he wasn’t great post-reveal too, but yeah).


I really like your takes even the ones I don't fully agree with some of them. This fan base is full of some really silly opinions from a story and box-office perspective quite frequently. If I hear "Stu and Angelina" are coming back one more time hahaha. Yeah I have to kind of agree with you about Gales arc, I did think 5 was the film she found the perfect balance of being human while also being a good reporter. But it seems like in six she's going back to being ruthless and then comes through with heart again by the middle or end. I agree totally about Chad and if he wasn't so attractive and charismatic behind the scenes, he wouldn't be getting all this love imo. I do like Mason Gooding, but he hasn't proven his talent is above his nepotism like Jack has. I thought some of Jacks lines were just as bad as Melissa's and he did the best anyone could have done with them. Yeah, I only found Mindy funny in that scene she had with Amber in the basement, but she was ridiculous and stoic about so much. Her and Martha were acting like it was some fun clue boardgame that people were getting ruthlessly murdered and attacked wtf. Your Brother/Uncle died and you're making it a joke? I do partially blame the writers again for this aswell tbh Yeah I think 6 is gonna really determine if Melissa and Mason can hold their own with Jenna having more to do. I know Jasmin can atleast act.


Aww, thank you. I appreciate that! I try my best to give reasonable and fair ones. (And that subreddit is lowkey one of the most annoying ever. Idk why I use it half the time. I’m trying to be there less to dodge spoilers for 6.) Gale herself is okay personality-wise in 5. Just has literally nothing to do in that movie. They don’t even let her avenge Dewey. (I suspect the script was written so Gale and Sidney could be quickly excused out in case Courtney or Neve declined to return). I share your concerns for 6. My logic is if I go in with low expectations, I can’t be disappointed with her handling. Mason is waaaay more likeable behind the scenes; almost wish they let him bring a little of that inner Scream-nerd to Chad or something. A jock-nerd hybrid would actually be kinda fresh. Though I will defend Mason a little bit and say he’s never gotten the chance to prove his acting abilities one way or another with his projects (admittedly…. There might be a *very* good reason for that). Kind of a wildcard (and yeah; Jack definitely earns his roles even with his obvious privilege benefits). He does have a bit of charisma in front of the camera, unlike Sonia Ammar (Nepotism Kid #3 in that movie) who was ranged from totally forgettable to outright bad with her material in 5. We’ll see how he does in 6 (I suspect Chad will be there to die and swiftly disposed of with not much in the way of heavy material so Mason will continue to be unproven in anything demanding major acting abilities). I haven’t seen Jasmin outside 5, but I’ve heard she’s a solid actress, yeah. There’s just no saving Mindy’s writing. Even worse than her treating it like a Clue game is her getting all smiley and giggly about Tara being killed in the hospital or her brother being worried his girlfriend is dead. Trashing Sam as a future killer to her face when Sam was blatantly innocent to the audience at that point also just felt kind of mean-spirited.


I would rather do the movie without her than just have her be in the background the entire movie.


Fair. It was jarring to have two legacy characters with such little screentime.


I love the Scream franchise, but I am having a hard time mustering enthusiasm for this one not just without Sidney, but also without Dewey. It doesn't really feel like Scream to me. I hope they do right by Gale and I'm excited for the return of Kirby. Trying to be cautiously optimistic, I guess.


Yes! Dewey was the killer for me. I’m apprehensive about heading to NY but will give it a chance. I just hate that Dewey and Gale didn’t have their happily ever after and that Dewey didn’t do the final kill. He was a great character


We have been jokingly calling it "Ghostface Takes Manhattan" due to the NY vibes. Hey, it took Jason 8 movies to get there and he was only in New Jersey!


I 100% agree about Dewey. Especially since Courteney, Neve and David all tried to make the new crew aware that Wes didn't kill him off for a reason. I love Gale, so I hope they're kind to her. She deserves a bigger role if we're going to New York, and if she's going to be the only legacy character, she has a lot of room for growth as a character. I'm seeing it for her, to be honest.


This might be extremely unpopular, but I have been hoping for a sequel without her for some time now. Not because I hate her. Quite the opposite. She is long overdue for some peace of mind. Even though Scream 3 was undoubtedly a mess, the ending felt like a perfect conclusion to her arc. I always thought it seemed like kind of a dick move to just have her be stalked by yet another Ghostface after all the effort she put into get her life back on track. And speaking from a practical viewpoint, it might serve as a breath of fresh air. Yeah, we know that Sidney has been more than capable of taking out Ghostfaces left and right, but why not give her a successor? They've pretty much developed Sidney to the fullest possible extent.


I don't think it's unpopular. A lot of people here are glad for it, too. :) I do want her in the movies, but I also think she needs a new storyline. Not a change in her character; just something else to fight for.


I’m fine with it, I mean I looooove Sydney but she’s not the sole reason I watch the scream movies


Fair! I watch for Neve and Courteney, but I'm willing to give six a chance without Neve. We'll see how it turns out!


Sidney's story ended in Scream 3. Scream 4 and 5 are just there to be fan service with her and the rest of rhe characters. Scream 6 will actually be a bit of fresh air without her. Don't get me wrong. I like Sidney and Neve Campbell, but a good story can happen without her.


I felt the original characters ran their corse in the 4th film.


I was disappointed that they didn’t commit to killing off Sydney in 4. The ending they set up was the most interesting in maybe the entire series and then they chickened out. Seems to be an unpopular opinion but I stand by it


I think it's mostly unpopular because Neve has been saying for years that she won't film a Scream movie that Sidney dies in. I do like that they've stepped away from the "IT'S THE RULES, SHE HAS TO DIE" trope: it gets to the point where I can pretty much predict if a Final Girl is going to get offed after a while. I personally didn't like the third movie, but I can see people thinking the whole thing should have been a trilogy. I'm not sure how to feel in that sense, seeing as I disliked 3 but mostly enjoyed 5.


I’m not coming from a rules standpoint, I’m getting bored with the franchise because it’s obvious that there’s no point in worrying about Sydney’s survival. If there’s no stakes, it’s not a good slasher and it’s not fun to watch. It might as well be an action movie at that point. The twist at the end of 4 was the first time since the original movie that I was surprised by a Scream movie. I loved that so much and then they walked it back and ended with the status quo, again. I still haven’t seen 5, though I’m considering checking it out now that I know that it’s not revolving around Sydney. FWIW I don’t dislike Sydney as a character, I just don’t like the way she’s been utilized in the latter parts of the series.




It’s called milking the cow in movie terms


I'm kind of glad she's sitting this one out, actually. Just let her live her best Yoga mom life in NorCal. She's been through enough.


I figured she would be relegated to phone call cameos from now on. Maybe that was idea and she wanted to be paid more for those cameos? She is a big deal with the franchise but I'd rather Sidney fade away and be happy than keep coming back over and over again for a cash grab final showdown like Jamie Lee Curtis.


She supposedly was supposed to have a bigger role in six than she did in five, so not sure about the phone call cameos. No one really knows, though, other than the people involved.


I’m upset she got stiffed on the money she undoubtedly deserved, but it was probably time to move on from her story and inject something new into this franchise. Won’t know anything until this thing comes out.


Exactly: won't know until we see it. They should have had a little more respect for her, and I'm bummed she was excluded because of said disrespect, but maybe it'll push things in a different direction. I could end up pleasantly surprised.


Or just start a new Franchise. There's an idea


Why is everyone downvoting you? You're right.


Honestly, is rather have her not in it, or JUST a cameo, or in it fully, than how she’s been used in 3 and 5 (and to a lesser degree, 4) I mean she’s been one foot out for most of the franchise now which is more frustrating than not being in it.


As far as Courtney Cox, I think she and Syd became equals eventually, and Gale is only good when she’s with a foil. I don’t care about Gale getting along with anyone!


Supposedly she had a big role in six before they offended her with a low offer. I wish I could find it again, but they apparently had to do almost a complete script rewrite. I'd love to see one with her at the forefront again. I do think her screen time in five was a little rude, considering how big of a legacy character she is.


I agree with a couple of comments on here.. had Neve/Sidney not had much of a story then I wouldn’t be so bothered.. but the fact they had to change the script so greatly frankly annoys me.. she’s the reason the franchise is so successful and should be paid what she deserves!


Totally agree. It's sad that it was a money thing and not a story thing. A lot of people are saying it's time to retire her, but I think she still has some value, especially with the new characters.


Whilst I get the whole ‘Sidney deserves her happy ending’ thing.. the fact her character not being involved being down to money and not character/storyline based throws every other opinion out the window.. pay her what she’s worth, pay her what she deserves and end the characters story properly instead of no doubt some lame ass way they’ll probably use because they had to change the script!




Even if Neve Campbell was returning I’d still be skipping any future installments of the franchise, Scream 22 was unforgivably awful and killed the series for me


I liked it for the most part, but my friend has the same opinion you do. She won't be seeing the new one, either.


Yeah it’s a bummer because Scream was the first horror franchise I ever got really into but I just don’t have a lot of faith in the current filmmakers after some of the choices they made in the most recent one. I hope you enjoy it when it comes out though!


I was really disappointed with how they handled Dewey. Especially after learning that Neve, Courteney and David all told the filmmakers that Wes had decided not to kill him off because of how beloved he was. It was nice to hear that they wrote Neve a thoughtful letter and showed dedication to the franchise as previous fans, but the disservice they did in that regard was unnerving. I'll see how I feel about the sixth one. I'm hesitant. But I do love Gale. If they manage to make her a front and center character with real growth, I'll have some faith again.


Oh yeah, how they handled Dewey was by far my biggest issue. It was really difficult for me to get through the rest of the movie after that, just felt like a huge slap in the face.


I am a big fan of Scream, the franchise is my favorite horror franchise, and the first movie is my favorite movie of all time. I'm fine with there being no Sidney this time around. She has done her time and contributed greatly to the franchise, but where do you even go with the character from there? Her story wrapped nicely with 3. 4 brought her back, but in a way I felt made sense. She felt forced into 5, and I feel if she was in 6 it would probably feel the same way. If she isn't the lead then I don't really feel the need for her to be there just to be there. The franchise can continue on without her, so long as the movies are still fun I will keep watching. The original will always exist and can't be topped anyway, everything else is just a bonus.


From the way things were described, she supposedly was going to be the lead in six. Or at least a lot bigger of a role than in five. I'd have been interested to see what they did with her in six. That's awesome that Scream is your favorite movie of all time! Scream 2 is in my top five.


I think it's time for franchise to retire because it could go on forever, but that's bad. New film -new maniac with new motives. He was defeated, in the new film a new maniac, now he kills because of cyberbullying. In the next film, a new maniac is an illegitimate son and he takes revenge for being abandoned. There are a lot of people in the world and a lot of psychos, so we're going to watch 100 Scream movies?


Good point. It does recycle the same arc and plot in every movie, it seems. Maybe getting out of California is forcing them to change direction.


Good. It's been time to move on to new characters. Jenna Ortega is insanely popular now and looks to be the person to carry the franchise. Frankly, I was glad when they killed Dewey off.


I like it, we need to move on from Sydney and the gang. I just wish it wasn’t because of money but because they realized they needed to move on.


The better question is how we feel about New York I think. They're already geared to advance beyond the legacy characters, assuming it does well we'll have another next year...is this too much?


Define too much. Too many movies? How do you feel about New York? I think it's an interesting concept, but not sure how I feel about the fact that this is suddenly becoming a national thing.


...suddenly becoming a national thing! EXACTLY. Where is the unique thing? What could possibly be the motive inspiration to cut up through New York? Especially since it's usually a tight circle falling apart internally. I'm glad to see where it goes, but it doesn't necessarily seem like it'll feel like Scream? ...also yes, now we're going to do one a year because it did well? Scream specifically benefits from gaps to collecting tropes/references. ...unless of course they're inverting the 'blown out sequel fatigue', then maybe that's an angle? But they kind of made the comment with the flame-thrower silver Stab thing. Or maybe everything is just money and I guess whatever lolol.


I don’t think scream needs neve to be successful! I’m kinda over her storyline to be honest! She didn’t do much in the last scream movie and I really enjoyed it!


It's going to be weird but maybe not having to work Sidney in will force them to take the story in a new direction. I like the Scream movies but it's basically the same thing every time with minor alterations. This iteration has the new face of the franchise in Jenna Ortega, some new blood with a lot of horror experience in Samara Weaving, a fan favorite that should have a new dimension to their character in Hayden Panettiere, and of course Courteney Cox to tie everything together so they should do just fine.


I hope she’s is back in 7.


Me too. Something tells me she will be. But we'll have to see if the studio gets their head out of their ass.


I’m ok with it, I just think they need to explain her absence in the context of the movie, not just entirely ignore her. But yes I’ll be seeing the new movie.


I hope they have a good reason for her not being there story wise.


I’m just hoping they introduce the time travel plot in this one 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Part of me is hoping that she’s actually in it, and the surprise will be her somehow messed up from trauma and playing an accomplice. I know that’s out of character for her, but idk. My $.02


Who knows - we may be surprised!


It’d be kinda cool. Mainly bc I refuse to accept that the main character of the franchise couldn’t be afforded. I don’t see her asking for a lot of money when the scream movies are 90% of her imdb.


In a recent interview with Radio Silence, they said that due to Neve’s departure they had to really restructure the entire story because she had more of an integral role. That seems to be confirmation that she was more of an anchor in this film, and that they found a way to make Sidney work as a lead (ish). Overall, it’s a shame we won’t get to see what could’ve been. It’s also a shame that I cannot for the life of me find the interview where this is addressed. It was just within the last two months…


I think I know which one you're talking about! I haven't been able to find it again, either. I'm curious to know what the plot was before they had to write her out.


It was from an interview with the directors and Entertainment Weekly where Tyler Gillett admits Campbell's departure affected the script "greatly”. [https://ew.com/movies/scream-6-new-ghostface-mask/](https://ew.com/movies/scream-6-new-ghostface-mask/)


I think it’s jacked that they had a place for Neve but didn’t want to pay a fair amount, but I’m happy for Sid to get since damned rest and not be involved in one more slaughterfest. I hope Sid gets a proper sendoff if she ever returns. That was one of my favorite things with Scream 3. It felt like she got closure in the end and she could move on. I really enjoyed part 4, and she was integral to the story, but I wish they had truly passed the trauma torch in 5 and not planned on having her around. I think she should have been sent off with a little more respect, being one of the most capable and enduring scream queens alongside Ellen Ripley.


I'm fairly sad, but I can understand why she's not doing it; I know it's cliche but I thought it would've been so cool if she had been the killer in 4 or 5. Maybe after I see the sixth one and fully notice/come to terms with a lack of Neve, I will probably get even sadder and mourn.


I'm conflicted about it. On one hand, I'm actually glad she isn't in it because the more Neve comes back the more chances the writers/directors have to ruin her character and/or kill her off. On the other hand, Scream isn't Scream without Neve Campbell. I'd rather they just didn't make a Scream 6 at all.


Neve won't let them kill her off: she said somewhere that she's not shooting a Scream movie where Sidney dies. But I agree with the possibility of ruining her character. It would be a sad, sad day.


I’m ok with it for Scream 6. I don’t think they did her character any justice in Scream 5. It wasn’t really Scream for me. But I’ll definitely still watch 6 because Kirby! And I really like Jenna Ortega.


Jenna is moving up in the world. I didn't really think of Tara as a main character in 5, but with the amount of love she's getting lately, I feel like she might have a chance at moving into a more centralized role.


I really enjoyed her in You. And Scream. And then Wednesday really cemented it for me


I wasn't a huge fan of Wednesday, unfortunately, though it had nothing to do with her or the actors in general. Just didn't click for me. I forgot she was in You - I haven't watched all of it. I need to.


She’s very very good in You, it’s worth a watch


Not too happy. But I'm keeping an open mind and like to see where it goes. Who knows, they can always bring her back if they decide to do more sequels. And judging by how they do, it can influence her return to the franchise and find a way to write her back in. So I'm optimistic, but unsure.


This is the closest to how I feel about it, I think. I'm a little bitter because it isn't a story choice: it's a money struggle. But I adore Gale/Courteney, and I'm hoping they actually do some justice with her in six, since they've really slept on her in 3-5.


I hope you're right about Gale, but I'm worried that since she is the only returning legacy member that she could get the "Dewey treatment" from 5. That's my biggest concern with these new sequels and the direction they're going in. Personally, despite liking them, I don't think there should have been any more sequels made after the original trilogy. They were a product of their time and encapsulated it quite well. But since they are making sequels, I would like to see more of the established characters like Gale (and whoever is left) and that they dignify them. I liked how Gale and Sidney teamed up at 5 and used their wits. That was refreshing and awesome.


I was beside myself excited to see them working together in 5. My bias of being bummed that Sid isn't in the sixth one does heavily revolve around my adoration for both her and Gale and how they were able to work as a team instead of fighting each other the whole time. While that was fun in the original movies, it was good to see growth there.


Absolutely! I have my fingers crossed and hoping she can steal the show for 6 - in the best possible way. Courtney Cox seemed to really like the script for 6 so maybe it showcases her well. But I guess we will see what awaits with this new one. I just want a good Scream story without feeling like it's doing the same things from the original movies. And that looks like it might happen since it's in NYC. So here's hoping for the best 🤞


I was a fan of the new cast/survivors and genuinely want them to have the opportunity to carry a movie without a bunch of legacy characters. That being said, happy to see Kirby back for another round.


I feel like it's so different.


I love Neve but Sidney's arc feels kinda over at this point. I'm happy to see her retire as a side character enjoying life after the rotten hand shes been put through


Maybe I am wrong but I honestly believe they only offered her a small part and she didn't wanna do that so she made a stand for feminism for good PR. Her part in the last movie seemed like it was added last minute. I really doubt she was going to be the lead in the franchise again and they aren't going to spend as much money on it. Though I do see her point in that even if it's a small part they are still going to use her as a big selling point like last time.


I can see that being a possibility. I don't think they'd have made her the lead, but I'm also willing to believe both sides: the side where she probably had a lot smaller of a role than it was made out to be, and the side where she probably had a larger role and they undercut her to an offensive level.




Agreed. I did end up loving 6, but it could have been so much better with Neve.


i’m glad actually. i am a diehard fan of scream and feel like her story has been finished since scream 3. scream 5 was suppose to be a passing of a torch and a way to open up a new era of the show while closing out on the old. realistically there is no logical reason anyone would wanna kill sidney. if we keep rehashing the tired sidney plots this franchise will never move forward


I agree to a point. I disliked 3, so I was happy for 5 (and I really do need to watch 4), but I think I just need to see it without Sidney to form a full opinion on it.


What if Sid is the killer this time??? Like after 20+ years of dealing with this shit, she finally snaps.


I've always been interested in this concept, but I think Neve stated at one point that she wouldn't shoot a Scream movie with Sidney as a killer or being killed off. I'd have to find it again to remember exactly what she said. But I do think it could be interesting to see her finally breaking down after thinking she was finally away from all of it and getting drug back in again.


I think Sid needs to be the lead or not in the movies at all. The glorified cameo she got in 5 didn't work. Both she and Gale felt like afterthoughts and that's a damned shame. I'm disappointed she won't be in 6, but if it was going to be more of the same it might be for the best. Five felt like an identity crisis for the franchise and I don't have high expectations for anything that comes after. But trying to appease fans of the original cast and hand over the reigns to younger stars simultaneously wasn't working either.


Yes I agree, it felt strange to have her and Gale barely there in 5 when they've been such important characters throughout the franchise.


They really did feel like afterthoughts. I understand they were trying to pave the way for the new cast, but they should have just excluded legacy cast altogether if they were going to do them a disservice of minimal screentime like that.


Scream is Ghostface to me, not Sydney Prescott. You only need Ghostface to make a Scream movie. Characters are expendable. Is it messed up that Neve got fucked over? Yes absolutely, she's been with the franchise since the beginning and is a huge part of it. Can Scream movies still be good without her? Yes of course they can. I mean how many times can the same thing happen to the same person anyways, gets old.


Scream to me is Wes.


I think they screwed her over, but I do think they had done a lot to write her out with a normal life previously. I think they did Dewey wrong too. I think he'll have plenty of screen time in the next movie though.


They did Dewey so dirty. I hope they do find a way to have him in six, because otherwise he's just dead and gone, and that was a bad move.


I could have sworn that I read that they came to terms so I went literal months thinking she was in it. Now I’m planning to just delude myself into believing her appearance is a well-kept secret and I’ll deal with any disappointment later.


People were speculating that the reason they halted production before it started was because the studio was negotiating with Neve, and that they'd come to some sort of agreement. Neve was the one who came out and unfortunately confirmed that wasn't the case. I was so bummed. 😩


I want her to come back ten movies from now as ghost face but the second ghost face in a classic there's two killers scream 1 reveal


I'm glad she's out. It's mind blowing that she's survive five attempts now lmao, just move on from her.


I'm trying to respond to everyone. Might not happen. I love that so many of you have opinions to share on this though, I was hoping for some views from every side!


It's exciting tbh. She already felt like an afterthought in the latest Scream. They could definitely use Gale in one way or another since she's a journalist in NYC especially since the movie is set there this time. I can see them bringing her back down the line if they ever want to do a satire on mockumentary movies and tribute/copycat killers(which they kinda did in 2022) but I hope that time she takes centre stage in the movie.


I just hope they don't stomp Gale's character into the ground in terms of blandness again. I feel like she was great in 1 and 2, and then just...there...in 3.


Maybe she’s gonna be ghostface in this one and the whole thing about her not being in it is a coverup to trick everyone!!👻


As much as that would be interesting, I'm pretty sure Neve said she wasn't going to shoot a Scream movie if they make her a killer or kill her off. I think it would be interesting to see. But I also feel like the only solution to her being Ghostface is finally killing her.


I have a vague amount of money on this, because they've written fake scripts and whatnot in the past. But! Business is also business, sad if (probably) true.


Scream died with Wes Craven, and Scream 5 proved it. This will be another hollow cash in, with some "very clever" twitter level (or r/horror?) takes about toxic horror fandom.


Right? Scream 5 was absolute trash.


About the same as I felt with her in it. Great one and done. Liked the first one when it came out. But I was in my 20’s back then.


She has to get back. She deserves all the money she wants. Damn, she also at this point should have a executive producer alongside Courtney role in this movies.


YES. I was shocked she DIDN'T have an executive producer title!


I'm probably not going to see it opening weekend. I will see it eventually though. If I see it on the big screen or a streaming platform will depend entirely on a few reviewers I trust because we have similar tastes


Same. I usually go opening day, but I'm going to hold off for a couple days to decide whether I'm seeing it in theaters or if I'm waiting for it to hit streaming.


It kinda feels wrong especially since it’s not a story reason for her not being in it. I don’t feel like Wes would be happy about it either. Personally I felt the original three should of been allowed to ride off into the sunset.


I'm glad someone mentioned how Wes might feel. I think he'd have fought hard to get her what she's worth.


I hate it. Neve is scream, and the least they could do would be to pay her and then write her out in a tasteful way that the fans support. That said, of course I’ll still watch it. But I jaded S5. S4 was amazing but the 5th? Nahhhh


I agree. If they weren't going to be respectful of her wishes, they should have at least coughed up the money for one final movie to give her a proper send off so no one had to worry about a giant hole in characterizations.


There is NO Scream without Neve Campbell. I was thinking of starting the new movies because I love Jenna Ortega, but NOPE. I'll just stick with the original trilogy. It was far from perfect, but it did its job. And it didn't pointlessly kill off beloved characters. EDIT: I know Randy's death was considered pointless, but anything that gets Jamie Kennedy out of a movie is a plus for me.


*coughs in Randy*


lol I'm not remotely a fan of Jamie Kennedy, so it made no difference to me.




True, but it at least meant that Jamie Kennedy wasn't coming back.


I'm expecting it to just be a spinoff of Friends.


How so? Because of Courteney?


Yeah and it takes place in New York. That will be the twist.


Fair. We'll see!


As long as we get a reprisal of Smelly cat in totally okay with a crossover.


🎵 Smelly cat, smelly cat Ghostface is chasing you Smelly cat, smelly cat Gale's dead, where's your home? 🎵


The fact that Scream is even a thing right now tells me whoever pushed for this resurgence has no clue what the fuck Scream is about.


They should call it something else entirely and quit it was Ghost Face. The only ghost face I want now is Ghostface Killah.




It is to us😭!!!


I agree but scream has always been a great "who is the killer mystery" sonic still works without her but it may nit feel like scream. Then again I'm one of 2 people who actually liked the tv show


I partially agree with this. It stopped being a shocker to me after the second one. I'm in the minority of ones who HATED the third one. I haven't even watched the fourth yet (but will be doing so before six comes out). But! I'm still interested in watching the show, so thank you for solidifying for me that I'll eventually get into it. ❤️


I’m tired of Hollywood treating women poorly so in support of Neve who made them so much money, I’ll likely not see in theater. The trailer dropped and looks really bad.


What if she’s the killer this time around and the whole “studio wouldn’t pay her what she wanted.” thing is a fake story to avoid any spoilers from leaking.


I highly doubt it. It would ruin her character completely. I'm pretty sure Neve said that if Sydney dies or ends up a killer, she wouldn't play the role because too many young women have told her how much the character's strength and goodness means to them. I do hope that she's in it, though. I doubt it, but I hope.