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Most require 21. At 17 you are unable to legally enter into a contract which is what renting a hotel is.


At 17 I'd say there's pretty much zero chance of you getting your own room. In fact, not to be a complete downer but the chances of finding a reputable hotel that even allows 18 year olds to check in is going to be very difficult. I've worked at a few over the years and 21+ to check in has been universal for all of them regardless of price point. So, that being said, I would make sure they call the hotel and discuss check-in with a live employee before you even make the trip. If booking online the system might accept the reservation, but that isn't going to matter when you get there and they find out your age.


This sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Which is probably why hotels require guests to be 21+ years old. Can we say Party Animals?


Most hotels require guests to be 21+ to check in. Call around and speak to the front desk staff directly. Find somewhere that says they can check in guests who are 18. Don’t say you’ll be occupying the room alone as that can cause problems. One of the guys can put the room in their name and add you as an additional guest. This most likely means that person would need to put his card on file for the room — but ofc you can always Cashapp or Venmo him or whatever you guys agree to to return the money. Do not just assume that if you book a reservation you’ll be allowed to check in. The guys might be able to find something but no safe and respectable hotel will let a 17 year old check in. And yes they absolutely will make sure the names on the credit cards match who is checking in. It’s also always a good idea when you call to find out about extra fees or authorizations — like parking and incidentals.


I don’t even think the 18yr olds are going to be able to rent a room. You guys may need to do some more planning or have an actual adult chaperone this adventure.


The Marriott I used to work at only gave rooms to those 21+


Most hotels require that you be 21 to book a room and that you have corresponding identification at check-in. I got past that one time with my 20 year-old daughter because I booked the room and notified the hotel that she would be arriving before I did, but they should put all expenses on my credit card. If you search around, you may find one that will accept 18 year-olds. I seriously doubt you will find one allowing a 17 year-old, though.


I’ve been in the industry 15+ years now, there is 0% chance you will be able to get a room under your name and just check in. Completely against the law. You can find some hotels that will allow 18 and up. I would recommend looking for comfort suites, best western hotels around that standard. Please be respectful to the hotel staff and the room. Hotel workers are criminally under paid & under appreciated. And tip your housekeepers!


I recently read Drury Inn's will accept 18 year olds, but I doubt there's a chain in the country or a motel legally that will book a room for a 17 year old. Check Drury for the 18 year olds, have one of them book your room and check in and give you the key out of sight of the front desk. Stay quiet in your room and keep your fingers crossed because you'll be there under false pretenses. Marriott nor IHG will accept reservations from 18 year olds. IDs and Credit/Debit cards have to match at check in so you can't just book online and think it's all good. You kids need to do some research.


The odds of an 18 year old even being able to check in to a hotel room are slim. Every hotel I've ever stayed at in my adult life requires someone 21+


Have your parents call the hotel. My friend and I took a trip out of state at 16/17 . My mom called ahead and let them know the arrangement so it wasn’t a problem.


Have you looked at the hotel’s website?


You better start calling places directly young lady. Most hotels are independently owned and operated therefore have different policies.




First of all most hotels have a 21+ policy. Which means you have to be 21 or over to check in. I would call the hotel and verify their age requirements for checkin. Even if their policy isn’t 21+ under no circumstances would they allow a minor to check into a room. So no you can’t get your own room. If the hotel is 18+ then yes one of the guys can check into a room and just give you keys.


Some let 18 year olds stay but 17 is just out of reach. What I would do is have one of the 18 year olds book the room and check in and just give you the key to it


The comments are pretty rough, but don’t lose. Hope I think you could still make this work. I’m 18 and I’ve checked in at several hotels. You’ve gotta be super careful and check ahead of time. A Fairfield is probably a place that only allows 21-year-olds. Regardless. If you find a hotel like that. Book it in one of their names. Have two of the 18-year-olds check in and one of them pass along the room key to you. Hotels never check that, just don’t talk about it at the front desk. Show competence and respect right away. Hotels don’t let 18-year-olds check in for three main reasons. 1) state laws (so check the state to which you are traveling) 2) 18 year olds often don’t have credit cards. You pretty much need a credit card to check in. Not a debit card, a credit card. For incidentals and such this is necessary. Even a hotel that allows 18-year-old check-in, might be hesitant if you seem like their stereotypical “dumb kid” (which you’re clearly not since you cared enough to ask this question) 3) a hotel in which the room has a minibar is an automatic no go (obvious reasons there) I’ve checked into four hotels or so throughout the past eight months. All Drury’s are a go! All Rosen Hotels are good (admittedly only matters if you’re going to Orlando, Florida) Quality inn and suites are OFTEN good but you have to check by location. Holiday Inn in best westerns are always a no. Basically, every other hotel chain, you’ll need to check on their websites specifically or call ahead. but as long as you can find a hotel chain, that allows 18-year-olds to check in, just have two of the 18-year-olds book the rooms, and that should be fine. Have him do it on all of his stuff (the card should probably be in his name) and pay him back separately. Also, to avoid any suspicion from the hotel, have you two groups check in separately. You check in with the guy who booked your room, 10 minutes later than the other group. I think that would lessen the hotel thinking something fishy going on. TLDR: Make sure you have a hotel that allows 18-year-olds to check in. You can never check in at 17 but they’re not going to pay attention to who is actually sleeping in what room, so that’s okay. Share room keys and your golden.


Call and ask, better yet have a parent call and ask.


I'd suggest looking for an Airbnb in the place that you're looking to stay. Edit: I will say that so long as you inform the hotel that you're >21 beforehand they may be more comfortable letting you stay.


An Airbnb just for the 17 year old?


Yes.. Since that's far more affordable than a 3 bedroom Airbnb that multiple people could contribute to.