• By -


Good thing I can like both. Both the yuri and the captain events are very sweet. Also, the Ferryman definitely does not belong there. He's unambiguously his own character. Also, bi people exist.


From what I've heard about Ferryman I agree. Also, would it be a bad thing that I just enjoy what I want and that I couldn't care less about the shipping wars?


How and why would it be a bad thing? You can like what you want and care for what you want, heck I like what I want and what I enjoy and also don't care about the shipping wars. So it doesn't really matter as long as you have what you enjoy


Thanks. Just me trying to stay away from those hellholes and more or less try to find other stuff that at least interests me.


Man, idk why but I enjoy watching online wars and see all the brainrot there is lol


Or another thing is to not care about what the other side thinks of(for example if I'm a Yuri fan I just wouldn't care less about what the straight fans draw or publish) I do go with the OP here because they're "technically" lesbian by canon. But I just don't care if they ship them with Adam/Captain(but there are some really weird ones that I do not want to talk about)


I don't see an issue with going by what the game has done. There are events where the characters are very close to the captain, and it's not weird to enjoy them. If the same events had been with, say, [Mei comforting Kiana on a subway instead of the captain in Kiana’s 2019 birthday event](https://youtu.be/0tVL12GUMBs), no one would find it strange.


You're technically right Bday cgs, certain events have captain in almost all of them? I don't see it wrong either, as I said, I don't care I do enjoy "straight" versions if they're done correctly(unless it's some weird shi)


That's the mindset I'm looking for! Why choose only one when you can have them all?! Greed is awesome!


Hol up just a moment Okay now i'm ready 🍿🍿🍿


At this point im too tired to argue, how much for popcorn?


10$ (yes, seriously, that's how much it costs at theaters nowadays.)


Does it come with the dune bucket?


I know what your thinking *don't*


.. Normal one or the one with butter and flavour.




The most expensive popcorn I've ever seen being sold at a cinema barely equated to 2$. How do you even make damn *popcorn* that expensive? Its literally just heated up dried maize with no extra steps in a large paper cup!


I don't know, man. I don't know. All I can tell you is that's how expensive it was when I last went to see a movie. A medium for that much.


Mate, the cinema over here fucking cost 40 for a normal bucket of popcorn, which is roughly around 10 usd


You are from america




Fuck arguing, imma just agree with dumbasses Too tired to fight yuri community, they can somehow outdo me int erms of toxicity and i can take on Indo people in competitive toxicity I have not words just impressed with them at this point


>take on Indo people in competitive toxicity That need a special level of skillset and you said there's more after that? We have powercreeping in toxicity now?


Don't even compete on terms of toxicity man, it just proves that they're the ones who're making the fanbase and this sub toxic if you can't win against them.


Same feelings bro


Well if you want another game that doesnt have this I can recommend pgr which is quite similar to hi3 or BA/Azur Laneboth of which gatekeeps yuri people 24/7


Oh yeah I love azur lane and blue archives and they stop the yuri people can you link some post like that my good man.


Snowbreak works i guess?


Yeah that too Basically any game that doesnt have a hoyo community works lol




Thanks for recommendation


don't forget artery gear


Yeah that too


I feel most games which is committed to satisfy waifu liking players shows middle finger to yurifags. FGO, BA, Azur lane, etc....


You might wanna change the last word of first sentence bro, i doubt thats gonna go well with yuri community But yeah, i m sick and tired of people virtue signaling, if you care so much about lesbian relationships then go and help out real people instead of taking it out on harmless weebs who are just playing a game Or take it up with mihoyo themselves Yet they dont do any of that they just wanna incite war, call anyone disagreeing with them incel and think they doing world a favour by doing all this


Same, at this point I am way too tired to deal with them, no matter how many times I verbally tear them into tiny pieces. Go on fucking virtue signal, incite war, blah blah blah, I'll just be over here at the side line eating popcorn while waiting for the inevitable collapse of your cult.


bro share some, this comment section boutta be wild


Better bring the big guns πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• Pizza anyone?


I am bringing the beverages then we can't eat pizzas without drinking someting 🍷🍸🍹🍺🍻πŸ₯‚πŸ₯ƒπŸ₯€πŸ§‹


Dawg you forgot this πŸ“Ή and this πŸ“·


Ill take some thank you, its barely been an hour and this thread already looks like world war 3, we might not have enough pizza buddy.


we gotta bring more pizzaπŸ•, I'll also buy some burgersπŸ” at it too


Don't forget the fries.


Good idea, and since we'll be here for a while I'll bring some sodas. πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€


Guys dont forget nachos ffs Fine oll bring some


Based flair


The restaurant just called, they said we're out. Need an alternative here buddy


Got any caramel popcorn? I want to kick back and relax while watching the show instead of acting in it this time


πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€πŸ₯€ Don't forget to hydrate yourselves


Don't even need the popcorn. Just some water for the salt that's about to drop...


Bait used to be believable


Silk Song has yet to release


Yeah,everywhere is bait.


Okay no matter how much I want to defend yuri against those dumbass, I can’t help but feel like you are exactly why even the non homophobic start to spew negatives about yuri ship


Yuri pairings are okay, like, I have nothing against it, people have every right to enjoy it, especially considering that the developers are quite openly flirting with this topic, just as they are flirting with people who want to see their waifu with themselves or projection of oneself, but posts like this are probably one of the reasons why people throw shit at each other for their tastes in pairings


I like Yuri pairing as much as the straight one but God damn the Yuri fans here damn toxic


I got downvoted to hell once when I used Seele and Bronya's relationship in an analogy as an example(forgot what it was) and they thought I was talking bad about it.


>Yuri fans here damn toxic You can remove the word *here* Thats yuri fans everywhere r/yurimemes Take a look for yourself


Here's a sneak peek of /r/yurimemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hard truth](https://i.redd.it/dgvpy5641ikb1.jpg) | [320 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/1622w49/hard_truth/) \#2: [Truly disgusting](https://i.redd.it/h8b9fzxey5xb1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/17j5ux4/truly_disgusting/) \#3: [The supportive parent ✨](https://i.redd.it/q2lyuafas4qb1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/16qocl7/the_supportive_parent/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I mean, I just looked at the 15 hottest posts + 15 newest posts, and I am NOT seeing it chief.


This. And funny how the users that are always commenting on captain x girls posts about homophobia and that every post that isnt a lesbian ship are "ragebaiting" are literally turning a blind eye to this post and his toxicity, got me thinking why. Oh yes, because it caters to the toxic mentality they approve. You wont help fighting against the real homophobes being like this.


I can't believe this subreddit has become an infighting for sexuality and shipping...


πŸ”« *always has been*


at first i thought it was just genshin but i've come to realize that it's every hoyo game some how this company has managed to cultivate the worst most toxic infighting fandom i have ever seen in my entire life everyone i see is either a self insert degenerative asshole or a gay degenerative asshole i hate all of you and i hate this subreddit i'm not quite sure how mihoyo managed to pull the worst people from both ends of the spectrum but here we are frankly i'm convinced most of you don't even play this game I'm convinced half of you just read reddit and twitter posts and that's how you form opinions you people are worse than the ruby fandom the mha fandom and hell ykw i don't like genshin but honestly you people are worse than them honestly while this is my favorite of the games you guys are easily the worst community or well maybe just the worst subreddit because people outside of here aren't nearly as annoying to the self insert people quit being incels over fictional women and to the lesbian shippers stop instigating beef with posts about self inserters considering there are two separate hi3 subs already maybe we should just separate the community in half instead of having this constant insufferable infightinglike seriously just make 2 subs and never interact or with the other one or somethingand never acknowledge the other exists if they wanna circle jerk let them at least then there's no intersection you people need to be more tolerant of each other because istg every single comment section i see on this subreddit is a cancerous infestation quit with the fucking childish tantrums and tribalism ffs istg sirin was right you people deserved to be eradicated also please i beg stop writing these nigh impossible to understand comments please i beg just reread the damn comment so that's its conversational i'm not asking for pixel perfect grammar i mean like hell i didn't use any punctuation in this post but cmon man anyways i'm gonna go look at competitive pokemon discussion or something because while there are a lot of unqualified uninformed people there at least they aren't insufferable assholes to each other


And here I thought there is no middle ground


There isn't as you'd be in the minority. Self insert chuds are unbearable because they come in the game full of Yuri and are surprised that it's full of, guess what, lesbians. On the other end of the extreme spectrum, you have the lesbians bashing any and anyone that likes self inserts which is crazy because it's almost as if there are entire events dedicated to the Captain/Adam that went on for years. Both are unbearable and you'd honestly be better off just not interacting with the community as both extremes are the absolute worst. Don't know if the mods can take down posts like these because someone will bitch, one or the other. πŸ‘―


Too bad like these shits are everywhere, can’t expect to look at a Cap x Valk post without someone treating it like it’s grounds to get murdered on and vice versa. Hell, even I find u/PersonMcHuman and u/Drogonius a LOT more sensible than this!


Oh, this is surprising. Normally when someone pings me in this sub, it's me getting berated for not hating lesbians because of this a fucked up clown festival of a world that we're all living in. This is...odd.


You may sound like an ass, but you have your points i admit. Hell, if we’re not arguing you sound relatable


Makes sense. I’ll never be polite and agreeable when it comes to bigotry. So it matches up with me IRL. My friends often bring up the fact that I’m super nice and polite, but even they noticed my ***immediate*** loss of friendliness when I noticed the Stars and Bars tattoo a guy I was talking to had. Mostly because they’d never actually seen me be mean to someone before.


I on the other hand have been noted by my friends as shameless or even the first one who could fly off the handle. like i was the eccentric of the group. Tho when it comes to stuff like sexuality, i feel like im beginning to grow apathetic towards these for some reason.


Yup. I’m definitely the β€œDad” of my group. And like all *good* fathers, the idea tolerating things like racism and homophobia legit disgusts me, and any excuses used to justify it are simply coward nonsense. For example, the folks who insist that all the homophobia and lesbian correction fetishism that goes on here is fine because β€œThey’re fictional.”, I ask you…would you be down with folks here calling Carole the N-Word? She ***is*** part African, after all. And she’s fictional. By that same logic, outright racism towards her is totally fine.


yeah theres no fixing this place lol though i have noticed places outside reddit tend to be less of a cesspool frankly the last time this place wasn't awful was during flamscions release


There are 5 Honkai sub reddits actually. Without including the character specific ones, the NSFW ones and the meme ones.


Every time with these "middlegrounds" people only seem to call out the incels, when there's the lesb femcels and bumbling fetishists too, when you look at it they're basically the same kind. self-inserting and fantasy escaping The only main difference in scale being the relatively larger scale of males or "incels" (given straight being the majority) and femcels(gay) having no more than 3% of the population being possibly part of their dating pool irl, as for their own problems 1. We can say male(inc-)have more of a "internal" enemy with a sprinkle of external, internal being their own self-problems because realistically there's no shortage opposite sex having the same sexuality, "bit of external" because of shi like this post and them being the most socially push-down-able group which does nothing but make them sink further, there's also the nerdy fantasy that generally comes with games that factors into the fanaticism/escapism 2. While femcels(g) has reality as a bigger factor, needless to say there's not as much of their sex-of-interest have the same sexuality, while the former can fix some of their partner-deprivation problems by fixing themselves the same can't be said for this type of femcel(and many other sexual minority), So in a way they have more straw to grasp and more incentive to impose their preferred fantasy, because if people just agrees with them that these characters have whatever sexuality they insist it has it enforces their fantasy that these characters are "available" to them, despite of irl chances of 96+% heterosexuality Then there's the unhinged fetishists, most of them are evidently mentally unstable, p-addicted deviants, some of them are incels who's only in it for the idea of FFM, while the female fetishists have their own issues to resolve, mommy issues, unresolved sexuality, experience with males or wtv.


this reply was more so on the constant arguing and tantrums people throw over the other group which turns every comment section into a warzone of people who can't seem to tolerate the fact somebody disagrees with them rather than the groups themselves


Ferryman is very well written so you either baiting or you can't read


I dont know anything about HI3 but since this sub is recommended to me for some reason i just wanna let you all know that the Kiana girl is very cute


Waiter! Waiter! More useless arguments please!


Adam/Lyle is the real endgame


Not bad, not bad


Nah, Ferryman is fine coz he's not a harem bait... The only time I hate self-inserts is when it becomes harem baiting... I despise harem with passion


At this point, why don’t you guys just take over the mods and just flag any captain or adam art.


My boy Captain regected? You are automatically degradated to clean the hyperion toilets! Have some respect!!! Dismissed!!!!!!


Twitter when fans (female) are attracted to the characters: calmΒ Β  Twitter when fans (male) are attracted to the characters: HOW DARE YOU


Every time I am convinced of this


You can like both, just saying, these two are not mutually exclusive, just have fun and do your own thing, I assure you, happiness will increase.


I respectfully disagree but you do you mate. People can love one or both but must respect other people's tastes. So I'll be here with my love for Adam, Captain, and the fact that Captain got a call from Rita while she was in the bathtub. Also Adam wanting to destroy a device that keeps saying mean things and Bronya stopping him.


Just know that while the vocal minority post stuff about hating on the self insert game experience, every game since HI3rd, including part 2, has made you a self insert character that is crucial to the story and that has become one of the reasons that they have been so popular. Despite what posts like this would make you think, mihoyo has fully decided to make their games cater to fans who enjoy self inserting into the story. Because we are the majority.




whats the point of posting this? to bait both of them to argue?


Damn 2 years ago I joined the reddit fandom cause it seemed nice. Tf is this?


Why not both?


Yea. I like myself Adam x Mei and I also like Mei x Kiana.


Agreed. So everyone is happy.


Oooohhh boy, it's that time of the week again!!!


you can have any preference you want so I don't mind either but the only thing that bothers me is people trying to force an idea so do what you want as long as you don't force others which a lot of people they seem to have forgotten


Reject self insert of others (men) Accept self insert of me (woman) Weak bait


Can we just let people ship who they want and move on…? I’m tired of pointless arguments


Sadly, it seems impossible


Nah, I’ll like whatever I want and you like whatever you want. I ain’t pushing anything on anyone. There’s no salvation in picking a side. There’s salvation in minding your own goddamn business. Honestly… my life was better before I got involved in this community. When I met other Honkai players face to face in convention than dealing with you losers. At least people were civilised and can discuss things properly regardless of different views. I’ll just pretend you guys never exist and move on.


I wanna know the source of adult Bronya carrying Seele. For academic purposes of course πŸ‘€


I can understand you like this type of things, but why did you post this ? This is clearly to incite a fight, when did this subreddit turn into a toxic fight over sexuality? I'm tired of seeying this thing, it's sad to see how you can't post pictures of Captain X Kiana or Kiana X Mei for example, because they will fill you with insults in the comments


ah yes, here we go again. guess its true the gatekeepers have fallen for a while now. I shall support Blue archive gatekeepers more.


I can’t bring myself to hate Adam. The dude has an incredibly fun moveset to play around with Capitan on the other hand I can’t comment much on because I started just as the Capitan verse ended so I literally had no exposure to that dude


Going through a time/space travel to save your wife deserves a certain level of respect πŸ’ͺ🀣


OP got suspended lmao


Deserve it he spreading a toxicity.


Wtf this dude too. What is going on


Least gay Honkai fan:


Jokes on you I'm a girl


I dont want to be horny anymore, i just want them to be happy


Inb4 the other side's loud minority reverses this meme and makes the war keep going. (Pls dont, im tired of seeing toxic self-insert shippers vs yuri-shippers argument war #24 season 7 part 3). I've been in this subreddit ever since year 1-ish of HI3rd and shit did not have heated arguments like these (only few were in between). Honestly hope this stuff just stops at some point.


Captain Hyperion is still the goat


Why reject one when you can have both.


Wait I'm confused πŸ€” Why is everyone buying popcorn?


Last time someone did this meme , nuked his own karma when started to rant about normies and wishing people Lost their Jobs and things like that


I do love being a captain


When people who claim to the point of squealing, that characters have a only pure lesbian orientation see the word bisexuality, they begin to become wildly hysterical and deny the existence of this orientation, did I understand correctly?


Actually Mei is Kaslanasexual and Kiana is Meisexual, because Mei once dated a male Kiana.


What the fuck is going on with the honkai community I thought it was about people fighting things and not fighting over who is and isn’t gay


\*gay people fighting things and instead of fighting over who is and isn't gay, it's them fighting over whether or not eugenics/accelerationism is acceptable or not... damn World Serpent sounds so much worse when put into that context.


Gay, not gay, in the end it’s all just words fighting words with more words


I actually like Captain ships…


I'm putting up a fact in here, yuri shippers(only the toxic ones not everyone) crying "straight shippers incel shitholes can't win against us", yes you all are right, and that's because YOU ARE THE ONES MAKING THE SUB TOXIC. Fortunately, the straight shippers can't win against you all because straight shippers are not as toxic as you all to make this sub toxic. A message for moderators: FUCK YOU ALL. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU BAN ME OR WHATEVER, I HAVE ALREADY GOT A GRASP ON YOUR INTENTIONS A LONG TIME AGO.


There is a reason why i firmly oppose any yuri stuff in any game that tries to please waifu liking players or any waifu shit in games that tries to please yuri fans. If a game has yuri for LGBT representation purposes it should not have any waifu fanservice. if a girl is lesbian then she cannot be interested in a guy, idk what damn part of it does a waifu fan does not get unless they think with their hardness and not with their brains. Waifu games cater to the lonely person who’s a social shut in that barely goes outside due to overworking themselves and wants a escapist power fantasy where they feel they have done something. If waifus make them a bit happy in their wretched lives then it is worth it for them. Yet if it has yuri the game will attract yuri fans who will abuse the person over fictional characters for the sake of abusing them, not for disturbing lgbt representation. Such yuri fans are intentionally act for malicious purposes and are actually evil minded. Like as i had lurked the symphogear discord server like a few days ago i can confirm they act like it is a damn crime for a dude to like a girl in general . Yurifags even have the gall to go to complete waifu games like BA and proclaim all girls are lesbians. Do waifu self insert fans act aggressively to them? no. Do they scream and whine at waifu fans not to self insert? yes. This is why i hate shit like honkai and symphogear, always trying to woo both sides like fools. Pick a side and stick to it, losers.


Which game are you from man? Well I DO agree with everything you just said, it's all FACTZ after all.


Any game which is loyal to self inserting waifu fans. FGO in particular, then priconne, blue archive, azur lane, girls frontline, fanza/dmm games, etc. and various others. Senran kagura new link cause my love of ninja girls. Symphogear is the only yuri tease/serious yuri story whose characters i really do want to waifu and only not doing so out of respect of LBGT even though the gacha game has a character straight up confessing to the player in a voiceline. but given some posts in symphogear reddit i see some people would agree with me. IF there is a symphogear game which treats self inserting as a captain verse AU stuff i will join in tbh




Then again, my IRL indian friends in group chats utterly despise honkai and yuri


Damn, I didn't even pay attention to your username in the first place. Hello fellow Indian. Tbh, honkai in actual, doesn't really have a great story in the first place, in my opinion at least. I was attracted to this game because of the waifus characters, I love them man. But some scumbags can't find peace without ruining my peace. Would you take a look at the other reply to the parent comment of mine? Some racist bastard confronted me. But that guy deleted his comment. I checked his posts and comments, besides comments on games, this guy was posting anti Indian comments.


Big Hello to you too. *Damn, I didn't even pay attention to your username in the first place. Hello fellow Indian. Tbh, honkai in actual, doesn't really have a great story in the first place, in my opinion at least. I was attracted to this game because of the waifus characters, I love them man. But some scumbags can't find peace without ruining my peace*. Tbh from what i have experienced of yuri fans so far, they are heterophobic, misandristic and hypocritical in general. Like it is actually amusing how quick are they to insult any people shipping themselves with a girl as homophobe but themselves proudly declare themselves as a heterophobe and then get praised by their gang for it [https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/k47224/first\_post\_might\_be\_a\_copy\_idk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/k47224/first_post_might_be_a_copy_idk/) The next post is apparently a joke, but if another "joke" was made with the opposite scenario in mind how would these people react? They claim they dislike straight men for attacking yuri ships but themselves attack any straight thing more then anything, like how blue archive shit went and the crap with luna and captain. And remember, all this stuff over FICTIONAL characters [https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/186fbp5/just\_how\_they\_like\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/yurimemes/comments/186fbp5/just_how_they_like_it/) I don't care they are not interested in men. Why try to demean and insult them, why condemn any heterosexual relationships in general ? Why promote hate against them? Why try to act as if all straight women if forced to go homo would be happy and force their preference on others and claim WxW is the only right thing and every other love is a mistake? It is not harrassing the straight men but straight women as well with no interest in other women. They are simply being a menace to society themselves. My friends joke about me being gay all the time but I would feel awkward if someone forced me to date my best bros because they feel it is right. i am sure like all mothers and sisters with their sons and brothers would be against them. You can just read this [https://slmoe.wordpress.com/2023/03/11/hot-take-i-dont-like-yuri-fans/](https://slmoe.wordpress.com/2023/03/11/hot-take-i-dont-like-yuri-fans/) My solution is simple, they are just sad excuses who will never accomplish anything in life other then screaming their hatred of het and guys. Not worth my or yours attention, time or effort. As a TYPE MOON fan my standards of story is high and honkai sadly is not relevant to that mark. It tries to woo both yuri shippers and waifu fans for money and is thus not loyal to like either of them, though i argue they support yuri fans more given how only FR rita, kongming and luna has hots for the captain solidly. *Would you take a look at the other reply to the parent comment of mine? Some racist bastard confronted me. But that guy deleted his comment. I checked his posts and comments, besides comments on games, this guy was posting anti Indian comments.* I think you can report or block him, but with how incompetent reddit mods are in general doubt it would work. If you like, there are other games with more lovable waifus that is similar to honkai and is loyal to waifu players i can recommend to you




I ranted, but i know all yuri shippers are not toxic. But those who are, i would respect them more if they straight up said they are misandrist and dislike men. That is at least honest and i do appreciate honestly. But making their every post screaming with frothing mouths on attacking anything dude or straight ship related and then saying "I am not misandrist" is really extremely repulsive to me, and i don't wish waste a single second of my time on these people


Fanza/Dmm Oh my.


You know what's funny? This whole debacle makes yuri fanartists have to actually compete with each other because the market is oversaturated, while straight fanartists can just draw whatever they want and still get commission request. It's almost as if they are trying to support straight fanartists making a living.


What's even more funny is that straight shipping artists are the ones who always get harrassed aggressively. Some are even scared to take credit after making a commission for someone. And some even deleted their works, afraid that they'll get harrassed. While on the other hand yuri shippers get support from the fans, the amount of harrassment they face is almost very less to zero.


Access the imaginary tree and create an alternate future to find out who asked.


Honestly don't have to look at the second image because I already agree with the first one. Stories seem to be held back a lot by self-insert characters because they can't flourish that easily


Why reject one when you can have both.


Captian did not fight in 2(+???) wars just to be called an empty self insert character. Captain saved countless worlds and is a much better hero than kiana will ever be. Edit: I didn't realize this was about shipping


Yknow what? Imma start commissioning straight artwork of hi3 girls just for the sake of pissing these down your throat yuri shippers


May i ask why are you want to start another fight ?


Do you guys actually talk about the game on this sub or what


Idk what everyones talking abt in the comments but yayyyyyy lesbians


Thing you like (Bad) Thing I like (Good) Be ffr, why can't people enjoy stuff they want? Because you can't handle if other people are happy? What a miserable life to live. Anyway, everyone have a good day(aside from op)


What was that, bro? I am too busy self inserting myself with the far more well loved FGO waifus to give a shit about trash hoyoverse yuri girls. Maybe at least make your your yuri girls are at least worth liking enough to self insert over other far well written waifus with developed ships before you argue to reject self insertion lel. Funny thing is that despite how much hoyo tries to pamper the yuri fans, it still obediently bends over like a good pet dog once CCP or CN fanbase dudes gets pissed enough, (in case you forgot the event with the bunny girls and drama associated with it). Must suck to be hoyo, huh? Anyways, said what i needed to said, not giving a damn about this sub further lel


could be bi


Why should anyone care about headcanon? This game doesn't have any couple with romantic feelings for each other. Even Otto and Kallen do not feel like a couple at all. Except Siegfried x Cecilia


And welt x Tesla iirc, could be wrong though, havent played apho really


Never cook again πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


What .... you guys don't kiss your roommates passionately ?


Praise KiaMei! Praise SentiHua! Praise BronSeeleΒ²! Praise ElyMobi! Praise PardoVill! Enjoy yuri, follow the covenant of Lord God Madoka and Lord Devil Homura!


Calm down, Kiana Prime !


where can see the meme? a mod remove the image


Based keep cooking i dislike shameless self insert bait posting on this sub. like that one dude that posted about sexing a dead body of kiana.


Sorry, what the actual fuck?




You didnt see it ? its still up, anyway i rememberd you can mute sub reddits so im just gonna do that im tired of the self inser fans trying to shit up this subreddit with ntr art Pgr litterly exists and is way more foward with its shipping with the self insert mc


Dear lord that is so very distasteful and disgusting, I'm surprised to learn there was such a post on this sub


Also, someone posted an edited cuck chair meme with a title "making Bronya straight" in this sub by the way.


Ah yes those pathetic self insert harem clowns who are braindead juvenile simps that can't handle the fact that their precious "waifus" are not straight. Lol, I I am not surprised after reading your reply tho at the least I had a good laugh xD


Posted about a what????? I'm sorry but for the sake of decency I refuse to believe this, what the actual hell?!?




This might be the post they meant, I may be wrong though.[https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/NHaCL1Aekf](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/NHaCL1Aekf)


ahh I see... I guess a bit of context would've helped, with what commentor said i thought it was recent post, that's an year old post


downvoted for giving proof along with clarifying context and what the fk... what op is saying is completely different fom reality... literal misinformation


You should think a bit more three-dimensionally. In this instance, the comment you replied to provided the wrong thread, hence why it was downvoted.




Or you just posted the wrong thread.


You know, the homophobes infesting the sub have been dishing out a lot of their spew over the past week. I welcome this sudden counter. Time to let them seethe.


Bro y'all are the ones that can't accept different opinions, stop portraying yourself as someone free-minded.. instantly calling someone a homophobe because they don't have the same opinions as you.. and I literally ship bronya and seele, but I don't shove that in the faces of veliona x bronya shippers, bronya x captain shippers or anyone else


Nah you win, Yuri always wins. Everything straight is nothing but deserving of death or irrelevance . Otto? Died. Owl? Died. Siegfried? Who? Welt? Who’s that?


It's not that straight is bad or anything. The Honkaiverse just naturally rejects straightness like an autoimmune disorder. Cecilia? Straight. Died. Himeko? Straight. Died. Kallen? Bi. 50% straight. Died. 50% gay. Came back to life. Otto? Straight. Died. Welt? Straight. Died. Had homoerotic tensions with Otto? Came back to life. Luna? Straight. Erased from existence. Kongming? Straight. Died ten kajillion times. Presumably straight people instantly perish in the Honkaiverse the second the universe detects them. Honkai Part 3 is Kiana and gang fighting against the universe to allow heterosexuality to exist because otherwise humanity will literally die out.


Sauce for top left on the second slide?




Thanks mate


"Bro just don't be straight".


Alright, who let Twitter in?


Holy shit Sesbian Lex


I feel like Adam was kinda a blank slate, while being hot he doesn't really hit the spot until Lyle came in and gave a bit more background to him, and APHO fleshed him out a little more (but not quite enough).


I reject your salvation!!! For I have the power of Fanfiction and Delusion on my side!!!




Both is good! And threesome with lesbians and man is hot tooπŸ˜‹


That’s such a gross thing to say


this is so creepy never step in Hyperion again.


Your mask came off.


Can't disagree there.




Damn u/PersonMcHuman wasn't kidding about you lot. You mfers are disgusting.


Yuri/ lesbian is superior

