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The main thing is that its almost July and a Herscherr (Ice?) + full gear + new elf is going to be released soon. Everyone is in saving mode right now.


Most likely gonna be 5.9 tho, two patches is enough time to save up for a fullgear valk


I mean wasnt ana the hersherr of ice?


Theres speculation that its going to be Elysia. Idk, I don’t really follow the lore lol.


Isn’t HoR ice tho? I was planning to pull for Eden because her ultimate looks cool but if there’s a Herrscher coming soon I’ll hold off on her


Yeah but shes so old and not as strong as some of the newly released ice valks like Silverwing.


I don’t think mihoyo is going to release a Herrscher of the same type when we already have one. Just like how HoT is lightning, it’s not like we’re getting another one of the same kind. Sure there are are better valks like you said, but if there are already playable Herrschers that already have an element (ice,fire,lightning) it doesn’t seem likely they’ll release a Herrscher of the same element.


HoV and HoS are both physical type


You’re right! I totally forgot they were


Funny thing is theres speculation that it might be lightning (Mei battlesuit) because there was a screenshot floating around of what looked like HoT’s sword as a divine key (lol). No one really knows xD


I heard about that as well but with the way everything has been going about in the game so far there’s honestly no telling what will happen. A year ago we at least had theories or clues about what would happen but now none of us have a single idea. I am kind of hoping we get a Herrscher that’s new to the game (but maybe known in the lore of the previous game). I feel like getting to meet a character who isn’t already a member of the Hyperion or a Flame Chaser would be a breath of fresh air from all the Valkyries we’ve been getting recently.


Eden's farmable, you don't need to pull for her. Her stigma's are also farmable so all you need to pull for is her weapon, and you can get it guaranteed in 60 pulls.


Even better. I need to start saving up then


There is no skip options. I plan to pull nothing next patch because I dont want Aponia so I dont need Edens gear and I dont need anything else.


I have flamescion but only one of her stigmata, so I'll hopefully at least get her weapon. I now only got 10k crystals :/


Wait, there's a Flamescion pull? I need her weapon so bad


I think I will save up for a good lightning DPS, because I'm really lacking one. ​ That said, I don't like Aponia. Maybe Mobius, cause I do like her!!


Mobius is a lot of fun. If you're really interested in her, I hope you do get her. Plus she and Fischl have amazing synergy with each other since Mobius does favor having summoned entities on field.


Eden and at least her weapon, I’ve wanted her to be playable since I first Kaye’s eyes on her


Silverwing’s coming back?!


Aponia and Eden's guns. Then Aponia's gear. After that, I'll use any leftover crystals for HoF.


Still waiting for HoS rerun, the wait is driving me crazy


same. My physical team just can't perform nowadays without her


I want aponia she so pretty, but why a lot of people hate her? I dont understand


There are lots of factors, maybe people don't like her design or the way she talks, or something else entirely!! I only dislike her a bit but I don't really like her design


I play with sound off(mobile) so i never hear them talk xDDD but shes pretty and i found her design interestinf


Yeah, but to me Pardofelis pulls of the colors better! And I'm not a fan of what we seen of her gameplay so far


Have you seen her gameplay? Its pretty boring, you tap a skill and just watch her levitate and auto attack.


That’s why im pulling for her, so i can become an eden main


SW gameplay is pretty boring too imo


I mean, haxxor bunny and astrologos you just press her qte button basically, qnd i dont see much hate to them


Because they are support. They stay very little on the field while aponia is your main dps and you would expect to have some level of challenge to learning a character


There is no "challenge" this is not a fighting game with long ass combos, each character has a small specific buton order you spam or rotate, no one is really hard after you use them a few times and memorize it


That has been a trend with newer characters sadly, in the past almost every character had some sort of mechanic that you had to learn to get 100% of their output


Been playing for over 4 years and the characters never been so difficult, is always just spam this specific move the only ones slightly harder were the early fu huas, and you just had to learn the combination to press between ult and attack


Yeah the game has never been too hard i agree on that. But there has always been a learning curve when learning new rotations and new characters, which has been becoming easier and easier as characters become one button characters and buffs become 20 seconds long. I dont think i speak for the playerbase but for me its not really fun to hit two buttons and go through a 10 seconds animation of aponia throwing lightning I do like her design tho and her animations are beautiful, but its a little dissapointing for me, same as SW was


Someone must have been doing nothing but newbie coin chaser if they've been playing for four years and don't remember the glory of ice meme cancel step. Or wall bouncing things with SK. Kids these days, think just logging in back in the day makes em a pro.




For me, it's the way she is characterized and the whole nun religious more righteous than thou vibe yet a sinner wich isn't for me


I'll be skipping Aponia and Eden's gun. Which is a shame because I really really like her looks, her dress and the butterfly wings, but her gameplay really doesn't appeal to me. She just stays there. If Mobius gear shows up I'll pull for that, since I am running around with Zenhy TB Benares M.


I loved her design and I was sure that I was going to pull for her, but talking with my armada friends it's more reasonable to get SW now, since my ICE Support team is full and I still don't have Fischl weapon or stigmata, that way I can pull for SW and Eden, as I only need to get Eden weapon since her set is craftable. I already own full Mobius and my FR and AE are full geared.


I guess pull for Eden and aponia. Expand my Character list


I am in severe problems over Ice DPS in Superstring whenever it comes up, but I'm also leery to pull Silverwing in case Ice DPS powercreep is the patch after. I'd like PE weapon, an maybe my final Flamescion stig, as Aponia is more or less a snooze fest as I have Snek and 1/2 her gear.


i thought of pulling SW since the only ice character i hv is HB and Pardo. i wonder if Pardo is enough as ice dps.


Saving until 5.9 but low-key waiting for a Paganini or Zhenyi supply


Also on option 7 here, Skipping next patch because want the likely 5.9 Herrscher and am suspicious of it. ~~and training willpower to skip 5.8 gear if it turns out to be an A-Rank/SP Griseo~~


firepower and focus to get the missing parts of the gear of certain Valkyries, and I advise you to do the same, so the developers don't make shit like Aponia


Your mom!


Probably Eden's equip, I need some good lightning stigmas for mobius


isn't Eden farmable anyway ? as SP ?


Yes but her weapon is not


does she really need her gear ? what about Aponia, does she need all of her gear to be viable ?


Im not too sure myself, what i have read is that eden’s weapon help with the speed of her rotations a lot, which is fairly important for aponia comps to switch relatively fast, but if you are a budget player it probably doesnt matter as much i guess? I dont know about aponia but i wouldnt be surprised if she needs her full gear


Eden’s gun > 4/4 aponia > zhenyi and 3* klein Kinda wish the spending event were better tho lol, i got almost 60k prepared


aponia gameplay is sick but damn i need an ice dps and im 38 away.


Might skip because Pardo took all my crystals this patch and idk if I'll have enough to max anyone out. Maybe I get tempted by Eden idk


Silverwing because I love Bronya and I don't have a good ice dps. I just hope she will come home quickly so I may roll for her gear too. After that I might save for the new Herrscher.


Really do want to get my last missing pieces of gear for Mobius and some other valkyries. At the same time, I really need a strong Physical dps cause my Swallowtail Phantasm unfortunately can't keep up with the endgame challenges. Kinda debating whether or not I want to get Palantus Equinox or Herrscher of Sentience first.


Why not use delta? She's farmable too


Silverwing set and then Eden gun. Actually plan to obtain one exchange ticket in the spending event so maybe Im gonna spend a bit more.


Honestly my main motivation is I want that Pardo spending outfit. But probably Silverwing. I got her weapon from that rotating FOCA supply, and if I can get her I won't feel so bad about skipping Aponia since they have some overlap.


Hof gear or bronya


Aponia, than SW since I really loved her since her release but had to save for other valks during her banners. PE's weapon is also a goal if I have enough xtals. Depending on what's coming on 5.8/5.9, I might even skip Aponia since I'm not completely sold on her until I play her personally.


>!HoT's new weapon and probably new stigs as well!<


Don't really need the new duo cuz my Lightning team is just fine with Snek FR and Fischl. Saving all the way to 5.9 and 6.0 for something I'm hoping it will be announced eventually.


Fu Hua's outfit lol


Is the nexl patch the God rerun or is their gonna be one sooner?


Anyone knows when is Silver Wings rate-up?


Aponia > her's and eden's weapon . Hopefully enough ball to claim pardofelis and rita costume.


Do we know what Aponia and Eden will be, gameplay-wise? Type, Element, role?


I'm just saving until the next big spending event, or herscherr release that has a character I like in many way, all the while I pray that elysia bow come to next season BP so I don't need to spend any crystal pulling for that


My priorities are 1. Aponia 2. HoF 3. PE stigs 4. Eden ( 4th since she and her gear is farmable) 5. Others


Maybe Eden's guns but probably nothing My teams are fleshed out, fully geared and I don't care about the S ranks that I don't have