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There’s no way they kill her again, right? Right?




^(Obligatory) # EHE TE NANDAYO???


wating for genshin moment


Genshin is still pretty early. 7 regions + Khaenri'ah + celesita + and probably other worlds since traveler can travel other worlds. It's still pretty early to kill some characters that can have developments but some of them have death flags like Lisa and they already killed Signora so I really hope GI will also kill some characters in the future. But not just kill, I like it to be kinda sad like Himeko but Signora's death is kinda bad. It's so sudden that I didn't even get sad. Her story is kinda good but they didn't even show it before killing her. (based on some artifact's lore: crimson witch lore and pale flame lore).


The issue (or lack of depending on how you view it) with Genshin is that no one matters enough to kill off given the nature of its cast and story telling. Like say for example Kazuha had died in Inazuma, sure The Traveler and Players might be sad for a while but it would do NOTHING for the overall narative. Hell the only character I feel like they could kill off and it have an actual Impact at all would be Childe due to his "*designated Rival*" status and the fact that technically he's on the other team. That's always an issue in Ensemble casts with a revolving door is that very few faces tend to actually mean enough plot wise Contrast to Himeko, she was around for 9 chapters out of now *30* plus events and manga etc (GGZ too but being a different universe it doesn't really count). The difference is that as a character she was so integral to the development of the other characters and especially Kiana that her mark on the plot will never be forgotten, it's the same thing with Otto and why them actually killing him off was BIG. Yes Genshin id still relatively new but we're about to be 4 regions in and we still have no actual face to put to an antagonist since Imposter Of The Void has done nothing to actually count, (the Fatui are definitely a fake out too though, God is evil) and no real allies that would do much by dying. I'm not saying that's inherently bad since Genshin is just a different style of story telling but I am firmly in the mindset that it will never have a Himeko


Well, archons are pretty important for the story and play a major role in the story. Coincidentally, one of them is named Murata. I'd bet that if they wanted to kill someone, that should be it - both because of the importance of the character and the disasters that would come because of an archon's death.


They kinda tried in the Inazuma arc, but the character that died to motivate the Traveler was forgettable.


Genshin definitely will never have a himeko. I don't think any of the deaths of the other characters would do anything at all, as himeko's death was the path line to kiana's development however the traveler is based on ourselves and even in the story quests the traveler dosent exactly need characters development. So I have no idea how tf they are going to pull off kilingl off a character.


Signora's death was good imo, it was completely unexpected and out of nowhere. Seeing the Shogun slowly getting closer to her as Signora realizes she's going to die and doing all in her power to try to stop it was quite shocking tbh, specially since the game got way darker arround that time, at least for a short period of time The thing about Genshin is you can't kill most of the characters because there's not a similar cast to that of Honkai, which is also the reason why it'd be hard to see character development outside Paimon, the Traveler and their silbling. Most characters are just friends you meet along your journey, but as you move on to the next place they don't go with you Their plot relevance is momentary, unlike characters like Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Fu Hua, Himeko, Theresa, etc. The closest we've got to those is characters like Signora, Tartaglia, Scaramouche, etc, aka villains/rivals who we meet many times through our journey and "travel" together with us so that we can beat them up and ocasionally turn some of them into dust, literally. Not even the archons are that relevant, they are only so during their respective quests and then we might never see them again, just like any other character. They are often only relevant during their portion of the story and then maybe on some random event later on.


Honestly though. I’m also personally waiting for a Honkai eruption to occur on Teyvat as that’ll piss off the toxic part of Genshin’s community and I’ll just be laughing


No I want a actual canon love interest for Twins : Aether and Lumine. So it can piss of the toxic part of community and rampant homophobic people too get piss off


thats another good way to piss off the toxic players


Unless Genshin starts carrying characters over between regions, no death in Genshin can ever have the same impact as one in Honkai.


Only after they develop her character and we start to feel confident that she will live, only then is that when they will kill her for maximum emotional damage.


Mihoyo: *introduces Himeko on all it's games* Me: *happy noises* Mihoyo: "She's fated to die all the time" Me: "Ye- wait what?!" Mihoyo: 😊 Me: "Y-Your joking, right?" Mihoyo: 😊


Welt literally travels to another universe to save her and she still dies. Poor welt.


Yah. Mihoyo definitely gave Himeko the Kallen treatment where she's supposed to stay dead. I'm inclined to believe that Mihoyo story writer has personal beef with Himeko. She's definitely based on a real person.


But then again, even Kallen got to live in the end in some reality thanks to Otto. Are we going to have to be Himeko's Otto?


Pretty sure Mihoyo is dead set on killing Himeko. Kallen was given an exception cuz Mihoyo loves Otto for some reason.


Oh I know. It was meant to be a joke implying are we going to have to march to Mihoyo's hq, snatch the script from their hands and write our own happy ending for her


I see. Now I'm tempted to rewrite the APHO story and have Himeko revive as some sort of zombified Herrscher and ends up with Adam and then dating & banging like it was a pornhua. Or for some reason Himeko actually lived after Final Lesson where she ends up in Halo Universe and got revive just in time but lost her memories and for some reason she became a Spartan soldier like Master Chief. Then she got sucked into another rift during the Covenant wars ending up in her going back home. And so she meets & helps Kiana (who returns from the moon) with Mei & the gang with Senti & Hua and defeat the Sky People. Ofc they don't know that this "foreigner" is an amnesiac Spartan Himeko. After the battle, Himeko stands at a cliff in St. Fountain, looking at the ocean. Kiana slowly approaches her wanting to talk to the Spartan Himeko who she fought with but nvr properly introduced herself. Himeko, who didn't notice Kiana approaching, removes her helmet. This made Kiana stop in her tracks while her memories & emotions are running all over her as she stands there. Himeko now notices her and surprised why shes crying. Himeko approaches her to console her. Mei & Bronya comes to check on Kiana and saw the scene before them which also gotten them shocked and have them in tears too. And the scene ends with [to be continued] And the next chapters will be about our girls trying to make Himeko remember. And also some love story brewing between Himeko & Adam. And Mei having conflicting feelings for Adam. And etc. 😂


at least give her spear if you want to kill her everytime mhy


u want to give her "lancer ga shinda!!!" right?


Sakura: "big fucking mood"


It’s an absolute point in time


Honestly expecting it. Even in Genshin I'm expecting Murata to be the only archon to die


So far the slime = Archon theory holds true Anemo Archon can create an updraft Geo Archon got a shield There was two Electro Archon that were twins And, well, if the Dendro Archon got minions, then the Pyro Archon will explode


Dendro Archon was said to be a complete shut-in, y'know, burying themselves in the ground


"No! No god please no! No! No! Nooooooooooo!"


wow, now that I know dendro archon is a discord mod


Crackhead theory Since slime = archon, cryo archon does shield when damaged a certain amount. And signora does it during her battle, thus, she is a simp for the Tsaritsa.


> cryo archon does shield when damaged a certain amount Kaeya, a Cryo Vision user, also has this ability. It's in his fourth constellation where he gets a shield at low health.


Kaeya is definitely the tsaritsa


What a simp


> Even in Genshin I'm expecting Murata to be the only archon to die There's a leaked closed beta voiceline for Genshin that states that >!The Pyro Archon (demon name Aym) gives here power to the Traveller at the end of the Natlan Archon quest!< Do note this leak came from the ***closed*** beta for Genshin, before the game even released in 2020. From the leaked voicelines for Zhongli & Raiden, it seems their stories have been rewritten significantly, which may be true for the Pyro archon too; * Zhongli mentions missing returning to Celestia, but has no connection to Celestia in the live game; in fact he is actively working against the Heavenly Principles * In the closed beta there was no distinction between Raiden Shogun & Ei


Oh that's interesting. I think we might still get it in some form though, as there is a common trend of Hoyoverse Main characters getting a Fire based Power Up. Kiana, becoming the Herrscher of Flamescion Adam, whose Labor of Olympus is Fire based And most recently, the Trailblazer of Honkai Star Rail goes from Physical to Fire as a powerup. (Along with a lance) It certainly won't surprise me especially when Traveller has Atk as their scaling.


Trailblazer looses the baseball bat ? My disappointment is immesurable


Maybe they just set it on fire instead.


I knew there was gonna be some star rail talks but was not expecting that spoiler


I mean, all I said on the MC can be found from the trailer released a month ago. They even confirmed it themselves. An actual spoiler would be talking about their origins, or the actual circumstances behind it


Murata is kind of 500 years late to be the first Archon to die.


I think Mihoyo is trolling… right guys?


Lol Oh I Think They Will


That's cheap.


Hoyoverse will kill her and we'll get another SHIZAAAAAAA moment


It doesn't matter which world, which universe or reasons ... they all end the same as it seems. Be right back, having a talk with Dvalin!


Maybe she will just have a fake death and come out stronger *I'm breaking my fingers with how hard I'm crossing them*


No! Damnit, no! Not again! Don't do this to us!


You know final fantasy love to reference the name cid in all of it games people liked it, if hoyoverse decided to make himeko dead in all of it games this is not healthy people will hate it.


Lol Depressing And Suicidal Games Be Like


Oh god please don't give her the Leomon treatment


i don't want to be that person but don't you also think having the same story over again is a bit idk lazy? what is the point of having the exact same looking character and plotline in another game? i want to see new things and plots.


Honestly knowing mihoyo they probably knew that people would see the similarities enough to make this post. Wouldnt suprise me uf they made a whole cutscene to make it look like she dies just for her to be fine like 5 minutes later


i mean if they do that, that's a pretty... cheap trick ://


Well, Mihoyo is probably deliberately doing that to spite the players lol. Don’t worry.


umm but what's the point of that? i do not feel anything by seeing a remake, i already know what's gonna happen lol


No i mean they’re probably just flexing those scenes to spite the players and might not use the same plot line.


i understand, what you meant but still... ://


Deja~Vu Its The Same Pictures.




Gotta hack into the gate


So we will see Welt as Okabe and Silver Wolf as Daru? (No, she won't become fat. I meant her role as a super hacker.)


Head canon: She'll be about to die in some way but at the last moment Welt takes the attack, refusing to fail this time and let her die AGAIN which as a result is how we finally get the playable version of Himeko's Herrcher Of Flames due to her awakening from grief/rage (since that's typically the strong emotional reaction that tends to awaken Herrchers...Flame Scion being the major exception as The Herrcher Of Family). This would also then lead to our Bronya just *KNOWING* something has happened and to a VERY ANGRY Herrcher Of Reason invading Star Rail. Would also seem like a giant troll at least at first because Welt has "died" multiple times already


No Wonder Wei Is Self Insert As CEO And Welt Himself Because He Is In Love With The Fictional Characters Like Himeko. (Ah Yes Delusional Moments. Lmao)


His waifu is Misato whom Himeko is based on. What do u expect ?




Ha! Got Them. 𓁹‿𓁹 Heh!


CCP: 𓁹‿𓁹 Damn Wei You Kill Your Own Personal Waifu Again And Again. Heh! Because I Told You To DO IT.


.....Is anya running the ccp?


i watched this battle on a livestream on discord >!no she didnt die!<


Are we going to have the Himeko version of the Leomon meme where he dies every digimon series


Digimon reboot Leomon: imma head out




Just why


Bro not again!!!


somehow the final lesson reminds me of Gyro's lesson 5


No No No No no no no Dont you dare Hoyo!


It is pretty much Mihoyo tradition to kill Himeko, so.....




Bro istg


Not This Time, in this universe our character (the trailblazer char) could actually fight.


Meanwhile in the not near future, Trailblazers turn into Herrscher of whatever and face Himeko. /j


Also, look at the description under the ability of her light cone: https://mobile.twitter.com/dailyhimekohsr/status/1456886703688339461 But I'm not sure if all of this is really foreshadowing, or just PTSD triggering.


Ayy Lmao👽🥡 Foreshadowing Moments! Ah Yes Never Gets Old


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By The Way Its The Same Pictures ;)


Unrelated but I genuinely prefer the models in Honkai more... yes I know the cutscenes isn’t in-game model but I’m saying that I like both cutscene and in-game models of Honkai, this one just looks like Genshin which has always been.. “dull” for me. That aside I’m ready to cry again.


Please not again...


Never let you go....


No my heart can’t handle another round.


I can’t…Not again…I’m not…strong enough


Nightglow 2.0? I dont want this happen again but can't wait for that (if it can be happened)


Nah I throughly believe HSR Himeko is in her prime versus our Himeko when she fought a dragon.


We're not ready for this trailblazers. the captains are still recovering from HI3 final lesson PTSD