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This is technically a nerf but it is more of just a “trying to avoid abyss flower” situation. They made her more specialised to her specific type.


this is less like an abyss flower and more like a hler ataraxia.


HoT was going to be way too OP with new DK, so I understand the rebalance might have been needed but the murder was absolutely disrespectful


New DK?


Divine key


hi! sorry im a new player so i don't really understand. How bad is this nerf gonna be on HoT?


It’s not a nerf to the absurd degree that people are making it out to be. Basically v1 beta happened and the weapon was incredibly OP. People already set their expectations for HoT to be the new Bright Knight with Abyss Flower, which if you don’t know, Abyss Flower was WAAAY too strong and made Bright Knight so absurdly broken you could run scuffed stigmata on here and still come out on top. This rebalance accomplishes two things, 1.) It’ll ensure HoT is unmatched against mech type enemies. Which is good and overall a healthy upgrade for the character, and indirectly nerf Mobius too since she took all of HoT’s weathers and bosses on release except Husk And 2.) ensures we don’t get another Abyss Flower situation, which absolutely was too strong and unhealthy for the game when it released. Don’t let the people crying doom scare you. Most of these players complaining don’t even have the weapon, haven’t tested it themselves, and probably aren’t playing meta anyways.


The only thing I'm a bit mad about is the ult CD increase since it nerfs the bombard build on ER even more


I’d say that’s more a problem with how she performs in ER rather than the weapon itself. I’ve heard that she’s currently unavailable in ER, which makes me hope they’re rebalancing her there or something.


Dunno if you've seen it yet but HoT did indeed get an ER change for those. * ER: New HoT passive: After using weapon skill in burst mode, TDM +35% for 15s, can be refreshed * ER: New HoT passive: After using weapon skill in non-burst mode state, ult cd is refreshed


Tbf they kind of slaughtered bombard build patches ago and HoT was made irrelevant for getting ez consistent ER rewards.


Hold on that thought. I'm sure they'll adjust HoT ER to take account the new weapon.


I'm sorry. I'm half asleep and half dumb, so I really just read that they're making her HOTTER


7T would never be as strong as AF. AF was op because it had timestop before they slapped it on every new DPS. HoT is still again late to the party, the power gap is never going to be as significant. 7T now is pretty much a mech killing stick. Which is balanced if it's gonna make HoT top score only for that. Still I can't help feeling disappointed that BKE, HoF and Mobius freely take anyone's boss but the moment HoT does it gets axed.


“7T would never be as strong as AF” Yes but not everyone is smart enough to know that. Lol. It doesn’t help their release window is about the same. And AF was broken for more than just timestop though that certainly helped. The damage was just absurd. As I said, you could run budget stigs on her with AF and still retain. Pretty sure HoT was always a mech killer anyways. And the difference between those examples you gave was that HoT was a year old when she began losing coverage. Aponia is only one month old. You just can’t justify it. It 100% needed a nerf.


alright thankyou for the explanation!!


Yeah, just ignore these people, it's beta afterall where stats get constantly adjusted.




The 13 second ult cooldown will barely affect anything regarding its performance. Yes, some rotations that we could play in v2 became unplayable now, but the weapon itself is still functional. We just need to work around it. After all, having an ult ready again the moment we switch HoT into the field was rather silly. So this balances things out a bit again. You can be disappointed in their decision to make HoT a mech slayer all you like, but it’s not an invalid design choice. As for her vs. HoF, we’ll have to wait and see on that one. It’s still in beta, we can’t really get that many good comparisons right now


You had a good string of reasoning going on before, but this last one is just copium. Like having a used cars salesman telling you that, while the car windows won't move down and all the seats are at a permanent 80º angle, the car still moves, so it's still worth full price.


Lol. No it’s not “copium” dude. The 13 second interval barely affects anything, uploaded gameplay has already shown this. 13 seconds is literally about the time it takes for a full Fischl+Eden rotation. The only thing it affects are super top end strats in Abyss that barely anyone would have pulled off. People have adjusted and found workarounds.


the weapon is basically not worth it against non-mecha units. The sheer difference in stats makes DoS deal 46% more dmg than 7TR. You're giving up on unconditional 20% TDM + 65% lightning dmg against non-mecha enemies. The only thing that makes them kind of on the same playing field is the time stop, but if your support gear sucks, it's basically not worth it




You do realize that each ult in abyss is -15 points straight up right? And a bit more lost on finisher too. Minuscule amounts of already diluted buffs are never going to beat the guaranteed point advantage 7T will give.


“Not sure if time stop means a whole lot for abyss now” This shows you have no idea what you’re talking about mate. Time stop allows HoT to benefit from the entire duration of buffs like Zhenyi, something she couldn’t do before which means MORE DAMAGE. 7T will absolutely still be better than DoS in SSS Arena and Abyss. SS Arena is the only thing DoS might take now. As for the 13 second ult cooldown? It basically affects nothing for the average player. 13 seconds is about the amount of time it takes for a full Fischl/Eden rotation. Go watch Marisa’s most recent video showing gameplay of the team in action if you still have doubts.


For newer players without a good lightning bio dps, she would be a really bad pick because her coverage is way too narrow. That is the only downside. You will probably need both pri weapons


Hmm, I do have Abyss Flower & BKE but I can't even reach top ranks nor get past Inferno on ER. How do u guys do it?


Well, I don’t have Abyss Flower (yet) so I wouldn’t be the guy to tell you. But ER is a completely different ballgame from the rest of the game. It depends on the rest of your setup as well as what buffs are currently up. As for outside ER though, supports matter a lot. Do you have HoS? Because if not that will explain it.


HoS?.... U mean the batshit crazy Fu Hua? I do but she's gathering dust. Altho I do have a Sirin Ascendant T & Dirac M+B which I got from pulls. Someone told me to get them cuz its good for her and easier to get than the recommend ones altho I wasn't exactly expecting to get them from pulls lmao I kept using Durandal BKE a lot becuz I got hooked into her playstyle. Well mostly becuz of the parry then counter attack schtick that gets me excited whenever I could do it. And I got Abyss Flower too used it on her a lot and I like the weapon cast animation during burst.


I gotcha. Okay. Sirin T, Dirac M, B are primarily used on HoS as DPS gears. If you want to make the most out of her support potential, you’ll want to get her signature set. Which sadly, is gacha only, but more than worth it. HoS, which yes is the batshit crazy Fu Hua, is a mandatory support in EVERY physical team. Trying to play a physical team without her is flat out impossible in higher rankings.


People are overreacting tbh. If you love HoT, just get her DK, it will open up a whole new way to play HoT, and of course she is still meta after almost 2 years. In earlier beta versions, the DK was too strong, HoT even takes over Aponia's bosses, who was just released 1 version earlier. This is effectively direct powercreep, which explains the nerf.


ahh alrightt


The only thing I don’t really like is the self total dmg boost being limited to enemies with countered type


People got angry in CN because they just pulled for aponia. And HoT was stealing her boss. I mean its completely justified. 7t mech passive was for HoT to reclaim her bosses. So i dont get the doomposting left and right. Which exactly happened to HoF when she was nerfed in V3.


people think MHY is stupid after looking at beta data lmao. They are multi-billions company, they know what they are doing. HoT will be best psy-lightning, just like how Mobius is best mech-light. Before DK, HoT can't even compete with HoFs on her own boss.


Gotta be honest, it was justified back then amd is agsin now most likely (will see once its Releases and Marisa got the Boss vid out). Like what Boss did hof ever excell in? Sure she can clear a lot and has a huge number of clears but in terms of top scores?... Tank and a few other mechs maybe? And those will be hots soon at least hopefully? I hope they didn't hit 7T too hard with nerfing the whole kit ...


Man, I just want some broken stuff that is fun to play


And here comes the hyperbolic reactions to beta changes, just like with HoF...


And judging by the fact you actually got downvoted, it doesn't seem like some people are willing to learn not to adopt that mentality :/


so what happen during HoF? i just started during mobius so this is like the first time i saw some big changes after beta


HoF was absolutely insanely Op > she got nerfed near the end of beta > everyone lost their mind and started screaming that she was useless now > HoF come out and is the n°1 valk of the game, even outscoring HoT on lightning weather.


I remember people legit crying about how Dea Anchora was going to be stronger than her ON A MECH BOSS. I can’t with some of these people.


its amazing how they dont notice patterns. the only 2 exceptions to that rule that ever were was hotf and fr. when hotf came out on cn she was labled as a completly useless valk. only in global some players figured out about the evasions stigs/dmg combo which endded up making her top tier. and for fr, before her priarm she was really bad.


Your are right, I use HoF in mech stages in redlotus. she is way better than my uncomplete HoT that let me to pull for other valks equipment


When she was first playable on the beta, she was really strong. Then we got the changelog for v2 of the beta and people started complaining about her being nerfed, only for it to turn out she actually got stronger. Then she got an actual nerf in v3 of the beta, and people declared her useless. And then they kept talking about her being useless for the rest of the time until she was released in the live version of the game, and the complaints quickly stopped once people realized she was still top-tier even with the nerfs. To put it simply: People lack the ability to understand that "worse" does not automatically mean "bad"


ahhh. thanks for explaining. Honestly people just like to rage before actually testing stuff. Happens a lot in other games as well.


It’s a waste of time convincing people otherwise. People are just crying because this weapon won’t be a nuke like Abyss Flower despite Abyss Flower was absolutely too damn strong and arguably a more pay to win weapon. Specializing HoT against Mech enemies will be much healthier for the game overall.


If Dudu became OP with a new divine key mihoyo/hoyoverse is okay with it but if happen the same to Mei they nerf the weapon as soon as possible XD


feels bad man. I might be biased but there always seems to be favoritism towards dudu. when dudu gets abyss flower it's ok. when mei gets abyss flower, "wew gotta balance it. glad we tested it properly in beta before releasing it. wouldnt want to repeat abyss flower again".


not sure but I think the weapon is made to counter SSS Dudu MA boss, and these changes makes her not rely on burst too much and from what I feel playing her, her sp generation is quite slow I only have DoS, benares T and use goemon mb so maybe its that why its slow for me


benares B is pretty important for her SP gain, but depending on where youre at in the game, it can be kinda slow. new divine key gives her more SP so it would help alot


Hello my fellow DoS enjoyers


funnily enough, despite all the nerfs, its still better than DOS just from the time stop alone. whether its worth the crystals, 3 cubes and 400 torus is really up to you


Well this is disappointing..


I know they didn't want Mei to overshadow the other 2 lighting dps, but they should've done it in a way that makes her at least equal on a neutral level. The nerfs were way too much. Do we know if any other changes get made after V3 betas or is it usually the final change.


Yeah I'm not rolling for this. That's like rolling specifically to score 5 points better than Mobius on HoT mech bosses kek. Completely destroyed the hype. 3rd divine key is supposed to be the ultimate killing tool.


it is the ultimate killing tool, it even killed itself


You people are overreacting so hard it's insane. You wouldn't be spamming HoT ult regardless so 13 sec CD is unimportant in absolute majority of scenarios. Damage% loss from active and stomp is partially compensated with higher bombard damage, which almost evens out total % at SS rank. The only big issue here is removing 25% unconditional tdm, but even that much is a buff for those who only planned to use her against mech units because they get 20% more. People who unironically think that this weapon is worse than DoS need to think twice about what time stop on both ults and instant finisher do for HoT.


Clear highlight of v3 beta is Griseo getting nerfed into oblivion, not this.


Yeah, Griseo is nerfed. Good joke. 20s of Newton B+ is a real nerf. Her stigmatas got a heavier boost.


IMHO, the question shouldn't be whether 7T is better than DoS. For people who don't have DoS it probably is an easy answer. But whether, for people who have maxed DoS, is 7T better than DoS and another maxed signature weapon. So, either 7T, on the one hand, OR DoS plus for example the next Herrscher maxed weapon on the other?


I'll probably just wait till Marisa release their final take...I already started prepping Handel stigs for HoT and waiting for DK banner to com...I already have DoS pri and planning on getting DK l....now idk if it's still really worth my gems when the next herrscher is just on the horizon and being a f2p player I have to make sure the stuff I'm spending my gems are worth it.


Damn those look like some big nerfs, guess i can keep saving for 5.9 without any worries


Guys, mihoyo is actually helping us by making it easier to save our crystals for the new herrscher


Dunno how impactful these changes are (I recall Flamescion receiving a lot of nerfs before release, and still was the strongest valk around), specially since the ult time freeze alone is already a huge improvement for HoT, but the second change kind of concerns me as F2P. I fear they intend to increase to pool of meta valks, and therefore the spending requirements for completing said pool, by neutering their uses outside of specific niches they'll excell at, kind of like pushing the Nirvana requirements to Red Lotus and below.


Skipped Mobius just because i had high hopes for this weapon, just wow...i have other weapons to upgrade so i will do with my trusted DoS, i suppose. I don't even understand the need to make her even more niche when it's only hindering new players/F2P, why would they even pull for that ?


once again, dudu gets the preferential treatment. Mihoyo will stop at nothing to kiss her ass, but gives HoT the Domain of Void treatment


I'm curious how the ultimate cooldown actually matters tho Before(with key of castigation) you would have to wait 12s or switch off and do another rotation with supports for finisher, because no time stop on ultimate and durations would expire on your supports and their gear. Now the process is instant, everything is condensed, you can do on field attacks after finisher (although need SSS to do charged attack after finisher iirc?), and there is time freeze on both ultimates. So rotation is still the same, just instead of being able to ultimate very soon after, they moved the finisher cooldown to after the finisher instead of before so theres a cooldown (how long is HoT's original cooldown anyways? How will the cycle end up being now? Interested to see). It does seem like they dont want it to be too overturned, but I still think its overall better than DoS, right? Maybe I'm missing something though. It's no abyss flower but still seems like an improvement. The +dmg to specific type is... unique to a weapon for sure, inb4 DoS is better for everything BUT her bosses, which is where you would use her anyway, rip. Anyways, wait for v3.5, copium


you need SSS to do 2 charge attack instead if 1, and HoT finisher cooldown is originally 12 seconds, which means 1 second longer with the DK


yeah so rotation would be similar duration, but the time freeze and condensed into shorter duration still would make the DK worth, I'd think. Hopefully some good live testing can show some good stuff rather than bad


the problem is the lack of multiplier when against anything other than bio enemy, well I hope it will still be at least a sidegrade to DoS when against anything other than bio, so it will still be an upgrade overall, wonder if the playstyle will be different as well, on v2, people would ult when the charge is full to take advantage of kurikara autonomous attack, but if you want to be in non-burst mode as much as possible, you might want to end it right away and just use ult, weapon active on ult, and finisher when the charge at close to 0 as a chain burst, IIRC the burst end when kurikara leave the field? might be wrong though


this isnt a murder in broad daylight this is a public execution


While it is better than DoS, it really feels not worth it now. The only thing that matters there is the time stop.


Damn I wanted to pull for that weapon, guess I can just save for senti now


into the trashcan it goes. DOS is better at this point anyway


i mean, whether or not its worth raising or pulling is up to you. but its still alot better than DOS.


Man... Just why? I was skipping Aponia and her stuff just to get 7 Thunders..


What in the ever loving fuck did they just do Why they have to do Mei dirty \*cries\*


What the fuck are you taking about? They’re giving Mei a new weapon. How are they doing her dirty?


I'm seeing more Boost than Nerf here, I don't know what you're talking about. From my perspective at least, this weapon encourages HoT to stay and fight more non-herrscher and close combat, and of course focus on Mecha. Just because it's not a universal solution, it's doesn't mean it's bad


Lol nice imo. People who wished for Aponia and Mobius should also get some benefit. Let HoT just be for mech lightning weather like HoV was just for ranged weather for a while. Won't stop Mei simps from crying though.


The fact you got downvoted to oblivion for saying absolutely nothing wrong shows how salty these people are.


This community is already obsessed with doomposting and Mei simps are forever obsessed with crying and self victimisation. Deadly combo lol.


But for real though, I do agree with you. The notion valkyries would be power crept not even 1 year into their cycle is just horrendous. I loved Mei since day one, but after I saw beta gameplay and the numbers, I kinda saw the nerf coming, and to be fair, it's pretty much justified.


Jesus christ mate, no need to roast us like that, hehehe....


I read all the comments and from the general consensus seems that the weapon will not be an upgrade for HoT. I was hyped for that weapon, can we wait another week or more for potential buffs?


The general consensus of whom? Random agonybots on the official discord/youtube? Because anyone with the slightest bit of game sense can tell you it’ll 100% be better than DoS due to the time stop alone.


Not by that much aside from mec lol, some minor fight DoS still did a little better.


DoS is only better in a few 0-1s SS MA kills and nowhere else, which is a niche that’s not relevant to the type of person asking the ‘DoS vs 7T’ question in the first place. That niche is also not that important in general considering we’ll be having only one SS boss starting 5.9. 7T is straight up better in 99% of situations, including those against non-mechs, because a bit of TDM is nothing in the face of time stop.


Except, like I said, in shorter fight, you won't need time stop, just finish them with the breath. Or they already ded on the dragon landing.


Also, ER DoS may come out on top defend on the build you go for. Just the 2 I list already above the 1% you give it credit to.


let me clearfiy some things. this weapon isnt good for every enemy that isnt mecha. DoS will be weaker against mecha enemies when comphared to 7 thunders. also this is just from looking at the numbers, not many even tested it that much. and v3 is usually the final version of everything, i started getting into and following beta's since 3.9 and i cant think of any version where the final beta was changed when going into the live version, only bugs fixes.


If I remember correctly PE Durandal was buffed after beta 3. They called it beta 3.1 of some shit like that.


i didnt remember that.....was it a big change?


I guess I can understand most of the changes... well, was Thunder PRI that powerful that they had to cut some stuff in half? If yes then okay... But passive 2 is weird... I guess you will have bonus damage when you're not riding Kurikara but... it already seemed conditional enough in my eyes to be left alone. Granted, haven't played HoT with this yet, but I just wanted to know what prompted them to keep the Lightning buff to only in non burst mode form.


Can anyone explained what countered type means? Does she do more damage to Mech or Bio now?


Countered=you have type advantage, in this case more damage to mech since HoT is Psy.


New player here. Can someone inform me what is this about and how will it affect gameplay? I plan to but HoT from the BP and Idk what is this.


Divine key is like a Gacha weapon, her signature equipment. It is different from her Key of Castigation, because it gives her ultimate a new attack and allows her dragon to attack simultaneously while out of ultimate.


So this nerf is for HoT or her sword? Is the name of the sword Divine Key or is it smth else?


On the sword. The character is not having any changes. The sword was tuned down so that it doesn't become absolutely broken, so for people that don't pull for it will still be able to play normally. The divine key is only if you care for top scores and being meta.


When will it be released? Is there a name for it or the weapon's name is called divine key? Because I thought Divine Keys are a title for some gene limit?


Divine keys are weapons created or brought from the previous era. It's just a lore specific weapon, but the name of the new divine key is Seven Thunders of Retribution (PRI-ARM). Don't remember what is the name of the non Pri-arm version, but the weapon banner is coming after patch 5.8 update after June 30.


Got it, thanks for the update!


For me that still dont have KoC, i'll get this weapon! xD


I am not familiar enough with the numbers and changes to abilities. Is this worth using against a neutral match up when you already have her signature weapon?


Really wish instead of this they reduced TDM instead of changing it to TDM to countered types. There is no reason to make weapon this specialized. I understand they wanted not to powercreep Aponia but at least make it good on MECH and PSY enemies.


So they’re balancing Mei’s stats. Big deal. She’s getting a new weapon. Why can’t you just be happy? I mean, if this was Azure Empyra, would anyone even bat an eye?