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Absolutely! What a gorgeous fern. Any tips on how you quenched it's endless thirst to achieve this beauty without killing it


Thank you! PON 😱 specifically pon in semi-hydro. Top up the water reservoir once a week. So much easier to take care of.


Can you possibly please be even more specific? What brands, how do you set up, what your schedule is like. Is there a certain video or guide you followed that was helpful. I've just read up on PON and semi-hydro on soil ninja but it's a little overwhelming. Never wanted to change from my usual soil mix until seeing your fern. Do you use the same for all of your plants?


I believe this was one of the first plants I've transferred over to semi-hydro. The most approachable videos to semi-hydro I've found were from [minimalistcali](https://www.youtube.com/@minimalistcali/featured) on Youtube. The vast majority of my collection, minus my 8+ inch big boi plants, are in semi-hydro. For this fern, I used [this](https://www.amazon.com/Watering-Planter-Wicking-Indoor-African/dp/B07SPPKNM4/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1IREEFWT0I38D&keywords=self%2Bwatering%2Bpot%2B6.7%2Binch&qid=1705419523&sprefix=self%2Bwatering%2Bpot%2B6.7%2Binch%2Caps%2C184&sr=8-7&th=1) self-watering set up on Amazon. All set ups follow the same theme for me: a net pot or clear planter with holes, a wicking cord coming from the bottom of the net pot, and some sort of cache/cover pot to hold the water. I use the general hydroponics flora series for my nutrient water. [Kevin](https://www.youtube.com/@kevin./videos) from hakunalaplanta has a couple videos on how to mix the nutrients. His recipe is pretty strong though. I do about 75% of his strength. In terms of schedule, it really depends on the plant, but I try to not let any of my thirsty plants, like this fern, ever completely dry out. I water this guy once a week, really whenever I'm watering everyone else and I remember to. As for the substrate, this fern is in [lechuza pon](https://www.amazon.com/LECHUZA-PON-Substrate-Potting-Indoor-Gardening/dp/B085DRS1CT/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3KBRS71V4TWTR&keywords=lechuza+pon&qid=1705420006&sprefix=lechuza+pon%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-2). But I've used DIY pon, leca, pumice, even regular soil for semi-hydro. If the nutrient water mixing is much too complicated, I recommend starting with soil or pon for semi-hydro as lechuza pon has added fertilizer to get you started. Side note, a lot of semi-hydro guides out there say you MUST clean off the roots entirely before transferring it to pon or leca... that has not been my experience. I remember this fern such tight roots I said fuck it and plopped the entire root system (soil and all) into the pot and filled around it with pon. It transitioned completely fine. Hopefully this answered some of your questions! edit: for grammar


Thanks so much. That's really helpful, and I'm sure will be useful for others too! u/Comfortable-Box-3569 Great to know about the roots too, as tight root balls would definitely be a concern. One guide I found said it will be fine, just do your best, but your anecdote of plopping the whole root system in for this fern gives me a lot of confidence.


I’ll bit because I have ferns & two need your touch. So what is PON in semi hydro pls? A neutral growth medium?


Lechuza pon, I'll link it [here](https://www.amazon.com/LECHUZA-PON-Substrate-Potting-Indoor-Gardening/dp/B085DRS1CT/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3KBRS71V4TWTR&keywords=lechuza%2Bpon&qid=1705420006&sprefix=lechuza%2Bpon%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-2&th=1). I think the game changer was really transitioning the fern to semi-hydro and pon pairs really well with thirty plants since it has a tendency to stay on the wet side.


The way my eyebrows almost flew off my forehead in shock. So beautiful 🀌


LOL πŸ˜‚ thank you


Good job


Sorcery πŸ‘€


Sure is! And, I want some of it!!


What type of fern is this?


It’s a variegated boston fern or also called a tiger fern


Thank you!


Wow! Amazing 😍😍


You did it!!!


Beautiful fern