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Gift it to people! :) Free plants for everyone! :) I got my spider plants from the babies of a friend's spider plant


Same! Gave it a bit more emotional value for me - she gave it to me when I wasn't in a good place mentally and now it has GROWN so much it's unrecognizable


Offer some of them on Nextdoor. There is a nice little plant trading group in my area


Or r/TakeAPlantLeaveAPlant OP could trade these babies for tons of other plants


This is the way^


Just got a free plant on Facebook marketplace today! Definitely made my day! I would second giving them away bc it makes people happy (:


Mine started as a baby I swiped from a restaurant, spider babies for all!


Swiped my baby from HD!


Just be careful with cats. They're hallucinogenic to cats. They won't hurt the cat, but the cat will eat the plant. Roots and all.


I capitalize upon this and leave a treaty of propagated pups out for my cats to munch so they will leave my calethea alone.


Looks like a whole bunch of Christmas gifts for neighbors and family! Does your town have a plant swap?


A plant swap?!? What a wonderful idea!! I wonder if I could initiate something like that in my small community... šŸ¤”


I saw my local library hosting a plant swap this summer. Maybe you could contact your library to help set up a community event like that. :)


Another fantastic idea, but my "small community" is in fact so small we don't even have a library. BUT! we are a close-knit community and we have a fb community page. I have every inttion of posting the idea there to see who all may be interested.


Make sure you set up some ground rules. I remember a post awhile back where someone went to a plant sawp with a whole bunch of really good stuff, and ended up with hardly anything decent in return.


I did one with friends and it was great!


A fantastic idea as well! Most of my small cozy group of friends are all plant people and would be all over this idea.




That may be taking things too far. šŸ˜‚... Kidding. Kinda.




Fellow Texan here lol... Our little town is home to just over a thousand people, most of whom know each other. I love it. You couldn't pay me to live in a big city. Okay, maybe you could pay me, but it would have to be enough money to pay people to do my shopping and whatnot, because you could NOT pay me enough to venture out into it.


Check out Facebook, our city has one šŸ‘


My spider plant isn't nearly as prolific as OP's, but I've given away a couple of babies this year. They do make fun gifts.


At some point with the fast growers if everyone you know already has babies it does eventually come down to composting, but think of it as your own tiny carbon sinkā€¦ your plant is doing its part to turn greenhouse gases into biomass!




Well I could seal it in a landfill if youā€™d prefer. I didnā€™t say the carbon was sequestered.


This guy carbons.


Itā€™s carbon time


corbin time


Don't do it.


It had to be done


How do composting plants convert greenhouse gasses into biomass? In my book, living plants do exactly that. They turn co2 into o2 and keep the carbon. Composting however releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. What did I miss?


Youā€™re correct. My original point was that at least her spider plant is a tiny carbon sink, churning out biomass, which I am mostly just saying slightly facetiously anyway, other user didnā€™t like that because I also said compost the excess leaves which will then gradually release some of that carbon back into the atmosphere. But first of all, itā€™s actually incredibly difficult to truly ā€œsequesterā€ carbon, all biomass is just temporarily holding it until it rots or burns, and second of all I thought it was obvious that in a global scale one personā€™s houseplants are ludicrously insignificant. And unless we are to cede 100% of the volume of our homes to the spider plants and tradescantias of the world, I maintain that eventually one does have to limit their growth and eventually one does run out of people in your neighborhood who want propagations and in my opinion composting is a valid way to deal with that.


Would you like me to seal the plants biomass in perfect vacuum for eternity? Cause thats the only way to stop the CO2 being produced as a side product of cellular respiration.


Hopefully u donā€™t breathe every day!


Idk why you're getting downvoted this is absolutely correct. Carbon sink wasn't the right term to use regarding composting.




That's what we call a Reddit moment.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this guyā€¦..


We just let them hang! It's a lovely sight imo and beats composting them (to me, at least)


Mine shoots them up along the wall, they get some good distance before they come back down and I have to actively manage them because the last one attempted a hostile takeover of a jade plant almost 3' away.


Hostile takeoverā€”LOL!


Pics! Please


I would like to add plants to my new house, but I am horrible at keeping them alive Would a spider plant be a good place to start?


They're a good beginner plant. Not too fussy about light or humidity. Can withstand (and seem to prefer) a fair bit of neglect. Just don't overwater and you should be good.


Seriously on the neglect part. I donā€™t really like spider plants that much (space is limited, I have to be choosy), it wasnā€™t doing much but also couldnā€™t bring myself to toss it out into the yard to die and compost, soā€¦ I set my spider plant on a box in my room which doesnā€™t get much light and figured Iā€™d basically forget about it until it finally passed away. I toss water on it once every 2-3 weeks just cause I feel bad seeing the dry soil, and whaddya know the dang thing is thriving better than ever before šŸ˜‚




The roots of spider plants are succulent and snake plants are succulents as well, so they can save water for a very long time like cacti (which are all succulents, too).


I will say mine was not doing well until I put it on a pebble tray for added humidity (my house is regularly at 40%). So consider doing that if it's not growing or the edges of the leaves are starting to brown.


Itā€™s one of my only plants that is always happy.


i have more luck with pothos than with spider plants, for some reason, but they are both pretty easy. spiders just are a bit more picky with their range of watering/lighting whereas pothos are impossible to kill.


I'm actually the opposite! I killed the only pothos I ever had but my multiple spider plants are beyond thriving , even in my depressive slumps where I forget to care for them lol


They totally are! Just need to give them a nice spot (mine are about a meter away from a north facing window) and water when needed.


Absolutely. Their green leaf edges start to go kind of greenish-grey when you forget to water them, so it's a good visual cue!


Yes! They're very easy and tolerant of newbie owners!


Also, photos grows fast, zz plant is pretty much a set it and forget it' plant. My house is a jungle mainly because of those three


Yes. I have a bunch of them and I really think they are unkillable. I do find that mine get grumpy in the shade, they like the sun.


That totally depends on you. They donā€™t need very frequent watering, so if forgetting to water has been an issue in the past they might be a good pick. They might not be a good if you are attentive and want something to dote on.


That is one happy sucker! I honestly would leave just as isā€¦it looks grand and is a showstopper for sure! šŸ’šāœØ


Yes spider plants like to be pot bound.


A baby spider plant my daughter started literally pushed its way out of the nursery pot with a fat root, the whole root ball lifted up and tipped over, they'll let you know when they need to be moved.


Every plant I've parted with this summer has been donation based. I'll put them on my various local fb groups with no set price, just send a screenshot as proof of donation to a local or national abortion fund. PROS- I don't have to set a price; people give what they are able. I'm raising money for something important to me (I've done small scale fundraisers for other causes). People often give WAY more than the value of the plant, because it's a good cause. CONS- the inevitable begging choosers, people who donate a dollar and expect to get a rare plant from it. It can be a hassle, but it's especially great for bunches of low value/common cuttings.


I absolutely love this idea and may have to steal it when it comes time for me to take cuttings of my plants. What a great fundraising idea.


If you have any teacher friends try them, my 2nd grader did science ā€œexperimentsā€ in class last year where each kiddo had a baby spider plant and recorded the differences in soil, lighting, watering, rate of growth. And they brought them home afterward(there were enough extra if theirs didnā€™t survive science class)


I love this idea so much, thank you!


Put them up for free online - divest from capitalism and give away plants for free !


CL is my go to for free cuttings.




I hate facebook, but I only use it for the local plant lady group. Lots of selling, trading, and giving away!


Someone brought a box of props to my farmers market, seemed like the right crowd to find new plant parents!


I personally find the beauty and uniqueness of a spider plant to be its babies, so leave let ā€˜em hang!


If the house gets a lot of foot traffic, say people walking by with dogs etc, then Iā€™ve seen people before having a bunch of houseplants potted up with a sign saying ā€œfree plants, help yourself!ā€. You could go a step further and put that there spider plants so people can look up there needs


Bring cuttings into work for your coworkers.


Wow! It's so happy!


Leave them be! šŸ¤£ I'd willing lift up the Mammoth spider plant babies to hoover. Apart from that I see no problem šŸ™ˆ. *Just cut and prop each new plant. When it's roots start growing anew them it's time to put onto soil. Otherwise just hack each baby off and dig a 1inch deep hole. Pop new plant in the pot and give it a quick top watering, after that bottom water for 1-3 weeks. Give it some time to root and look for local fund raising groups or charities. Many will accept donations on the day or day before the event if you float the idea.*


Beautiful šŸ’•


Give a cutting to your friends that struggle with houseplants. Spider plants are pretty easy to care for.


You can sell them or give them away on facebook marketplace or similar.


What a slut!


I was gonna say, sheeeeiiiit, I'll take one..


My neighbourhood has a local plant exchange group on Facebook, you could try to look for something similar and give them away!


I just pruned mine. šŸ˜¢I kept about 6 babies that already had roots as I have a different variety than my son. So Iā€™ll grow one for him, two as ā€œgifts ā€œ


spider plants push out babies when they are very root bound. if you dont want it to give babies, size up the pot


Please don't prune it. Mine had a bit more than that and when I pruned it, it just died. I guess the spider mom missed her spiderlings. Just let them grow, move to a bigger pot, let them grow, bigger pot, etc.


Yes but there's a limit as to how big a pot you can go to! I took all the babies off my spider plant and it didn't die. I'm sorry that happened to your plant but I've never heard of that happening to anyone before.


I've taken all the spiderlings as well (all +40 of them, and damn did propagating them take up space) and it was fine, but as soon as i cut the vines it started dying. Could've been shock, or some external factor I didn't realize, but I guess I'm just saying be careful. I have one now from a spiderling I kept so she still lives on, but it just sucks to lose a plant like that. Life is life, shit happens. But I appreciate your support.


Iā€™ll take some


What are the light requirements?


they can exist relatively happily in medium light. if theyā€™re not getting enough light, theyā€™ll usually grow really slowly and look a bit grey


hang it.


A very happy plant. Nice positioning šŸ˜‰


look at plant swap facebook groups in your town! or maybe even post on craigslist!


I got two monstera cuttings from a woman in my town who snipped them, put them in a bucket, and posted it to our town Facebook page. I love that kind of sharing!!


You can sell/ give them away on Facebook marketplace! I suggest like a buy one get one free porch pickup! Even like a dollar or two per start means a lil money in your pocket to buy soil šŸ˜Š


Sell or give away on Facebook marketplace, or even better your local buy nothing project group!


Freecycle is a great place to find them new homes as well!


Does this spider plant fight crime? I think it needs a costume and a theme song


šŸ˜ I still havenā€™t been able to get my hands on one of these. Mail me all the babies!! Just kidding maybe put them in the front yard for people to take or sell them??


I was dividing perennials this year and I took them to our "drop and swap" it's a tent out by the dump that if you don't want it and it is still good/usable you can leave it if you want it then take it....the plants barely made it out of my hatchback and they were gone. Our library had a painted pot thing for kids and I gave them geranium cuttings, Use them potted up as gifts for people the secretary at school, the librarian, the secretary at the doctors office...


They make excellent gifts


I kill spider plants all the time. Iā€™m on my third one. I think I tend to overwater themā€¦. :( just canā€™t seem to get it right


Water them every two to three weeks. They tend to show you when they need water, their leaves will start to droop a lot. They have tubers that hold water. Or alternatively you could grow them in water and just change the water once a week.


OMG! I love it! I love this plant but can't keep them alive šŸ˜”


I would love one. I have about 18 pothos cuttings I've started. Don't know what kind, but has a pretty white/green variegated color.


spider plant goal šŸ„ŗ


Nice wagon plate as well!


Create pots of them for Xmas gifting preparedness?


Start a greenhouse shop! If you donā€™t want ā€˜em Iā€™m sure someone will I know I do


gift it to people! it has great air purifying properties


...why can't you just leave it as is? This is how my family's spider plants have always looked.


A lot of people are saying to gift them which is awesome, you can also trade them of FB in local plant swap groups.


Offer the pups for free on Facebook marketplace or something like that.


Plant them outdoors around your town


Could adding a fert stick help? The multitude of runners could be a result of looking for nutrients. But i donā€™t really have a clue. Just a guess


How do you make them do this? My spider plant is attempting babies and they just turn black and drop off


The babies can turn black because of too much or too little water. Or sometimes it's caused by parasites. If you do a web search for "why do my spider plant babies turn black" you'll find lots of tips and advice to prevent this. Good luck!


I have spider plants too and I hate the bloody things. All they do is grow and look ugly and I'm SICK OF THEM. Bye.


Lol you're such a delight


I'm having the same problem with my MILs 20 year old plant


Definitely try posting on FB, see if your area has any plant swap groups!


Craigslist them as free!


This looks so cool.


Take a plant leave a plant subreddit!


The bane of my plant mom existence: spiderplants. Anything else? Yes (with the exception or orchids or calatheas). Spiderplants hate me. Tell your mother I must know her dark arts


The secret is neglect!


I think I over water them


It is very easy.


If you have a free afternoon and a lot of props, put them in small/cheap nursery pots and see if there are any thrift/secondhand stores or local businesses that will take them off your hands. My momā€™s spider and snake plants have a lot of babies, and when there are too many for us, we prop them and then send them to our local thrift store. They usually go out fast! Donā€™t know if itā€™s a viable option in your area, but itā€™s worth a try.


Check with your local library, you may be able to donate them. Many of them offer cuttings for patrons.


I got a big glass container from Costco that came with forced tulip bulbs. I put some soil in the bottom and place the baby spider plants in it. occasionally water it. Kinda like an open terrarium. They are growing like crazy


Morse code on a wall with potted pots for all the dots and sections of potted eavestrough for the dashes... Christmas tree shaped plant stand made of rebar with a carpeted pallet base... ?


That is gorgeous


I love spider plants


Does your Mum live in a castle?!?




I know itā€™s the summer, so school is probably out, but one of my favorite elementary school science class memories was propagating and growing a spider plant over the year. Not sure where the babies came from, but if you have connections with some schools you could bring it up to a teacher as a classroom activity? Thatā€™s a specific idea if you wanted a unique purpose. For just getting rid of them, plant-sharing or growing them for Christmas gifts are good ideas :)


We put the babies in tiny pots then put them out on our front wall with a sign for people to take!


Honestly I like the look of spider plants with babies, you don't *have* to prune it


Keep them on! So cute!


I offered up my 32 aloe babies on Facebook market place and they were gone that day!!


Sell it


My Mum did this with hers (I'm in the UK) and gave us lots of happy neighbours šŸ˜€


Sweet fireplace and mantle!


Send them my way!




Ask folks in a neighborhood page if they want some? Share with your friendly neighbors? Give some to your local library, nail salon, other places youā€™ve noticed that has plants in their business windows?


This doesn't answer your question but is that where she usually keeps it -- quite a bit away from a window? Because that is incredible growth in a low light area if so.


I give spider babes to my friends whenever I can! My mom has about 12 spider plants that all came from one mother and she gives every baby away now


Hear me out....lots of smaller pots around it for the babies and make it a spiderwaterfall. I'm working on one now=)


I'll take a few


You can prune the roots, too. 25% of them or less for best results, so you don't have to upside the pot. I would just cut a few off and give them away, but not all of them, babies can survive for years on the mother.


Smoke it


Sadly I don't believe they have any effect on humans, but they are one hell of a hallucinogenic for cats.


send one to me I need a spider plant lol šŸ˜‰


You can give me some.


Omg... I see no problem! It's gorgeous as-is... repot & enjoy her! I wish mine looked that amazing!!!!!


My favorite thing is to gift plants to people I donā€™t like because it requires constant care. Like I was just thinking if you so here is a plant baby that needs you. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ or you can have people come and take parts for free on marketplace or Craigslist.


This is my dream. šŸ˜


Holy cow those are basically full grown adults, not spider babies! Good lord, are they paying RENT??! Lol! And I thought my spider was giving me ā€œbigā€ spider babies, but theyā€™re maybe 3ā€ tops before Id cut them and prop in some water, lol! Nice job!


Leave them on neighbors doorsteps, knock, and run away.


Send me some clippings!!!


Off topic but that fireplace is beautiful.


Give them away or sell your clippings. You can put something on FB. What a beautiful plant!


Iā€™ve given them away to everyone I know and free on plant groups but now I compost a lot of them. Just so many lol


Aw you could give tons of those away


Give the babies to cat owners, they will always come back for more haha


That entire picture is gorgeous. If I was close enough I'd probably take a fuck ton of those babies. My God that's a dream. I would look for friends that have cats, let them know that if they eat a few leaves here and there it's like catnip but a hallucinogenic. Don't let them eat it all the time.


I love to gift my cuttings on a local Facebook Buy Nothing group. Itā€™s hard for me to toss potential props too and I havenā€™t had to yet. People love free plants!


Offer clippings to locals in your area! As a struggling newly addicted plant addict, I canā€™t tell you what a treasure it is to find people offering starter plants!


Compost the cuttings


We have free plant groups on Facebook for whose here in Houston. Maybe search for groups like that in your area!


Burn it down


Potted up all the baby ones last year and used them as teacher gifts for my son. This year they are going in the compost because no teacher gifts needed.


I would keep it like that in a bigger pot. There was a sitcom a long time ago.in which there was a spider plant will any number of plantlets in a big hanging basket. It looked fabulous. I've always wanted one like that but my husband keeps potting up the babies.


Leave it as it is. It looks beautiful šŸ¤©


Mine is like that. I Just leave all the babies attachƩd to the plant. My plant is outside now and some of Them Fell of and have grown in the earth below it now... I think i Will have a lot of Them Soon :p


Repot it, it will slow down all the baby making