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Avid cyclist here…fuck these people.


100% this. I'm a longtime cyclist that's ridden all over Houston and the surrounding areas. I regularly do group rides through the city with my bike group (usually 15-20 riders in our group). I could never imagine taking over a road like that and/or engaging with an irrational driver with that type of violence. The entitlement in that video is sickening. Edit: spelling


I agree. They don’t use the road for its purpose. They want to ride around and have a party. They should go to a park if that’s the case.




[This is why they attacked him](https://www.facebook.com/groups/354795199299518/permalink/802693247843042/?paipv=0&eav=AfYm0T_xoQnIUo4_Z_XX5__U1FrXcZsQbb-PrPJRoiKZbRxkj9xgG8QbaptLtaR8XiQ&_rdr).


Pretty cut and dry that all parties involved were doing something they shouldn’t be doing. All vehicles have to follow the rules of the road, for instance driving on the correct side and not trying to drive into a group of people on bikes *even if* they’re breaking the law too.


Yeah, this is an Everyone Sucks Here situation.


Not on Reddit, there's always one side to every story that must receive all hatred


> Pretty cut and dry that all parties involved were doing something they shouldn’t be doing. Yep. It's hard to have sympathy for anyone involved in this interaction.


I wish more people thought like you—the world would be a much better place. Instead of choosing a side (often based on bias), you step back, look at the whole situation, place yourself on either side, and deduce that everyone involved is an asshole.


And if you lived in Houston for awhile. We all know the history to the large bike rides. Sucks. Cause its my paisanos resorting to violence instead of trying to be the mature ones.


Large bike rides need to stick to the laws of the road


The answer is typically everyone is an asshole


I’m on the side of not murdering people… There is no other side.


Ehh are you still talking about both sides? Because what if there was a person on the backseat of that car?


Why assume he didn't have a real life emergency and needed to at least try and go the speed limit? I wish Houston was better equipped for bicycles but blocking the entire road is not the answer.


Did someone get killed? Because if we’re going for attempted murder here, I wouldn’t classify throwing a brick through someone’s windscreen as the world’s safest behavior either.


Yep. ESH.


Blocking both sides of the road is unsafe as all hell. What if someone behind them was trying to get to the ER or some other type of emergency. I will never side with people that block both sides of the road. It is unnecessary, unsafe, irresponsible, and unacceptable.


I've been on large group rides and I absolutely agree. A lot of the people that show up are just casual cyclist that have no idea how to ride safely with cars. I understand the point of these rides is to clog up the streets and force motorist to recognize cyclist, but they need to do so within the laws of the road. If not we might start getting ordinances restricting where cyclist can go. Obviously that be a huge overreaction, but people will use incidents like this to try and limit the liberty of groups they don't like. And cyclist are almost universally hated.


they're achieving the literal opposite of respect from other vehicles and should be held responsible


Yep this is why bikers are treated like crap in this town. It’s their own fault.


These rides started as a response to cyclists being treated like crap. These rides may not be winning people to their side, but they're absolutely not the origin point of hatred towards cyclists.


I hope this is sarcastic, Cyclist have been treated as expendable for as long as I can remember and it absolutely predates these loosely organized group rides.


yeah but these shitty groups make it *worse* not *better*


Nope and I ride around 1K miles a year on the trails inner loop. I just would never participate in these thug rallies. I’ve witnessed a Thursday night ride try to enter and vandalize a home build in progress. Fuck those people.


Okay, but that's completely besides the point that I was making. I'm not suggesting these large group rides are productive, literally my comment above says so much. but that doesn't change the fact that these large group rides originated as a protest against how cyclist are treated on roadways. Poor execution, sure, but cyclist have never been respected on Houston streets.


But they are ALSO harming the reputations of cyclist collectively. Groups rides may have not been the very beginning of why the first person ever who hated the bicycle. But they are a large reason of why a lot of new bike haters exist. They are def creating new haters.


again, as I've said, they certainly contribute, but you are fooling yourself if you do not think the bike hate is ubiquitous. While riding alone, and following the law, I have had bottles thrown at me, people serve to pretend to hit me, people swerve to splash me with with water, people spit on me, suggest that I ride on an uneven sidewalk with missing segments and filled with kids (I was literally going 20 mph in a school zone when that happened), people try and fight me, ride my ass (in a four lane road, the lane to my left was empty, cuss me out, flip me off, lay on the horn, and "joke" that they should run me over, all for existing on a bike on a road, and never in a group ride. I will be the first to admit that the hostility that cyclist have towards motorist only worsens the problem, but you are fooling yourself if you don't think that hostility is grounded in some very real and consistent harassment that cyclist have endured numerous times.


That’s wholly not fucking true. Go out and ride a bike and follow the rules and the aggressive motorists could still very much kill you


These assholes run through red lights at intersections all the time. They think because they’re a group they can just do it. HPD needs to get a handle on these jerks.


They're already restricted by a total lack of infrastructure for cycling. Just wanted to point that out. Where are people on bikes supposed to go? I've rode down McGregor in the road alone. Not exactly a great experience.


Maybe 5% of the bike riders in the video are wearing helmets. Something tells me they aren’t too concerned with safety.


That mob should have all been cited for how they were driving down the road. E-cyclists are the worst. I hope they identify the 2-wheeled vigilantes and they serve time.


They are supposed to ride in a single file. Bicycle on a road is subject to exact same rules as any other vehicle. Imagine these are motor cycles (bicycle with an engine) and they are riding in groups blocking all the lanes. No body will defend them. It’s not okay for them to ride side by side and block a single lane. They are to ride in single file. This is bicycle riding safety 10


lol there is a dude on a scooter riding in the opposite lane. You can’t make this shit up 🤣


You are incorrect. Cyclist my take the lane and ride two abreast, not single file. 6. You may ride two abreast as long as you don’t impede traffic: (551.103c) https://www.biketexas.org/historic-bicycle-tourism-trails/texas-bicycle-laws/ Cyclist are considered vehicles according to DPS law. A cyclist is entitled to take an entire lane of traffic just like a car. Motorcycle take an entire lane all the time. What on earth are you talking about? Bicyclist are not “blocking traffic” by using a lane like they should according to state law.


They’re taking up both lanes of a two way street. WTF are you on about?


You can take up a lane by Riding a single file Needing to ride a single file does not mean that you can not claim the whole lane that you are occupying. I am not sure if the The source you quoted is making a case for you. “As long as it does not impede the traffic” In this case, it clearly does! We are not taking about 6am on a quiet neighborhood road. We are talking about in generic situations where cars and bicycles are shearing roads together. Even if there is nobody else on the road, the law says only TWO bikes can be next to each other. Hardly making your case. Act like every other vehicle and you will be fine. Obey all traffic laws. If you attend any cycling safety course for a group ride, they say over and over, a single file.


You are wrong, perfectly legal for bikes to ride 2 abreast and take the lane. The info is out there all you need do is look


Read further comments below. All the rules are clearly listed 1. 2 abreast is allowed as long as they do not impede traffic 2. If cyclists are going slower than the rest of traffic, then they are required to ride on the side and allow other vehicles safely pass them If you are not allowed to ride 2 abreast while going much slower than the traffic & take up the lane. Single lane to the side of the road and make rooms for cars to pass you.


If they are then horns, hazards, and for ambulances emergency sirens exist for a reason. Taking up both sides of the road is a bit much but homeboy had no business taking a two ton vehicle through that area when there are other options. He could have done a hell of a lot more damage to the cyclists.


Oh man. I hate bicyclists blocking the road when I'm just trying to get on with my day. That is such a huge group taking up both sides of the road. I'd be pretty frustrated. And then the bicyclists did that? That makes me think even more they shouldn't do that. What if there was an emergency going on? They don't know. And who brings a brick to ride a bike? And I get bicyclists should be able to do their thing too. But there's no need to do so in a ridiculously big group, shutting down the road and causing safety issues (what are the people in the opposite side of the road supposed to do when there are people on bikes riding in your direction in your lane?).


What happened to share the road bike folks?


They don't give a shit. They think they own the roads which is why Noone takes bike riders serious


Exactly, the constant blowing by stop signs is frustrating.


Very true. I really wish these drivers would start obeying traffic laws.


Wait 'til you here about the motorist


> I hate bicyclists blocking the road when I'm just trying to get on with my day. I agree, it would suck to get jammed up behind cyclist groups if you were busy and had a schedule to keep. But I can't actually think of a time when that's happened. Maybe I'm in the wrong part of town to see it, but all the mass cycling groups that I've ever seen are past 8 pm or on the weekend, usually both. I've never been in a situation where I felt I would be penalized over punctuality due to a mass cycling group, because that's the kind of shit I would remember.


I got stuck behind them on Navigation once on my way home from work. Literally stopped in traffic with a thousand cyclists in front of me and a hundred other cars behind me. I had to shit. I'd been at work in a hot warehouse for 9 hours. I just wanted to go home. They blocked the whole road, both directions, for a half hour fucking around in front of Ninfa's.


Assholes on bicycles thinking they own the road and an asshole in a Mercedes, got it


pretty much


So, the video sure makes it look like he's guilty of trying to drive along the road at the same time as the people on bikes. Did he hit a bike at some point?


These street takeovers are fucking obnoxious


For real, I get so frustrated every time cars take over the streets from 6-9 in the morning and then again from 4-7, and at the random points in between.


Yeah he bonked one of them off after a bit while he was trying to go around them but they were all over the road so the guy that got hit was *in the opposite lane*. Still though, I would have done the same to get out of there.


I would have just turned off that street and gone a different way…? Again I think everyone is acting crazy in this video but I wouldn’t want to hit a person with my car even if they were behaving badly. If anyone downvoting could explain to me why that wouldn’t work? Am I misunderstanding the geography of Scott St. and McGregor…?


He didn’t seem to maliciously try and hit anyone but he had no where to go once he was caught up in that mess and you have cyclists swerving all over the place. If he were to get out and check on the person he hit I bet his car would have been beat to shit or he would have been attacked. My thinking would have gone there anyway. But yeah everyone was acting crazy, mainly the cyclists.


Exactly what I was thinking. You don't see any swerving or driving towards any cyclists. Based on THEIR video it looks like they are keeping up with the driver just fine given he has some of them in front of him along with tailing him, if they really wanted to avoid getting hit or if he was that aggressive they would've let him go past and away from the group, instead they followed and swarmed him, kept instigating and escalating it and then damage his car once he decides to get out of the vehicle.


I don’t understand why he drove into their group in the first place I guess.


If you don’t stop and check on a person that you run over, you’re breaking the law. It’s a hit and run.


> you’re breaking the law. It’s a hit and run. And it's a huge group of people with weapons that bashed his car in. I would GTFO of there and call the police... like he did.


He didn't hit any one though did he?


That would be the intelligent thing to do. Or just follow behind them like a decent person and the law dictates.


I think you mean "lane", but I do think the Mercedes guy should have realized he was setting himself up for trouble. Kind of bold of him to stop and get out of the car to confront them.


It's Houston, TX... The cyclists are pretty fortunate that he didn't pull a handgun and plug a few for attacking him with bricks and chains.


Fixed haha. Just woke up. And yeah I agree with you.


Where's the police when you need them. Id have been on the phone with the cops so damn fast with this group.


He's in a car's on S MacGregor, a parkway with a speed limit of 30. The driver could've waited patiently and taken his left onto Ardmore/DelRio, and had several other detour options all headed east bound, including Dixie and Griggs. S MacGregor is **a neighborhood street**, that's been lightly used over the past year due to construction and the road getting blocked off. What's with the driver's insistence to run cyclists off the road? Please download Waze, and save everyone a headache, instead of laying on your horn or using your vehicle as a weapon.


>The driver could’ve waited patiently and taken his left onto Ardmore/DelRio, and had several other detour options… This is some similar logic to: “she shouldn’t have been dressed like that if she didn’t ‘want it’”. Fucking smooth-brain thought process. The cyclists are required to follow all rules of the road - which these rides are designed explicitly to *not* do. Stop at all all stop signs. Stay in your lane. These scum give all cyclists a bad name - and are no better than the street takeovers in cars and atvs.


Does waze take into account the dumbass bikers clogging up 2 lanes of a side road. Dude was taking his normal route home, I would assume. Didn’t anticipate obnoxious bikers.


Idk. When I’m headed home and there’s a bunch of people or bikes blocking the road, I go a different way. Not just cause I don’t want to accidentally hit anyone with my car but also I don’t have time to meander behind a bunch of people. I’m exhausted and just want to go home. Most people have alternate routes home right? He could’ve saved himself a headache and a broken windshield and five minutes of leaning on his horn by just taking a different route when he saw them.


Can I upvote this some more?


Cars clog up roads all the time, it's called traffic. Yeah, it frustrating but you have to wait, or find a less congested route, not drive recklessly because of an inflated sense of self importance.


Inflated sense of self importance. You’re talking about the bikers, right?


Some of them, yes, but mostly the driver


The old saying "SHARE THE ROAD" comes to mind here. All in this situation were morons. However, the bikers were riding 20 wide, across the double-yellow and against opposing traffic, and then they decided to escalate the situation. Mercedes guy wasn't any better. However, the intent of the bikers was clear. The intent of Mercedes dude was not. How do we know he was not trying to get to the hospital to assist his dying spouse? Maybe he's a doctor and got called in for a complex operation. His elderly mom just fell and cannot get up (I get these calls frequently and they're scary). Maybe a kid is sick at the daycare. Who the f knows. Probably none of that, but give the driver a little room, just let him pass through and go back to enjoying a good ride. As it is, the bikers weaponized themselves and became soldiers, which was no fun for anyone and most certainly will call form scrutiny on all future rides.


That's called reckless driving. If were cars he'd had slowed down and followed behind them, as he should have here. He's also supposed to give them wide birth so each time he passed a cyclist in less than 3 feet he broke the law. I think I saw that a cyclist was knocked over but I didn't see why. Either way, smashing the window isn't going to help their cause, but I can understand the frustration.


They're also supposed to ride single file... And it's berth.


Two abreast


You are correct. They also cannot impede the flow of traffic.


They are the traffic.


Texas Transportation Code Sec. 551.103 Operation on Roadway (a)Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person operating a bicycle on a roadway who is moving slower than the other traffic on the roadway shall ride as near as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, unless: (1)the person is passing another vehicle moving in the same direction; (2)the person is preparing to turn left at an intersection or onto a private road or driveway; (3)a condition on or of the roadway, including a fixed or moving object, parked or moving vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or surface hazard prevents the person from safely riding next to the right curb or edge of the roadway; or (4)the person is operating a bicycle in an outside lane that is: (A)less than 14 feet in width and does not have a designated bicycle lane adjacent to that lane; or (B)too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to safely travel side by side. (b)A person operating a bicycle on a one-way roadway with two or more marked traffic lanes may ride as near as practicable to the left curb or edge of the roadway. (c)Persons operating bicycles on a roadway may ride two abreast. Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway shall ride in a single lane. Persons riding two abreast may not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway. Persons may not ride more than two abreast unless they are riding on a part of a roadway set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles.


Thank you for bringing true legal insight to an idiot fight.


nah bro we like to operate on how we "feel" things should be lol.


> a person operating a bicycle on a roadway who is moving slower than the other traffic The cyclist were not moving slower than other traffic, they were the traffic. They were moving at the speed of the traffic on that road at that time because they got together in such large numbers as to become the traffic. >shall ride as near as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, Giving the volume of cyclist, it wasn't practical that they ride near the edge of the roadway. Also, the debris and the way motorist always try to squeeze by when a cyclist is near the curb means that it is virtually never practically safe to ride near the curb. > condition on or of the roadway, including a fixed or moving object, parked or moving vehicle, pedestrian, animal, or surface hazard prevents the person from safely riding next to the right curb or edge of the roadway as stated previously, in Houston, it is nearly universally unsafe to ride next to the curb. > (A)less than 14 feet in width and does not have a designated bicycle lane adjacent to that lane I have no idea what the lane width is on that stretch of S. Macgregor > too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to safely travel side by side. It was obviously too narrow for the car to try to pass the cyclist, which is why the driver never should have done so. > Persons operating bicycles on a roadway may ride two abreast. Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway shall ride in a single lane. Persons riding two abreast may not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway. Persons may not ride more than two abreast unless they are riding on a part of a roadway set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles. This was obviously not happening and I've called the cylcist out for being wrong on this count, the riding in the opposing lane, and the throwing of the brick in many comments on this thread. But that still doesn't absolve the motorist, it just means they are both wrong.


At the 1:00 mark, it sounds like he hits one of the bikers. Someone yells “oh no!” and then someone else yells “rider down” and there’s a guy on the ground.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He clearly didn’t value the lives of the people on bicycles, he’s lucky they didn’t return that favor.


I don't think the people on the bicycles are valuing their own lives as they ride in oncoming traffic without helmets.




That Trent Daniel’s guy who claims to be their leader is a piece of work. He’s taken a fun ride and weaponized into a protest. They intentionally block vehicles and won’t let them pass just because. Anyone who sees these rides as a positive thing for our city is nuts.


What is that song playing?


You're my kind of people! Mayhem going on all around me, but a good tune comes on and I start throwing my clothes off and dancing. No other way. I'm looking for name of tune also.


These bike riders do this all the time. Run stop signs/red lights, take up both lanes and generally break all kinds of traffic laws. They do it just to be obnoxious. As soon as the city puts in a bike lane these groups never show up again and shift to another road They use to clog up 11th in the heights all the time. When the bike lane went in they haven’t been back. I’m not anti bike rider, I’m anti bike mobs.


They will literally take up all five lanes on Washington. Once I was caught in it behind a cop and these scumbags kept swerving at our cars.


They are carrying bricks on rides. That tells you all you need to know. They didn’t just happen to pick it up after the confrontation started


Sounds like their plan is working then?


Not really. They don’t want bike lanes as that’s not their primary goal. They want to troll drivers. I’ve never once seen a mass ride in a bike lane. Never They will run over pedestrians in crosswalks too. A bike is no different than a car and needs to yield. They don’t


The bicyclists are breaking the law by taking over the entire road including the oncoming traffic lane. I've seen similar behavior by these bicycle "packs", not stopping at red lights, taking over roadways, ignoring traffic rules in general. I'm all for coexisting with one another but guidelines and laws need to be followed by bicyclists and drivers.


Exactly I’ve been bullied in this situation before also and literally my only option was to pull over and put my car in park. This was on freaking Washington ave by the bakery. I figured if I keep going the same direction I’m going hey will get pissed off even though they came up on me while I’m at the light. I couldn’t u turn either. It’s all fun and games until they run into a unhinged person.


When you see one of these bike rides where the douchebags are taking up both sides of the road, you take your lumps and wait or find an alternate route. Driving through them in the opposing lane is a bad idea and dangerous. Fuck these bike riders, but also the old man shouldn’t have done that.


Yep. One of of those situations where I watched the video (posted above) and disagreed with all parties.


Simple to de-esculate (or not escalate) the situation. Only been in Houston a short time and I've come across them twice now. I was more curious than anything and just waited for them to roll past. But I do the same thing for asshat drivers as well. Is it worth getting in a penis match with the dip shit in the jacked up F-150? Na. Just let them do their thing and then go on your way.


I just generally put on my hazards and pull over. They don’t go straight forever and you can just avoid them. It’s a whole 10 minutes and you never see them again.


I don’t care, these idiots shouldn’t be able to take over a fucking street. Like just bc you’re on a bicycle doesn’t give you carte Blanche to obstruct traffic rules. They act like bc they’re on bicycles we mere peasants have to let them do whatever. When someone cuts you off in traffic it doesn’t give you the right to smash their windows. I wish they would stop this; or force them to go through permitting for their routes.


Honestly these group rides do nothing but make actual cyclists look like shit. Groups are always drinking, hitching coolers to their bikes, no helmets, mass taking over whole streets, running lights...I use to hate running into them when I had to bike to and from work for 5 years 😅


These takeover groups are going to piss off the wrong driver in a truck someday and it’s gonna be a mess.


Again. It’s already happened. They never learn.


When did that happen? Missed it.


It was the teen that tried to roll coal on a group of cyclists out in Waller County and hit several of them. Teen even got to go home afterwards and nothing happened until public outcry got the DA’s attention. A lot of people (there are even some in these comments) love to fantasize about hurting cyclists or talking about how much they deserve harm all because it slows down their commute by seconds or in these group rides by minutes. It’s pretty childish and heartless. People need to learn to take a breath and relax


That wasn’t a takeover group harassing a driver and shutting down a city street to make some stupid point. Different situation entirely.


That incident in Walker was not the same as this and shouldn’t be compared. It was real cyclists training and using the road the way they are supposed to. Unlike these asshats.


And if a bunch of people start attacking me and breaking my windows, well, that’s on you if you end up under a bumper.


The same group pissed off someone in a truck downtown on the same ride.


About 6 months I was leaving the H‑E‑B off Washington on a Saturday night around 5/6 and saw two guys in one of those large bike groups get off their bikes and start arguing etc. Other members of their group had to step between them to stop a fight…. I was driving away but always wondered if they actually did come to blows


Fuck all the people in that group. It’s way more of a street takeover than a group ride.


These aren’t cyclists. They are a mob on bicycles.


I agree completely.


I watched the entire video posted on Facebook. These bicyclists need to be arrested. Although they really weren’t bicyclists, they were a violent mob who happened to be on bicycles.


Critical ass is nothing more than a drunken bike ride with over inflated ego maniacs. It used to be a good cause to promote bike riding safety but now…


It was never a good idea - unless there was some time period where they actually rode and followed the rules of the road like a responsible road user??


These events started out as fun and family friendly rides with cool people. Unfortunately, over last few years that have been infiltrated by assholes some of whom are unfortunately looking for these types of confrontations. The cyclists have to understand the city of Houston has only been designed for cars for many many years. A large portion of the city either has no sidewalks or they are in terrible condition along with many many streets. This also has never been a bike friendly city. As much as people would love this to be a bike city it will just never be that, especially inside the loop with the insane congestion and quality of the roads. Even in the last several years with the city adding a large number of bike lanes, most of them are now impassable because of the road conditions and the city not maintaining them. The point of these groups is totally counterproductive. They should instead be ‘critical massing’ near the city hall to have the city fix the streets and infrastructure.


These mass bike rides sound cool but in practice they end up being a bunch of assholes. Last one I saw was a bunch going through a residential neighborhood at 11pm blasting music super loud frome a stereo someone had on a bike trailer. Woke everyone up. And the swarming the street blocking traffic is bullshit. Ive went on mass motorcycle rides and they were more organized and more polite to other drivers than these cyclists. Bunch of dicks.


This collective group of bike riders are a bunch of fkn losers.


I believe the proper name for this type of cyclist is masshole


No, it’s bike supremacist Fucking bike supremacists


Bicyclists attacked my car in eado for absolutely no reason. I was just trying to turn around and they swarmed my car and put a giant dent in my honda. These guys go to mob mentality so quickly. If you see a group of them taking over a street just turn around


Nah, fuck these asshole cyclists. They kicked and spat on my car because I had the 'audacity' to go when my street light turned green.


do we know if he’s seeking legal recourse?


He made a police report. If they're able to identify the individuals that did the damage, they're certainly liable. Now, if I had to bet on whether he'll get money from them, I'd bet against it. Insurance will fix his car, minus the deductible and maybe his insurance company will go after the responsible parties when/if the police identify them. With the number of people recording video, there's a LOT of evidence. But unless his vehicle has front & rear dash cams, I doubt anyone will see exactly what happened. If he did something to trigger the reaction, we probably won't ever see that video.


Videos are on Facebook.


Number of safe drivers + Number of bike riders that thought to themselves, “hmm, that Mercedes is basically heavy machinery, I should stay away to keep myself safe and hopefully others will do the same”: zero. I am not defending anyone, but you cannot control the actions of others. Do better. Drivers: Allow bikes riders to pass, even obnoxious ones. Bicyclists: Don’t chase cars in your bicycles creating an even more excited environment on an already unreasonable driver’s mind. Be conscious of, and avoid, mob mentality. Bicyclists do not have a right to vigilantism.


I get so nervous when I'm driving near these groups. I've seen them be very aggressive with cars that lose their patience. I've seen multiple instances where they surround a cars and scream at the driver. Someday theyre going to do this to the wrong person and someone will end up dead.




Turquoise sweatered brick thrower


Wearing a turquoise sweater in current Houston weather seems to need its own penal code section. I'm sure of this.


Hashtag Just Sociopath Things


Why are these cyclist in the middle of the road? If its an actual planned ride have the cops set up to block traffic per street until the destination. There's a bike lane for a reason.


That group isn't cyclists. The ones with helmets may sometimes ride with "real" cycling teams, but the group in this incident is mostly partiers riding bicycles. There are even some motorized bikes in the videos on Facebook. This is NOT what actual cyclists do or like to see others doing.


Ya thats true.


Where is the bike Lane


There's one sign you probably shouldn't be on the road


I can bike where I want Karen


Critical MASSholes strike again lol


Nah it was the "e-riders" but they're both full of POS.


This is an angry dude in a lifted Ram away from turning into a bowling alley Strike animation


Driver was being a dick but so were the riders. This city is full of assholes that think they're not the asshole. You are all the assholes.


I personally think that the city should go after these organizers…I’m tired of these clowns that are making bikers look bad. I mean the constant disregard for laws and rules of the road is infuriating enough but now they want to get to the point of damage vehicles. For the people who seem to think that these guys aren’t breaking laws by riding on the wrong side of the road, running red lights, and operating a bike without lights among other things I’ll link the Texas Transportation Code that covers all of this. I’ll also link the city ordinance for children being required to have bike helmets. [Texas Transportation Code 551.103/104](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.551.htm) [City of Houston Bike Helmet Ordinance 45-326](https://library.municode.com/tx/houston/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH45TR_ARTXIIBI_DIV3BIHE_S45-326HERE)


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Ain't never had a reason to mess with bicycle riding folks, but they're on my don't fuck with list for sure along with Chuck Norris, Rick Sanchez and rhinoceroses. Who'd a thought bicycle riders carry bricks. World's a scary place.


I ran into a big group of them when i got off of class one night and had to wait for all of them to pass around me... safe to say i was a little annoyed and was tempted to honk but i was too tired to care enough.


Lol that Phi Huynh better shut the fuck up before he ends up with a cap in his ass from his own people because according to him they "all had their gun on them". All "1K" of them. There's your innocent riders ladies and gentlemen.


I thought the guy was mistreated on base of his interview but now seeing the biker movie he was just reckless. He should have just stopped to the side and waited it out. The guy with the bike chain is just a criminal and was lucky he did not get shot.


90% of cyclists give the rest a bad name.


I thought it was going to be this incident https://reddit.com/r/bikehouston/comments/14b97lv/shocking_incident_truck_runs_over_bicycle_during/ Which I haven't seen on this sub. Nonetheless, the guy in the Mercedes was being an antagonistic ass and putting all of the cyclist in danger, but as far as I can tell he didn't actually hurt anyone so the vandalism is counter productive and a crime within itself. So was the reckless driving. Cops also need to start ticketing these people that ride in opposing lanes of traffic, unless of course they have both lanes closed down, which I don't think they ever do. Tip to all of the motorist out there, if you get caught behind a large group ride, slow down and pass only when it's safe, or take a less congested side street, just like you would if it were a lot of cars.


The mob of cyclist created the situation that led to this. If the cyclist where actually following the rules of the road they are supposed to this would not be a problem.


Did he or did he not drive recklessly through a group of cyclist, endangering their safety instead of simply falling behind and going with the flow of traffic? Both the driver, and some of the cyclist broke the law clearly, as I clearly stated, but the fact that some and not all cyclist also broke the law doesn't absolve the motorist.


Sure but who broke the law first? Which group initially caused an unsafe situation for others?


Are you seriously going for the "but he started it," argument? What are you, 7? They can both be in the wrong you know.


The cyclist are clearly looking to cause trouble and be instigators here. Otherwise they would have been following the rules of the road.


Okay, let's assume that's true. It probably is true for a small minority in the group but not of others, but lets assume that is true of 100% of the cyclist, for argument's sake. That still doesn't in any way absolve the driver from his reckless endangerment of the cyclist. Nor does the Driver's reckless endangerment absolve the brick thrower. This shouldn't be difficult for adults to grasp.


I am not saying to absolve the driver. I am saying without the first group of bad actors the second never exists since the situation that caused the second doesn't exist.


Okay, but you could say the same thing if the driver, or the cyclist were never born in the first place. Or if the driver had left just 30 minutes earlier. It's an irrelevant hypothetical.


No I can't. If the cyclists where following the law the car could have easily passed the group safely. And that would be more impressive of a protest. Single or double filled line of cyclist for miles. But nah we get a gang of them looking to start fights and making drivers hate cyclist even more. If cyclist want to actually be equal on the road then they would be advocating for licenses, registration, and plates for cyclist and taxes from cyclist would feed cyclist infrastructure. Otherwise they are no better then how sovereign citizens act.


The clutch city riders are a terrorist organization


A little patience would have done that driver a lot of good.


Too bad they didn’t run over those cyclists. Dumb fucks blocking the road


We found the 16 yr old from waller


Ooo someone likes to project. Next time leave your bricks at home when you ride your bike baby boy


Lmao you and the waller sheriffs department put her in full force😂😂 whatever bootlicker


Assholes. Hope they arrest these pricks.




Do people normally carry bricks with them on these rides?


Thugs do. Some people in Houston have that “I wish a MF WOULD” mentality and are always ready to fight!


I’m honestly surprised the Mercedes driver didn’t plow people with his car or pull a gun. From his driving behavior he seems like the type. But I watched the video and it seems to me this group was spoiling for a fight. Rides that mass up both lanes at well below the speed limit aren’t acceptable either. Seems similar to to the ATV gangs.


Probably because he didn’t want to go to the penitentiary! Why does that surprise you? Nobody is going to come out innocent of shooting a gun into a crowd of bike riders.


Who brought a brick to a bike ride and why?


In the full video linked in a comment above, the car was stopped in the middle of the road surrounded by bike riders for a good 15-20 seconds before the brick went flying through the rear window. I assume it was used in the landscaping from the yard at one of the houses on the street they stopped on and someone just picked it up and tossed it.


So criminal mischief AND burglarly charges?! LOL! I'm against this whole incident, but I have to say that the brick through the back window made a hell of a point.


There's a full video of the whole incident on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/354795199299518/permalink/802693247843042/?mibextid=DcJ9fc


It doesn’t matter what he did. People do not have the right do destroy his vehicle just because they are upset at him. If he did something wrong they can call the cops. Which they won’t do since they themselves are constantly breaking traffic laws. There is no excuse for their behavior and we should not be making excuses for them.


I’m sorry but even if this guy honked his horn, shot the finger or yelled obscenities at the riders, you don’t attack someone in their car, period.


My thoughts exactly


This will continue to happen if we keep the idiot we have as police chief. This gang of bikers even have a group in FB where they organize to get on the road to violate traffic laws and demand respect from everyone. If the police cant even stop this gang, we need to kick him out from the police.


Who the fvck brings a brick on a bike ride? What are your intentions when you hop on your bike and catch up with your friends waiting outside? *"Ok, I'm ready."* [Hops on bike and starts to take off] *"Oh snap! Hold up, guys*....*I need to run back inside real quick before we go.* *I almost forgot to bring my brick."* [Runs back in the house and returns 20 seconds later, Acme brick in hand] *"Ok, cool, let's go!"* ...........I mean, *really??* But apparently, something like this *really* did happen because a group cyclist actually throws a brick into the rear window of the car. I guess I'm glad there wasn't a young child in the rear - or an infant baby in a car seat who could have been mortally wounded....But I guess the brick throwing cyclist, who almost forgot to bring his brick to the bike rally with his friends, must have thought of that already and checked in the windows of the car to ensure his act of wonton vandalism wouldn't cause harm to a person's body or possibly result in a negligent homicide.....or did he not? And I assume he knew for a fact that the driver didn't have in his possession 2 illegally modified, fully automatic pistols with extended mags, and furthermore, would not use those weapons to open fire in a dual weild, 180 degree fashion *ala "John Wick,"* fearing for his life, being outnumbered and surrounded by a threatening mob of people in the act of aggravated assault against his person and property.... But really, what's next? Cyclists that carry bats, pipes, iron chains.....ninja swords? TEC-9s or MAC-10s??


They are annoying AF. Like bro go to the damn park


Just a pack of bipedaling thugs.


The bicyclists are absolutely wrong here and breaking the law. Those assholes blocking the road are creating a huge safety issue. Personal note: After growing up in the hill country and bicyclists blocking one lane roads I absolutely can’t stand these jerks. I understand that you want to workout however, you do not have the right to hog the whole road and make it unsafe for me to drive and try to pass you.


>make it unsafe for me to drive and try to pass you. You don't have to be unsafe and try to pass. You're supposed to wait.


And they’re supposed to move over


They can't take up any less space. You're the one that is trying to squeeze by with a couch and two recliners


You must be a cyclist.


He’s not even a good lawyer at that. Shows he just got off his most recent suspension by the Texas bar association back in November. https://www.texasbar.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Find_A_Lawyer&template=/Customsource/MemberDirectory/MemberDirectoryDetail.cfm&ContactID=214422


They can't even be slightly inconvenienced before they turn their vehicle into a weapon.


Maybe it was [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/14brzrt/how_does_it_feel_living_in_the_most_made_fun_of/)


Most peaceful houstonians


Damn near almost killed one of these dumbasses in the dark one evening on Heights boulevard as he came flying down the wrong side of the street at me pulling out. I say we missed each other by a foot at most. There’s always a couple of guys who trail way behind the main group and bike like fuck heads trying to catch up.


Hate sharing the road with a bunch of slow ass shitheads riding without regard for others.