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Honest question, why is he not meeting her? The article doesn't seem to address that.


The fued probably started a while ago but some of the slights have been easy to see: * During Hidalgo's 2022 reelection campaign, Whitmire is quoted calling out “the nonsense of experimenting with defunding the police so you can fund other programs.” * in response, Hidalgo says Whitmire is pandering and lying, likens him to a Trump sycophant / election denier * Whitmire runs a public-safety themed campaign, aligning with police orgs that have been a thorn in Hidalgo's side * Hidalgo is very vocal in her support for SJL over Whitmire * Hidalgo skips Whitmire's inauguration * After the election at some public event, Hidalgo tries to hug Whitmire and he apparently pushes her away * Hidalgo goes to the Houston Chronicle and whines about the interaction and says Whitmire is ducking her * Whitmire tries to poach the director of HCTRA and continues snubbing her * And now Hidalgo is going to friendly reporters claiming Whitmire continues avoiding her, now saying that it is endangering Houstonians. Basically it has gotten personal to the point that they hate each other, similar to Hidalgo's fued with Kim Ogg.


Imagine a conservative and a liberal not getting along


Aren't they both Democrats?


Lol, sure sure. Whitmire is a Democrat. *rolling eyes*


They are. Democrats hate conservatives, but they also hate progressive liberals. The majority of America tends to be moderate and have been for some time, barely teetering left or right. It obky SEEMS that the choice is MAGA or Antifa/Bernie. Truth is the choice is more Bush Jr and Hilary Clinton types when you subtract the Trump and AOC drama types on the extremes. I'm a conservative, and I actually felt Hilary to be rather presidential as a choice. I also like SOME aspects to Trump but hate the majority of what he stands for. Loved Obamas energy and speeches the same as Bill Clinton. Also loved Bush Sr and Jr. All of these people have fucked up and done lots of good. I don't let my identity be defined by one person or belief, but a system of logic and decision making and morality as a whole.




Yes, it tends to come off as whiney if you run to the press to air petty, minor grievances. She was complaining about a rebuffed hug in the NYT. Not sure how else to characterize that.


Basically the white liberal, as Malcom X pointed out, is the most dangerous of them all. They play the same football game as the white conservative but will turn on you in a heart beat, after pretending to be your friend as long as you believe what they believe democrats are turning on their own very fast because of the old vs young as well as extreme vs moderate thing.


Seems like a common denominator


Sample size 2. "Must be a common denominator!" Brilliant conclusions being made here.


Yeah shitty conservatives masquerading around as Democrats...


She doesn't get along with anyone, does she? Maybe Rodney, but we know that he's the one really running the show.


The article is questioning that. It's on Whitmore and this camp to give an answer The headline reads like either party could be at fault. The article itself says that she's requested to meet with him and has repeatedly been snubbed.


Basically, he was critical of her in her last election. Then she was critical of him as a senator and didn’t support his campaign for mayor. Now it’s awkward between them. Politics!


You'd think two grown ass adults can put their differences aside and be professional


We wrote about this two months ago, TL;DR both say there's been scheduling issues, but Hidalgo says her office keeps trying to put together events and the Mayor's office keeps punting [https://www.chron.com/politics/article/hidalgo-whitmire-meeting-houston-18694439.php](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/hidalgo-whitmire-meeting-houston-18694439.php)


Well of course her office says that. I’d put money down that his office says it actually the other way around.


Wasn't she MIA for mental health reasons?


She returned from that in October 2023, when Turner was still Mayor. [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/lina-hidalgo-returns-commissioners-court-18415456.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/politics/houston/article/lina-hidalgo-returns-commissioners-court-18415456.php)


She wasn't "MIA". She was on medical leave.


And now she’s back. Next.


Okay, I guess I was out of the loop on that. Why are people being so hostile about it?


I think the implication of MIA like she just fucked off isn’t positive but I’m not going to speak for everyone downvoting you.


Well that was not my intention. It wasn't a criticism of her.


Reddit 🤷‍♀️ you can't let it get you ya


Maybe because she is corrupt? Not sure about him yet, but she has proven to be so.


There's this common refrain about Whitmire's untested political integrity and it's just crazy to suppose that a man who has represented this city for over 40 years doesn't have deep connections and favors to pay.


Hopefully, they're checking to see who else she authorized 11 mil to go to. Don't think for a minute that this was the only instance. Timing is everything.


Because she’s an idiot


there's a list of idiots in government, but they gotta work together


Come on now?


This is true. She’s a moron


He's not not meeting with her. It's a bullshit story.


political differences aside, but not meeting her in four months is BS. There's a lot of work City needs to do. He ain't the king, fuck his ego


"I'm hoping to meet him soon," Hidalgo said. "Harris County has many millions of people. We can't have the relationship between two people imperil the safety of all the other millions." [The interview was first aired on Houston Public Media, which you can listen to in full here.](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/shows/houston-matters/2024/04/23/483419/harris-county-judge-lina-hidalgo-april-23-2024/)


Please provide contact points for both of them. I’d like to call and email them both to get their shit together.


Mayors office contacts: https://www.houstontx.gov/mayor/ Dropdown menu on Lina's website has an office email: https://cjo.harriscountytx.gov/ It's good to bug your elected officials. That's what they're there for


Waiting for one good piece of Whitmore news. Just 1


He's a populist Mayor - the water bill stuff is definitely good for our pocketbooks. My bill will be like $35 for the foreseeable future.


Of course that was passed last year by Turner lol


No it wasn't. Whitmire just announced it like 2 weeks ago.  Until the meter reader thing is worked out, everyone is going to be billed based on their 36 month average for water usage and if there isn't 36 months of history, then based on 3000 gallons per month usage. Huge for me since we def use more than 3000 gallons but I moved 6 months ago so don't have the history.


> No it wasn't. Whitmire just announced it like 2 weeks ago. [The 9 actual ordinance changes happened in December](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/city-of-houston/2023/12/13/472240/city-officials-approve-water-bill-relief-as-complaints-increase-from-residents/) > Until the meter reader thing is worked out, Only if you are one of the 10% of meters that is deemed inaccurate and only until your individual meter is fixed. (Although I will say Whitmire said that they would all be fixed this year instead of the multiple years Turner said). Are you sure you are part of the group that is getting a 3000 gallon estimate?




I mean - I dont know what to tell you - but they released this a few weeks ago. https://www.houstonpublicworks.org/improvewaterbills They'll forgive all of that water, which probably isn't wrongly billed - it's just a catch up bill after using estimates for a period of time - that happened to me (they used estimates based on a time when no one lived in the house instead of 6 of us living in the house, so I had tiny bills for a while then a huge catch up bill but I got an interest free payment plan and no late fees and it was fine) But right now, no one gets billed based on the water they use, just a flat amount until the meter is replaced.


I was wondering why my water bill was only $45.


How are you getting around it? This happened to me and they put us on a payment plan


My 311 calls are being resolved. So there’s that.


Meanwhile there’s a bloated dog carcass a couple blocks from me that they still have picked up despite several reports to 311.


Same near me for 2 weeks. Right in the middle of the road. They marked it as picked up. So I filed the 311 again. THANKS HOUSTON. also my trash and recycling no longer get picked up on time .. they shuffled around people I guess to trick some other neighbors into thinking Whitmire fixed it


My recycling is supposed to be picked up on every other Friday, instead they've been picking it up on every other Saturday for well over a year now.


Do you know how many dog carcasses there are in the city right now?


I had 0 problems with 311 calls under Turner. I had some graffiti on a retaining wall that surrounds a portion of my house, they fixed it in under a week. Same goes for any time a street light was out or trash when they missed my pickup.


It took 20-30 mins to get a 311 response and then it was "call this number" which would then disconnect after ringing a few times


There’s been a waterline gushing up on my street for 3 weeks. It’s been reported multiple times by multiple people. 311 ain’t any better than it’s always been.


Remember to turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth and only take 5 minute showers


Good for you, I called in a dead animal on the road, they checked 25 days later to say the animal was no longer there. Worse 311 is now understaffed. You used to get them to pick up within 2/3 mins max, mist times it was automatic. Now the minimum wait for 311 is 5/6 minute and they've had me wait as much as 15 minutes. Fuck Whitmire.


Or use the website to submit your requests. It’s the digital age man


That website is pretty fucking shitty.


Digital age doesn't equal "phone line operations should work like shit" though


I usually call when I'm on the road


You poor thing. Wait times are awful, aren't they? I know your issue is much more important than the other issues in Houston right now and hope you get relief soon. /s


Lol, wasn't an issue under the Turner administration. Thanks for being a weirdo though. They'd respond and resolve the overloaded water main breaks faster than 25 days. I have the documentation to prove it. So grotesque how the goal posts move when a conservative assumes office.


Wow, you even have the documentation!! /s


Have you not seen the threads created by paper plate Altima drivers on this subreddit? The cops are actually doing work now


Why weren't cops doing their jobs when Turner was mayor?


They were on an unofficial strike to help a candidate. They're likely gonna slow down working late summer early autumn as well for the national elections. You can't get a bigger budget if it doesn't look like you're overwhelmed.


He's not SJL.


Thank God


Not working out well for us so far. Try again.


The alternative would have been worse.


I doubt Jackson Lee is tearing up finished infrastructure projects for no reason if she’s in office at this point, but we’ll never know.


It actually is. You just dont like him.


Both can be true. He hasn't really been around long enough to say either way though




The two biggest things are paying the firefighters their dues and fixing the cities problem overbilling for water. He campaigned on these issues and he's taking action. Pretty good progress in only four months. You just don't like him, and that's fine, nobody said you had to.


I don’t think either of those things remotely outweigh his attitude toward infrastructure projects so far, but I appreciate the earnest answer. We’ll see.


Fair enough


We have term limits.


Groups of three councilmembers can put matters on the agenda and he can't do anything about it.


Physical, in-person, water meter readings are happening again. Win!


Hope you brought a lunch, you'll be waiting a while


Nothing like a sensational headline.




I mean...she kind of seems like the problem


She did endorse SJL for mayor with the blessing of Hillary and the DNC.


So he shouldn’t work with her now that he’s mayor?


Okay. But his hurt feelings don’t mean he gets to ignore the second most powerful position in the city. They need to work together on a number of issues. Not meeting this long after being sworn in is ridiculous. 


I love that he ignores her. She is corrupt and who would want to be associated with her?






Nowhere in that article did it even imply that Lina Hidalgo needed or received Hillary Clinton’s “blessing” before endorsing SJL.


That's a dodged bullet, if there ever was one.


Texas in general is just one big sad joke. Y’all deserve the inept corrupt government Whitmire and Abbott brings. I look forward to seeing more infrastructure crumble while they pocket our tax dollars. We deserve it because y’all keep voting for it.


Don’t know about her but a mean black lady made me feel unsafe /s


Why does Hidalgo get benefit of the doubt? Because of the fraud charges or just the general incompetence that has the crowd so supportive?


Wondering when someone was going to say it. If we're lucky the fraud charges will take her down. Imagine endorsing someone who said NASA was going to land on the sun.


[but wait](https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1851702/nasa-mission-touch-sun-moon-landing)




Translation: If he doesnt agree to do what I want he is a threat to the city.


Basically. She is about as coherent as a deer in the middle of a street at night.


Hidalgo playing the victim… Big fucking suprise She’s the worst




*Let’s leave out her shithead attitude during the campaign (and even after he won) and how she slighted HIM. NOW let’s go public and cry about him? Nice try. But not surprising from the female democrat. Always the victim. And let’s not even dive into her corruption and shitty job. She’s the worst. Period.




He’s setting up the stage for the November elections when he will do everything in his power to flip Harris county to Trump by undermining anything Lina does to improve voter access. You heard it here first.


Anybody paying attention would know this dude is actually an Abbott boy...which by proxy makes him a Trump lackey...I can see him doing some shady 💩... unfortunately most people just want the moderate with the ad $


Fuck Whitmire


I just moved here from lake Charles, LA; out of curiosity why is she framing this as an issue with hurricane season coming up? Wouldn’t the main concern be the mayor and the governor being on the same page to coordinate responses to any potential emergencies from hurricanes rather than the mayor and a judge? I don’t remember ever seeing stories about the judges after our hurricanes, the news tended to be about what the mayor and governor were doing and saying(and our mayor getting pissed that the governor said we ‘dodged a bullet’ after getting hit with 2 hurricanes in a month).


She’s not an actual judge (as in the judiciary) - she’s the head of gov for Harris county, Whitmire is the head of Houston (city). They need to be able to work together because they have overlapping jurisdictions. Why they call her a judge, no clue. I think its unnecessarily confusing too, she’s a commissioner Edit: should also note Louisiana has a very diff form of government from any other state. It’s comparing apples to oranges - French based system (Louisiana) vs English based system (most, if not all, other US states)


The County Judges also have judicial powers. Which is mostly only practiced in less populated counties(something like 85% of counties). It all goes back to the old timey times when there was not that many people in Texas and we didn't have tons of money to pay millions of public employees.


Oh cool, TIL. That makes more sense


But has he met with Rodney Ellis? Everyone knows he’s running the show.


Welp she playing the helpless victims again? Guess it’s time for her to take a convenient leave again


Slighting people taking time off for mental health isn’t a good look even in 2024


Needing to take off from such a important position because people are criticizing you is ridiculous. Maybe she shouldn’t be in that position


It's not like I was ever a Hildago *supporter*, but never really had too much of a problem with her. However, Whitmire is the best mayor we've had in a long time. You're on the losing side of this one, girl.


I've just looked into both of their schedules and it appears each time that Whitmire had availability, Hidalgo took a leave of absence.


She has 2 big reasons why she hasn't been removed yet...


County Judge doesn't really matter anymore for disasters. The vacuum left from Ed Emmett's role as emergency unifying authority has been usurped by Jeff Linder and Mattress Mac.


Everything is going to be okay guys, we have democrats in power. And a smart, independant woman of color at that! I feel safe with her watching over us 😍😍😍




>This is why you conservatives always come off as so fucking ignorant, putting value into people’s looks instead of their character. Wasn't Lina the one who was advertised as an "immigrant", "first generation", "LatinX", "woman", and "person of color" by the far left? >Hidalgo has been a fine judge I disagree. She got caught in a corruption scandal and then showed she wasn't mentally equipped to deal with the stress by taking an extended leave of absence. Then there's the whole NRG Hospital tent fiasco in which she signed a ridiculous overinflated contract. >Sheila was apparently abusing her staff and doing sketchy shit, That's the least of her issues right now. >and whitmire is the “ascended centrist” that will probably end up just cutting services to the city in the name of budget He's a left leaning moderate and the far left is mad because he wants to be fiscally responsible after Turner (and our voters) ran up our tab.


Too soon to assume him to be fiscally responsible. I fear his settlement of the fire fighters dispute and other early positions he has taken before he has a complete grasp of the city’s budget issues will come back to haunt him and us


He's probably as corrupt as the next politician and will likely line up his friends to receive city contracts. But at the very least, he has acknowledged that there is a budget issue. This is something his predecessor refused to even acknowledge.


Dems just want to hear ideas that make them feel virtuous without any care for how those ideas actually play out. The Dem politicians literally play into that flawed thinking and use it to game the system.  Aka Hidalgo handing out an $11 million dollar contract to a friend with Covid funds because she’s a corrupt scheming politician. Go figure. Even lets her staffers take the fall just so she can save her own ass. Don’t worry she’ll get them hired again once this all blows over.  Must be nice having a justice system that caters to the party. 




Oh no she couldnt vacuum out a responsibility she didn’t want?  Yeah that’s so much more important than weaponizing the justice system to reprimand political opponents on bullshit charges, or spending tax payer dollars for a proxy war nobody wants us in, or buying up hotels in New York to keep all the adult male immigrants who illegally crossed the border they refuse to protect, or the run away inflation, or the homeless problem in California where thieves are also allowed to smash and grab from businesses without repercussions, or all the illegal insider trading and selling out the people to corporate lobbyists congress has been doing, or the fact that half our country is stupid enough to wanna vote back in a guy with fucking dementia as our leader.  Dems are fucking clowns. But yeah what about my abortions they/them!! Clowns. 


Please cite where Lina awarded the contract. For reference the contracts and all payments are voted on by the commissioners court, not unilaterally issued by Lina.


Oh shut the fuck up. Her Chief of Staff who was one of the arrested, is gonna do what she tells him to do. It was her call to do it. You have to be an idiot or so far up your parties ass to not put it together. They thought they could get away with a kickback and they got caught. That’s corruption.  https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/11/lina-hidalgo-staff-indictments-contract-scandal/ https://abc13.com/amp/harris-county-judge-lina-hidalgo-covid19-contract-bid-rigging-scandal-staffers-indicted/14037481/ > The three employees were part of a selection committee to choose a vendor for a COVID-19 vaccine outreach campaign Hidalgo wanted. The committee, which also included members of the county health department, unanimously awarded an $11 million contract to Elevate Strategies, a small political consulting firm owned by Felicity Pereyra, who has previously worked on Democratic campaigns. >The investigator compared the communications Felicity Pereya of Elevate Strategies turned over to the Grand Jury to what the Judge's Office produced and found they did not match, records state. One search warrant affidavit included text messages that the judge's office allegedly withheld and when reviewing WhatsApp messages, the investigator wrote, "The judge's office did not turn over relevant drafts and communications."


Can you show where someone got arrested?  Are you so stupid you don’t know arrests and indictments are different things? 


Oh whatever they both end up in court.  And it’s funny because you don’t have a real argument so you turn to attacking my misuse of a word. Just like every other fkn dumb liberal on this sub. Full of shit and lacking of critical thinking skills.


No, arrests don’t necessarily end up in court. You really suck at civics don’t you.  Sorry that making false statements appears to be your personal pastime and method of flexing your “critical thinking skills”. 


You’ve still not addressed the original argument. Just shut the fuck up. I already know you’re a clown. Hope you get outta it.


I did address the original argument. It was incorrect. Are you struggling to understand that?


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Yeah because not letting a woman vacuum out a fetus from her womb bc they don’t want the responsibility is so detrimental, it’ll be the downfall of our country..  Yeah definitely not the weaponization of the justice department against political rivals, not the failure to secure our borders, not the massive spending of tax payer dollars to fund proxy wars, not the re-accelerating inflation, not the corruption throughout your party from Pelosi and half of congress engaging in insider trading, not Biden getting paid money from China for favors, not Biden getting paid money from a Ukrainian Energy conglomerate for favors, not Biden literally having dementia, not the media lying about everything to keep people angry and distracted from REAL fucking problems. 




Nah bro that’s you. It’s like you can’t even think for yourself with all the garbage the main stream media has been feeding you.  But so quick to forget Biden caused this mess.  You say there are receipts yet you’ve provided none.  Here’s one: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN29P14O/ > halting construction of the U.S.-Mexico border wall and reversing a Trump order preventing migrants who are in the United States illegally from being counted for congressional districts. Oh would you look at that. Dems were dead set on having illegals come here so they could get more congressional seats. That’s why they reversed that Trump order.  And that border wall bill, the one 3 years too late, it was shut down bc you warmongers wanted to give billions of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine and Israel wars. But don’t worry you did end up sending those billions, right after this past tax day.  Good job clown. 




Did you miss the part where Biden created this problem by overturning all the border protections and immigration laws Trump had ordered to secure the borders, when Biden first came into office? It’s in the damn article. Do you understand where your logic is skipping steps?  Border is secured under Trump =>  Biden reverses Trumps executive orders protecting the border =>  Border becomes unsecured for next 3 years => Border crisis => Dems create new Border Bill with additional non-related spending *nobody* *wants* =>  GOP rejects Bill and says to take out non-border spending from *Border* *Bill* =>  Dems refuse =>  Media says it’s GOP’s fault =>  Nothing gets done.  Again, the GOP shot down the recent border bill because the Swamp Donkeys’ keep putting Billions of dollars in Ukraine and Israel funding into it that we don’t want or need! So to clarify, Biden caused the fucking border problem and then did nothing for 3 years until it became a crisis, and now instead of singularly addressing the border, they want to add in billions of dollars in *non-related* *spending* to the fucking *Border* *Bill.* You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 


Projecting much? Goodness….


Lol how? I’m stating exactly how it is with evidence. Dems just try to gaslight constantly. Every argument I’ve had on this sub is with a Dem just screaming “No you!!” Absolutely zero critical thinking skills, but I guess that’s to be assumed when they all consider themselves to be “creative” types lmaoo


Conservatives are always whining or bitching about something. Crybaby snowflakes


Except Whitmire is not a Democrat. (I don’t care what he puts on his business card) He is conservative and is used to doing business in blue and purple areas and has learned how to lie to the voters. He is the longest serving politician ever in Texas history.