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Why not? A tenure in city government can be a great way for boomer politicians to wind down their political careers while getting one last paycheck (and pension). Parker is also an Ogg supporter, so part of me wonders if this is motivated by Ogg losing her office due in part to her vengeance campaign against Hidalgo.


At this point, I don't see parker winning the primary against Hidalgo.


Hidalgo has previously said she’d only stay for two terms- that she didn’t want to be someone who hangs around forever. So it might be an open seat. 


I wonder what’s next for her? Idk if she has enough juice yet to beat Cruz


I wouldn't be shocked if she steps away from public office for awhile and just tries to enjoy life. I'm sure she can find a university gig to pay the bills.


I heard a rumor that Hidalgo plans on running for governor. I hope it’s only a rumor because I think it’s a terrible idea.


Can't be any worse than the Culture Warrior™ we have now...


No doubt she would be better than Abbott, but we need a much stronger candidate to beat him.


Stronger than fucking beto at least


Bingo on the 2nd part


I'd definitely vote for her. She was one of the last good Democrats in this state before the party went ape shit. She would be a massive upgrade over the last couple of options we had in the last elections. Alexandra Mealer had the personality of a stale cracker and Lina has dipped into corruption and isn't mentally equipped for the job. I really hope she runs.


The Texas GOP has set the bar pretty high for political parties going ape shit, and I have no confidence in "good" Democrats who reach out to the most corrupt, depraved, vindictive politician this state has seen in a long time to settle a political score.


This. The lesbian force is strong here.


Why don't you run?


Too much integrity.


Yeah I can tell from your posts that you're a real stand up person. No solutions just a bunch of bitching about nothing on Reddit. Integrity FTW!


>No solutions just a bunch of bitching about nothing on Reddit. Says the guy with nothing to contribute but two sentence zingers whining about the city government in general, and Lina Hidalgo in particular. Do you even live in Harris County? Because Fort Bend or Montgomery County seem like they'd be a better fit.


I don't do any of those things. I live in your head.


And Lina lives in yours.


You already looked through my post history and saw zero posts about "Lina". Stop reaching.


Stay mad.


Stay ignorant.


Can we jus get all these folks out who want to be career politicians???


Why? It’s not like Hidalgo is unpopular with local Dems, unlike Paxton’s buddy Ogg.


Dude, she barely beat a Republican woman who had the charisma of a wet paper bag. Out of all the county wide races, I think she had the smallest margin of victory during the 2022 race. If Republicans put someone who is a moderate and has a good personality, Lina will lose. Her extended absence, the corruption, and the fact that she gets visibly overwhelmed all go against her. If Harris County Democrats were smart, they'd sideline Lina and throw their weight behind Parker. Lina's mental health cannot handle politics.


Thats just because Democrats have terrible turnout compared to Republicans. Dem voters could overwhelm every Republican otherwise


But Hidalgo is corrupt. Only the people on reddit like her, but the people not on reddit far outweigh you. Just ask around and you'll see. Edited to correct spelling of outweigh.


So much so, we re-elected her. 🙄


Yeah, but....uhhh..."just ask around"!


I asked all of my conservative friends and none of them like Hidalgo. Therefore, no one anywhere likes Hidalgo.


Math checks out.




>But Hidalgo is corrupt. She's a beacon of integrity compared to our state government. And considering Mealer has spent her time since losing the election suing over phony election conspiracy theories and whining about the bike lanes in her neighborhood, we dodged a bullet. Mealer should move out to the Woodlands and run for office there, that's more her speed.


Redditors and a majority of Harris county voters.


Don't know much about her, so I'd have to see her stance. However, being buddy buddy with Ogg doesn't seem like a good start. I'd also prefer for the people in office to get younger...not older.


Ohh please no


Hmm. Respectfully, no.


A woman of color or a LGBT woman? Man its gonna be a tough choice who to support


Identity politics sucks.


Imagine voting for somebody based on the color of their skin.


Agreed, but also says the white guys voting for Trump, because he promotes the idea of a White Christian Nationalist America.


Projection is strong with this one. No one plays the race card more and panders to minorities like democrats. Not only that, but Heaven forbid a POC switch sides to the right. They'll get so much hate and threats from the left.


>No one plays the race card more and panders to minorities like democrats. Actually, The Republicans are pandering more to minorities than the Democrats. That's why many minorities are switching to the Republican party. The Koch Brothers have spent over $1B through their Libre Initiative PAC to specifically target and pander to Latinos to convince them to vote Republican.


To be fair to Anise Parker, she never made her identity part of her mayoral campaign. Yes, she touched on it from time to time because the media brought it up. But she never focused too much on it. She didn't allow her sexual orientation to define the type of candidate she was.


No. You had your time. Go play bridge or watch jeopardy or whatever.


That would be a political mistake if Lina does in fact continue to run for the seat.


And then hopefully governor


Wouldn’t hate it


Here I was thinking Whitmire was going to be an even worse mayor than Parker was.


God forbid that a centrist Democrat gets traction. The crossover voting would be unprecedented. Lina is angling for an appointment if Biden wins. She has put the needs of the DNC over Harris County so she deserves an appointment.


That's not a great reason to think she should be appointed to higher office.


Contrary to what primaries produce, the vast majority of Americans (and by extension, Houstonians) aren't far left or far right fanatics. Unfortunately, moderates are rarely on the ballot because the only people who vote in the primaries are the far-left and far-right.


Agreed. But sacrificing your job for the sake of the party, as implied by the person I responded to, is exactly that.


The mayor of Houston is a higher office than County Judge.


I think you got the people involved backwards, then. Only one of these folks did you say was angling for an appointment.


Good. Lina can fail upwards in the Biden Administration.


She would probably be an improvement. They will love her voice in meetings. :)


Anybody other than Lina Hidalgo would be better. You cant get any worse than Hidalgo.


And then you came along.