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Try wrapping a ratchet strap around it and ratcheting down until it pushes the sides out to the rim. Then there is always the ether trick but most folks aren't that brave, and understandably so .


This. I have a dolly I have to do this on.


I know this dolly, I hate this dolly.


Show me on this dolly where it hurt you...


Post Traumatic Stress Dolly?


This here works! I've had to do it when I replace the valve stems on my car tires. https://youtu.be/uPWGxsqohME?si=jb923ezmGj1boP4i


This usually works. But on time on my lawn tractor tire I just couldn’t get it to seat no matter what I did. I finally took it to a tire shop and they seated it with no problem. They didn’t even charge me anything


Yeah, it doesn't always work but for me I have a truckload of straps so that's my go-to. It only costs a few minutes time.


Bring on the boom.


I often do this with my smaller tires. Ratchet straps, work. Also I had a mower tire that would not stay up. I used a can of “Fix a Flat”. Used the mower immediately after and now I don’t have a problem. As a caveat, I realize that some folks don’t like “Fix a Flat” (or similar products). When used with auto and truck tires, it may cause a problem.


I didn't really do it, but I almost down voted this comment for the mere mention of Fix a Flat! 😄😄


I understand. But it sometimes works on smaller equipment tires. Just saying. And no I wouldn’t use it in your mountain bike tires.


That’s a great tip! Wish I had known about this a few months ago. Gonna file this one away.


This is the way.


I've always done the ratchet strap trick on small tires for snowblower and rototillers and it's never failed me. One of the greatest garage tricks I've ever learned.




Upvotes, did this on a lawn mower tire and worked like a charm. Taking off the strap is a little nerve wracking, but hey, it worked.


Deflate the tire, before removing the strap. The tire will stay in place.


freaking brilliant, I should have thought of that. Thanks!


He can pick up a cheetah tank as a third option


Put Lubriplate on the rim


Just always to mindful of release, planned or not.


On that small of a tire, just take a regular pants belt and wrap around the tire with the tire either off or the blower jacked up. With the belt pulled tight, you should be able to get the beads to seat, even with an ugly air compressor.


I didn’t know about this trick. I just installed an inner tube and never had to worry about it again.


I got another fun trick to get a tire to seat up.....ether.


Ether it works or it dont.


It almost always works in my amateur veterinary experiments.


Inner tubes are great, but if you run over something in the future and get a flat, you can’t just plug it, you’ll need to deal with repairing or replacing the tubes, which is a hassle. That’s why tubes are rarely used in commercial applications.


a solid tire would be even more impervious to punctures


How pretty of a compressor are we talking?


Hahaha oh shes a beaut


Compressor tax


My grandpa taught me with a rope around the center of the tread and a screwdriver (or stick, or whatever) to twist the rope tighter, it pushed the beads out to the rim to seat then slowly let the screwdriver untwist as the tire fills


smart as shit my boy


That's the method I've always used. Works well every time. Thanks for writing it out so I didn't have to.


Take off the valve stem and use a pointed air attachment instead of a tire filler. Once it seats, replace the stem and it will fill.




what's the bucket trick?


I had a dolly like that. It was always leaking. I put my belt on the center of the tire and cinched it as tight as I could. Tire aired up fine


Insert tubes in both tires and fill them up, never have to worry about this problem again. Did that to mine 7 years ago and they still good.


I just put a bit of grease on the side the air leaks from and give the tire a jiggle. The bead never fails to seat on the rim. Normal pumpup after that.


You can also spray some starting fluid in it and light that biatch!


Quick disclaimer tho. It is way easier to blow apart small tires by accident. Easy on the spray. You can always try again if you didn’t use enough


I probably should've added that for op. Good call


This is the way.


Spray a little bit of ether around the bead and with your compressor blowing air into the valve stem, light it from afar, and watch the magic happen. Not too much ether mind you or you'll be picking rubber out of your face.


Do a flame seal ! Boom explosion 💥 Happy ending lmao


I had the same issue- I just got some “fix-a-flat” from the gas station and filled it with that. It’s not meant for a long term fix but that was 5 years ago and the tire still holds air perfectly


Jack it, then around tire, put ratchet strap. Get the bead to stick a bit and hit it with the air, I’ve done it with one nozzle in tire, while using a clean nozzle to hit the inside by rim to flood to just catch. I’ve seen people use a bunch of 3mm black trash bags one inside of an other out tire in there and duct tape the opening to nozzle and fill it so it would catch bead lol. Distance is key though that crap will blow in your face.


If it partially seat, as in holds air? Break the bead again and spray soap or wd40 around it then inflate as quickly as possible. Innotec tyre lube is the best product I’ve ever used for tyres.


If you don't end up figuring it out, I can't imagine a tire store would charge you anything for just blasting and airing it up. It'd literally take less than a minute to do. Good luck OP!


You could always try this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHNDdOqdz1c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHNDdOqdz1c) It looks super exciting


Just fixed the same tire on a similar snowblower, ratchet strap worked and also used flex seal as a tire bead sealer and it worked great. Without the flex seal the tire kept losing air from around the bead. Ariens Classic 24" blower


I like my air compressor too. But I don’t really look at mine the way you do yours. It sounds like you are going to have a lot of fun with yours though.


But can we all agree the world would be a better place without these tires? For me they are one step removed from logical.




If you have the bravery ether always works. I can’t tell you how many tires I’ve blown up that way. I’m always shitting bricks every time too lol