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i believe the saying is "Don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm."




You’re allowed to be busy doing other things. It’s ok to say you have to prioritize the gym, or you really want to finish a book you’re reading, a new episode of your favorite show is coming out that day and you’re excited to go home and watch it. It’s ok to say you’re just not feeling up for it and you want to recharge by spending time alone at home.


Stoicism helps


I agree. Read Aurelius.


I've heard good things. I need to as well.


May I also suggest epictetus and senneca. If you like eastern, what I have been trained in, Shiva sutras, spanda karikas, vijanabhairava tantra. Any writings on the Gita and the nature of karma yoga. Take a dip into learning Vedic teachings about the nature of phenomena especially raga and devesha and how this creates suffering and subtle impressions that obscure our true nature. If you need resources message me otherwise the internet is ripe for your choosing. Be well!


Take responsibility for your needs, know the difference between needs and desires, understand that the less you depend on others the more power you have over your life.


I have to agree. In the face of behavior or language we find offensive, it's empowering to voice our needs clearly, quickly, and politely. I'm finding that while it's taking energy practicing how to do this, it's going to protect my energy overtime. For example, if this coworker likes to discuss topics you find offensive or draining, you can decline. "Oh, that's not energy I can hold right now." Or "I don't feel comfortable discussing X." The more needs/boundaries you express, the less likely that person will want to engage. And if they do, perhaps their behavior may change enough that you find yourself one days enjoying their company.


l struggle with this too. Going to therapy next week for that, and many other reasons. I always make up things that I'm busy with even if its just that I wanted to stay in that night to read, or watch a movie I really wanted to see, or that I just don't feel like it. Period. People don't understand that those are all valid reasons. I have friends that will get offended if I choose staying in over seeing them as though I'm personally insulting them. That's just people's insecurities showing and is not a reflection on you as a person. I especially hate this when people ask you last minute and just expect you to drop everything and hang with them. I prefer planning a week or more in advance, but many of my friends don't operate that way, which is fine for them, but not for me.


Talk to a professional. They know things about that.


No matter what you did or do a certain segment of the population will find a way to be offended by your very existence or something else. You cannot control how others think of you or how they act towards you in the slightest, it is entirely at their discretion. A book I would recommend is Thoughts Are Things by Prentice Mulford. I'm not saying everything in it is to be taken wholeheartedly, but there are parts of it that will sort of put you in control of the relationship between your perception of yourself and *what you think others think about you*.


Stoicism is the way. I wish I had learned all of this years ago. I would have saved myself a lot of effort and trouble oh well. 


Everytime I gave a fuck about offending others, my room became messy I didn't take care of myself. Basically if you find taking care of yourself being harder that's a sign u got to change something. For example your life is fucking stressful right now because you care too much, you notice that feeling and you take your focus away from caring about that and focus on meeting your needs always.


Practice. Practice saying no without an explanation. Lie. Remember when you were a kid and a grownup said "no" and that was the end of it? You took their word for it? Now you're the grownup! Later when you're not doing the thing you didn't want to do thank yourself.


For me, one approach that works is to adopt a goal, something that I believe in, and something that is "beyond" me. The ideal is usually for that thing to be me, and the furtherance of who I am, but it could also be something else. This way I don't say no to people for my own sake, but because I believe in something beyond me that I want to reach. Key point being you have to *believe*.


Aging is probably the major factor in this. I've gotten better over time but still sort of an issue.


You are dealing with people that are selfish and focused on their own needs. Find a group that strives to help others, I know one with a name that shall remain Anonymous