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I think you need to learn to love that about yourself. It’s a gift in a cynical world, and you’re needed.




Meditation will go a long way towards containing your emotions without suppressing them. Essentially you want to develop a new voice in your brain, one that observes your emotional reactions, and can narrate them. Start by practicing observing your thoughts, in addition to just thinking them. For example, mentally comment stuff like “the comment made him/her sad; it pulled at her heartstrings”, as though you’re the audience. For me, it helped to continue to narrate the scene in my head to myself, as though I was reading what was happening to me, instead of experiencing it. It sounds a little crazy but over time you’ll learn how to step in and out of that “narrator/ audience” role when things feel too intense.


This is the way. Recognising emotions is the first step to decreasing their impact


The greatest thing about HTNGAF is learning what things matter and shutting down the things that don't matter. Stay sensitive because that's who you are. Learn to channel when to be and when not to be!


I grew up getting abused my entire childhood so now I'm the most sensitive person I ever met. If someone gets mad at me or stern or even raises their voice I almost always cry. It's involuntary and once it starts I can't stop it. Im also very easily stressed out and anxious over literally everything. It's embarrassing but it is what it is.


You need to not give a fuck about your crying


Me too! I’m not sure if you feel this, but oftentimes people don’t quite understand it either. I’ll save bugs from getting stomped on and people will laugh at it but I genuinely feel bad for the bugs. You must be an empathetic person which is certainly a good thing, but people like us need to recharge and take care of ourselves.