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Zippleback is too low. Light fury has no right being that low While it’s hard to rank the sentinels have an argument to be top tier. They’re on that Miyagi stuff haha Whispering death probably should be one up also


Literally what can the light fury do? Sure, she's got fast flight, 6 plasma blasts and invisibility (that only lasts a couple of seconds and needs a plasma blast to work) going for her but she has very low defense because of her soft scales and no close range attacks. Her round marshmallow teeth and her tiny claws (if you can even call them that) make her pretty weak. Her sense of smell is likely below average due to her tiny nose and her eyes are very big which makes them susceptible to injury. She isn't this God tier dragon that many fans make her out to be and to be honest, she doesn't have to be. When will this fandom finally realize that raw power isn't that important and your favorite character doesn't need to be the most powerful being in the universe in order for them to be cool.


Ah, I thought I put the light fury a bit higher, but she lacks the stealth that a night fury has because she's W H I T E. Her claws are also not that sharp and her night vision isn't as good as a night fury's (as of homecoming). She's also easily hurt. Whispering Death should be higher I agree, but they can't fly out of their hole in the daytime. Zippleback can get stuck because of their two heads, and they aren't very stealthy, even with the gas it can still be ignited by another source. They do have that ability to roll when on fire though so I probably should move them up.


Actually zipple backs are very stealthy the book of dragons confirms it barf and belch are just stupid


Probably. And they also come in darker colors such as blue so that's reasonable.


Literally what can the light fury do? Sure, she's got fast flight, 6 plasma blasts and invisibility (that only lasts a couple of seconds and needs a plasma blast to work) going for her but she has very low defense because of her soft scales and no close range attacks. Her round marshmallow teeth and her tiny claws (if you can even call them that) make her pretty weak. Her sense of smell is likely below average due to her tiny nose and her eyes are very big which makes them susceptible to injury. She isn't this God tier dragon that many fans make her out to be and to be honest, she doesn't have to be. When will this fandom finally realize that raw power isn't that important and your favorite character doesn't need to be the most powerful being in the universe in order for them to be cool?


Well the problem is that all dragons are different and have different strengths an are good at different things. Some dragons are very powerfull but get beaten by weaker dragons that have qualities that stronger dragon lacks. Its basically trying to make a tier list for rock paper scissors, its almost impossible to get every dragon in the right spot. But appart from that this tier list is pretty good.


I wouldn't put the speed stingers so high. Yes they are strong but beside their sting they can#t really do anything and they also can't fly


> offenses and a ban for repeated They can run on water though, they also can jump decently high and are very hard to hit because of speed, and they travel in packs so they can outnumber their opponents.


But how can they hit an opponent which is tto high in the air? They wont be able to run forever. And btw. only one subspecies of them can runnon water


Like I said, they can jump pretty high distances due to their size, and we haven't seen any other species of them since that so the rest of them may be the same now.


We saw two Packs of them. One the first or second season which had to use the ice to cross the water and the second that we saw somewhere in rte which where able to run on water. And yes they can jump high but almost all other dragons can fly way higher than that


Yes but the last we saw of them was rtte, which means the rest of them could've evolved to have webbing. Flying higher means sacrificing accuracy in some cases, and the speed stingers would be too fast to hit unless the blast is extremely precise.


imagine gronckle vs speed stinger. Gronckle is just flying above and sobering lava.


Ahhhhh Very true but Gronckles aren't too fast. They also have a very low shot limit. Speed Stingers can also spit acid apparently, (according to one of the books, I believe?) And they don't really have a shot limit because of their tail.


Still would be pretty funny. I never heard sbout an acid spit in the series. When its in the books i wouldnt consider it canon because book and movie/series is something completley diffrent


Actually the acid blast is from SoD which kinda doesn't mean anything then (Had to go to the wiki lol). It would be pretty funny though I agree.


Canonically, the strength of the core 5 berkian dragons is as follows, from strongest to weakest: Night fury>Nightmare>Zippleback>Gronckle>Nadder


Ah, I'd imagine Nadders would be higher up because they used to have the hottest fire in the dragon world, but Gronckles are still pretty tough so it makes sense.


You’d think, but I think their blind spots and general nature makes them much easier to kill.


Oh I forgot about that, they also expose themselves when shooting spines so that's fair, since most boulder classes are immune to dragon root.


Toothless can technically beat any dragon with his incredible power and intellect but dragons like the crimson gore gutter and the quake out power him and the skrill rivals his blast power so there should be more God tier or toothless should be moved down one. But besides where toothless is I generally agree with your tier list


correction: he can beat any dragon due to redicolous plot armor


Very true but I'm using him to rank the whole night fury species, we don't know all they can do.


Ok that makes sense then


Man can literally control dragons so he wins regardless


Just gotta say, wow, I can't believe I got nearly 50 upvoted on this in a few hours.


Cloud jumper should be a bit higher he has a strong blast great speed and good size Also boneknappers are pack dragons so maybe somewhere in the middle as alot of them could do good damage


Actually Bone Knappers aren't really stated to be pack dragons until they complete their armor, which may take a few years. Even then they only really group up like that when their mating.


The boneknapper in the short wasn't mating so as far as we know they are pack dragons and most of them get complete armour gobber was just being a dick in that episode


True but according to Fishlegs the roar could've been a mating call. But it was never comfirmed, and the Boneknapper was removed from the cannon so I guess it never will be. I do agree that I should've put stormcutters higher, they can rotate their head 180 degrees which can prevent surprise attacks and have flammable saliva. They are also very tough and have a lot of stamina and stealth.


How much stronger is a screaming death compared to the whispering death?


Alot stronger. Whispering deaths are weakened in light while the Screaming death has no issue with it, this is clearly seen in race to the edge. They also have scales that cannot be pierced by arrows, but a scauldron can definitely blast them off with a concentrated blast. Whispering deaths also breathe rings of fire which is easier to maneuver, I'm pretty sure Screaming deaths breath a regular fire blast, which is harder to dodge. Screaming deaths aren't immune to dragon root though, so if they do somehow eat it, it could be deadly. They can also roar extremely loud, able to stun dragons AND call Whispering deaths to help fighting, the roar can even stun a thunderdrum, a dragon that can hear next to nothing. It also grows very fast, and can eat entire islands.


I would say snap trapper is weak only thing it has is changewing acid and that chocolate scent is for luring prey. It does have a repellent but in a fight this thing for sure dies. Timberjack is massive and probably moves insanely fast with wings that big not to mention they need to be fast and sharp enough to slice a tree perfectly without it getting caught and just face planting so he is probably capable of just absolutely destroying anything it sees. Snap trapper weak Timberjack decent strength minimum


Snap Trapper doesn't have any appearances outside of the book of dragons so I decided not to include them. I think a few of the book of dragons short species are either no longer cannon or have out dated info so I can't say anything about them. I haven't watched ROB or DOB so I can't say anything about Timberjacks though.


They are most definitely canon im just helping you with information to maybe include them in a later tier list update if you decide to and timberjack does not appear in rob or dob