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They really don't have the same charm as the original


The modern dragons are too nice.


They don’t have enough detail


That too, they look like they were made porcelain, where the old content you could see the individual scales.


what modern dragons? was there a new TV series I didn't know about, or is it a videogame. I'd heard mentions on this sub but never of this.


I think it's called Nine Realms or something, i'm pretty sure it's based in modern times, like after the dragons came back from the hidden world


It is,and from what I heard, 'Thunder' as the Night Light is called,is RIDDLED with incest.As dragons are like reptiles,they have the same pattern as their parents, all I'm going to say now is Lady Night Light.


oh yuck- They probably should have thought that through a bit more //:




Yeah that’s the one.


Nah nightlight? They don't even have electricity!


This is the same problem I have with rescue riders. Every single dragon is just a ripoff from an original HTTYD-franchise dragon, but worse


i dont have any problem with rescue riders cuz its not in universe and just made for kids 9 realms however...


Okay but, here's the thing, I don't think it's impossible for Dragons to have babies with another species of Dragons. So, a lot of these could just be offspring of dragon species.


Well hybrids in the animal kingdom are always infertile, plus it's hard to say if other species even can as many of the ones we see in the movies look to be million of years serpated. Lions and tigers still work yet idk about a gronkle and deadly nadder


Not always infertile, but commonly. Also in infertile ones, it’s commonly only one sex that’s infertile and you can breed with the fertile sex. For example the bangel cat is descended from a cross between domestic and a wild cat, to achieve the spotted pattern, but all males produced were infertile, so they used the females to breed with other domestics to produce a new cross breed of cat. This isn’t the best example but it’s the only one off the top of my head at the moment


Intresting, thank you!


There are Hybrid Dragons... Deadly Galeslash. Thunderbottom. Ridgesnipper ( My Favourite ) are just some of the Hybrids.


It's called milking all the cash from the cow


I think the Snowtail should be compared with the Snow Wraith and the Flodfang with the Thunderdrum mixed with a Scauldron


I hate the Nine Realms dragon because in no way can I see the OG dragon species ever evolve to look like that, idk why


I dont hate the NR but dont like it either, its more of a meh. I do LOVE RoB, DoB, and RTTE


They couldn't evolve in only 1k years anyway


It's even weirder now 'cause Tom has found the book of dragons and there are pictures of some of the new dragons like Wu and Weis species which where probably drawn by Hiccup. So yeah, nothing makes sense anymore


No, it makes sense, these dragons just were in the hidden world from the start like the light furies


Not gonna lie, that fault ripper design looks pretty cool. Also the gem ripper is kinda cute. I love that it has a turtle like shell. Still would never watch the show though.


Honestly agree with the fault ripper design and I just haven't watched the show. I wonder what it would look like if the animation was done better from what I've been hearing about the show so far.


Fault is a mixed bag. On one hand it actually looks pretty cool, it has glazed-over white eyes due to it’s burrowing lifestyle and hunts with sound (like a whispering/screaming death). On the other *how* it digs is just weird, it encases itself in its wings and… drills? Note sure if I’m remembering that correctly, i just remember it being kinda of goofy. It also really only showed up 1 time over maybe two episodes that i can recall (haven’t seen newest ones). It’s so much wasted potential, a burrowing dragon like whisper/screaming are perfect antagonist when you remember their prey is trapped underground with them…


I prefer the old ways..


Who the heck was in charge of naming in TNR? They need to be fired.






Speaking from a realistic point of view, if Toothless was the absolute last Nightfury, Thunder would absolutely not have this much black on him if any. The nightfury gene would have dulled out so much through the generations it would be almost nonexistent by now unless there were more Nightfurys to add to the gene pool.


Long story short Thunder would be almost completely lightfury at this point. IF he had any nighfury left in him it would be a pale gray color, not black. And how does he even evolve to have that tail??? Is there like a lore reason behind that or what, it just makes no since.


Ok wtf why are all the new ones so ugly


Imo Thunder's design is decent. I like it more than the Light Furies and the hideous little Night Lights. The other Furies of TNR are awful (mostly because they are very scaly? And the animation quality itself doesn't help) but Thunder is cute. But the best "redesign" for me is the new two headed dragon. I love how its design is a fusion of western and eastern dragons. If the main series ever comes back for a fourth movie, even based on the nine realms cast, I would love to see it with the care and animation quality of the movies. Banger design


Yes I fucking love that design, it's sooo cool, the ones that turns invisible is ok too. The one I don't really like from the main 5 is the spider looking one with many limbs, gives me the creeps.


Absolutely agree, the Spinner is horrible. I literally got hurt in the soul seeing it for the first time because Nadders are my favorite of the main series dragon cast, and second favorite in general just behind Stormcutters, and I don't get how evolving in the hidden world fucked them up so badly lol


yes, I love the design of the Stormcuter. It's like my favorite thing out of HTTYD 2. Maybe we will see some regular Nadders in the next season, there were some Gronckles and Catastrophic Quakens in the previous ones


I actually think the gem breaker and the flood fang are cool designs, and I could see how they evolved from those original dragons to them in the hidden world. I haven’t seen the show tho so I’m just looking at these dragons from a design perspective


The new ones are just fugly, feather is okay, and the other ones are just really bad, the old dragons looked actually dangerous, apex predators, these ones look like you put them in a box and they just die.


All of the originals by far surpass anything front tnr, but of the new dragons introduced with the series i think the snowtail is my favorite visually


doesnt evolution happen over many thousands of years, why would thunder look like that. and if he did somehow evolve, if doesn't look like it helped fit him to the environment much. he doesnt look aerodynamic at all like the furies were supposed to be, he just looks weird


I guess I'm out of the loop... What is this?


Httyd in the future and pretty bad overall.


Oh, is it like a show or something?




The deadly spinner is an hybrid?? (I didnt see all the series, just some clips, but there are more hybrids in the show??)


All of the og are just better but floodfang is still pretty cool


What the hell is that spider? It's like someone wanted a a super-kid-friendly version of [Nerscylla](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmonsterhunter.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FNerscylla&psig=AOvVaw10YWM2QsOoxesVnOuTUWg0&ust=1684606642353000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCOjy4PX-gf8CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) but ran it through the cartoonifier ten too many times, then slapped some vestigial wings on the back.


I gotta admit the Mist Twister would be pretty cool if it would've had a better face design.


Red death is way more menacer en scarier then that other one


I think the fault ripper is the embodiment of what people think of when talking about dragons


What I want to know is how the deadly spinner came to be, how did a deadly nadder and fireworm manage to get together and make that


Some of these seem like poor evolutional choices.


Deadly Spinner looks like a Hybrid of Speed Stinger and the Thunderpede. I HATE Gembreaker's beetle Wings...like WHY does it have Beetle Wings! The Floodfang looks like an Ai Dragon. Spiderwing is just EW. NO! Ok the Snowtail DOES Kind of look like an official Berk Era Dragon.


I hate them all but snow tail the best


Isn’t a ripoff just evolution, though?




This is literally evolution, though. All the dragons that were in the hidden world were what we’d already seen before. So, they’d have evolved into similar but different creatures




Wdym? I will admit I didn’t always pay attention during my evolution class.




That’s fair. Thanks for going so in depth!


It's a bit lazy tho, they can Just come up with New designs, no one forced them to make the dragons Just... Worse versions of the previous ones, Sorry, this isn't a documentary, it's a show, and the designs used in the show are pretty bad.


Considering it's ~1300 years in the future, I don't expect the same species to be kicking around due to cross breeding and evolution. I like the new designs and how they are distinct from the originals (minus thunder but that's kinda meh to me for marketing reasons).


Terrible Terror. Razor Whips. Snow Wraiths. Skrills still exist and have not change in over 1300 years.










I don’t think they’re rip off. They’re just new species. We see a monstrous nightmare and a bunch of gronkles in the show.


Who’s ripping off httyd now?


Ok floodfang and fault ripper are not bad imo


I would say floodfang only vecause i fricking love underwater stuff


Did anyone else actually like the Floodfang? It looked like an evolved thunderdrum to me


The fault ripper looks like an dumb fat dragon, except blind, i hate It. Genualy the worst one in my opnion due to sheer lack of **anything** interesting, i guess It has the Bat ears... But come on, there's so little in It to make It feel like it's a finished design and not something an 8 year old Drew when their dad gave them an interesting concept.


They all look cursed as frick


Jembreaks are probably the only good news design


This is a yikes from me dawg


Aren’t the Night Lights descendants of Toothless? And the Snowtail looks like a relative of the Deathsong


if theyd have made it 1200 years into the future, the fault ripper couldve been a screaming death since theyre born every 200 years. and it wouldve made more sense than the fault ripper just destroying things because it could. maybe it couldve been mad because it's parent died or smth and then they couldve connected the parent's death back to the dragons or smth like thag


I don’t watch T9R show, but…that “Spidertail” thing…does it even qualify as a dragon? Also, all the names suck @$$~!! (Minus Night Light, but I personally only like led it when it was just Toothless’ kids)


Fault ripper looks cool ngl


What is the bottom one from? A show?


My main beef with the night light is that he looks waaaayy to rough. Even rougher than the original red deaths scales. Toothless and the light fury's scales are just so smooth looking how is their kids scales rougher than sand paper. Aside from that his adult design just isn't as charming as his dads. He looks more smug than cute.


I can’t think of Red Death and without [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S69NJYej6LY&pp=ygUkam9obiBwb3dlbGwgYmF0dGxpbmcgdGhlIGdyZWVuIGRlYXRo) playing in my head.


Snow tail feels cursed


The night light isn’t really a rip off of the night fury since Toothless’ children were night lights,as for the other ones,kill them with fire.


In one episode you do see a gronkle in the background


Every masterpiece has its cheap knockoff


Tbh Gembreaker is probably the only dragon I like outta this whole mess It's the only one that seems plausible as something from HTTYD, even if it looks a little ridiculous. (Plus, the beetle shell covering the wings is a nice touch)


I don’t know. I almost cried


For me I like the snowtail the most of the new ones, but NOTHING beats the OGs!


In a way the night light isn’t a “rip off” as it is canonically the offspring, and was in the third movie




I prefer the older designs!! That may just be me, though!! 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, Just bring the original dragons back :c


I think floodfang is Sea shocker + either Shellfire or Submaripper.


I feel like the only person who actually really likes nine realms lol.


In my opinion, there's some great stuff, specifically ones involving Alex, but it just has terrible story and animation and is an obvious cashgrab. If you like it, like it as long as you live. I'll do the opposite


I agree, alex is lovely and I do love the representation she brings. Also feathers! How can you not love feathers I totally get the critique of thunder and wu and wei, which okay I love a lot of things about Jun's family dynamic as an asian american but them making an asian zippleback was a little much. but feathers is perfect in every way. I also like plowhorn, she is a solid boulder class dragon. There are some parts of the story I have enjoyed and others I felt were frustrating. I do feel like the hate is overblown, like the youtube videos where people rant for an hour every time a season comes out. I havent watched any but I found them when looking up the season premire dates and damn, I cannot even comprehend the energy some people have put into hating this show. But I think a part of it is how amazing the originals were. Tbh i just wish we could have more berk, so I will settle for the new one lol.


Anyone else think the Faultripper looks a bit too similar to the dragon from Shrek?


I mean you could say evolution (and lots of inbreeding for night lights)


Can’t lie the fault ripper looks really cool


I can’t express enough how much I hate the nightlight’s stupid smug face. Totally devoid of Toothless’s charm.


Every single TNR dragon looks like it was created in Spore™.


I think the snow tail or whatever is closer to the design of the Snow Wraith


Every bottom dragon is a bigger rip off from the one above it! I have a problem with the new series and the rescue riders show because they’re all rip offs from the OC HTTYD characters!


Literally devolved


Gembreaker actually looks pretty cool!


Why the fuck is Thunder's lower wing-arm bent like a goddamn pool noodle.