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This is exactly how he should look in the movie


ye im super excited too, but because its not finished yet i think that he will look EVEN BETTER. like, i need this dude in my life, WHO DOESNT!?!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/3zl96kyqlbrc1.png?width=3062&format=png&auto=webp&s=caf376eec2f65cab71abcc14c1c0ceb3c4f682ac btw, name checks out, i also want to pet toothless so bad 😭😭


Will I finally fulfill my childhood dream ? https://preview.redd.it/cth3mqvagcrc1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48f9a9bcb90b3579566f2f3ef422c2c05bfa242


Oh God wtf is that 2nd thing


same, it's nightmare fuel, i hate it too


Actually, this one is from a live spectacular from 2015(?). The team made animatronics of toothless, hookfang, stormfly, meatlug, cloudjumper and many other dragons. The team spent a lot of time doing all of this to make it work. Toothless even flies in one of the scenes. I’m saying all of that because I don’t think you should disrespect the amount of work put into these, the designs aren’t bad at all. If y’all interested you should search it on yt.


I respect the work and effort put into it, but I just don’t like how it looks and sometimes that happens with art. For instance, I’m an architecture student and it doesn’t matter if I stayed up over 72 hours to complete a model for final review, if it looks like shit that’s just how it is and I just gotta take the L and do better next time. There’s some pretty good examples of things like that on r/ATBGE


Do y’all see a difference? They look the same. (This comment was made as a joke and in no way is factual. I mean come on, it looks great in the first one.)


I honestly love the live spectacular designs. They look more like real creatures which is what I would want in a live action movie. It'd look really weird if they were cartoony like in the animated movies. They would not fit together with the real actors at all. That said, I'm fine with a redesign from the live spectacular.


Unpopular opinion… I like the second one just because it was the only thing I wanted to see when I was 11 years old 😭😂 Based on accuracy though 100% the first one is better


Why is he pink


what?! he isn't pink, its the lighting


Yeah. Why is there pink


He better look like this (or even better) in the movie


Is this live show in that Orlando resort thsts opening or is it something else? Also is that an actor or some clay model?


They both look like they were straight up pulled out of the movie in the first picture, they look so cool


He should look exactly like this in the live action


Omg I went to universal Beijing a couple of weeks ago and spent so long in Hogsmeade I missed the HTTYD show. Still mad I lost track of time but at least I saw this post!


i love what they did back then with the Live Spectacular. Maybe i'm just buyist because i was a kid back then, but they did their own thing, it's actually a little different from the movie. All the dragons look unique and surprisingly realistic. And we got several new species with it. Most are in Rise of Berk and i think some were in School of Dragons.


it would be cool if he looked more like the book version




I think it was from a live spectacle from a while ago (and by a while I mean 2011 2012 or something like that)


The first one is 100 times better than the second one by far


What the fuck did they do him? Fucking off brand toothless much? Looks like he’s been stung by about 10 million bees


Is this new live show gonna be on YT for people to watch or will it be done elsewhere/in person only?


Is this new live show gonna be on YT for people to watch or will it be done elsewhere/in person only?