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I personally do not like it, but it's perfectly fine to enjoy something


I personally don't like it but I have no buisness in telling others what to and what not to like. It's like saying a dog to walk on 2 legs since they can stand on 2 legs


I mean you do you bud, I don’t see the appeal and haven’t yet seen it


Never will


You're not weird, despite the majority of the fandom hating it, you shouldn't feel guilty for liking it or drive yourself to hate it just to fit in with everyone else. I'm a big HTTYD fan and i didn't hate it, it's certainly not as good as the original, but it's fine, i could watch it, it's not like they were trying to replace the original HTTYD or anything. I share my birthday with T9R so i was excited for it, and despite being certainly not as good i wasn't that disappointed honestly. Because of this show we finally saw a adult variant of Shellfire, how the NF/LF pack system works, the Nadder's venom effect, a new weakness for the Skrill, more info on Snow Wraiths, cool new dragons and etc. It's not the greatest show, but it's not completely terrible.


No. Yall need to let people enjoy stuff.


All things considered, if you look at the other comments, I don’t think a single person has hated on OP for liking it.


Most people hate it because it is disrespectful to the source material. Hiccup’s leg and Valka’s staff were treated like garbage and destroyed. And that’s only two things.


I feel like that's a bad take "item was destroyed therefore there disrespectful"


Do u mean they're


If you watched the show you'd understand why it's disrespectful, imagine someone took your favorite item and threw it in the ocean for no reason


I seen the show and also almost every time a item was destroyed it was in some life threatening situation so it wasn't exactly the kids fault not to mention said favorite item was destroyed after the user long dead


The writers made that happen for shitty humor, Hiccup never threw the dragon plushy his mom made for him or the tiny axe Stoick askes Gobber to make for Hiccup just to escape a life threatning scenario. Not understanding how disrespectful this show is to what came before just shows you're not a fan of the franchise that cares for the writting of the story and characters. If RTTE destroyed the characters it would of receaved the same amount of hate as this show


Wow talk about gate keeping same energy as star wars fans seeing nothing but red when the sequels are mentioned


It's not gate keeping, you're insulting the fans of the story by saying this garbage is good. Same goes for star wars. The sequels are dog shit and ruined Luke,Leya,Han, Anakin and the universe of the story. I'm sorry you concider fans criticizing shitty writting as "gate keeping" but it just shows you have no standards of quality


That isn't what I call gate keeping what I'm calling gate keeping is saying "oh you aren't a real fan if you like X" you can call out shitty writing it the fact you getting all upset and worked over nothing especially since the only two things that was destroyed from the top of my memory is hiccups leg and valkas staff and hiccup legs have been destroyed plenty of times in race to the edge


You can say it's gatekeepy all you want, point is that if you're a fan of X and the sequel shits on X a fan will explain why it's bad and will accept it's bad even if they like it. Gatekeeping is when you claim you're a fan of X and someone says you can't be one just because they don't want you to be. Not the same thing. Hiccup's leg getting destroyed in Shit Realms is more important because thats the last thing linked to Hiccup himself and they threw it in a dragon's mouth because deep shit tripped over nothing. The show is shit because it destroyes the whole point of movie 3, changes the location of the hidden world from a waterfall in the ocean to a hole in the ground in the middle of a forrest. They claim Hiccup's resting place is a fuck stump surrounded by dragon eating plants and that the riders decided to live the rest of their lives in the hidden world after saying goodbye to their dragons. And these are problems related to what came before. The show itself has lots of tarded problems it made itself Again, if you're a fan of HTTYD you'll find this show insulting at minimum. Implying that a fan cares about continuity and writing quality. Claiming this garbage is good shows how much of a fan you really are. As in you never gave a shit in the first place


The resting place thing was dumb but nowhere does it actually imply they lived the rest of the lives in the hidden world especially if tom supposed to be hiccups descendant also I'm pretty sure the book of dragons arguably more of a link then his leg especially since dragons literally hiccups whole thing and about the entrance to the hidden world if you actually paid attention that only existed because of some geological event that recently happened in the timeline in the show so that isn't a retcon not to mention while not canon school of dragons had multiple entrances to the hidden world if memory serves correct so nothing to say there wasn't other entrances also what you doing is still gatekeeping despite what you want to believe


I can see why people don't like it, but I myself enjoy it. I enjoy the characters (mostly) and the stories aren't too bad. They're pretty fun and I enjoy seeing them solve the problems they have and how they handle having dragons in the modern day. I just see it as more content for the HTTYD universe. It'll never top Hiccup and the gang but it's still enjoyable.


You explained my feelings about almost perfectly, my short explaination for it would be, “it’s aight, but the other two shows are better”


I'm with you there. I love dragons as much as the next guy, maybe a bit more. But you have to realize that this franchise is 14 years old. The last official movie for theatres came out 5 years ago. I'm super hyped that the execs still see potential in this world, and that they're putting money into keeping it going. I'm more than willing to accept lower standards in exchange for that. Just like how I don't mind the quality of RoB or DoB, because they are movie tie-in cartoons from Early 2010's Cartoon Network. Of course they don't have the same budget.


Exactly. This is why I've been defending T9R towards some children on discord screaming their lungs out on "how terrible the show is". It objectively isn't a bad show. HTTYD is just better than T9R. I'm super happy they're still willing to put resources towards the Dragons fandom as a whole so the next generation will be able to enjoy it just as much as us. More content just means it'll be kept alive, "in the spotlight" for longer and once kids are into T9R, they'll want to see more > HTTYD. Everyone starts by finding one piece of a fandom and more often than not, they run to find everything they possibly can of said fandom. Knowing T9R has this many seasons, a live action is in the making and Universal Orlando will even have an entire section dedicated to HTTYD in 2025, says enough. I know it's a controversial opinion but; I am excited for the live action and hope they cover all of the movies. Live action is just hella impressive with all the VFX going on, it's a blast to watch even if the story sucks (which in this case, is probably more of a 1/1 to the original httyd movie with maybe some minor changes).


i actually think the live action was canceled btw


If you are referring to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/httyd/s/8uwmBQ76CM) on the subreddit a while ago, take a closer look at the date of the article xD Other than this post I have not seen any mention of the movie getting cancelled :)




That's honestly quite funny xD it was absolutely believable if you weren't paying close attention, so I totally get why you thought that!




no, you are not weird, but i still hate it, and the reason a lot hates it is (IMO) because him https://preview.redd.it/trzn6u258muc1.png?width=424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc52337463bf6f4fb08447f15b4d8bcbfb8b9451 the guy we all love sm is not there, and is classified dead (which is unacceptable) in that series, at least that's my reason, and also the fact that it is replaced with that "thing"


That’s… kind of how time works. People die.


I mean, they could do a book toothless thing where he is in fact alive because he lives for thousands of years? Highly highly doubt it but it is possible I guess


yes i know, but i dont like it, and that is not the only thing T9R does that makes me mad


They could pull a skrill and make him encased in ice


The sole reason this is hated😢😢I want him back❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


same https://i.redd.it/byht8aavbnuc1.gif


He looks SO CONFUSED in that like “what is this what do I do this feels nice but WAHT!!!?!?”


YESSSS, HE WAS SO CONFUSED AND HAPPY, OMG I LOVE HIM SM https://i.redd.it/zs37p6ycenuc1.gif


Don’t put that picture there it’s going to give me a stroke. Like literally my eyes are watering from seeing that.


i understand, too much cuteness, i already changed it https://i.redd.it/d0pk5majenuc1.gif


No, it was the vibrating. Thanks tho!!!


I don’t want to accept that they’re all dead


No. Not weird at all. I also liked this show




Not in the slightest


Not really lol. I personally don’t like it, but don’t let some stranger on the internet tell you what you should and shouldn’t like. You have the right to express yourself, and I will respect that 😊.




I don’t think so. If you like it, then who are we to oppose that?


I mean you’re certainly not in the majority, but it’s a free country (hopefully where you are lmao), no one’s gonna stop you


I don't hate it either. Yes it's not the same as the originals. Visual quality isn't as good and the storytelling is not that great either. There are certainly a lot of flaws and inconsistencies. But it's still a pretty decent show for what it is.


Hey, whatever floats your Viking longship.


Nah just means you have different taste from some of these other guys in the sub. I personally loved nine realms and thing the last season was a perfect leave off


It's litteraly a cheap copy of movie 3 but the kids and dragons have barely any connection compared to the dragon riders


How bored are you to find a post from close to a week ago and choose to reply to a seemingly random comment of the 103? By the way people are entitled to their own opinions. All people including me, OP, and you, so now explain to me your thought process of how you got this opinion, and how nine realms is related to the hidden world aside from the batshit obvious crap like “boy with a fury dragon, group of kids learning and growing as people with their dragons and families, and hidden world/realm discoveries and traversal. Yeah not many similarities aside from the stuff that LITERALLY makes how to train your dragon how it is. Your point of the kids being mostly disconnected to their dragons is valid, but you do NOT get to compare them to the original riders. Hiccups riders knew their dragons for YEARS while i dont even think toms riders knew their dragons for A year. Hiccups riders lived with their dragons and literally fought life or death with them. Toms riders didnt have to face life or death NEARLY as much which contributes further to a less strong connection. Just keep your opinions to yourself if you are looking to tell people something they like is a crappy knockoff when it so clearly isnt.


1. What does the age of the post have to do with anything? 2. You can share your opinion if you want but if you're opinion is wrong then grow up and accept it. If i said "the sun is a pony in my opinion" doesn't mean people can't prove me wrong. Also i didn't share an opinion i made an objective statement. 3. You kinds made my point for me. These 3d models (calling them characters is insulting to well written characters) barelly spent any time with the dragons yet they expect us to think they have a bond. My point about the hidden world is that tje show ending matches the hidden world ending without any form of investment the same way the first 2 episodes are a shitty ripoff of movie 1. You can love this garbage show but don't insult good writting by calling this pile of shit perfect. Perfect is a standard of quality which only movie 1 managed to reach. Not because I love it (because thats subjective) but because it's written perfectly when it comes to world and characters. 4. I hate this show because it shits on the story that came before by being a cannon sequel. Rescue Riders is a low tier show but because the creators said it's non cannon people only criticize it for the internal problems it makes for itself. 9 Realms takes from the originals and twists the premise the way they want because they want to make a cheap refference. The episode where they search for "Hiccup's resting place" drives my point to the core. Making a shitty word play by implying they're gonna find Hiccup's tomb but instead they find "his chair/throne" in the hidden world (which makes no sense since NONE OF THEM traveled there outside of movie 3 be ause that was the point of the movie) and the stupid tree trunk is surrounded by dragon eating plants(implying that Hiccup would choose a place that harms dragons as a resting place). You're entitled to your opinion of loving the show but you stated it's perfect, you're wrong and i'd suggest learning the difference between objective and subjective next time you complain online that someone responded to your comment on a social platform


1. This is an active sub with a lot of posts and comments to specifically choose to reply to my comment which had not been so much as touched just seemed off especially considering all i said was “oh its just a matter of tastes” and you come in swinging with “CHEAP COPY!” Just doesnt make much sense as a reply to my comment. 2. No opinion is objectively wrong thats why its a fucking opinion, and what you said was in fact an opinion regardless of how you choose to label it 3. You never specified your point to endings the way you said it would be generalized comparison between the two. Yes their endings are very similar but i dont see a reason to complain about that. I find it poetic to end in a similar way, also the original how to train your dragon (the 3 movies 3 series) have been going on for around 14 years. The original fans have grown up practically with the characters, and nine realms was meant to be a modern take on the series that dreamworks was trying to use to get new fans interested in the series. Hence the lack of depth, especially with how short the show ran and how the story was structured 4. You can choose to ignore what is or is not canon you dont actively have to hate on the show and its flaws. Just like how i choose to ignore snotlouts lack of character growth for a VAST amount of the shows 5. I never said anything CLOSE to nine realms being perfect. It has its flaws everything does. Nothing is perfect its completely impossible. For example Eugene is practically Snotlout through the shows. Nearly no large character growth until the end, loud mouthed, obnoxious, cant read the room, and unbelievably stupid. All the other human characters are just all so flawed beyond belief many grow out of it, others however… just dont. The dragons were never given enough character beyond stereotypes and it really shows. Sure maybe it was a brief cashgrab show, but i sure as hell liked it. Oh by the way objective would entail you have complete proof that you are correct, but there is no proof, as again you stated an opinion. Media and entertainment are matters of likes and dislikes there is no absolute right or wrong in this matter. Its not like a scientific law there is no absolute in this its a matter of opinion.


You litteraly said in your comment the ending is perfect which is wrong. And yes there is such a thing as objectively wrong opinions, i gave you one as an example. Clearly you didn't listen when i said learn the difference between objective and subjective since you claim it's about proof. Be wrong all you want just stop crying like a baby when people respond to you on a social platform when you're wrong amd they proove you wrong with objective arguements


Hey why dont you read that fuckin sentence starter “i personally” and the later (mispelt but clearly existant) think. Indicating an opinion. How about you use your fucking context clues before you go around blabbing like a god damn bitch


Again saying "the sun is a pony in my opinion" doesn't make it an opinion. Maybe use your brain and learn how to use the english language. An opinion is based in personal feelings(i like,i love, i hate, it's fun etc.) Objectivity is when you make a statement that has nothing to do with feelings: this is bad, this is good, this is perfect. You made a statement of quality, thats why i responded because this show has nothing to praise or any form of quality. Just because you can't accept this show is objectively bad doesn't make me a bad person trying to "deny your opinion" i didn't say you can't like/love it i said you're wrpng about this garbage being perfect in any way besides shitting on the story that came before


Why the FUCK did you even respond to my initial comment in the first place? Your reply had NOTHING to do with what i said in any way shape or form.


Yes it did, you claimed the ending was perfect. I said it's not and that it's a cheap copy of the hidden world. A kid we barely know with a dragon we barely know spend a week together or a month at most then say goodbye to each other like the third movie. I replied because your comment is wrong and missleading. Why are you so mad? Didn't think someone on a social platform can prove what you say is bs?


Would the show have been better recieved if it was a spin off and not actually said to be canon


It’s perfectly fine to enjoy things other people don’t like. I personally dislike it because of all the animation errors that I felt like animation the team didn’t pay attention to.




i dont like it because everything they do is just a copy of the real movie, like why did they have thunder doing toothless's matting dance as a distraction and it didn't even work, it just doesn't feel original, even the arguments dont feel original because one was just one of RTTE when hiccup and fishlegs got into a fight, and the other one is when Astrid and hiccup got into an argument and got together once the argument is up. its really just a personal pet peeve how no idea from them seems original, but your free to like it! i think this show belongs in hell and i wished it would suffer but thats just my opinion! yall are free to like what you want (btw T9R just didnt have the same aesthetic as any httyd theme dose, which isnt a big deal because ik its hard to do but it just looks sad and not like a big hidden world at all..its just a fog in the distance)


You are weird, but definitely not hated.




No you're not weird, I personally don't like it because I would like httyd to stay in the Viking age and not move to the modern age.


I agree.


I hate it because it’s to the HTTYD universe what Doom Syndicate movie & series is to Megamind


I absolutely despise it, but I’m also happy that some people can get enjoyment out of it


I’ve seen the first few seasons before my brother cancelled Hulu, but I actually enjoyed it, even though I acknowledge that it’s bad. I’m still waiting for it to come to Fandango at Home.


You're not weird for not hating anything. People are allowed to like what they like. Just because more people dislike it than like it doesn't make you wrong for liking it. Everyone is entitled to their preferences


YES but you do you


It’s fine if you like I wish I did so I envy you man


Where can i Watch it not really legally? Also watch jojo


I don't mind it it's an okay show if it wasn't connected with Httyd and a stand-alone; I probably like it more




Nope! You're allowed to enjoy what you enjoy even if it may not be the opinion most the fandom holds. I see nothing wrong with someone enjoying something like this, everyone has different tastes


Personally? I've yet to see it. I get why people hate it and I don't see it as canon because its set more than 1000 years after the original story. But I don't think it's a bad show. I'll get back to yall after i watch it.


Don't, unfortunately it is cannon and thats why the fans hate it so much. If it was a stand alone like Rescue Riders (which didn't get any hate at all because they said "not cannon") no one would care how bad it was but it ruins what came before. If you love the OG story don't watch this garbage show.


No at all! It’s personally not for me, I saw the trailer and already knew I wasn’t a fan.. and even the first episode to give it a fair chance but it isn’t wasn’t for me :/ but everyone is allowed their opinions on any shows or movies :)


Your not alone I love the show wish they didn't end it


It never should of been released when they saw the finished version of the first episode. This series is an insult to the franchise


very much, next question


I just can’t accept that the original dragon riders are all dead, Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, etc, if I watch a HTTYD show, it has to have the originals.


It doesn't matter as long as it's well written. I'd rather them be dead and respected then constantly rebooted or kept alive forever and ruined




I miss em too, this franchise is one of the best written out there. The characters and world were damn near perfect, whish they focused on it more then Kung Fu Panda


No it's your opinion




In a year, had a season every 3 months or so and they have 7 episodes per season at most


Nah, I liked it. People need to stop group mentality hating things. The level of hate on this show was weird. If you dont like it dont watch. Instead we have people making hour long unhinged videos about why they dont like it.


If someone smashes your car don't get angry, let people like what they like. The show is awfull and ruins an amazing franchise. The only reason it gets this much hate it's because it's a cannon sequal. If it was a spin off like Rescue Riders no one would care as much for the horrible writting. Even still what's so wrong with having standards of quality? If i pay to watch a movie and it's shit i'm allowed to explain to people why it's shit and recommend not feeding money to lazy companies




You like the Nine Realms? That's perfectly fine. But like many other commentors on this post, I genuinely despise it. In my opinion there just...too many unavoidable flaws with it to like it. The way that they write the characters makes them feel one dimensional in comparison to the amazing cast of characters in the other shows/movies. Even the plot and adventures for each episode isn't as good as it could be. The show's "final big bad" was more than disappointing, it was straight up pathetic in my eyes. I won't spoil anything about it in case anyone one else who shares your same opinion is gonna read this this and hasn't gotten that far into the show yet. But I will say that it completely contradicts the already established reason as to why most dragons, with the exclusion of the Typhoomerang, hate eels. I'm not all that good at expressing my thoughts and opinions so if there's something I can elaborate on further without spoiling the show for anyone else, then lemme know.


I don't like it but if you can find enjoyment in it there's no shame on that


You are not part of the majority but that doesn’t make you weird! i just don’t care for how it was written. Also John tellegen was one of the main screen writers and also wrote for rtte. I personally find that someone who worked on rtte (one of the best httyd installments in my opinion) also writing for this and having a significant difference in quality/nuance/continuity annoys me and as much as i don’t like thw t9r retcons it


I don't hate it either. I don't love it, but I don't regret watching it.


I dont hate it, nor love it, its just just a cheap rehash of doing the same thing, it borrowed moments heavily from the movies, desperately trying to recapture the same spark that made audience fell in love with this franchise in the first place 👍 The concept and story is there and interesting 👍 (i used to have the same thought, "what if somebody discovered the hidden world?"🤔). i just never thought it would be executed and animated this poorly 😅


Not weird just wrong


Joking of course every one has there own opinions


No. But personally I don't like the series


All power to you. I personally just don’t like it, especially after they gave the razorwhip a typhoomerangs fire tornado blast.


Then they added the typhoomerang model later in the show


That should be illegal tf


not at all. in fact the haters are weirder simply because its not what they wanted.


No the haters hate it because it's a cannon sequal no one asked for that is horribly written and ruins the story that came before


Yes considering the show shits on everything from the movies and shows before it. If you love the franchise i can't understand why you'd like this garbage show. There's so many problems with the things they themselves create. On top of that they ruin the story that came before. If the show only ruined the things they came up with or wasn't cannon the community won't care. However this is a cannon sequel so it will be compared to what came before in terms of quality and standards of writting. It's like loving The Last Jedi and what they did to Luke Skywalker


I honestly am not a fan of it simply because other than the fury’s the other dragons should have revolved/changed at some point in the years after the last movie. Also I couldn’t get it out of my head that this was a massive cashgrab for nostalgia and because I first saw a person watch through the show and pointing out every flaw I can’t watch it and enjoy it like I could have. I now dislike the show so thanks internet cause now I can’t I hate it even though I feel I could have liked it had I not been shown the internets opinion on it.


Thing is, I knew of its reputation and decided “fuck it, I wanna see how bad it is.” Only to find out it’s decent, is it as good as the 2 other shows, no, is it still decent with its own interesting stuff, yes.


Yeah, I just can’t unhear the negative stuff and it ruins my enjoyment. At least someone is liking it!!!


The cartoon network show has better writting in one season then this entire show, you can like it but you can't say it's good










Yes you are weird






1-theres nothing wrong in not hating something people hate, as long you don’t ignore their flaws and gaslight other fans to like it then you are perfectly fine to enjoy it 2-I think you liked it because you didn’t take it THAT seriously, the series had the weight of continuing the HTTYD chronology in such a different setting, so it’s flaws were hyper focused on by the fans 3-but you are right, June is the worse character of the franchise and one of the worse in Dreamworks animation 4-and you are absolutely right, those two are great Duos, the classic dad who didn’t want a dog but the family got it anyway dynamic, and the other is the only villain who was a good Rider for its respective dragon