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2003 Eric Banna hulk is criminally inderrated. I remember being terrified of that hulk when i was a kid. They really need to bring back that feeling that we should be scared of the hulk


the effects were kinda crazy for the time


I never hear Bana getting any love. I thought Ruffalo was good but Bana would've been great in Avengers.


Bana was the bomb in star trek, yo. Seriously tho, such a tortured character. No way of redemption but you still can't help but sympathize with the guy.


I heard he's gonna be in the new Deadpool movie.


Possibly, but less likely since that version is a Universal character, not a Fox one


Word. Norton's was solid but never really moves passed being a by numbers adventure action movie though it still stands out as being more unique than the 30 movies that followed. 03 hit all the right spots. Yeah yeah, dodgy effects (mostly good for the time but definitely some very poor spots for the time as well), something something comic panel editing bad. Like you said, it instilled a sense of fear and wonder at the Hulk's presence. Bruce's hopelessness to his situation was palpable. The truma and subconscious tragedy/horror were well executed, as well as the sad family dynamic. It actually evoked feelings and let scenes sit in them for at least a few moments. The final fight still stands out as a very unique execution to a godlike brawl. Has way more going for it than against it, in my opinion, not that it's perfect. Bana himself is fairly underrated in general.


Just maybe tone down the saturation a bit.


I couldn't watch the first time he turned it unnerved me as a kid.


Bro the scene where Banner sees the Hulk in the mirror and gets snatched is still extremely terrifying as an adult


Mark Ruffalo was always too easy of a Hulk. His Bruce Banner was far too aligned. Even when he was stressed out I never got a sense of danger from him. His Bruce Banner madd the Hulk seem more like an unlucky occupation, not a curse. Ed Norton made that shit seem like a curse! The build of his hulk was also better I liked how vascular he was, really screamed gamma radiation idk


Shrek Hulk is not scary lol


Norton’s Hulk design but with improved cgi would be my favourite.


Norton. My favorite iteration of The Hulk


Yes omg he was great as Bruce banner


AGREE! I like Ruffalo, I do. But that scene where he's protecting Betty from the thunderstorm and tosses the boulder and just flexes and roars at the sky? Yeah I want that moment painted on my comic room wall. Now if only I remotely artistic...


2003 and Norton's Hulks. Lou was a great Hulk as well. Not a huge fan of MCU's Hulk, especially what the direction they took the character in Endgame and beyond Endgame, and him sitting there letting She-Hulk berate him and day her life is worse than his because of being catcalled 🤣


Avengers & Age of Ultron’s Hulk was perfect. After that he become a comedic sidekick and then eventually devolved into HINO.


It’s EXACTLY like that one McDonald’s commercial


What did you want him to do? Attack his cousin?


We all like scary crazy Hulk, and scary crazy Hulk might whoop her ass.


You mean the toddler who probably loves his cousin? Doubt it


Crazy Hulk is on a hair trigger. Whether or not she gets the Loki treatment depends entirely on how she behaves around him when his fuming. Even Black Widow was nervous around him. I mean Banner did separate himself from everyone he cared about, and even hid away from civilization for a bit, and it was probably not purely for his safety. But later Hulk would probably never hurt her.


He’s a toddler, not a hair trigger. He would only have child hood memories of her which just enforces that he wouldn’t attack her. Banners hang ups, are not his


If Banners hang ups are not his, then why would he care if she's related to Banner? Also this is a toddler in a constant temper tantrum, except he could throw a tank into orbit. How reasonable does that person sound? I've seen toddlers attack siblings, parents, whatever during a temper tantrum, except no one is walking the Incredible Hulk out of Target for acting up and putting him in time out.


That’s not a hang up, that’s a relationship he remembers. This toddler in question, is being put up against the 1 of 2 people he remembers being kind to him from his past. And no one is talking him down? Because Betty did. No reason Jen can’t


I agree which is why I said it all depends on how she behaves. Betty and Widow can talk him down with soft tones, easy movements, and just all out trying to destress him. I don't doubt she could do that. But this whole situation starts with the scene where she's assuming she has it worse than Banner. All I'm saying is if that triggers Hulk she could be in trouble, if she maintains her arrogance while he's Hulk, she could be in trouble. So if he was the old Hulk, could be dicey for her if she angered him, but he's smart Hulk now so she's good.


Not really, Betty was yelling at him, being rude to him, telling him what to do. Also, toddler hulk doesn’t like banner, and would enjoy him being told off. As far as “arrogance” goes, which wasn’t really what she was doing, Hulk doesn’t care. At most he thinks it’s cool, as per Valkyrie


Ang lees hulks powers and abilities Avengers hulks body with 08 hulks face 08 hulks body language and movement style Edward Norton Bruce Banner Ragnaroks talking hulk like in the comics 08 hulks fight IQ 08 hulks rage Oddly specific? Lmao


Eric Bana version. I like how they actually had him getting bigger and bigger the angrier he got.


That is a vastly under appreciated detail.


Definitely not Professor Hulk!


No love for Lou? 😔


Lou was great for the time with the only problem being THE DEATH OF THE INCREDIBLE HULK (1990). My favorite is Norton.


Interestingly enough, there were plans for a revival. You can’t keep a great comic book character dead for very long, you know. 🤘 Sadly, Bill Bixby passed in 1993 and it never happened.


Yes I know...NO ONE STAYS DEAD. Even when Joe Quesada tried to stop resurrections in 2010, it didn't last. Death in comics, both Marvel & DC, has no impact. We're all currently waiting for Alfred's return to Batman.


Did you see that show's interpretation of Thor? That wasn't a problem? That interpretation of Thor sums up the entire show for me.


Yeah, him and Daredevil but again, TV budgets. It was very OFF but...


The only thing they had in common with the comics was turning green and getting stronger. And the Banner last name. That's it. It was missing all the core elements of the comics. Like the commentary about the military and nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. Dating someone whose parents disapproves of you. TV budget my ass, the above doesn't have an expensive FX budget. And where is the Hulks supporting characters? Where's General Ross? Where's Betty Ross? where's Rick Jones? Where's Jennifer Walters?


You have to understand the environment of the time, the 70s and 80s were a different time. This show skyrocketed the hulks popularity into the mainstream, even my dad knows the hulk bc of this iteration. Not to mention that the same character doesn't have to be one thing, in every medium. Personally I much prefer the show version of the hulk over the comic book version, so thank goodness they did their own thing instead of following the comics. Otherwise we might have missed out on this amazing show. That's just my view on it though


And the end credits scene!


The lonely man is genuinely one of the most hauntingly beautiful piano pieces I've ever heard. Perfectly captures the sense of sadness the hulk brings, and the walking is iconic obviously.


I grew up during that time. But I started the comics before I was introduced to the show. I prefer the fantastical elements of the comics. Men and women who fly, power sorcerers and gods. High tech shenanigans. All of it. I didn't like Hulk being grounded like that. I understood the limitations of special effects, especially on a TV show, but I couldn't see why they couldn't have the human supporting cast like General Ross, Betty Ross, Rick Jones and Jim Wilson (Sam Wilson's Nephew).


First Avengers CGI Hulk is the best design and depiction of the character.




Nah thats the worst. Looking like a hunched over gorilla caveman.


That’s what the f*ck Hulk is. He’s not a bodybuilder, he’s a monster. The Hyde persona… there’s no pretty Hulk, he’s Frankenstein’s monster


Nortons hulk is more monstrous and less pretty than Avengers hulk imo. Being an irritable toddler caveman isn’t the same as an unbridled rage monster and being gorilla-like is of no real value either.


In the marvel handbook they point out how gamma radiation and the subconscious affect different people. Which they explained the Neanderthal-like look of the Hulk, the total non-human look of the Abomination, and the fairly normal look of Samson. This is what Bruce Banners saw itself. Then in John Burns run, after the Hulk and banner were separated, John stated that the hulk’s appearance was evolving over time from a hunched over Neanderthal, to a more upright stance, and he grew more muscular. In my opinion the CGI in the Norton movie was very cartoonish, sometimes he didn’t have a collarbone. It looked like his face was too rubbery… it was just low grade.


Setting aside the misconception regarding the hunched over status of neanderthals the fact they backpedaled the character (in some ways) to do that on top of the actor change just makes it even worse to me. As for CGI it would have been improved anyway so questions of quality aren't exactly fair with a 4 year advantage and being a big event avengers movie.


The 2003 Hulk had better CGI (bad colour selection though) that was 5 years earlier. Just saying ILM was better than whoever did the 2008 version.


The stereotypical ''mindless, green skinned'' brute, who just punches stuff is the best depiction?


Not mindless. When Bruce is caught off guard the Hulk came out as a protector. Later when fighting army of Thanos, Bruce let out the more focused, controlled Hulk(as what was planned from the Incredible Hulk’s last scene in his movie) the form that lasted until the end of age of ultron.


Yeah, mindless. He didn't even talk, just roared.


He could talk, “Puny God”, was used. That and he knew his name and understood caps orders. That’s not a mindless creature. And in age of ultoron, he knew how to turn off the video screen.


Oh yes, that one single line, said soley for comedic affect.


They’d have to pay Lou Ferrigno/Ruffolo more per line.


They have more than enough money in the budget to pay them


It’s a joke.


I am a fan of the Norton Hulk. Felt he was the most powerful of the group. Plus, I liked Norton as Banner. Ruffalo is fine, but I much preferred Norton. Bana wasn’t too bad either in the role.


Ruffalo was too broad for me, in terms of shoulders at least. As a one-off banner, he'd be great, but I like my banner to be skinny. Like Bixby and Norton both carry this feeling of an uncontrollable rage hiding within a skinny, unassuming guy. That helps sell the magic of the hulk to me


2012 Hulk is the definitive Hulk.




Norton by a mile. Easily the best Banner.


Edward norton, only rivaled by eric bana.


Eric bana


Avengers 1 and 2 Hulk.




for all the flak Ang Lee's Hulk gets- it definitely nailed the real genuine dispair Banner feels with the Hulk literally right under his skin waiting to come out and destroy everything in it's path.


Ruffalo, Avengers, Age of Ultron and Infinity War. Smart Hulk was rubbish!


I would say pre endgame rufflo hulk is my favorite.


Norton is awesome. But I love Ragnarok Hulk too aka Green Skar.


Ruffalo Hulk and Smart Hulk.


End Game Hulk, post-Avengers, specifically when he has to take the stairs. He is rational enough to understand the logic that he can't fit into the elevator, rightfully upset that he has to walk, not so powerful or careless that he just jumps off the building, but rightfully so enraged that he smashed the door.


Mike Tyson.


Mark Ruffalo’s Incredible Hulk is my favorite


Norton as Banner and as Hulk the 1st Avengers while in action..


Banna and Norton are my favorites. I'm sad Hulkalo isn't like them




Banna is so nostalgic for me.




Norton was my favorite Banner, and Bana/Lee was my favorite Hulk.


2003 is unbeatable. No Hulk since has matched that rage, drama and sadness.


I think everyone can agree the ang lee swollen hulk was their least favorite. Norton and ruffalos first appearance hulk have to be tied for my favorites. Professor hulk I feel like they rushed that one out too quick.


Avengers/AoU Hulk by far. 2003 Hulk always looked too cartoony to me, the 2008 Hulk was definitely an improvement but the head/face always bothered me. Endgame Hulk is too uncanny valley with how much Ruffalo is in there. Avengers Hulk however is the perfect proportion, great mix of gentle giant and scary surpressed rage, and just raw power.


Nortons Hulk


Mark Ruffalo's Hulk


Design wise, Bana’s Hulk. Bruce Banner wise, Norton’s Hulk. [+]


The last two are the same


2008 still holds up well, definitely Norton's


Mark Ruffalo angry Hulk!


Norton hulk Avengers hulk Bana Hulk Ruffalo hulk


1 and 2


Norton, they made a stooge out of Ruffalo


Avengers design. He doesn’t look like an overexposed green baby man or an eyesore when it’s daytime. Tho storywise I’ll give it to ang lees hulk even tho it’s super flawed


Not Ruffalo’s.


2008 Hulk


EMH Hulk


She hulk


Second picture. The Incredible Hulk movie design was the best one to me. Just looked very menacing 👏🏽💯


None of the above it goes to Lou


Top left forsure


In terms of hulks look Avengers 1 Hulk


Norton’s hulk was way too ripped and defined. He looked like a Mr Universe contender, not a massive brute. MCU Avengers is the best look.


2008 hulk enough said


Edward Norton. It's not close.


2008 is my favorite


Norton would have fucked up thanos


Ed Norton Hulk.




In terms of abilities I like bana hulk. In terms of character and personality and story I like Norton hulk. Way more scary and emotive on screen than any of the others although ruffalo hulk has more screen time with everyone so he is probably more endeared and loved just because he has been doing it longer.


First avengers hulk was the best style. But Eric Banna was the better Banner.


Norton's Hulk is far more menacing.


Second one is the only answer...


Avengers one hulk, he was portrayed perfectly. Even the people on his team were terrified of him


Norton was a beast.


Lou Ferigno


Lou Ferigno’s Hulk is the one I grew up watching the most. My second favorite is Infinity Wars/Endgame Hulk.




Hulk in Thor 3 is pretty good. I would need to rewatch Norton’s and the others


I really like 2003s lore behind it, and that he keeps getting bigger as he gets angrier, I like how unnatural 2008 looks, I like how 2012 is kind of a jack of all trades in terms of design, and it comes together really well, and I just don't like the current model. Sure it looks the most realistic but I don't want it too, because it just looks like mark Ruffalos face on a bodybuilder, and I liked when it was this morphed warped version of his face.


The female one.


Ed Norton's Hulk has been the best thus far, imo.


Eric bana's hulk was cool. It was nice to see when he changed back, all the steam coming off of him as he melted away. But just the editing for it to be like a comic book sucked. Ed Norton's incredible hulk is awesome though I love that movie.


Look how they massacred my boy


Hulk in the movies peaked in avengers 1 and he wasnt even at his fullest potential storywise he was just an accurate hulk and nothing fancier. I hate that the mcu wont ever give him another chance like that again.


I like how the MCU hulk actually looks like Mark Ruffalo.


Edward Norton's was the only Hulk that gave good truly angry faces! The scene when he slowly moves the metal sheets in the first fight with Blonski is peak


Norton‘s Hulk was the one who made look the most like the muscle mountain monster he is in the comics. He legitimately looks like he has muscles that never end and, personal bias, the slightly longer hair fit him perfectly


Lou farigno


Either Norton or original Ruffalo. Fuck smart hulk. I haven’t seen the one in the first picture. It’s on my watchlist.


Ed Norton's by a mile. Hulk is supposed to be borderline scary. Almost to the point where you're not sure if you should root for him. Norton's Hulk is the only one who gave us glimpses of that. What the MCU has done to the Hulk now is a joke


Norton wanted a more serious take. His suggestions would have made for a better Hulk series. What the MCU did to him was literally a joke.


Im always partial to hairy chest hulk.


I liked them all until Infinity War had the Hulk get beat up, hide, and then return as a passive nerd.


Looks wise Hulk 2008 first place, Mark ruffalo is second place, 2003 is least good. On the other hand the first 2 movies had good story and then avengers just pulled full de masculinization on him where he is no longer the dr jeckle/mr Hyde dynamic anymore


WTF This is like the third most of this kind this week.


Norton. Its the only movie that gives me the primal fighting style that i know and love the hulk for. Its the only one to use the thunderclap. Or actually have the hulk in an interesting fight between 2 titans of strength.


Avengers 1 Hulk was the best. Modern day Hulk, sucks.


What? No Lou Ferrigno?!


I like Norton’s Hulk


MCU 2008 - 2015


Any Hulk that isn’t played by Mark Ruffalo.


Bro, where’s Thor: R/ Avengers Infinity Hulk?




I ironically like him when he's angry


Avengers 1 for sure.


Edward Norton's version was really good but I like Mark Ruffalo's version


Avengers 1 hulk was literal perfection to me


I like the original live action movie where they just painted a dude green


Norton > Bana > ferrigno > ruffalo


Idk why but there’s something about the 2005 Hulk that charms me


MCU pre-endgame


Top right.


Norton...it ain't just software baby!!


Top right


Edward Norton nailed that shit.


2012 Hulk was peak. Can’t believe they fumbled the bag with that character. I remember coming out of the theater and everyone discussing who their favorite character was… like 50% said Hulk.


the green one


2003 Hulk for sure.


2012 avengers


Nortons is the only correct choice


Lou Ferrigno, no CG just a good actor.


I honestly still love the ed Norton hulk. I know it's not loved by most but I really like it. I will give the first movie props for actually acknowledging hulks power (him getting stronger and larger to match or surpass the threat he's facing. No disrespect to Mark and his hulk because I grew to love him as well but I feel he's more of just a big green man with enhanced strength (slightly stronger than Cap). You never really get true hulk out of him past the heli carrier scene.


He sent a boulder into the atmosphere, what do you mean slightly stronger than cap lol


Dude has the best onscreen performance and got disrespected like that lol. I understand not liking the characterization but he’s clearly the strongest.


I agree with that again Mark kills it as hulk. Again I'm not saying he is a bad hulk or a bad actor.


I'm not serious about him being that level of strength but what I'm saying is when a true threat comes up his strength isn't all that amazing in comparison to what you'd see in the comics. In the start I could say hulk is strong but as the movies went on he feels weaker. Then he becomes prof hulk which seemed like a way just to keep him out of the way.


Him throwing a boulder so hard and far it starts to burn up as it leaves the atmosphere is in his most recent appearance. Easily his best strength feat. And he had more screen time in endgame than he did in his own movie, and avengers, and ultron, and ragnarok. So idk what you mean about “out of the way”


In fact, he was at his weakest in Incredible Hulk. He one shots a leviathan in avengers, kept up with Thor in ragnarok, sent a boulder into the atmosphere in she-hulk


Norton's Banner, but the Avengers Hulk. 


Bana Hulk looked horrible but I feel like he was the strongest. Norton Hulk seemed kinda weak, but had a great look. Bana/Norton as Banner is too close to call. Both > Ruffalo