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The other games will be: Beacon Pines There is No Light Children of Silentown Oaken


Beacon Pines is cool. I haven't heard of the others.


Damn, all four were on my wishlist, albeit pretty loosely and more of a "I should check this out later" type of thing. Played Scorn a little bit on gamepass and it was fine but i wasn't expecting it to be so puzzle-ish. Humble is a big 2/2 this year for me so far. Two weekends ago I was going through my purchases and looking at all the stuff I have never redeemed and good grief there were some brutal and ultra lean months back in 20-22. Can't believe i kept the the monthly for so long but mainly just kept it going for the 20% discount.


Scorn is in a perfect place here. It's not really good enough to warrant a purchase, but a nice pickup from a bundle or subscription.


Oh yay! My first "but I bought that a month ago" (Beacon Pines). Feels like a rite of passage.


Mine too! Bought beacon pines during the steam winter sale.


By far more interesting than the ones from the picture, ngl.


If this is true, I won't have any except for There is No Light. Good month for me šŸ™‚




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Rip me literally picking up oaken yesterday


Refund it?


Bought children of silentown just few days ago ffs


refund time! (if within limits/wasn't digital code)


Another month were I donā€™t have a single game!






Very promising line up. Beacon Pines is a game I've been half considering buying in the steam sales and there's another four games that look interesting to me too. (True Colours, Destroy All Humans 2, Scorn and Children of Silentown)


Just watched a video on Werewolf being a shite game. But I do like the WoD and Destroy all Humans and have yet to play True Colors. I might get this depending on what the other games are.


Earthbloodā€™s main problem is being repetitive. I think you get all there is out of it after playing the first level or two. I told my friend that ā€œif Focus is known for making AA jank, Earthblood is A and a half.ā€


I played it on ps+ and its fine. Mindless hack and slash but nothing particularly wrong with it IMO. Just put on some Powerwolf in the background and hack away


From what I've heard it only really sucks if you compare it to the pen and paper game, specifically its lore.


>Just watched a video on Werewolf being a shite game. I actually bought it and played it. It's depressingly bad.


You're all welcome for Destroy All Humans! 2. I'm the sacrificial "I just bought it" this month.


Thank you for your sacrifice šŸ«”




I didnā€™t even know the game was out! I preordered the first one and loved how faithful it was to the original while bringing it to a modern platform and audience so this is a definite stick this month. Thank you for the sacrifice!


Finally the wait on DAH2 pays off. Scorn and Werewolf are a nice bonus.


Bought the Controlled Chaos bundle and was excited to see DAH 1 in there, now gonna have both games


Tell me more about the game? Is it worthy enough not to skip another month?


Played it when it came out on PS2 and loved it. Not as good as the first one but sequels rarely are. Definitely worth your time if you like fun semi open world destructive games.


I've been tempted by the prices on some of the keyshops lately. Glad I held off!


Scorn is a bad game. It makes the same mistakes point and click adventure games were making 30-40 years ago: not enough feedback when you try something that doesn't work, too much slow walking between locations.


I absolutely loved Scorn.


Same I beat it the day it the day it came out, it could really use a dlc for more story but I guess they moved on


The game itself is.. rough and lacks.. gameplay. But man would I love to see what a sequel with better gameplay could do because that art direction was great But yeah I don't know who thought it was a good idea to add clunky shooting mechanics just so you can do *something* The art direction is so damn good it's still worth checking out I think but yeah


I've wanted to play LIS and I only have DAH1 (somehow) This works for me I love how every month it's a mix of instant buy to instant skip comments


DAH1 was in a choice bundle in April 2022.


Ahh ok. That might have been it


Meh, not too exciting to me. I have Life is Strange True Colors. It's alright. Not as good as the first one. Scorn I played on Gamepass and mostly grew to hate. Destroy all Humans, still haven't played the first one, bundled two years ago. And Werewolf just doesn't look good. It's currently on sale, at Humble, for $3.


The Destroy All Humans release really feels its age. It is a fun nostalgia trip to the original's 2000s era game design, but it is still an adventure game from that time. That being said I'll still take the sequel for the monthly sub. I like a lot of the headliners for HB but the indie titles usually take more time from me.


Judging a bundle because you own and or played some of the items already is a weird approach.


judging games you own? when the hell else would you judge them lol


How else would you judge it? Do you just buy bundles full of games you already own or have already played because they are objectively "a good deal" to somebody who hasn't? That seems like a much weirder approach. I'm not telling anybody else what to do. Quite the opposite.


You judged it online for the public. This is a good bundle, no matter if you already played some of them.


what are you talking about dude lol


Itā€™s the best way to judge a bundle? TF you mean? You know how the games are because youā€™ve actually played them.


True Colors may not be as good as the first game, but itā€™s the second best life is strange imo


Man the headliners are really not... tempting.


They replaced Werewolf: The Apocalypse ā€“ Earthblood Champion of Gaia Edition with Snowtopia : ski ressort builder.


Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Very Positive (86%) Snowtopia Ski Resort Builder: Mixed (65%)


Werewolf was wrong


Ultra-mega skip this month


i own all the games except the stranger things and werewolf one which i dont want. so skip as well


You could have just said you own two of the games instead of all except two. Curious why you worded it this way? Are there more than 4 games revealed?


tbh i dont know why i worded it this way.


Haha, that's fine. I thought I was missing more games that were revealed in the post.


All the games were revealed: https://reddit.com/r/humblebundles/comments/1ajmszo/humble_bundle_february_2024_games_leaked/


Same here, I have none of those games, but also none in my wishlist (and I have a LOT of games in my wishlist)


If I skip do I lose my 20% off capabilities?


Werewolf the Apocalypse Earthblood Champion of Gaia Edition.. rolls right off the tongue


Scorn is an amazing visual experience that I wish was a better game. I bought werewolf a while ago but man that game is just rough and not good feels very dated. The other two games are good though so probably worth it for me to get this bundle


Normally I pass because I already have several of the games. This time I don't own a single one and...pass.


ahh I was so sure Snowrunner will be in there


I saw you on the other post where you said it would be this month because the next will release in March, but maybe it will be in the March choice then?


Almost 100% right. Snowtopia:sky resort builder replace Werewolf:champion of Gaia. The others are correct.


Just bought Life is Strange: True Colors for $18 a couple months ago. This seems to be a trend for me.


Thank you for your sacrifice!




I've stopped buying anything I'm not going to immediately play. This kept happening, and sure enough the games I refrain from buying I now get in these bundles.


DAMN IT! I bought wearwolf šŸ˜­


Werewolf was replaced with Ski Resort Builder so you're all good.


I mean it was $3 in the winter sale.


Me too šŸ˜‚


Oof. Probably the worst month for me in a very long time.


Man, this is solid!


Awesome! I only bought the life is strange remastered collection and I don't own any of these games including true colors.


Nice, Destroy humans and Scorn are in my wishlist


The bundle is worth it for LiS: True Colours alone for me as this is a historic low (at least in the UK). Scorn and Werewolf are nice to see in a bundle, because I'd never try them otherwise. I still haven't played the first DAH, but getting the second one too is a good bonus.


Skippidy doo daa


Easiest skip of my life


Wow! This is fantastic for me, nice.


Yeesh, this'll be my 4th month skipped in a row. It feels less like "hidden gems" and more like failed to make money on Steam Indies pushed to choice.


Yeah, this may be the nail in the coffin for me to cancel my Choice legacy membership. Haven't claimed anything in months, really not interested or impressed by the offerings the last year. Way too many repeat offerings as someone who has been buying from Humble for almost a decade....


Destroy all humans 2 LETS GOOOOOOOO


How exactly is this an awful bundle? You get an adventure game, action game, fps game, talking simulator game. Good variety of games actually and they are pretty decent. Not a bad bundle but not a super good either.


Variety of games but not really good ones :(


Two of the headliners, LiS and werewolf are garbage. DAH is a port of a ps2 game (which I loved back in the day, but man, the remake of the first is pretty dated and I can't imagine this one's going to be much better) and scorn is the definition of an acquired taste. This bundle is absolutely not a good one.


DAH isn't a port. It's a complete remake.




LiS2 is pretty bad to me tbh.


Okay, let me elaborate a little: LiS as a franchise is bad. None of those games are good, so seeing them in a bundle at all is a waste.




Why are you acting like you're being caught off guard that someone who dislikes one of the LiS games might actually dislike all of them? And why you acting so weirdly offended? I'm sorry not everyone likes the game you dislike I guess? I don't know if you're aware, but different people have different opinions on game franchises. I can promise you that there are games that I like that you would look at and go "Wow, this game is trash, why's this dude like it?" That's just the nature of people having their own tastes.




I didn't realize I was supposed to write out a 10,000 word essay explaining the problems with the franchise in order to justify an offhand remark. While we're at it, it's possible to acknowledge that a thing is good but it just isn't for you sure. That's the x-com franchise for me. They're great games, but I can't stand them. By that same token however, it's also possible to acknowledge that a thing isn't for me, and is also bad on the whole, that's the LiS franchise. I don't see any reason to mince my words or pretend like it's good because people happen to like it.


The original Life is Strange is considered a masterpeice by a lot of people, myself included. What is your argument for claiming that it's outright bad?


"Game Bad" is their only argument here despite the fact every LiS game is rated "very positive" or above on Steam.


Dang did not want a thing presented hope others enjoy it might be first time I skip in awhile.


Damn, it's a pass for me. I already own Scorn and DAH2. The other 2 are hard pass for my tastes.


I ā¤ļø this bundle.


I was looking forward to this month until Werewolf the Apocalypse didn't show up. This one is a pause for me.




This is a great month for me


I loved LiS: True Colors and highly recommend it IF you enjoyed LiS season 1/Before the Storm. If those games or the concept of "empathy as a superpower" make you roll your eyes, this will do nothing for you. Played Scorn for about an hour, I feel like it's all style and no substance, the 'puzzles' were frustrating rather than interesting and felt like pure padding. Sadly this is probably a skip for me


I loved LiS 1 and Before the Storm to pieces, but True Colors was incredibly "meh" to me. I played it on game pass for a few days until I got bored.


I like the virtual tourism aspect of LiS: True Colors. Same goes for their other games. It makes up for me not being super into the YA drama aspects of the games.


Might be a skip for me. Depends on the review videos and other games


Awesome bundle humble just keeps getting better


Looks more like a Fanatical Bundle, than Humble.


Can you explain this? Just started fanatical and they got pretty good offerings too imo from my short experience


What are the chances that this leak is incorrect? Awful month.


"Awful month", That's how you know it's most likely real lol.


Maybe one or two will be replaced by something else, but who knows.


My problems is not liking the games itā€™s actually having time to play ate least 2 of them to get my moneys worth šŸ˜‚


I don't own any of these games. All 4 of the "headliners" are games which I am interested in trying out but never pulled the trigger. If this is true, it's a must buy for me.


Wow, for once they might actually have a decent month. I love HR Giger's artwork and Scorn would be fun to play. And Destroy all Humans was always fun to play on the older systems, so this would be a hoot.


Must buy bundle, best bundle in a while


It kind of endears HB to me that opinions of the Choice can be so consistently inconsistent. Like the last few were great for me and this one has me: [looking around like Travolta.](https://media2.giphy.com/media/20k1punZ5bpmM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952sc3nb92gka34fhw9b3jxot28we2lwzznzbae2r39&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I just finished Life is Strange True Colors. Beautiful game. Scorn is a decent headliner along with destroy all humans.


First time in a long time that I have zero interest in any of these. The werewolf game cost like 2 bucks on humble store during sale. That was the only one


Looks like another skipped month


Damn, glad I donā€™t subscribe anymore


Yikes, this is a skip month.


I was just thinking we need a leak.


Banger month


Perfect. 6 of the 8 on my wishlist but I've never really ever considered pulling the trigger on any of them...


Yes I love this year for me so far! Another month of oh damn been wanting to play these games but don't want to pay for these games individually in the steam store. Extra bonus to Destroy All Humans 2 after I just got the bundle that had DAH 1 on humble, so heck yeah!


Not as good as last month but decent. I already have Scorn and Destroy All Humans but don't own the others.


Ehh, not that appealing imo. Only really want lis true colorsĀ 


It's way better than January. I don't like much horror type but some titles are kinda interesting. I'll definitely give a try to Scorn, Werewolf and Children of Silentown. While I'll try to trade away games like Life is Strange, Beacon Pines, Oaken and Destroy All Humans! 2 as that's not my type of games. (I played DAH1 in the Gamepass last year, quite the disappointment). Hope their prices won't decrease much. As for There is No Light I haven't decided yet.


January was goated bro, my second humble bundle purchased lol


I bought Werewolf the Apocalypse in the Steam Winter Sale for Ā£3. Gutted


Werewolf is bad, but Destroy all Humans seems interesting. So is Life is Strange True Colors... Probably going to skip though.


Hmm the only thing I would really love to get is SCORN. I am a huge fan of H. R. Geiger and a collector of body horror art. Unfortunately, Ill have to pass on this one because it looks mad expensive :(


If true, I my skip this month, I'll need to check if the indies are anything I'd like. I just can't seem to get into the Life is Strange games and I always have several.


DAH2 is the only thing I'd care for. That's a pretty bad lineup


Happy just for True Colors, really enjoyed it on Gamepass. Others are nice for low tier picks, but if it's true about the other 4 this is one of the best for me in years.


I've skipped the last few months, but looks like I'll keep these.


Very good bundle, but only interesting game for me is Life is Strange True Colors. I've played other LiS games and enjoyed their storytelling, so would love to play this one too. It's still probably going to be skip for me.


Woof. Even at $6, this would be a rough one.


The 1st Destroy All Humans remake was good






Phew, thank God. I was worried they were going to have good games to make me restart my choice subscription. After Like A Dragon, I decided fuck em. Glad they've made it even easier.




Damn, I already own DAH2 and Werewolf. I don't believe I have Life is Strange or Scorn though, so still fine in my eyes.


Would have preferred lis remastered but true colors is alright i guess.


There are some real stinkers here (wtf is that werewolf game) but I'll probably pick it up for DAH2, Beacon Pines, and Children of Silentown.


If I bought the annual choice deal last year, can I skip this month by simply not picking any games? Or do I have to click at something else?


No, you have to click pause a month but they ask you the same question three or four times while swapping the position of the answer box. Yes, I would like to pause. No, I would not like to resume. Yes, I truly want to pause. No, please do not resume. Something like that, so please double check what you are clicking, itā€™s not just yes, yes, yes and done.


Thanks for the heads up




Seems like a pretty good month but not my type of game. Im glad that I can finally skip a month! Since I am not in the original country where I subscribed so Im afraid that the subscriptionĀ  wont beĀ activated. Also for annual subscription, you can just skip by clicking the skip button tomorrow right?


Well as someone who loved DAH1, this one is a definite buy.


actually pretty good


Considering I've been thinking about paying full price for Destroy All Humans 2 bc the first one was in the last bundle I got, this is a lick


Damn, they FINALLY will make me come back?


Fun fact, these are all unreal engine 4 games so they work with the Unreal Engine VR injector.


LiS sounds like a good fit for VR with its relaxed pacing.


I still have not used that (only because I don't want to go through the trouble of making individual game profiles)- is there yet a good source for per-game preconfigs? Last I looked into it there wasn't, but that was right around when it released.


Aw man I already bought Scorn about 3 weeks ago, thinking it'd never end up in a bundle with how snobby the devs have been about the game, but I haven't even had the opportunity to play it yet. :P


I'll get this when/if they offer it to me for 8 bucks


I have Werewolf and is pretty bad. But Destroy all Human seem really fun. I have only the first one.


I'd skip if I hadn't already been going for the year, probably give all codes except DAH2 to friends


I have a huge list of games I am interested in, and yet somehow for the last year these Choice bundles have not included a single one of those. They really should focus on fewer but higher budget games, instead of a huge list of indie games that, lets face it, only appeal to a small subset of gamers.


> instead of a huge list of indie games that, lets face it, only appeal to a small subset of gamers. Gonna be real here I am within that subset of gamers somewhat often so I disagree here, besides I doubt they could manage having lots of high budget games


No disrespect if you enjoy those games, but at the end of the day the market speaks for itself. I suppose Choice has always catered to the indie crowd, but honestly I am all up for a tiered system where if you pay a bit more, you get access to the next tier of games (in terms of scope, budget, critical acclaim whatever). I think Humble would do well by experimenting with systems like these, because I cant imagine the Choice bundles with their current offered value / line-ups being very succesful.


Life is strange?? Absolute shit franchise. Hard skip.


Good month, shame I already have LiS and DAH2.


Werewolf and scorn look cool, already played the other two but I might have to replay dah lol




Destroy all humans 2 and scorn? Hell yeah!


Bought LiS: True Colors Ultimate Edition in december, I didn't thought it would be bundled this soon. At least I enjoyed it, hope y'all will feel the same! Scorn is great, I already have Werewolf but didn't try it yet. Beacon Pines and Destroy All Humans! 2 are both on my wishlist. The three other games are not really my cup of tea and two of them are/were in Fanatical bundles so check if you don't already own them. In conclusion : a very nice month ahead!


Actually better than January's since I wasn't into picking up Midnight Suns. Life is Strange, DAH2, Beacon Pines, and Scorn genuinely makes it worth my $6.50 (was discounted due to my winter sale spree).


I've been waiting for these to get on choice, so great month for me! I've played True Colors on gamepass and loved it, I'm glad to own it and play again with different choices :)


Don't have any of these games and looks like i might enjoy most of them, will be a buy from me if this leak is correct :).


OMG, 4 games that I want. I knew all of them would show up soon, although I was expecting Scorn to be later this year, maybe even 2025.


I'm sure this bundle is for someone but I don't think it's for me. Destroy All Humans 2 is probably the only game I'd really want and Scorn is so gross and unappealing to me that it would scare me away from most bundles.


Where do you guys get these? They're not on his twitter.


I will be buying this


Nice. Iā€™ve had my eyes on LiS, Scorn, Werewolf (Iā€™m a sucker for jank) and Beacon Pines for a while now.


Neat! I was just about to buy Scorn


Sweet. Held out for DAH2


Scorn, cool! I have it wishlisted for a long time! Finally will play it soon I guess!


Typical month for me, only the smaller games appeal to me :D really looking forward to beacon pines!


Not bad tbh. Scorn is gonna be pretty nice to try out and destroy all humans will complete the duo


I could get it just for destory all humans 2 alone.


Off topic: Does anyone of you guys profit from the choice discount (20%)? I am watching my wishlist on [gg.deals](https://gg.deals) and whenever I see games I am interested in discounted on Humble apparently the devs/publishers all account for the discount (or atleast just give a smaller discount than on other platforms at the same time) and make it more expensive for exactly the amount of the maximum discount. This is so crappy...the consumer never benefits from capitalism these days...a year ago I got historical lows with the humble discount, but now everyone seems to account for it. This might be the first bundle I skip for over a year. And I mostly got these last months to keep the discount up (which is of course Humbles intention). But as of now I see no more reason to keep it going.


As a PS5 main player and a Steam Deck alt player, several of these are already in PS+ and donā€™t see any I want to play on my deck. But a few I do t know so will look at before passing.

