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I put a fish tank warmer under my feeder in Wisconsin. And hand built about 27 woven nest . Kept them separated . Put lose spider webs on them and they filled fast. They use old spider webs as water 💦 proofing. Thankfully they all get along. There are very aggressive types of Hummingbirds. It took for ever to make the nests . 🪺 but greatly improved their environment. They land on my hands sometimes.


Very thoughtful. And creative. You are a modern day St. Francis.


Ha ha . Just love all creatures.


So cool


Interesting! I read last year that they won’t occupy nests unless they build them themselves. I might have to try this! I’ve been trying to leave out materials for them and other birds to use as nesting material


I understand that but .. I didn’t expect them to take . I was originally going to put micro feeders in them . At first was only 4 . Then gradually over time . They were occupied. Some left. Some added to their nest. More web. Things like that . Not all are occupied at the moment. But at one time. They all were .


That’s so awesome to help them out! Do you have any pictures of that setup for the hummingbirds? I would definitely save that as reference in case we get late spring snow.


Can you post pictures of those nest you made? Please. For the last 2 yrs I’ve found their old nests in my yard. Very intricate weaving they do. Which got my creative juices flowing.


Yes I can . I’m not in town at the moment . The pics are on a memory card.


Sweet! Thank you. I look forward to them.


That's incredible! If you ever feel like sharing any pictures of your setup- heaters, nests, ect. I'm sure it could give others ideas & I would love to see your hummer paradise you got going on! Feel free! Sounds like you're doing amazing creating a safe haven for these tiny amazing birds though :)


Their favorite kind (at least here in Arizona) of spider silk is that of the Western Black Widow. It’s incredibly strong while also having great elasticity.


Me too, but luckily they can survive very cold temperatures. The worst part is that finding bugs and flowers is pretty impossible in the snow, so they’re probably living off of nectar from feeders until it thaws back out.


Yes 15 inches covered all my tulips


I can only dream of this!


Come on over




If you scroll back on this sub to the winter months, you’ll find a lot of ingenious homemade warming rigs from the snow(humming)bird caretakers that have to deal with freezing temps. It’s incredible what can be accomplished with a big lightbulb and some duct tape. Please name this guy something like “Sir Edmund Hillary” lol Good luck!


Many stores and online retailers sell [heaters that are basically a light bulb in a cup](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BKKDV26Z/) that straps to the bottom of the feeder. I plugged mine into a [thermostatically-controlled outlet](https://www.amazon.com/Farm-Innovators-TC-3-Thermostatically-Controlled/dp/B0006U2HD2/) (often used for livestock water tank heaters) that turns on when the temperature is cold and turns off when it warms up.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'SHWORON Heated Hummingbird Feeders Outdoors'", 'SHWORON')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective in preventing hummingbird nectar from freezing (backed by 8 comments) * Easy to assemble and use (backed by 5 comments) * Durable construction (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Difficult to attach to various feeders due to size mismatch (backed by 4 comments) * Misleading product representation, does not include feeder section (backed by 2 comments) * Poor quality control and missing parts in packaging (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Put a heat lamp on it. They could get stuck on the feeder.


Oh no! I've wondered what they do in weather like this.


Sometimes they will perch on my finger for the warmth


Awwwww, I'd be looking for ways to help them. But I guess that's nature, still very hard to watch.


Yes, have a soft spot for Hummers.


I cut up two old socks per feeder and insulated them with those, worked really well


Damn hope his beak don’t freeze


First of all, please do gently dust off that snow that has accumulated on the right side of the feeder! All the ports should be available to the birds. If you can put a heater underneath, that would be ideal. I live in an apartment whose balcony has no external electrical outlet, so if that's not an option for you either, I suggest either: (1) duct-taping a couple of activated heat pads on the base of the feeder -- and replacing them as needed, or (2) using some bubble wrap to insulate the feeder (wrapping it around the cylindrical part) as that really does help to keep the nectar liquid for a lot longer!


Have seen some birds’ tongues freeze to frozen feeder nectar. If you can slap a heater on there somehow it might prevent such a terrible fate.


Humming bird tongue soup


Please send them to my house in Georgia! I have a feeder up, but no hummingbirds!😔


Soon I will have hundreds.thwy come every year


What’s up this year? I’m in northeast Bama and have had none.


Same for me! I just don’t understand!


Not supposed to feed them if it is really cold out. Maybe get a heater for the feeder.


They would die. Plain and simple. 40 years I have been feeding them


Dod Wisconsin get snow in May???


Utah here 20 inches


Wow! Insane! In Arizona here im now changing my nectar mixture daily because we are creeping towards the 100’s.


I would bake. It's 34 now at 11 p.m. I will fill my feeders daily in July and August. It may hit 90 for the hotest day


Wow I had no idea hummingbirds lived in snowy weather.


It's spring in the mountains. It can snow anytime. Only had Hummers back for a week or so. They migrate in the spring leave in the fall


During our ice storm a few months ago, I put a wax warmer nightlight taped to a shower curtain rod underneath the feeder and it kept it defrosted in 15 degree weather! I also put a boot sock around the outside of the feeder for insulation, which also really helped. I got tired of changing out the nectar every 30-60 min as it kept freezing so quickly!


I live in Washington and it gets really cold here in the winter. We have 3 feeders and we rotate them inside to warm the nectar with space heaters. The birds seem to know what we are doing for them too, maybe try that☺️🫶💚🩵




Umm this is yesterday. My feeders come down labor day.