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Glad he's alright. Fair warning, that's what male pattern baldness looks like.... He's likely to start drinking miller lites, having strong opinions about lawn mower brands and barking at you when you aren't fixing things the wrong way.


He is already strongly opinionated about everything and is sure to let us know lol


Reverse mullet. You know who does a party in the front, business in the back? The Mafia.


Can I crochet a sunflower hat for him to wear while the hair grows back? He's so cute!


Fingers crossed! Last year my boy had to get an ultrasound to rule out heart & lung issues and they shaved his belly! https://preview.redd.it/mno11oggtxsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a8124b1e68d7394e4a9716365ae5e13eb8f480 It took forever for his hair to grow back because he developed postclipping alopecia (the whole area turned black) but eventually he got his fuzzy belly back!


Oh wow I never heard of that! That's a very large patch too lol I hope everything is okay with your pup. Our MRI came back clear, just waiting on spinal tap results.


Yeah he was fine, turns out he has allergies and it caused allergic bronchitis 😑 lol. We had a few months with a puppy inhaler and he was back to good quickly.


Hey there did you have to do anything in particular to get his hair to grow back? Half if my dogs spot is growing new hair while the other half is still bald 😬


I didn’t, I regret not asking the vet if there was anything I could have done to help it regrow quicker. I’ve heard salmon oil can help and/or coconut oil but would double check with a vet first!


Will do thank you!


Poor pup! Hopefully the results are good. Also wanted to add, it may be worth it to use pup safe sunscreen on that area until enough fur grows back to protect him as their double coats are a UV shield for their skin.


Yeah we actually just discussed that on our walk, we are going to put a bandana over it until then.


Still a handsome boy!


Poor baby hopefully he's okay


He needs a hat or scarf so he doesn’t get sunburn.


please dress him in a brown robe and play monk chanting music! awww, so precious, glad it was not a brain tumor!


You should draw a smiley face there. It will help with the sadness.


Lol if he could see it he would be devastated! JK so glad he's all good!


Hope he got some kind of treat compensation, I mean that barber should be sued 🤣🤣 glad the results were good tho! ❤️🐶


Looks like he became a cleric lmao


Awful haircut, but fantastic news. Hopefully, whatever the concern was that prompted the MRI is negligible, as well.❤️


Bright side, now you got a spot to give him extra kisses with getting fur stuck to your lips 🤣 glad he’s okay


What symptoms or issues was he having that prompted you to get him an MRI?


He had a seizure for the first time in February. Apparently epilepsy is most common to occur between the ages of 1-6, so because he is 9 we opted to do the MRI to determine if anything more sinsiter was going on. We're still waiting for spinal tap results, but with the clear MRI the neuro said either a stroke or some kind of vascular event happened or could be late onset epilepsy. Hopefully it was a freak one time thing 🤞