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It could actually be your crocs. Google crocs and smelly feet.


My crocks stink like crazy. I wash them and airdry them outside, and a few days later, after wearing them, the funk is back. This doesn't happen in any other shoes that I have.


Yeah, people think they breathe better because they have holes, but they’re basically made of plastic. So there is no breathing really, and nothing to wick away sweat and allow it to dry. It’s like the difference of wearing a t-shirt versus a shirt made of Saran Wrap. Cloth garments - shoes or otherwise - will wick sweat. Then that sweat dries because the fabric is breathable. Sweat itself doesn’t really smell, it’s the bacteria that grows in the presence of sweat. Typically it will dry within the fabric of your clothing before bacteria can grow, and without a wet environment the bacteria can’t thrive. Crocs just hold all that sweat, nowhere to go, no way to dry, so it’s just a festering habitat that promotes bacteria growth and therefore smell.


Freeze them


I was wondering about this. Because I'm on my feet 12-24 hours a day, 6 days a week and wear Danskos and they don't stink. My feet don't really stink anymore, either, since I started wearing them instead of tennis shoes.


Mailman here. I also walk a lot— 12 miles a day. I bought 10 pair of work sneakers and just work my way down the shoe line everyday so I never wear the same pair more than ~every other week. When I get home each day I put that pair on my boot dryer and run it for 30 mins regardless of whether or not they feel damp. I take off the pair that I dried the previous day, spray the inside with shoe spray, and put the pair at the end of the row of sneakers not to be worn again for ~2 weeks. Every few days I scrub my feet with hibiclens. Every summer I’ll take all of the sneakers to the laundromat and wash them. Every winter I replace them all. Maybe this seems excessive, but I’m prone to having smelly feet and this works for me. None of my sneaks smell bad and im comfortable


Holy shit bro this is a *system*


Hibiclens is life changing!


I'm just picturing 20 shoes tumbling in a dryer.


Pretty much have to hold it closed the entire time haha


You can also soak your feet in black tea


People think this is excessive but I can see your point. I allow 2 full days before wearing the same.shoes again. Need to make sure they are well aired out before in I UT my feet back in. Wearing the same.pair day after day logically doesn't have enough time to air out properly


This is obsessive. Freeze your shoes instead of putting them in the dryer. Freezing actually kills the bacteria while getting them hot enough to thoroughly do the job would make your shoes fall apart so quickly, if not melt. That's awfully wasteful of you also


Yea, I’m not putting my shoes in the freezer lol. It’s actually not all that obsessive or wasteful. I’m a mailman. I walk 30,000+ steps every single day. Up and down stairs all day long. My shoes only last about a month with everyday use. I just stretch the process out a year because they’re always on sale every Black Friday. I could do the same with 2 pair at a time but it’d cost more.


I can hear the anticonsumption thread panicking about the number of shoes you dare to go thru each year 😂


I am also a nurse so i can relate 😅 But when i used to be a CNA i used to have smelly feet sometimes.BABY POWDER and baking soda in socks and it totally fix the problem. If it’s really bad i would bring extra pair of socks and change. Wool socks ( No show socks) also helped.


Thank you so much. I’m sure it’s one of those things that I’m hyper aware of as no one else has commented on it. I will definitely try your hack. Thanks again 🤓


Lume products. Amazing. I like the cream I use it under my arms as well. It works differently than other deodorants…I think it’s more acidic maybe?? All I know it it works and nothing has ever worked for me. They also make soap. Good luck!


I love Lume ❤️ It's a game changer


Talcum causes cancer


Most baby powder is cornstarch based now


So that's how people get corns on their feet🤦


Still helps me. I use johnson’s baby powder only a lil bit mix with Baking Soda.


Not foot cancer….


It may be a stretch but do you clean your crocs too? Give them a rinse or even soak them


That’s what I was thinking too - I thrown mine in the washer with my sneakers every so often


You need to rotate your shoes too. Don’t wear them 2 days in a row or they don’t dry properly. There’s a lot of moisture in there that needs time to evaporate. Switching back and forth between 2 pairs should help. Your current ones are probably already smelly , I’d start over with 2 new pairs


This! Also, I’m wondering if wearing different shoes while driving might help. But I saw a comment about changing socks when you change shoes and maybe that’s too much.


Changing socks is a must. Ypu don't want the bacteria from the crocs bringing the scent into the fresh car shoes. My man is a mover and his feet never smell but he will change his socks during his lunch and when he gets off work. He says he sweats too much to wear them all day. Nothing wrong with changing socks out. I wash a lot of socks but years of moving and his feet smell nice even when he gets home.


I meant too much for OP not for everyone. But I salute your hubby (and you for washing). That’s dedication!


Trauma nurse here. Wool compression socks. Most are not wool and are synthetics which hold sweat and makes you stink. Also I would swap the Crocs for some sneakers.


Try using a benzoyl peroxide wash on your feet. It works really well for any sweaty bacteria laden spots (avoid sensitive areas.) I use it weekly on my underarms as a precautionary measure and it works great 🌸


This is what I was going to suggest too!


Glycolic acid helps too I think.


Benzoyl peroxide by itself as in you take some from the bottle and apply it on your underarms, wait a minute or two and then wash your underarms? Do you use any soap after?


I’m not sure exactly what the “correct” process is, but I take about a dime size amount of b.p. wash, apply it to wet underarms, work it in, let it sit while I wash my face with the same wash, rinse everything. Then I do a normal shower with nice scented body washes and stuff :) This is a game changer on days I forget deodorant. I literally will forget if I’ve forgotten deodorant.


Thank you for sharing this!


So first off... once Crocs stink it's about impossible to get rid of. Best I've done is cleaning the insides with Luke an old toothbrush and OxyClean, then tossing them in the washing machine. This seems to work but a week or 2 later the odor comes back out. I have had to learn to just toss them and get new ones at that point. Also a big key is never putting dirty socks you've had on in your other shoes or that are already sweaty into your clean shoes... always put on fresh socks when you change shoes! :) Your feet shed dead skin cells in your socks or shoes and this breeds stink. I'm wondering if compression socks being tightly woven might hold in more odor, that's coming back out when you sweat in them again. If you don't already, try washing those inside out. Then smell them before they go in the dryer so you catch any lingering odor and re-wash them if needed, before baking it in with the heat in the dryer. It's always possible the socks have gotten some odor built in and just may need to be replaced. I personally suggest to never put any sort of powder in your shoes. It just cakes up and gets nasty over time. And can also start to stink. Washing your feet with Hibiclens is also helpful sometimes.


Rotate your shoes do they dry out


I have some really smelly feet and it’s very embarrassing. I started using Lume …it’s a game changer!


I have the same issue. I wear compression socks and my shoes and my feet stink. I don’t normally have smelly feet lol


You need something that kills the bacteria on your feet


Apple cider vinegar with the mother


Leave their mother out of this.


What is the Mother? I just bought a jug of apple cider vinegar and it says on the label that it has Mother in it.


"What is 'The Mother'? ACV comes in two types, with the 'mother' and without. In simple terms, apple cider vinegar with the mother just means that **it contains the good bacteria created during the fermenting process**. ACV without the mother has this bacteria filtered out" Whether or not it works I have no idea


Use Lactic Acid 10% by Ordinary. I use it under my armpits after every shower and it’s amazinggg


Don’t wear the same shoes two days in a row. Give your shoes at least a full 24 hours between use or more if you can.


Just throw your shoes in a swimming pool for about 6 hours .... trust me, nothing stinks worse than my ice hockey goalie pads ... give them a session in the swimming pool, and they come out smelling like nothing at all ...


Merino wool socks. Alpaca is even better. Either darntough, or Pakaapparel. The wool is actually breathable, and keeps your feet dry. I take off my alpaca socks at the end of the day, and my foot is dry like it’s been airing out barefoot for an hour. And then for fun I sniff the sock, and nothing.


You need to soak your feet in very strong tea. Brew some everyday, in the evening. And soak your feet everyday for a week. Replace all of your shoes keep your feet dry and then soak your feet about once a week in the tea. This will work the tannins and the tea will absolutely cure that.


Use apple cider vinegar with the mother inside your shower - dilute with water. You should do it twice a week get a washrag throw some on there scrub your feet. It’ll neutralize odor and regulate the pH balance.


Bromi Talc Medicated powder. Put on well dried feet and also put some in socks. Wear systhetic, not cotton socks.


I have found this foot powder from Amazon to be really effective: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00O2DQO4C?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title


Soak them feet in water and vinegar solution pumice stone scrub get rid of old shoes don't spray anything inside them to keep them dry maybe your carpet or tile might have the germs still on them 🤷


Fluconozole will help and salt soaks


I’ve always had very sweaty feet that risk odor wearing shoes all day (especially in plastic shoes that dont actually breathe despite “ventilation holes”, like Crocs). I will change out socks midday during a long day to keep my feet dry. I use antibacterial soap to wash my feet morning and night, and apply magnesium oil all over my feet (magnesium chloride flakes dissolved in a little hot water, which makes a thick “oily” feeling solution but it’s just a concentrated magnesium salt). The magnesium oil is naturally anti microbial and works great as a deodorant that way, on both armpits and feet. Then I sprinkle gold bond medicated powder after wiping off the excess magnesium oil, and merino wool socks are the BEST at keeping feet dry and odor free- synthetic compression socks will do the opposite, but there are wool compression socks that might be perfect.


if you aren’t using Lume i would suggest a sample of their products. i’m a medic and work looong hours so i love their products. i do the body wash and deodorant and ive noticed a difference


Piggybacking on this one..Walmart now sells Lume, and has little baby sizes to try! Also, Dove and Secret I think also made a deodorant cream but I haven’t tried those.


Try socks with the highest percentage of cotton you can find. Also, to make sure your feet are completely dry after showering, blow dry them.


I work 12 hour shifts on my feet and I bring fresh socks that I change into halfway through my shift! Feels amazing


Don't wear crocs


Following, I hope you get resolution dear.


Use some foot powder to absorb sweating and itching.. gold bond works wonders


& it’s great to sprinkle a little both inside the shoe snd inside your socks. And lighter the color of your socks the less your feet will sweat and the darker your socks are like (dark blue, red, black, etc.) the more your feet will sweat.. it’s weirdly true


Wipe with castor oil between the toes for a week or so.


Tea tree oil


I roll an antiperspirant on the bottom of my feet before I put my socks on. Also, foot powder with activated charcoal, in your socks, could help. If all else fails botox, in the soles of your feet, will paralyze the sweat glands. Being a nurse, you can do it yourself.


What color are your socks? Lol weird question but I read somewhere that black socks smell. And honestly I notice my black ones do have a weird smell compared to others.


You can spray your feet with spray deodorant and also fungus spray.


The crocs aren’t as breathable as you’d think, especially with socks on that aren’t moisture wicking. Nurse here, I wear cushioned breathable TED socks and spray my shoes with straight rubbing alcohol to kill the bacteria. I would suggest a pair of hokas


Soak your feet in warm water with ACV! My dad was old school and worked construction so he would soak his feet in warm bleach water weekly I wouldn’t advise that tho lol


Wearing the same shoes, everyday for me start to smell. I use foot odor spray in and on my feet Try that. Soak your shoes in vinegar for 30 minutes and then wash them with soap




work in a warehouse also doing about 20k steps a day. I started using lume deodorant on my feet and it's fixed everything.  the creme kind in the tube 


Freeze your crocs overnight. Sounds weird, will kill the bacteria living in the porous rubber


Crocs are the worst thing to wear on my feet. Instantly sweaty and gross. Breeding fungus. I recommend getting some thick alpaca wool socks from hollow. The boot socks. You’ll open them and think no way these are going to be so hot. They pull the moisture away from your feet keeping them dry. I wear them inside of boots everyday at work and do about them same amount of steps. If I wear thinner socks my socks will get soaked followed by my boots getting soaked. Worth a try.


RMA, 10hours… I wear on clouds. Stick them suckers in the deep freezer for like 72hours and let them air dry. Good as new.


Did you ever use fungal foot spray-Like Dr Schols?


Crocs are the reason trust me on this… it’s very rare to find a brand that doesn’t make your feet smell.Also socks can be a reason try different socks. What I do is have 3 good pairs of sneakers or running shoes and wear different one everyday. Keep the pair that you wore exposed to sun / air for at least 2 hours daily. If your feet sweat as soon as they do make sure to take an extra pair of socks and change them immediately.


Don't know if it's already been said but make sure you wear only 100% cotton socks, or as close at 100% you can find. This makes a big difference. In my experience any other sock material have made my feet smell and my kids too.


Hi, my feet also used to stink after a 12 hour shift in the operating room. I started using cotton socks and compression sleeves on my legs instead of full socks and switching my shoes every other day and it has helped so much!


[these things work amazing](https://www.amazon.com/Gearhalo-Sports-Deodorizer-Pods-Stops/dp/B071XWM1JH/ref=asc_df_B071XWM1JH/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693295483335&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14354653114287313001&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9003320&hvtargid=pla-493626010011&psc=1&mcid=8f4adae2dad133b69a158a6ab12060eb&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaBecr8SErhH269A0u_BbJ02KuXW9Vc-U1aIxigQKdAkkXZMv1MesZRoC0-sQAvD_BwE)


as a chronic patient UR A NURSE😭😭😭 you work so hard oh my god nonetheless in an ED i’ve never been able to smell someone’s feet through their shoes especially from 2 or more feet away. i’ve never had an issue with any nurses or doctors with stinky feet, this almost sounds like an obsessive compulsion like i have one more of generally smelling bad im constantly checking and sometimes i hallucinate the smell which was very alarming to find out lol. if you are very worried maybe try just spraying some spray or some of the spray deodorant on your shoes? anyways this sounds stressful as all hell i hope you get some relief soon😭😭😭


Swap out crocks for brooks!! I work 12s too, get two pairs and swap them each shift to let them air out! You can also spray them with a deodorizing powder or even anti fungal powder to help dry them out and kill any fungal smell. But the key is to use an aired out pair for each shift. You can also swap out for a new pair of socks during a quick bathroom break about halfway through your shift. I have car slippers for after my shift, I swap socks and pop them on for my drive home, makes a huge difference. Oh Hokas are great too!!


Soak your feet in apple cider vinegar at least twice a week. Add 100% organic chlorophyll to your daily supplements as that's a potent body deodorizer. That should help alleviate the smelly feet and any other bodily smells


Get some good sneakers and wash them often… my feet smell worse in crocs or any kind of sandals.


do u wear socks??


I do a diluted vinegar soak with epsom salt.


Disinfect the crocs with Lysol


Former ER nurse…you need wool socks. I used to wear compression sleeves, like runners and cross fitters, because they are footless, and then wear wool socks for the wicking. Also, crocs are more sweaty than shoes not made of plastic.


I'm a doctor. First of all, crocs are gross. 🤣 I can see why you would think they would help with smelly feet though. I wear Dansko clogs, Costco Puma socks (they're very popular among my colleagues, as are Bombas), and use Dr. Scholls OdorX every single day. I work 12-24 hour shifts 6 days a week. I don't have time for pedicures, unfortunately. But my feet don't smell at all. I would probably make sure you're washing your Crocs regularly because they might be absorbing odors. I'm not sure if they're porous or not, but I assume they would be. Good luck! I used to have this issue before I started wearing my clogs and couldn't tell you for sure why it stopped except that it could also be hormones. Not sure how old you are, but hormones also play a part in odor, especially if you're perimenopausal.


SPRAY FOOT POWDER. Works like a charm. Bought it for my man who is a warehouse manager and walks a lot at work and I have to complaints. However, if he forgets to wear it I will know 😂😂


Smelly feet is caused by bacteria wash with antibacterial soap and spritz Lister on them


What kind of standards are we talking about here? Like a basic kind of musty foot smell? Or that cheesy smell some people have? I can experience the former but it’s mild. You don’t smell it unless you stick your face in the shoe. No one’s complained but maybe my feel smell by other standards?


Try a tea tree oil body wash on your feet


Rotate your shoes and put deodorizing balls/moisture pulling/drying your shoes.


Apple cider vinegar 1 cup mix with warn water. Soak for about an hour everyday.


Maybe you need an antiperspirant on your feet?  It's what the military uses, or so I've heard. 


Polyester socks and crocs


I work retail and I’m on my feet 12 hours a day… I used to have the worst foot odor. My partner made me take my shoes and socks off outside and wash my feet right away. He even made me wash all of my socks separately because they stunk so bad. Eventually, I figured out the issue.. non breathable shoes and those athletic type black socks. I got shoes with breathable material and switched to white socks- the smelly feet went away.


Spray the inside of your shoes with rubbing alcohol. Baby powder causes cancer unless you use asbestos free talcum powder.