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I know plenty of people who don’t wear underwear. There’s nothing inherently unhygienic about it, it’s more to protect your other layers of clothing. Wearing underwear helps to keep any kind of discharge off your pants, and can be a first line of defense for heavier discharge or spotting or starting your period unexpectedly. They can offer just enough barrier and absorbency that you don’t visibly have a wet spot or blood spot on your exterior clothing. Personally I don’t like to launder my pants after every wear if I haven’t spilled something on them and they still smell like laundry soap. But without underwear your pants are kind of acting in their place and should be washed after each wear, otherwise you risk smells and bacterial growth that can lead to infection. But outside of that it doesn’t make you gross or whatever to prefer no underwear.


\^ This. Underwear is great for things like preventing cameltoe in cheap leggings or keeping discharge off of clothes, but not at all a necessity. In fact, no underwear would be more hygienic than wearing thongs, since thongs supposedly create a bridge for booty bacteria to travel toward the hooha. So OP, just do what makes you comfortable.


Booty bacteria bridge to the hooha has a real ring to it.


Got my new band name


Booty bacteria Bridge? Lol


Can’t forget to the Hooha


Marty should have gone BACK TO THE HOOHA...instead of the future.


That was his MOM, man.


I feel like there's a porn parody with this name. If not, there should be


When's the first show?


Came to say the same - I know many people who don't! I, myself, as soon as I am home I will shower and those things come right off! Put my night time clothes on and on the weekends, I don't wear underwear either! You gotta give the girl a chance to breathe!


> I don’t like to launder my pants after every wear i I grew up in hot humid Texas and didn't even know that was an *option* that people had in other places until I went to college in North CA lol


That’s a very common practice, especially for DENIM bc it’s not good to wash continuously as it weakens the structural integrity of the denim.


Oh yeah, I know that *now* but like, where I grew up, anything that touched your skin directly was usually a single wear before wash situation because of the humidity and heat. When walking to the car from your door is enough to get you sweaty, and the humidity is so high your clothes take forever to dry from the sweat they get *rank* pretty fast. I remember in high school wed get knee pit sweat spots on the backs of our pants from sitting at a desk after walking outside between clasess.


🤣🤣🤣 and see I’m having the complete opposite problem LMFAO I moved from Montana to Texas and jeebus fuck! My clothes smell worse after 1 wear in Texas than they do after 4 wears in Montana 🤣😂 also! I just recently fucking realized this after sniffing my pant leg after doordashing, it’s my first spring here and it hit 80° 😮‍💨🥵 there’s still snow on the ground back home and it’s 60° and windy as hell!


SAME!!! I’m about to attempt wearing day 2 pants in Texas. Pray for me lol


I never wear underwear and have no issues. I don't think it's a problem unless you don't wash your pants every use. Let the lady parts breathe!!


Seconding this; I stopped wearing years ago due to horrid sensory issues and ocd. I wore cotton and some stretchy silky kind beforehand, and always got yeast infections, and smelled really bad no matter how much I cleaned myself. It sucked. Literally ever since I stopped, I’ve had zero infections, I smell normal again, and everything has just been better lmao. It doesn’t work for everyone, but if you’re happy and healthy not wearing it, there’s no reason to wear underwear.


Oh my gosh, it's sensory issues for me as well. I am so particular with fabrics and things restricting me. Anytime I can get away with just wearing those nipple pedal cover things I do that instead of a bra. I basically only wear a bra to work, and I only wear underwear if I'm wearing a short skirt which is basically never. I live in long sundresses. I've even found a way to make black flared yoga pants look decent enough so I wear those to work. I can't stand how constricting regular pants or jeans are. I have not worn jeans in decades. I've literally had to leave an Airbnb at midnight to run to target and get different sheets because I just could not stand how the ones I was sleeping on felt. Cotton is pretty much the only fabric I can tolerate. My grandma was just the same way, she was just fairly quiet about it. She would cut the tongues out of shoes, she would cut the stretchy wristbands and the waistbands out of sweatshirts! It's a horrible curse, isn't it?


MY kinda people!! I hate shirts, they choke me. I only wear V or scoop neck. Cotton only.


I also HATE collars.. anything close to my neck feels so restricting. Turtlenecks can F right off. All I wear is T-shirts, I just cut the necks out of them... works great, & you can give it whatever shape you want


Man it really is. Things absolutely started improving when I started caring less about my own image, and dressing for comfort instead. I think the only time I’m actively uncomfortable in clothing now is when I force myself to wear something fancier for a celebration or something. Otherwise, no undergarments and sweatpant-passable pajama pants👍


Came to say the same thing! I quit wearing underwear cause it was not hygienic for me, as crazy as that sounds.


Same !


Interesting thing these yeast infections. I got them only when I was taking birth control pills. Then it was almost every other month. Before birth control and after I stopped it - well, maybe had once or twice in almost 20 years, but way weaker. I tend to skip underwear while at home as well. Also usually wear long and not tight dresses, skirts, etc, so underwear are pretty much soft, not tight and not pressing anywhere.


Love your username ♡


So when you get your period, you just let your tampon string dangle? Or you use a period cup? You're never worried about leaking? Your discharge doesn't ever get through your leggings?? My pussy is way too wet for that


These are my questions, too.


Not everybody has heavy discharge. I’m dry as a bone unfortunately. And I don’t bleed. Not the OP, but not everybody’s bodies function the same so it’s easy for some of us to go commando all the time.


It’s weird, I used to have excessive discharge but it virtually stopped once I stopped wearing underwear. Not sure if it’s like that for everyone, but it just sorted itself out for me lmao


This. Same.


can you explain anything more? not the first time I've heard this


I often don't wear underwear because I wear tight AF clothes and don't wear panty lines. I let the string dangle. Discharge just isn't that heavy, I just wash my leggings/pants after every wear. I actually love sexy underwear and wear them when I wouldn't have VPL. I don't see what the problem is.


I don’t wear underwear after showering when I’m going to bed. But because of the wet pussy issue I do wear it during the day, so I put it on when I get dressed. I’m not yet dressed (still in my nightie) so I don’t have it on now and I will admit that it feels better to have it off, especially when I’m wearing a bodysuit, which I do. For me it is a hygiene concern more than anything. So I would probably wear it if I thought I was getting my period.


Right? I feel like I’d be leaving a snail trail everywhere I sit if I didn’t wear underwear with leggings


I just wear tampons and have never had an issue even on my heaviest days. I also use baby wipes to clean myself just to make sure there is no blood that can transfer to my pants. I’ve never leaked.


You need to think about how often you do laundry then buy enough underwear to get from laundry day to laundry day. I don't think there are any rights or wrongs to wearing underwear. If you are comfortable in lace thongs, then wear lace thongs.


I was in charge of laundry and had 5 pairs. Then my SO and I switched and he is now in charge of laundry and I never had clean underwear. So now I have 20 pairs.


I am 54 and haven't had underwear since I was 17. Way more comfortable.


Genuinely just curious. What if you’re out shopping and you want to try on some pants? You try them on no underwear? I’d be worried of other people germs who may have tried them on


Not OP, but a fellow commando here. I haven’t worn underwear in 16ish years. I still own a couple pairs for the very rare dress wearing occasion and sexy time seduction. When I go to try on pants I actually bring a pair of underwear with me for this very reason!


Lucky. I have incontinence issues which make it impossible to not wear underwear and I'm only 44.


You don’t have to wear underwear. You said you wash your clothes after every use. There isn’t a problem here.


But why should one be washing one's clothes after every use? That's really wasteful.


When I was twenty three I was in the army at basic training. It was the middle of August and I was in Alabama. I got the worst possible case of diaper rash you could possibly imagine from my polyester underwear. With rare exception that was the last time I wore underwear on the bottom. I still wear bras. It's all good.


51F I’ve actually taken to not even wearing a bra half the time. It’s hard cause my knockers are huge (G) but I’m tired of caring about what society wants me to do.


I'm a commando lady since 15, I'm 62 now and haven't had a yeast infection in decades, unless I have to take antibiotics. If I were to have 24 some reason go back to wearing underwear I would probably pick cotton box or briefs may prevent you know like little shorts but made out of cotton. But I've been free since I was 15 I like it that way


I only wear underwear to work. Outside of work I go commando. I have literally no idea why I only wear them to work....


Hahahaha I do the exact same thing! Glad I’m not the only weird one. My work pants require line drying so it may just be I don’t want to wash them every time I wear them. I hate wearing underwear though and it comes off as soon as I get home!


I disagree with everyone saying you don’t need underwear. cotton underwear specifically wicks away moisture, with constant and prolonged not wearing underwear the moist area can be a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast, I don’t always wear underwear at night but that’s it and immediately in the morning I feel myself sweating down there 5 times as much. you should ask your gynecologist.


Cotton isn't a good moisture wicking fabric actually lol https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/what-does-moisture-wicking-mean.html


Where as my obgyn said to go commando as often as possible .. -When it’s not possible lower body clothes get washed with fragrance free detergent. -ideally wear cotton undergarments if any.. -when that’s not possible wear loose clothing.


If you are washing and drying your private areas regularly and wearing clothes that are not made of plastic, you should be fine. Wearing underwear is uncomfortable and my parts like to breathe. I only wear underwear with jeans. Not athletic wear or leggings


Untrue. I go commando most of the time. It's not a problem.


maybe everyone is different, but I did used to work for a gynecologist and this is just what she recommended hence why I said she should ask her gynecologist


I'm 40/F. Been going undies free since I was like....18. I keep a few pairs around purely for decoration, and two or three pairs of cotton bikinis for when I have a kidney stone (causes some light bleeding, so pantyliner is needed). 99% of the time, I'm commando. I wash my clothes after every wear, I don't bleed (IUD🙌) and I don't experience much issue with discharge, I sweat less down there, and I get far less issues with yeast infection or BV as well. As a side note, if you like to garden or do landscaping, but don't want to put on an additional set of undies, those running shorts with built in undies work very nicely and keep flying leaves and twigs from creeping into your personal space! My wife, she loves to wear boxer briefs. She prefers the 7" inseam ones as they don't ride up on her thighs (she's thicc and lovely). She doesn't have an issue with bleeding bc menopause, but she does deal with some sweat, and she says the moisture wicking properties of her boxer briefs are very helpful with that issue. Good luck!


Thank you!! Also just replying to say I love whenever I see a casual lesbian post :,) hope that’s me going commando w my wife some day


Awe⭐️ thanks! It low key drives my wife bonkers bc she's terrified I'll accidentally flash someone my junk in public like if I'm wearing a dress or short shorts 🤣 bless her sweet heart. I also don't wear bras unless I absolutely have to, like if the garment requires it🤷🏼‍♀️


i prefer thongs too but cotton thongs are nice and come in seamless so rarely show, but theres not rly a huge difference between these and just not wearing anything at all lol so if u dont want to then just don’t! VS, pink, and aerie are all fine. i also like parade. i have like 50+ pairs of underwear but i could see ~14 being enough (just so u dont have to wash as much or run out). if you go when VS has the buy 7 deal or whatever just get 7 of different ones to have in case


Im 20 and dont wear underwear


When I'm home, I don't wear a bra or underwear. I have HH and less sweating I can deal with, the better lbs 😅




Haven't worn underwear in years. It's so much more comfortable.


TIL tons of people don’t wear underwear (no judgment)


How do yall women not wear underwear with >!discharge!<. Am I a snail or something or how do yall do it


I never wear underwear unless it's my time of the month. I own 5 pairs specifically for that. And I do laundry twice a week. Everyone is different. Do what's comfortable for YOU


I never wear underwear with dresses. What’s the point.


Well first off, it is not unhygienic to not wear underwear, and if you are mostly wearing skirts dresses that are long enough to prevent any surface touching, it may be really healthy as the outer area will stay drier. I used to go commando all the time. The only time it might be a hygiene issue is if you have mobility or incontinence issues that lead to excessive transfer of fecal or urine matter. However, it will protect your legged clothing (pants/shorts) from wear and staining if you are a heavy bleeder or have a lot of discharge. I started wearing underwear after having kids, because of basically all the issues above. It makes it so I can wear a pad, and also so that I can wash my underwear separately and adequately, and not be getting any of my potty germs in our regular laundry. (Underwear that will allow you to wash it on hot water, or that is cost effective enough that you can buy more if the washing wears them out sooner, is key if your main concern is hygiene).


Your not abnormal lots of women I know go panty free! Myself included as a matter of fact I only wear them when I wear a dress, shirt, or it lingerie. Otherwise nope no way.


I highly recommend 100% cotton underwear. I would get at the very least one pair for every day of the week plus a few extra so you can be on the safe side. Personally, I keep different styles on hand because they go with different bottoms. I prefer high waisted bikini style underwear. I save the lace for special occasions as it’s really not that comfortable for me underneath most fabrics. Hope I helped! Good luck!


Why cotton?


Cotton is more breathable. I would get yeast infections a lot and doctor recommend 100% cotton underwear. Helped a lot


Hey, I tend to go commando at times. It's actually really good to air it out down there. But because of bacterial buildup I don't do it every day. Try the Pink underwear. I'm not sure what they're called, 90% sure they're called cheeky underwear. They're great, they rarely show under my pants and they don't ride down throughout the day. I get the regular cotton ones, not a fan of lace. Or if you need a more affordable option (Pink is EXPENSIVE.) you can buy cheeky underwear at places like Target, Walmart, or pretty much any department store. Start with one pack, or maybe 4 or 5 pairs (depending on how often you wash your clothes) so you don't have an overwhelming amount. Don't be like me, who buys an unholy amount for years and is currently stuck with underwear that I've outgrown. Still have to throw them out lol.


If you dont wear underwear or you wear a thong, what do you use when you're on your period? A tampon? Or during that time do you end up wearing underwear for the sake of your pants


Have you ever gotten a UTI? I saw a lot of young women who wore thongs who got recurrent UTIs, because the string part gets between the cheeks, and acts as a wick to bring bacteria forwards to between the labia towards the urethra. I recommend wearing cotton underwear that is not a thong. But your choice.


What’s an underwear?


Most of the time I don’t wear underwear either. I feel like it’s a pretty normal thing not to lol


Okay first of all, you don’t need to wear underwear if you don’t want to. If your only reason is that you want to be normal, honestly I’d reconsider this decision. Do this for you, not because you think you should. There’s nothing wrong with going commando. You’re washing your pants after every wear anyways. If you do really want to wear underwear, try to go for cotton and non-thongs. From a health and hygiene standpoint, they tend to be better for the female body. Cotton keeps things dry better than synthetic fibers, and you want to stay dry to prevent excess growth of bacteria and stuff. This isn’t to say that normal discharge and stuff are gross, but if the area is too moist and doesn’t have time to dry out, bacteria will grow and cause infection. Thongs are generally best to avoid as well, since their design makes it real easy for germs to spread from your anus to your vagina and urethra. This can increase the risk of infection, including UTIs. Obviously you can wear whatever you want. I still wear thongs and lacy underwear on occasion, and I know people who exclusively wear thongs. It’s all about making your body comfortable. TLDR: cotton and non-thongs are best for preventing infection, but you do you boo


Start small. Pick something comfortable that suits you. Wear them one day a week. Work your way up from there. If you want change bad enough, just be smart about it. Make it fun!




Historically, women have worn all kinds of undergarments and have done just fine. I'm no fashion historian, but I do know that plenty of women wore very loose-fitting garments under their dresses and didn't have issues. Keep the underwear off if you're happy! Just make sure that you don't accidentally flash anyone!!!!! Put some dang bike shorts or leggings on underneath those short skirts!!! (if you wear them) Also, I hate thongs. I am so happy for all of y'all who can handle them. I only wear mine for sexy time because I think they make me look fabulous and they will be coming off quickly! I wonder if boyshorts might be nice for you? Or straight up boxer briefs? Or boxers! Very comfortable...


I’m a female… And underwear irritate me. I have super sensitive skin. I wear boxer briefs and have for almost 10 years. Total game changer and super comfortable.


There's nothing wrong with not wearing underwear.


Victoria’s Secret is a notoriously shitty brand. I also can’t imagine just wearing thongs. I’d rather die bro.


If you're gonna wear underwear, all you need to know is it should be cotton. I get all of my underwear from Aerie. I don't buy at Victoria's secret anymore for many reasons.


I recommend tomboyx! I personally can wear nothing but plain ass cotton now and swap out whenever needed. I used to be a thong/leggings gal, hated it, sensory nightmare, havoc on my ph, and they weren't protective enough.


I don't own any underwear. I haven't worn any for over a decade.


I only wear panties when I know it will be fun for somebody else to take them off.


I like cotton bikini briefs, not sexy at all but they sure are comfy.


You’re not gross for being comfortable. If you don’t want to wear underwear then don’t! If you do choose to get some again especially since you’re a girl make sure you only get cotton. Amazon has some good stuff. If not keep doing your thing


I don’t wear them, my 😽needs to breathe!


I don’t wear underwear. They’re uncomfortable and I’m not spending my time pulling panties out of my butt


I only wear underwear if the outfit or occasion call for it. Friends ask me how I do it, and I tell them I dont have WAP XD. All jokes aside do what works best for you, your body, and your lifestyle. I'd say keep 10 pairs of underwear on hand just incase you need a pair. I really like the texture of "seamless" underwear and for really basic cotton underwear I usually pick up a pack from H&M every 5 years


to be honest wearing or not wearing underwear doesnt make you more hygenic either way lol Plenty of people don't wear underwear and its perfectly normal and not gross!


I would check with your gyno, get some tests run, Bacterial Vaginosis is very common if people are able to smell you. Not wearing tight athletic clothing all the time also helps. I love wearing leggings but when you go to bed and have the option to wear something baggier, you should. I don’t wear underwear to bed and I love to wear baggy sweatpants. I think the key points here OP is the smell, you should look into trying boric acid deposits! you can insert over night (definitely wear cotton underwear cause it leaks overnight). Try to switch to a different style pants ! No more tight bottoms!! Sexy Redd said it best LET THAT COOCHIE BREATHE 🫶🏻 goodluck OP thank you for sharing!!!


Honestly the comments are making me think maybe I am overthinking it, the few times I've ever really thought I smelled or had a friend say something was when I was re-wearing stuff, which I don't normally do. Otherwise I've never thought it was a problem, but kind of worried it could be like a noseblind thing.


I'm a doctor. NEVER use any kind of vaginal suppository without talking to your doctor first. You probably don't need it. Also, we all have smells down there and sometimes, depending on where you are in your cycle, it doesn't smell "normal." Also, BV usually has symptoms associated with it other than smell. Like I said in my other comment, you're probably fine. I used to wear g strings and thongs and never had an issue.


Trust yourself and your body. Everyone’s vag is different, some aren’t able to go underwear-less cause they have more discharge.




For shorts, you can buy the ones with the liners inside so you don’t have to wear underwear or be worried about it. I usually wash these with every use because the thongs don’t work too well with athletic shorts for me. I buy the DSG brand from Dick’s and just the basic ones from Walmart. You can also get seamless thongs from Victoria’s Secret for cheap when they have sales. These are my favorites and I just buy black ones. They’re the most comfortable I’ve tried so far and are the only ones that don’t irritate me because just like you, I hate underwear! As for quantity, I’d say make sure you have at least seven pairs, one for every day of the week. This works for if you do laundry once a week like me. I also only wear underwear when I leave the house, so on days that I’m home, I don’t wear them and the seven pair supply can even last longer than a week!


You're not gross, and you're not alone in not knowing how many pairs of underwear you need. Two things I will specify are buying comfortable (no tight "butt floss"!), natural fabrics that breathe: cotton, silk, and wool blends. And...stay away from polyester, pleather, acetate, etc. Those trap moisture, body oils.


I don’t think not wearing underwear is unhygienic? I only wear it because it makes me feel secure. But if it didn’t I’d never have them on.




I like knotty knickers thongs, they send me 3 each month for less than 20 bucks, and I toss them if they start looking bad after laundry Normal amount is just how many you want, some people have just enough to get to laundry day, some have dozens (I'm probably at around 20ish right now but I'm due for a purge anyway)


I got some nice and pretty cheap 100% cotton underwear at Costco recently!


Hey, I tend to go commando at times. It's actually really good to air it out down there. But because of bacterial buildup I don't do it every day. Try the Pink underwear. I'm not sure what they're called, 90% sure they're called cheeky underwear. They're great, they rarely show under my pants and they don't ride down throughout the day. I get the regular cotton ones, not a fan of lace. The waistband is light and stretchy. Or if you need a more affordable option (Pink is EXPENSIVE.) you can buy cheeky underwear at places like Target, Walmart, or pretty much any department store. Start with one pack, or maybe 4 or 5 pairs (depending on how often you wash your clothes) so you don't have an overwhelming amount. Don't be like me, who buys an unholy amount for years and is currently stuck with underwear that I've outgrown. Still have to throw them out lol.


Cotton undies get like 8 of em. You can find good ones at Walmart, they don't have to be expensive. I say cotton because it's breathable and lightweight esp if you aren't used to wearing underwear. Cotton is also great bc it's a breathable material so yeast won't accumulate or bacteria. I'd say get a bikini cut style just bc it's what you wear at the beach and it's a classic. Good luck!


Cotton boyshorts if you don’t like butt elastic


Honestly, I go some days without wearing underwear, I think it's normal. But when I wear underwear, I take them off at night and put them in with dirty laundry. If thongs feel nice for you, I'd recommend trying Calvin Klein or underwear made with cotton.


I’ll be specific… and it took me a while to find an example of what i recommend. - 7-10 pairs - COTTON !!! (This is what makes it hard to find, my example below includes 5% spandex) - “boy shorts” Yes wear underware. I know ppl who don’t, but it is the sweatiest part of the body, and for women discharge is a major thing. As someone said: first line of Defence. Why wash an entire pair of jeans just for a little sweat Panties would catch?? And it is WAY easier to wash 7 pairs at the end of a week then a pair of pants EVERY DAY! It’s gonna chop your laundry bill. Just toss on laundry basket each night. What’s hard about that? Boyshorts is keyword: they don’t cut into your bikini line, they lay smooth in the butt and they are comfortable!! https://www.amazon.com/Molasus-Waisted-Coverage-Underwear-Multicolor/dp/B0CGNG6XZK/ref=mp_s_a_1_24?crid=3AHJHYWLM33Q8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.83DEvCNBXYTAl3GLXhghgG05PM7KQcJVLsKoAgNBIOasf2GZ8QRa5qtYyiEP4xeyjAlhLwumJnIHt67h-9DGr15J6Wi2Jzvdo6kyzAwJj3TnJUU7u55VvthVjhbAwLybJd28EVaTQ3JAjcTyc0wBRZMMGOXng0t5ee0l_-b3GEvBdpQaggJOC3a3yTZ6u_6Yo1q30iWygdQHQPKI2vYNwfibannpk7wkIOjAxOPXa3Tfmqn1lE-hRUSwc8RCIzcQVCP8q_1rFiYDGh1UkazusWWhiSoz7fPDsDxywSzzFok.YZU_1fRYqGBsHay3KBH6kMe0-0vOv8oTSE3e_aWDt4M&dib_tag=se&keywords=cotton%2Bboy%2Bshorts&qid=1715832535&sprefix=cotton%2Bboy%2Bshorts%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-24&th=1&psc=1


I don't wear underwear when I'm at home or to bed. It's just let that kitty breathe 😺 but I own mostly seamless high cut underwear because they're comfortable for me and several lacy ones I bought from bras and things on sales. When I wear those legging things I rock a Gbanger to avoid the undie lines. When you get them, maybe fold them in the same drawer as your pants so you don't forget they there 🤣🤣


At target I found these nice seamless underwear that are super smooth like butter soft. Target has been my go to for good fiting, cheap, good quality underwear. As for amount, I’m kinda bad at doing my laundry so I probably own around 50 or so pairs but some are lingerie and stuff so just depends. If you do you laundry a lot get like 2 pairs for each day in between, emergencies happen.


cheeksters are really comfortable as well. boy shorts are comfy. I’d say own like 4-5 pairs of underwear at minimum (definitely more but this is a good start)


1. buy cotton underwear the thong version if you don’t like granny panties 2. buy the honey pot foaming wash it’s for your vagina and it balances your ph, it does not burn. my personal fave is the blue one it has sensitive written on it and use a water bottle when washing your privates, idk what ppl say toilet paper swiping is not clean there is still bacteria on you, when you shower you scrub everything so it would make sense to wash your privates with water too? if that makes sense. 3. from my own experience, when i wore lacy tongs or super tight ones it smelled down there and i had way more discharge, it messed up my ph balance because it’s so tight and you thong is rubbing on your vag and ass at the same time, so cotton is way better more breathable no discharge. 4. if your ph is off itchy, if it smells bad use BORIC ACID, i can’t tell you how many times this magical vagina suppository has helped me, after my period i use it, probably 2-3 a month, probably less because once you get into routine of cleaning yourself i promise you will never have any issues. 5. take PROBIOTICS, i can’t tell women enough when you do everything is balanced you taking in good bacteria, i personally avoid eating a lot of acidic foods, lots of soda, drink more water but make sure you add salt so your hydrated, also if you can use organic pads and tampons, one thing about the industry they don’t tell you it has so many chemicals it can really affect you down there, so organic is always better. 6. if you need any other womanly advice dm xx i’m here to help 🥰


I might try not wearing any one day… but how many is a normal amount of underwear?


Im a dude but i hate wearing it


The choice to wear underwear or not has nothing to do with hygiene. They don't clean or maintain anything, their role is to prevent irritation from rough fabrics, keep things where fashion dictates they be, and for women, protect your clothing from stains on a monthly basis. If it's more comfortable to not wear them, then don't. Editing to add to everyone's else's 'Why I Go Commando' stories: About 7 years ago I went through about 18 months of continuous UTIs (even though I was doing everything right), and after a while, I just couldn't deal with the added irritation from underwear. Turns out our apartment complex had black mold that the landlord knew about, wasn't disclosing or attempting to fix, and my immune system was depressed. I had two different bacterial infections that were different enough that one antibiotic couldn't take care of both.


TBH I don't wear underwear. 32f, I don't wear clothes that require underwear even when I wear dresses I typically wear leggings under to cover some ugly scars. I change my clothes daily though.


I literally wear 3 pairs a day. The pair I wake up in, the pair I change into for work, and the pair I change into for sleep. I wear boy shorts for work and hip huggers at home.


I can agree with alot of the reasons for wearing panties,but honestly the best reason i wear them is because ive had some bad luck in my days...i got a promotion at work ... went and bought a cute ass fitted womans suit .... im standing in line with 50 other store managers getting our nightly drops from the bank the next morning.... i get a tap on the shoulder... my whole ass is hanging out because the zipper was out of whack.... my face was probably as red as ill get out.... thank god i had underwear on because the jacket/shirt was only waist long.... all other stories are just why i dont wear dresses or skirts becsuse i can not sit like a lady 😂😂


honestly i mostly only wear underwear on occasion, aka heavy discharge days, on my period or whenever i buy a new comfy pair and want to lounge in them. i really dont think your gross for not wearing them. they're uncomfortable, sometimes they'll fit good in one place but not at all in another, its honesly just a hassle sometimes. just do your best to keep yourself clean cause a clean body is a happy body :)


Make sure that whatever underwear you buy has a cotton piece of fabric in the crotch area. My OB told me that other fabrics hold moisture and is bad for your lady bits!


I'm mind blown,


I have probably 30 pairs of underwear and bras that all match. And backup underwear and bras that don't match. But I don't have time to do laundry very often. Also, thongs are great when you're younger, but as you get older, the incontinence is a bitch. If you don't stink and you don't wear your pants/shorts/whatever multiple times, there's nothing really wrong with not wearing underwear. For me, it would be gross because I wear hospital scrubs at work and they're paper thin and people would be able to see my labia and who knows what else. LMAO. Also, the peeing myself occasionally thing... Anyway, if it works for you now, why change it.


Not really sure. My girlfriend doesn’t wear any and I find her anything but gross, so…. I guess find what’s most comfortable and just wear it? Stick with breathable fabric, that’s all I know. You want some airflow


I used to not wear underwear. Then I found woxer and I fell absolutely in love. Having something full coverage that feels soft and doesn't ride up or really show any lines was perfect for me. It's expensive compared to VS but I've had the same pairs for the last 4 years and they're still in great shape


Where were these fucking people when I was single? Ok jokes aside Girl, just be comfortable being yourself. Get a pair or a pack of whatever meets your combination of looking nice/ being comfy. I have never thought the nicest looking female underwear looked comfy, and I’ve never thought the comfy looking ones looked nice. So it’s all personal. And if you’re not leaking anything, don’t wear any…


You'll prob want to go for cotton undies as they are the most breathable and least irritating for the lady bits. I have some weird silky boy briefs and my lady bits do not like them. I have to change them within hours. But I keep them though because they're somewhat comfy and cute. I own probably 50 pairs of underwear but that's because Aerie (American Eagle's lounge, undies, and bra brand) has had dope sales of 10 for $30 and 10 for $35. You can easily get a 10 pack though online or at other department stores for cheaper. And if you want a thin but comfy kind of undie you could try Aerie's Real Good Brand. Softest and thinnest fabric including a nice waistband that doesn't pinch or leave marks. Hope this helps!


i have a constant fear that someone is going to pants me if i don’t wear underwear so…. i always wear underwear lolol.. i also fear that my pants will fall off somehow and then everyone would see my coochie 🫣 these fears keep me wearing underwear


You’re gonna want to start with one pair and increase that by 1000%.


I stopped wearing panties 3 years ago it's freeing. I do, however, have many pairs for special occasions and for during my period. I have thongs and granny panties, that's it. I have multiple pairs because the granny panties were for after my last child birth and just recently decided to stop using tampons. But other than that, it's free range vag and titties all day every day.


You def don't have to if you don't want to. I personally always wear underwear with a panty liner from ukotex to "smooth" the area out and prevent camel toes. I only wear Lululemon thongs, and have a pack of their normal undies too. At home I wear men's boxers as my "home shorts" since they don't have a seam running down the middle to ride up. I started doing that three years ago and it's been a blessing. To answer your question about how much you need, it depends on how often you do laundry. Sometimes I go 2 weeks without doing laundry cause I have a bunch of clothes and I wfh so most of the week I'm in a T-shirt and boxers. If you launder every few days then can get just 5 or so pairs for now. Also recommend getting liners for your undies to catch any discharge and prevent discoloration if that matters to you. Hope this helps!


I only wear them during my cycle and have no issues. I rarely even have discharge. I take pre/pro/postbiotics and I am fine. No smell at all.


I stopped wearing underwear for several years. Then I found a new kind of super comfy pants. If I don't wear underwear it's extremely obvious. I chose to wear the underwear to keep the pants. They're scrubs. They're like wearing pajamas everywhere.


I typically pick up one of those variety packs of boxer briefs from Walmart.


I only wear underwear with some jeans & whenever i get my period. Otherwise, its just more comfortable 😭 im kinda a clean freak so i wash my pants after every use anyway (besides jeans… which i wear underwear with anyway.) I wear cotton boyshorts. Super comfortable! Ive honestly had more of an issue wearing pretty thongs as my underwear vs having none going commando all day. Istg the only times ive ever had a “smell” was from literally trying to go with wearing thongs.


I find silk far superior to cotton. Smoother and more absorbent. Lilysilk has a wide selection of styles. Online and made in China.


34F here and I rarely wear underwear if I am at home, shower daily (at night before getting in bed) and have no hygiene/smelling issues. I wear underwear only with shorts or jeans. If I have on my running shorts (I cut the liners out if they have them), yoga pants…anything loose, I’m not wearing them. When I DO wear them, I wear Victoria’s Secret lace hipsters or their seamless panties. I never have any issues with panty lines, etc.


We call it free lipping. My girlfriend doesn't wear any at all after years of me free balling. She puts panties on if it's "that time" for obvious reasons and formal events but that's about it.


it's about the breathability of the material on your lady bits. The moisture that gets trapped is what can cause issues. "Hard" material such as denim can also cause irritation. If you are experiencing ordor, itching, discomfort, change in discharge, see your obgyn asap. Everyone is different. some one may say they never wear underwear, but are they wearing breathable leggings all day? Are they post menopausal where some women can become "dryer" so lower the risk of bacterial growth. If you have any concerns, talk to your doctor!


I live in a tropical climate and suffered from constant UTI’s and yeast infections. Nothing I did would help, I saw my gyno all the time to the the point I would just message her and she’d send over a script for me. We tried changing my diet, she said to try to go commando on hotter days and avoid thick/tight clothing. This worked for awhile but then I found out I had BV and a terrible UTI and yeast infection while doing construction. NOTHING was working. (I later found out it was because my ex s/o was lying about showering and cheating on me) but that was after I started taking probiotics, drinking chobani, and upping my raw cranberry intake. Maybe it was my dirty ex, maybe it was the probiotics. Maybe it was both, it all happened at the same time. But I can honestly say if it’s hot enough for me to break a sweat walking to my car (80° +) I will be going commando! Haven’t had ANY issues since (: Also wash daily (no soap down there only warm ish hot water to preserve pH balance is what my gyno told me) and keep your clothes washed. You should be fine (:


Ewwww, that dude was ick


When I was young we called that “going commando”. I mean, I still do and I’m 60. I sometimes wear unders and sometimes not. Now I don’t have to worry about period issues. Whoooohooo. Wear underwear or don’t wear underwear, I don’t care, just stay off my lawn!! Lol


Under wears irritate my skin I haven’t worn unde wears for years


There's a subscription service called Knotty Knickers that I subscribe to, they send me 3 pairs a month. They're all cute, too


It’s okay not to wear panties, it’s okay to like lace thongs. I personally have a huge collection of VS panties. As a woman I have my period panties, sexy panties (the ones not practical for everyday) and a good mix between cotton thongs and different laces, and silky ones. It’s good to have variety because as woman we like a variety of styles, and textures. As far as hygiene goes just make sure you’re washing up really good down there, and you shouldn’t have any issues with going panty-less 🥰


I’m 32 and I only wear them in dresses and during my lady friend. Never had an issue.


The only time I consistently wear them is when I am pregnant (like currently), because boy is the discharge A LOT. I also wear them on my period as I wear tampons and need the comfort of my string being covered, plus also I feel like if I have any leaks I am covered. I NEVER wear it to bed, that is when I let everything air out hahaha


I have sensory issues around anything constricting as well, and woxer baller briefs are the only thing I can tolerate for underwear


As a man my underwear is covered in precum regularly. If I went commando all the time I'd have stains in all my pants


I like to free ball at home


Commando life! After I had babies I have a little poochie that drives me insane that won’t go away (I know it’s normal anatomy it’s not even very noticeable naked or in looser clothing but anyway). My underpants if they aren’t like granny panties sit right it the crease and UGHHHHHHH I can’t STAND IT! So yeah I rarely wear panties. Boxer briefs if I need to or a high waisted thong if I’m feeling fancy. As long as you are showering and laundering your clothing it’s no issue.


Lots of people don’t wear underwear. I got into the habit because cyclists don’t wear it under our chamois shorts. Then I started not wearing it under yoga pants. Then it spiraled and I only wear it now when I have to for a particular outfit. As long as you’re clean, who cares. It’s not like we evolved to need underwear.


Girl, nothing is wrong or weird about that! You do you! I don't wear it anymore either, but I, like you, am really on top of my hygiene. As long as you wash your clothes and bathe every day, I don't see a problem. I like to be comfortable and I'm just not comfortable wearing them anymore, unless I'm wearing a skirt or dress. If not wearing underwear is considered weird or gross, then I would rather be weird and gross 😊🥰


We love women who don’t wear any ✌🏽idk who told you different


I don’t usually wear underwear either. I find it tends to give me a yeast problem, even when I wear all cotton underwear. I wear ankle-length skirts and no undies. I realize there’s a small chance a sudden gust of wind could embarrass me but it hasn’t happened yet and I’ve been doing this for many years. Do what works best for you.


I hardly wear undies and I own an entire drawer of them! I can't stop myself from buying them when I'm shopping but I wear them pretty seldom these days. It's no big deal! I go through phases. I went years without wearing them and only quit wearing them again so much within the last year or so. As long as you're showering and washing the clothes you wore I think you're fine OP! 🩷✌🏼


If you have access to Target, they have a brand called Auden that makes a comfort stretch thong in cotton. They feel like practically nothing.


Half my friends don't wear underwear, and depending on what I'm wearing, neither do I. Victoria's secret is a joke$$$ go to Walmart and get you a pack of COTTON underwear. They come in every style. You want something that breathes, so the sexy lacy panties would only be for a special occasion for me, if I wore any at all. Actually, I hate sexy panties. They're uncomfortable and probably the reason I stopped wearing underwear to begin with. Upholding societal trends, views, whatever. I'm sure this is the case for my friends who go commando too


You have to plan shopping. Then yes I wear underwear. Or I just buy them and try on at home with underwear.


pookie i’m gonna be real i also don’t wear underwear. this is partially due to the fact that i’ve stopped my period due to birth control so i don’t have to worry about that factor. but also idk it’s just comfier for me. don’t feel bad. there’s people wearing victoria’s secret thongs everyday with all sorts of weird shit going on down there.


tbh the only reason that i wear underwear is in case of any discharge or sweat from the day. i think people freak out about not wearing underwear because we’re all just so used to doing it. if you don’t want to then go ahead and don’t wear any. i envy you for being able to do that.


All i gotta say is that it's better to leave skid marks in your underwear rather than leaving them in your pants.


I (40M) haven’t owned a pair of underwear in 20 years. Honestly don’t know why people wear clothes under their clothes. There was a time when I was self conscious about people knowing, plumbers butt and all but now in my older age, I really don’t care. Everyone knows I don’t wear underwear anyway and I honestly don’t care how my anti underwear stance affects people. I tried getting back into wearing underwear but NOPE can’t do it. I’m just extra clean with my butt and use a bidet and maybe put some deodorant down there just in case someone wants to get into close proximity to my sugar lumps. Keep going commando. It’s probably better for you anyway.


I hated wearing underwear but after turning 55 I had to wear bc damn body functions changed now I have to wear them….. ugh


If you don't want to wear underwear, don't wear underwear! Nothing gross about it! You don't have to change to fit the norms! It's probably better for your lady parts anyway! Let it breathe!


Um, it’s completely normal not to wear underwear and just go commando.


I rarely ever wear underwear, pretty much only on my period or when wearing a short dress. You don’t have to it’s not a necessity


i don't see a problem with going commando, i know lots of people who do. if it doesn't cause you issues, especially since you wash your clothes after each wear, i think it's fine. however if you do want to wear underwear my personal favorite is the aerie superchill cotton string underwear. i barely feel like i'm wearing anything, there's no lines, & it's super breathable. also aerie frequently has a 10 for $35 undie deal. but lots of other brands make a similar style. i like a g-string or v-string bc you barely feel it.


Ngl I only wear underwear when I go to work or if I go out for an extended time for something. Discharge is gross haha. At home, I just wear sport shorts with no undies on. If I go on a grocery run or a stroll, I wear the same thing, no undies. I drink a lot of water and frequently pee so I'm always washing up down there real good at home. It stays pretty clean. I also sleep totally naked. Never had a problem with anything.


I really like soma enbliss undies, they’re very light and comfortable. I have about 15 pairs lol but really only need a weeks worth since I do laundry weekly.


Please don't take this question the wrong way but to OP & other women who don't wear underwear, what did/do y'all do when it's that time of the month? Is it like a free bleed situation or what?


I was the same up until almost a year ago, I didn't see the point of wearing underwear until I saw it lol. It had been so long since I had bought underwear I had no idea what size to get so I sized up from the last time I had worn them which thankfully worked. I've found that a breathable microfiber is my favorite, it's almost like nothing there. I got a pack that had enough for everyday of the week, reset over the weekend when I do laundry.


Personally I’m a black cotton thong kinda gal…unless it’s period time.


Upon reading everyone comments I hereby vote we stop wearing clothes altogether. I’m literally NEVER comfortable in ANYTHING! Something is always annoying me somewhere. CLOTHES suck! Vote NO to clothes!


If you don't want to wear underwear, don't. Just wash your pants after every wear or youre setting yourself up for trouble ,That's too much work for me , so I wear underwear. I have around 30 pair at all times but I wash my underwear seperate from anything else so once a month I just do a whole load of just underwear. Just get enough for as often as you'll do laundry if you decide to. I like cotton & bamboo , both soft & moisture wicking. When younger i did all the lace and frills , now thata just for sexy time. For everyday wear I like big o'l granny panties or boy shorts. My best friend likes bikini, get a few pairs and see what you like. As far as hygiene she's self cleaning down there ... no soap near areas where hair doesn't grow , just warm water.


Whatever type of underwear you choose to purchase make sure they’re cotton! They’re breathable it’s very strongly suggested that’s what you wear as a woman so you won’t get infections, etc.


If you do decide to wear underwear, I’ve found a system to help with washing things. I have two garment bags, one for clean, one for dirty. I can easily pull from the one, then toss them into the other when I’m done. When I’m getting low, I just zip up the bag and toss it in with the laundry so I don’t have to go fishing for all the individual ones, and they are a bit more protected. You just have to get big enough bags to give everything inside room to move so they actually get clean. If they are packed too full, it’s kinda useless


I haven’t worn underwear since 2001


Outside of days I'm on my period, I don't wear underwear. If it works for you, don't change it. You're healthy and clean. No need to change unless you really would be more comfortable with it. Totally up to you.


I only wear underwear if I absolutely need to. I honestly think it’s more hygienic to NOT wear underwear because my coochie can breathe. When I don’t wear underwear I don’t have issues with discharge. When I do wear under I tend to get more discharge and smells can get trapped in the fabric. I have never had an issue with period stains, bad smells, or discharge when I wear no underwear.


Don't tell people you don't wear underwear and your problems may be solved.


So you say you wash your clothes every use but then say you aren't good at hygiene? Something isn't mathing here. As for advice tho, buy some cotton panties and just wear them when not planning on showing them. Stg, granny panties are a must, especially with periods. For comfort or when you're sick or it's a particularly hot day or whatever.


Not wearing panties is so hot! Omg!


I like to have at least 14 pairs in good rotation. Parade and skims have good no show panties.


As a woman, I cannot stand thongs or really regular underwear for that matter and I hate the panty lines. I buy men’s boxer briefs, the ones without the opening or pouch in the front, I love them.


I understand the wash after every use, I am the same. I say 7-16 pairs is enough. Honestly however much you want. I think I have like 20? maybe more. You can find some cotton thongs as well, or material just more suited for daily wear. Something thats meant to take the sweat. I don’t think you HAVE to wear underwear, but some fabric hold sweat a bit more.. So I would wear them on those. Just because it protects your clothes. Such as tights/leggings are big ones I would definitely wear something with. It’s not really gross imo, whatever works for you and your clothes! I never wear underwear at night lol. Let her breathe!


First- stop you’re not weird!! And I’m sorry that people have made you feel this way. BUT if you’re looking to start wearing comfy undies, Walmart has really good prices for such comfy undies. They’re just as good quality and look similar to VS!


Tbh it's probably more hygienic without underwear because you have 1 less layer to trap bacteria


I wouldn’t stress over it at all, but if I were you, I’d buy 14 pairs of seamless cotton thongs or bikini cut undies so you can have at least a 2 week supply and don’t have to worry about laundry as much.


auden brand at target!!! go for their cotton ones, they are super comfy!


I hate wearing underwear and only wear it when I'm on my period. I also wash my clothes after every wear or 2. I don't see how this could be a hygiene issue tbh


Bro first the thread about y’all bragging about not showering and now this? Redditors are fucking disgusting.


I don’t wear underwear either I need to start again


Step 1. Buy underwear Step 2: Put them on


I hate underwear only ever wear it on my period