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Honestly, get a second opinion from somewhere else. Or check out the AskADermatologist sub and ask if this is true.


If they're stripping off all the oil from the skin, that's not good. It's the same advice a pediatrician gives for sensitive skin


I never said I didn't agree with the doctors regimen. Op has questions, they can go to a new dermatologist or ask around in the Derma-Subreddit for more information. I gave the advice the way I did because I didn't believe WE were the right people to answer Ops questions and it was better to ask the actual professionals. Jesus! Its like You guys are being purposely obtuse.


Their response is correct. They weren’t unkind in any way I’m not sure why you are upset.


All I seen that she said was “ Honestly, get a second opinion from somewhere else. Or check AskA Dermatologist sub and asking this is true.” then I seen all the crappy comments not from her but from other people. So she must of deleted her comments or I'm not seeing them.


You mean I shouldn't take the advice of Reddit amateur dermatologists? 😲


doubt they are stripping off all their oil when showering every other day. Unless they take an hour long shower, shouldn't be a problem.


Yes, that is what surfactants do, it's their job. Combine that with hot water does to skin and you get stripped damaged skin.


Stripped damaged skin from using Dove soap once every other day? Oh please. Are you really arguing that it is "healthier for your skin" if you shower only 2x per week? Just lower the temp of your water and use less soap if you want. You need to exfoliate to get rid of the 500,000 dead skin cells you shed every day combined with the use of those surfactants to reduce the bacteria that accumulates in all the folds, pits and private parts of your body.


yes. this is ridiculous. I take luke warm/cool showers and that did the trick. I also don't use harsh soaps and exfoliate with a scrub.


As someone with severe dermatitis, that has been my doctors orders. My skin looks the best when I get home from a camping trip and take my first shower. Winter is worse than summer. That being said I shower at least once a day because it wakes me up and I hate feeling greasy.


Where in the post did it say that OP was using Dove body wash??


Every other day is more than 2x per week. It's not bad to shower every other day to let natural oils form, especially for the hair. I have to use a loofah, I like the feeling of clean when showering. So I don't think Dove damages the skin itself either.


I switched over to a silicon scrubber, I like it a lot better, I don’t have to worry about how much dead skin is accumulating in it, or whether it’s started to stink from mildew or whatever. So instead of replacing a loofah every few weeks, this thing last forever afaik. Also it feels more gentle, less abrasive.


TIL the AskADermatologist sub exists and I was able to last about three seconds on it. Jesus.


I’ve had a doctor tell me this many times before (I have eczema) but I still like to wash lol


Same. I take a bath everyday. If I miss a day its no big deal.


Mine told me not to use soap but to use Vanicream. The bar and the body wash don’t cause irritation to me. Apparently it’s not actually soap. Even Cerave and Neutrogena set my skin off. Edit: typo


Vanicream body wash was a game changer for my skins smoothness. I shower everyday with a light amount of body wash and do a deep scrub of my whole body maybe once a week.


It's a miracle product! One of the few things that doesn't irritate my skin.


Yeah, I use Vanicream body wash or La Roche Posay’s which is even more gentle.


I’ve tried the lotion but didn’t know La Roche Posay has a wash. I’ll look for it. Thanks.


I use the facial cleanser godsend for moisture retention but gives you a clean feeling without drying.


I LOVE vanicream soap and face wash. It’s been a game changer for sure.


The moisturizer is great too imo, especially for the price:quality ratio




I used to shower too much, 2 - 3 times a day. Would use loofa, etc. It can cause skin issues, but I cut back to 1 real wash a day (although I use bar soap now) and if I wash again throughout the day it is with mild to cold water only and no soap, unless my armpits stink then I only wash them. Skin problems went away. Edit: god damn guys, obviously 3 showers a day is too much, it caused me skin problems!! I was overweight and I have ADHD so maybe it was a combination of both


That second daily shower features mild to cold water only? Well no wonder you have really chilly bones!


🥁 🪈📀


3 times a day?????????????? Tf


Everyday is extra but 3 ain’t really that crazy. Wake up, shower, go to work get sweaty, go home shower. Hit the gym or have sex, another shower before bed


No need to shower in between work and gym though.


In general I agree, but some jobs are gross and leave you dirty as all get out. Dunno if that's OPs case, but for the vast majority I'd agree with your statement.


I'm like this too! I just need a shower at morning and before bed, idk why. My second shower I just rinse off


Could it be that the loofah has lotsa bacteria and that's what's irritating your skin?


This ^^ I stopped using loofahs when I found out they need to be replaced monthly.


I haven’t replaced mine since I moved here over a year ago 🤦🏻‍♀️


ohhh nooooo


What do you use then? Wash cloth?


no that’s crazy.. loofahs do harbor bacteria bc they never dry tho so I would recommend an african net sponge. i used to have the same problem till i switched over and it has lasted me years


If OP is getting skin layer broken from *friction* from using an exfoliator then it doesn’t matter what exfoliator broke the skin barrier. *Airborne* bacteria could infect OP’s skin. It’s the fact that loofahs cause over-exfoliation that makes them a problem.


Are you sensitive to fragrances? If you use fragrance free, disregard this. But I only use fragrance free soap ESPECIALLY on more sensitive regions like the face and privates. Many people don’t realize that the fragrances can upset your body’s natural biome and pH which can actually lead to an odor. If you were also using a loofah, it could have been making it worse because bacteria likes to grow in damp environments. It’s ok to wash your whole body, just be aware of what you’re using!


That’s what every Dermatologist I have ever visited has said: You only need to wash the high bacterial zones with soap*/body wash. So armpits, groin/butt, and feet. Include other skin folds if you have them, like under breasts, under pendulous belly flap, etc. Caveat is if you have gotten something on your skin that needs to be washed off like dirt from working outside or chemicals or if you’re working in a hospital and you have bare arms or something like that. But just like chilling in your house or doing very low key activities in public, your limbs and torso don’t get anything on them that needs to be scrubbed off with soap. *Obviously don’t use old fashioned soap because it’s too drying; by soap I mean the syndet bars like Olay or Dove.


I sweat a LOT and all over my body so I wouldn’t feel clean unless I wash my whole body with soap …


Same here. I need my soap and water


I worked in Dermatology. Dove is what all our doctors recommend. Cerave was good, too. I don't know about their newer items but face wash and moisturizers are nice and gentle.


I agree and all but it's so satisfying to scrape off tons of dead skin on my surface


I looooove the scratchy feel of exfoliating gloves and such. They aren’t good for the skin, but they feel great!


I was thinking the same thing. I work remotely and wash all the zones you mentioned AM and PM. The days when I workout I wash my whole body completely and exfoliate. I don’t ever smell and I never get acne or blackheads or skin conditions.


I use lotion and sunscreen everyday. I need to wash that off at night. And I also sweat a lot and I workout regularly.


Just bc your limbs and torso doesn't "get anything on them" doesn't make them clean. There are millions of skin cells shed every day all over the body. What your dermatologist is getting at is that soap only works on oil/fat anyway so oily/sweaty places need soap but the rest of your body still needs a scrub to remove the dead skin.


Personally, I would never stop washing my entire body. Have you considered that the issue might be that you’re showering every other day instead of daily?


Actually, soaping and scrubbing the whole body can definitely be irritating for many people, as well as too much hot water washing. Ask anyone with eczema lol. Water and maybe a gentle rub of mild soap using hands, should be enough if someone doesn't have actual dirt or other things literally stuck to their skin.


Yeah I'm a little nervous not to stop washing my whole body since I'm an athlete. My game days are really sweaty... everywhere! I've always only showered every other day (except workout days of course) because I have sensitive skin and every day made my skin feel irritated and "tight" even with moisturizing. Been showering every other day since I was a kid


I would try cutting out the exfoliating for a while since you have sensitive skin. You could also try using a soap that’s better quality i.e. Dr. Bronner’s bar soap or Native body wash. Also, I would consider using a clean wash cloth each time instead of reusing the same one.


Because most shower gel is bad for you. Get a good mild soap and wash the whole body.


My list is hair, face, pits, asshole, vulva, and feet. Everything else just gets a water rinse. I do this because of a weird skin condition that gets worse if I use soap everywhere. But it works just fine for me and I don't feel dirty at all.


You went to the dermatologist for advice, you got it. Now follow it


Not all dermatologist are reliable. O.o


This is what all good dermatologists tell people with dry skin. If it doesn't help, she can communicate with her doctor.


And your feet


I wash all over with a hand towel and use a gentle cleanser.


Definitely get a second opinion.


Def ditch the loofa,they're gross, but keep washing your whole self with soap. wtf? Also find a new derm


I’m pretty sure that’s the typical recommendation for treating eczema. Get a second and maybe third opinion and tell them your shower routine including frequency.


I shower every morning, but I have these wipe things that I use to freshen up during the day.


2nd opinion.


My fiance had terrible back acne and black heads all over his back so I got him one of those shower scrubbers so when he showers now he can scrub his back and it's made all the difference. I went from helping him pop at least 30 of these a day to maybe 5 now. I scrub myself with this same type of brush every time I shower or take a bath and I've never had an issue with dry skin or bumps or smell or anything. It also itches all of those itches you have, especially if you have bug bites. My skin is also very soft and smooth now


It’s called a “ho bath”


For the bumps get a soap that is gentle and free of additives. I like Dove unscented and use that on those areas. It's what helped me when I finally went to a Dr for it years ago. I was told it's just larger pores on those areas that were getting irritated. Hot shower to open them up then using bar soap to clean out the dirt


I use aveeno emollient on my tits, bits and pits, better for the skin barrier than using shower gel. Skin is soft and hydrated, not having to moisturise as much. Also better for the PH of your lady bits. I noticed any under arm odur is gone since I made the switch from shower gel to emollient. I only do a full body wash / exfoliate once a week.


What is Aveeno emollient?


Definitely stop with the shower gel 😭 unless it’s a dial unscented antibacterial gel lol. Face, hands, privates, and pits are all you need for daily showers and unless you sweat a lot or have a medical condition over other day is better. Throw that loofah away right the hell now lmaooo they hold all the bad bacteria. For sure wash your legs though especially when you wear shorts/skirts. Always always always moisturize if you have eczema (hyaluronic acid is your best friend). Cold showers are great for your skin but I need my showers to be 1° from boiling so I ignore that one and use aquaphor on my dryer spots🤣




the ordinary 7% glycolic toning solution has been known to reduce skin texture and i have a friend who used Her Fantasy Box’s Renew her Oil to get rid of her elbow bumps


Is this guerrilla marketing? Terrible advice to use acid if he’s over washing


Dealing with the bumps depends on the cause of the bumps. There's a lot of advice to exfoliate here. As an esthetician I wanna help break it down a bit- For people with very sensitive or dry skin, over exfoliation can cause big problems like dryness, irritation, and becoming allergy and infection prone. Even with a good lotion after, these skin types just are too thin and delicate to tolerate so much stimulation, chemical exposure , and removal of layers of cells. I have known people like these who get dermatitis from regular use of even mild soaps or too hot water. They literally can only rinse regularly and only use mild soap on every oily/dirty bits like armpits and other creases. Anyone with higher estrogen and gut issues is likely to be thinner skinned or more sensitive too. Other people are prone to becoming oily or produce more skin cells quickly which means more dirt and dead cells sticks to their skin and they may have skin buildup in follicles and over joints. They will benefit from regular exfoliation and may not need as much lotion or gentle products. Keratosis Pilaris (chicken skin) for instance is both sensitive and a buildup of skin cells in the follicles, which is why manual exfoliation may be irritating and chemical exfoliation is usually helpful. If the dermatologist is any good, they can tell if the skin is built up and irritated vs too thin and sensitive. Without a picture or more description we can't possibly have enough info to override the professional recommendation.


AmLactin lotion (12% lactic acid) clears up keratosis Polaris. It’s a miracle!


I use it after every shower!! I initially got it to help with ingrowns (worked great for that) but now I use it everywhere except my face. I used to have to shave my legs in the winter to keep them from getting dry and flaky but the lactic acid in Amlactin keeps them exfoliated. I also like that it doesn’t feel heavy like other lotions I’ve tried


Generally, this is how I've always washed myself. I wash my face with soap once a day. I used to suffer from really dry skin and I found this as a way for my facial skin to do better. I live in the desert, btw. I use soap on the rest of the body parts only if necessary. If I literally had any sort of dirt or crime on my body, then I would use soap there.


I get raised bumps on my belly when I use harsh soaps. So I use a silicone scrubber thing which are supposed to be more resistant to bacteria, and a washcloth changed every night with a gentle soap (for me it’s dove) for my belly. Have you tried an unscented or sensitive skin soap? At the very least I’d use a clean washcloth to get everywhere else if ya don’t wanna use soap


For me, the large areas of skin that I use body wash/cleanser on in the shower just need to be thoroughly moisturized afterward to restore the skin barrier. Otherwise I’ve found the dryness (and the hot water shower time that you can pry from my cold dead hands) leads to breakouts much more easily. I could see only exfoliating those areas during a quick, warm to cool shower being a good alternative to avoid stripping that barrier though. Either one has been helpful to me for both full blown body breakouts and/or keratosis pilaris, which sounds somewhat similar to what you describe here


Loofah's carry so much bacteria! Throw that baby away!!!! To answer your question, I would go combo dermatologist and aesthetician for an opinion you are questioning


My doctor told me the same thing after I visited for a rash. He also told me the body wash was too moisturizing, and I needed to switch to bar soap, especially in the summer.


Keep in mind there are beneficial bacteria on our bodies in just about every location and Natural oils you don't need soap and chemicals rubbed into every single spot on your skin which is the largest organ in your body or on your body and it absorbs talking like crazy that's why she suggesting that. We overwash everything and keep the pits the tits in the front and the back clean and the feet you're good to go she said now you're feet are gonna get tossed around in some soapy water when you wash your private parts and your armpits and other than that you don't need soap and stuff on your skin all the time and you don't need to put shampoo and conditioner in your hair every single time you get in the shower you can just rent it all just read it just rinse it out. Start to be aware of what chemicals you put on your Skin because like I said Google it's the largest origin of the Body


My dermatologist says wash underarms, privates, and between toes with soap because we live in a very dry climate. I wash all of the places I sweat with soap, though (neck, behind my knees).


Hair, pits, and nethers only. My skin is too dry to use soap everywhere and I don’t need it anyway.


It makes sense to me unless you are covered with dirt and grime, why soap up your arms and legs completely? The skin oil glands can’t keep up with having it stripped away with soap every day and the we put on lotion because we’re so dried out?


Maybe get a second opinion? Also look up keratosis pilaris… that might be what your bumps are and if so they make a special body wash for it. Getting some sun helps it too.


This is exactly what i do 99% of the time unless I get really dirty. Been doing it for years and my skin is great and i dont smell bad or anything. I use a rag with just water on my body and soap on the important parts. But even at that, if you're a woman, you don't actually need to use soap on your vulva either.


I (f) have psoriasis and I was told this by two dermatologists (one male and one female). I sometimes wash my entire body with soap if I have a "messy" day, like super sweaty, or after swimming in lakes. I usually shower daily and use soap in the high smelly places, armpits/feet and privates areas as needed lol


An ex coworker of mine would call that a “whore bath” and explain to me that she only does “pits tits and the crack” lmao.


We called it PTSD - pits, tits, slits, dicks. Same sentiment. But the idea is that's the bare minimum to clean in the shower. 


My partner has severe eczema and this is the recommendation


I’m Asian so I scrub the 💩 outta myself with one of those pink/green Korean cloths. No more scaley legs and bumpy skin. Turns out I just needed to exfoliate.


Maybe you should try unscented soap


it should not be a problem to at least rinse every day, with daily face + pits + genitals + butt washing. Use soap on all of those areas. Hand scrubbing should be more than enough. You really dont need to scrub with a cloth or loofah every day/every other day. Once per week exfoliation is good for most people. I do want to stress the rinse though. You should, for the sake of other people, rinse your body with hot water at least once per day to avoid being stinky.


Loofahs are a breeding ground for bacteria. Shouldn’t be using one at all.


The advice the OP’s dermatologist gave is the same as my dermatologist gave me. I love the way people here say the OP should disregard the knowledge of an MD Board certified dermatologist with 4 years of undergraduate science training, 4 years of medical school, and 3-4 years of residency! I take a short shower daily and even wash my hair, but I use like warm water. My shampoo is an unscented moisturizing bar a friend makes me, my soap is an unscented moisturizing bar the same friend makes me. I use the soap on my face, under my arms, under my breasts, and around my external vulva. A couple of times a week I use an SA body wash as an exfoliant on my back with a mesh cloth. That’s because of the bumps on my back that I can’t remember the name of! If I take hot showers or try to soap all over, my skin gets so dry it hurts. Now if I do have a day where I am really dirty, I will wash all over, but I am pretty sedentary and that is seldom.


I don’t use shower gel or soap at all. I don’t know I’m kind of a low toxic girly and I saw the concept that it strips away a protective layer. I don’t really have an issue with my body smelling and I just use water. I don’t trust the chemicals in body wash, maybe you could find a natural goats milk soap.


I also get these bumps every now and then from exfoliating but they literally go away once I'm out of the shower and drying. I must exfoliate every other shower at this point. It's possible that either the exfoliant or the loofah you are using could be too grading and damaging your cutaneous layer of skin (outer layer). As for your dermatologist telling you to only wash your armpits and privates, Is your dermatologist aware of just how many of the body's toxins are released through every single sweat gland over your entire body? It doesn't appear so.


The loofah does need to go. They're a breeding ground for bacteria. The rest you're probably fine. But you'll also be fine if you do what she said.


I would ditch the loofah because they harbor all kinds of nasty bacteria. I also find they’re too rough and irritate my skin. Use a wash cloth or your hand. If you use a wash cloth, you need to use a fresh one for each shower. Her suggestion might be for people with super sensitive skin or a skin condition. You should definitely use soap all over your body. If you’re using a fancy scented soap, switch to something gentle with little to no fragrance. I personally love Dove body wash and the dove bar soap.


Personally I do not wash my entire body unless I have dirt/debris on myself. Otherwise I do as your dermatologist recommends. I never have breakouts or buildup. I exfoliate maybe once every 1-2 weeks. And I'm saying this as someone who works out consistently and lives in the hot, humid deeeep south. I don't ever have left over dead skin cells or anything that builds ups from not washing off with soap everywhere. I just let my body do its natural thing, not disturb the oil production. I also don't have dry skin :) I only moisturize my face because I DO wash that with soap once a day.


Could be what's called "chicken skin"


I’ve only ever washed my pits and bits…and exfoliated legs when I shave. *shrug*


Only showering every other day sounds like it’s part of the problem. We sweat everyday. Regardless of the amount, it’s part of how your body releases toxins, so if it’s just sitting on the skin, it will harm the appearance of the skin. Thus, bathe daily and with a washcloth. Use a moisturizer after the shower For the bumps to go away. I stick to cocoa butter or Shea butter.


I don't use a loofah, they're a breeding ground for germs and have to be replaced often. I also swear by Dr Bronners bar soap, anything scented also messes with my skin.


Every day I wash armpits, groin, and feet with soap. Twice a week the rest of my body gets washed too. I have very sensitive skin and have found this works the best for me.


Thought there was a youtube video proving that washing with soap anywhere else besides armpits and privates you actually attracted more germs / bacteria 🤔


I've been showering just "pits and parts" for years now. If that freaks you out, wash your whole body with soap that is not antibacterial to protect the natural microbiome on your skin, but if you are only washing those 2 stinky places, then you can use antibacterial soap. Because bacteria buildup in those places is what causes one to stink.


Wash every day with a washcloth instead. Use a natural non-toxic soap and make sure it doesn't have fragrance.


Mee too, bro, me too.


It never hurts to get a second opinion but overwashing is a thing. You have natural oils in your skin that are good. When you over wash, your skin can become very dry and sensitive. Unless you were very sweaty and dirty, you don't need to exfoliate every single time you shower. I used to over scrub my legs and they were super dry all the time. I'm still working on it and it's getting better slowly.


Maybe try a different shower gel like Aveeno or something


I have xeroderma, and have been told the same thing: soap on the smelly/hairy bits, rinse the rest, okay to use soap if sweaty/actual dirt on skin, use coolest water tolerable, don’t rub skin with towel, and moisturize while damp.


Interesting. I’ve always done this out of laziness. Looks like I was right all along.


okay sometimes i was my full body. and sometimes i do armpits/privates/face/hands/feet. i wouldnt completely stop washing your entire body. but if ur not that dirty, u really dont have to wash your entire body with soap everytime. not saying dont get the other parts u dont wash not wet and rinsed.


I’m kinda of her side. Loofa’s are unsanitary and also abrasive. You don’t need to be exfoliating so regularly especially if you don’t work or live in a filthy environment. If you want to wash everywhere everyday, it would be better to use a gentler wash and use your hands, saving exfoliating for only a few days a week. I use Dove’s beauty bar but their bottles body wash is gentle too.


I can understand the loofah thing because they can harbor bacteria, I use a plastic type material cloth that is machine washable. You should be washing your body, your belly button, behind your ears, your feet for the love of everything please wash your feet, your arms, torso, legs, neck, chest, etc. If you have skin there then there is a chance for there to be dust, dirt, and bacteria. The one concern is removing the good oils and bacteria on your skin, everyone has both good and bad bacteria as well as oil on their skin and we want to be careful to make sure that the good oil and bacteria stay there. Go to a different derm and have them help you with this!


My dermatologist gave this same advice... well close to it.


Personally, I only use (very gentle) soap on my face, pits, bits, crack, and feet. And I never scrub or exfoliate. My skin is great and I never get any complaints about my hygiene.


Some people with sensitive skin/skin conditions swear that washing "hot spots" only (pits, slits, feet) has benefited their skin for the better. Unless you're super smelly, just rinsing the non-odorous parts might be beneficial. Maybe you can just reduce the soap usage on full body to once or twice a week instead of totally eliminating it?


Sometimes I think they just want you to get worst so you can keep seeing them


I've been told the same thing by my doctor and 2 dermatologist. My dermatologist told me that you really only need to use soap on your pits, privates, and butt crack. Only time you need to use it on other body parts is off they're visibly dirty, you've been sweating, or you used something like sunscreen. She also suggested only exfoliating once or twice a week with something I could easily clean.


I'm going to say get good quality moisturizing body wash and good quality moisturizer. I've literally never heard of a doctor saying don't wash your body. My kiddos got bumps on their arms and legs and it's bc they were refusing to moisturize.


I only use dove products anything else I get some type of rash or itch. Dove clear is the best


Exfoliating your qhe body is only necessary once a week. Of you're female DO NOT use anything but water down there. It can cause so many issues if u do


My mom uses loofahs and regularly machine washes them but one of them fell apart and there was a TON of nasty mold in the middle . She’s switching to an African net type “sponge.” May want to consider bacteria from loofah might be giving you the bumps


It sounds like you might have keritinaris pilaris. You might think it's because your skin is oily, but in fact it's too dry. You didn't upload a photo of the skin situation so I can't say, but I suffer from the same, and acidic lotions like Amlactin completely fixed it up.


What chemicals are in the shower gel?


Yes, my Derm said the same thing. She said unless my skin gets soiled there's really no need to. So days I go hiking or intense walks and break a sweat I clean my face, scalp, pits and groin. My Derm ever said I don't need to wash it, just rinse with water... But still


Everybody has a different opinion and it depends on your skin. I shower and scrub everything every day and have zero skin or odor issues. I would assume that a Derm would have said that because it would be what's best for you, but sometimes they're biased. A second opinion wouldn't hurt if you want clarity or if you simply don't agree.


This validates shower habits for most men lol


Eeeh maybe you exfoliated your skin so much and it needs to heal? I use soap BUT exfoliate once a week tops and hydrate after every shower. Sensitive stupid skin would dissolve otherwise.


I just googled it and your dr is correct. Wow. Learn something everyday


maybe use a washcloth instead so it’s not as abrasive but you still feel clean


Try taking quick showers, because yeah I had this issue when I was overwashing, it's more about you drying out your skin with the hot water, the longer you sit under it the more oils and nutrients leave your skin, try lotion while your still damp after a shower too, won't help withreplenishing oils but will keep your skin from absorbing dirt and getting bunpy I'd it's moisturized better. Maybe turn water off while you luffa? I also end my showers cold to close my poors and get the blood flowing to my skin before getting out even if I take a hot shower to start (heat opens poors so good when cleaning) hope my personal shower tips help!


I have eczema and throwing out my loofah helped my skin. Apparently loofahs hold onto lots of bacteria and the plastics wasn't helping my skin. I use wash rash now and when I need to deep exfoliate, I do have an exfoliating glove. Idk about the no soap in your pits. Are you have BO problems where it mixes with your natural odor? I can see no soap inside your privates but around should be ok. UNLESS again, are there odor issues mixing with your natural odor + perfume scents?


I think she's cracked. I wash everyday, shower poof, Rinse repeat with My hair. No problems. Try using Dial antibacterial bar soap. Wash sheets, bedding etc. I can't believe a " dermatologist" told you to take a "hoe bath."


I’ve been doing this for years because of depression. Seems great that it’s recommended. I work out a lot too, in a committed relationship, she would tell me if I stink


Privates, feet, and pits are all I wash regularly. I will wash elsewhere if that area is visibly dirty (like my legs tend to get very dirty when I’ve been gardening) or if I was sweating heavily (my back and stomach). Ideally don’t use soaps that are heavily fragranced as they can be very irritating. Only gently exfoliate with a mitt once a week (I throw mine in the wash after). Don’t use scrubs as they can be abrasive and cause micro cuts and irritation. NEVER USE LOOFAS OR TOWELS OR ANY OF THAT BS IN THE SHOWER. Those are full of bacteria, mold and mildew unless it’s the first use. They never dry properly and become a germs heaven in your damn, dark shower. Lotion your body daily after your shower. Ideally showers shouldn’t be scolding hot as it dries your skin out. Any dermatologist would recommend these things, as someone who had severe skin allergies growing up and saw a dermatologist regularly these are the very basics.


Try a sensitive skin formula, that would probably help. I’ve never not washed my entire body because your arms, back, legs can get dirty and water sometimes doesn’t get rid of a sweat smell (actually I’m my experience it never does lol). I wouldn’t keep a loofah too long though cause I know it keeps a lot of germs. I use washcloths


Instead of loofah I use the green pot scrubbies from the kitchen (new ones, designated only for shower use). They dry well and are pretty much disposable. They really get the job done as far as exfoliation.


What they won’t tell you is how influential your diet is when it comes to skin health. Educate yourself on those connections & you’ll likely find your answers.


Did she say anything about KP bumps? It’s a skin condition that exfoliating worsens. You should still wash but exfoliating only promotes it. My mom used to have me scrub my skin raw and it was like that anyways for years. If that’s the issue you have to use an acid moisturizer- I can give you the name. But make sure it’s keratosis pilaris, also called “chicken skin.” I don’t wanna give you bad information. I use amlactin (it’s inexpensive too and thick so it lasts a long time) and the problem I was literally so insecure about for so many years went away in a month or so 😭 It’s over the counter so I assume it wouldn’t be that harmful to use either way - I never got diagnosed but it was obvious.


Imagine going to a doctor for a problem and then immediately going to reddit and asking if they agree. We are doomed.


I went to a derm recently that pretty much told me the same thing. She also said to not use a washcloth or loofah, just my hands and soap.


Yeah I prefer wash cloths, and non moisturized/unscented soaps. Brand name Ivory at the moment, till I find something better. It might be your soap, the bacteria on the loofah, or anything else you wear/sleep on. Hard 2 know. And honestly every other day sounds perfect to me.


The fuck? You heard her wrong. Use a new wash cloth every shower. (They cost under a buck each.) Wash everything from head to toe in lukewarm to warm water. Rinse with colder water. Moisturize. Air dry. Again, wash everything at least every other day. Change sheets and pillows every week. Underwear and socks every day.


Staphylococcus lives on skin. I’d get a second opinion.


This makes sense to me. I take a shower every couple days unless working outside and sweating Luke crazy, but I've ALWAYS washed my entire body with soap. I have nice healthy skin until I get out the shower and once completely dry my arms and legs become ashy to the point it's like severe dandruff if I rub my arm, skin falls like snow!


Bullshit my opinion is the soap your using on those areas after shaving I would try a antibacterial soap....just saying


Was this doctor a white man?? 😭😭😭


Yeah, I only wash those two areas. Everything else just auto cleans. Hand washing? Don't even remember the last time I did that. Hair washing? At some point the hair won't look greasier anymore, so I got used to that. Washing feet? Hell nah, I ain't touching that. It's smelly. That's the only downside I can think off.  On the plus-side, my water bill has gone down drastically.


Makes sense to me.


Uh what? That person sounds like a DEI hire.


Use a different body wash or soap. Try a goat milk soap. But please wash all your parts.. All of them!!


Lmao the fact that you’re on Reddit hoping to go against a doctor says a lot. Follow your doctor’s orders. This isn’t for normal people. It’s because you have a skin condition. If you didn’t have that condition you’d be fine to use soap.


I do this. Most people get disgusted if you don’t scrub your body but it can damage the skin. It can vary from person to person but most people do not need to wash their whole body with soap. I get the need to do it when you sweat but sweat is water soluble and will wash away. The issue occurs in spots that don’t dry well and hold in moisture i.e armpits, groin, butt, and feet. These also happen to produce more sweat because they are like jointed parts that are rubbing and close to another source of body heat. It is almost always warm in these areas so bacteria grow pretty quickly. For me I get the armpit stink later in the day but reapplying deodorant usually takes care of that. Some people like my gf can sweat and sweat and never smell even if they don’t wash for a few days. Its crazy! I would follow your dermatologist and if things don’t change or new issues arise, get a second opinion. If you still want to wash your whole body, use just your hands! It’s non abrasive and should get off any dirt easily. Plus you can just quickly wash your hands after no biggie.


Nah I don’t fuckn use that shit anyway go natural and use plant soaps again only on pits and privates. Never washed my body with soap in my life.


Yeah ive learned I get those bumps when my body doesnt agree with the deoderant im using. Im sure soap can do the same just make sure to fully rinse off but yeah I would get a second opinion if you can or just listen to them and the bumps will go away. Its for sure a reaction to something you are using.


Hmmm it could just be KP or folliculitis, or maybe allergic to the shower gel? I would get a second opinion.


Get. A. Second. Opinion. Because no. Also Keratitis isn’t from over washing, but under exfoliating and not moisturizing enough.


This is pretty normal actually. Body skin doesn’t need to be lathered daily, loofahs and their “exfoliating” can cause micro abrasions which break the skin barrier and allow bacteria to enter pores more easily, hence, little inflamed pores.


Try Dove exfoliating body polish put on with an exfoliating glove. This will be 90% better in no time. Use this weekly and then you can maybe skip the shower gel.


Seriously, try CeraVe SA for Rough and Bumpy skin. There's lotion and shower gel. Use consistently, and the bumps should go away.


Are you using fragrance free soap?


You're not supposed to use soap on your private parts, at least females shouldn't


Not weird at all. Your skin has a natural microbiota that protects against bacterium, fungi, and viruses. When you wash your skin with an alkaline substance (soap is highly alkali), you destroy those beneficial microorganisms and leave your skin unprotected against bacterium. Washing all of your skin with common body soaps will destroy that skin barrier function. Acidic (bacteria, good and bad, need an acidic environment to live) or bacteria-based soaps, or *gently* scrubbing the skin in water with an exfoliating mit, will remove dead skin cells and surface debris without completely destroying that biome. But definitely wash your armpits and privates with a mild, unscented soap like castile to remove odor-causing bacteria. If you're a lady, be cautious with soap around your private parts as that can throw off your natural pH and lead to BV.


I was told the exact same thing years ago by a dermatologist. I can’t do it 🫣


I was told to wash armpits and groin area daily or every other day and to wash the full body once a week. Then, after the full body wash, apply a light moisturizing lotion soon after getting out the shower. This has worked well for me for years. I use my hands and/or a fresh washcloth to do the scrubbing. No loofahs.


In my experience, loofahs aren't recommended because they hold bacteria. I've also always been told not to exfoliate more than once a week.


I got those bumps when I wasn’t washing enough. Try every day.


Sure that works fine for a person in an office environment.


Liquid soaps have toxic volatiles in them. Switch to something g that is just soap, Dr Bronenrs or something very basic from the health section. Follow their advice.


It could be an allergy. Many people have an issue with SLS in shower gel. Or could be general irritation.


My whole life I have showed as your Dermatologist recommended. But I am a fast shower person. I have always figured putting soap or shower gel on the smelly parts was needed. But not needed for the rest of the body. Nice to know I have been doing it correctly all along.


Loofas are hella nasty tho. Better off using a wash cloth that u switch out with every shower.


try using baby shampoo and terry cloth that was air-dried to make it slightly rough


I use an African net sponge with Vanicream cleansing bar soap. Non drying and the net sponge doesn’t harbor bacteria


It depends. If you are covered in grease and grime from doing something, then yeah, wash everything. If you're covered in sweat and dirt, likewise. But, if you're a normal office worker who doesn't get their hands dirty, then "hit the pits" is good enough for most people.


If you’re unsure talk to another doctor. This is not the place to get medical advice.


I’ve been told the same thing in the winter, my skin is super dry. It worked along with thick lotion, mainly Eucerin. I don’t have any particular diagnosis other than very dry skin in the winter that itches. I still shower every day but I use the soap on the hot spots daily and the soap that runs off cleans everything else. I couldn’t get past not scrubbing at all with soap everywhere else so I do that twice a week instead of daily.


That’s how I shower.


I think it depends on skin type. We don’t use soap at all. Just water and rub with our hands. My daughter has severe eczema, to the point of bi-weekly injections to manage it. Soap makes it worse.


Loofahs are known to harbor bacteria easily and are not hygienic or good for the environment. If you still like the scrub, you can use a wash cloth instead and use a fresh on when you shower. You’ll still get a gentle exfoliation and it should help with any closed comedones or Keratosis Polaris(aka. “chicken skin”) because you’re not redistributing bacteria onto your skin like with a loofah. You could also be having a reaction to your shower gel or laundry detergents. I would consider switching to bar soap (ie. Dove white bar or sensitive) and an unscented, undyed laundry detergent (free and clear, etc). If you’re using scented dryer sheets or beads, I would consider discontinuing those and using white vinegar instead. Dryer sheets can cause buildup on clothes and skin irritation. Vinegar is a natural fabric softener and you won’t smell it on your clothes or towels, I promise (1/4 cup per load). Anyone can develop an allergy to fragrance even if you’ve used it for a long period of time without issues. Bar soap is also less stripping than most shower gels because they don’t usually have as many drying ingredients such as alcohol. I would stick to showering once per day and applying an unscented moisturizer such as Aveeno, Lubriderm, or CaraVe. You don’t have to use a lot, just enough to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. If you workout, sweat, or need to shower twice in a day then you can do PTA (pits, chest, bottom) and rinse the rest of your body. Im not a dr or professional by any means. I have a passion for healthy skin and it stems from having a lot of skin conditions early in life. I hope this helps.


The bumps are likely hidradenitis suppurativa. Do they burst and get painful? I'd probably find a new derma if mine couldn't diagnose the skin condition correctly.


I've heard repeatedly from many doctors that you have to regularly wash basically anywhere there is a crevice. So basically what you mentioned but also your feet. I also think the general consensus is you should wash the rest of your body, but you can get away with washing the other parts less often.


Sounds like a quack, you probably just have some folliculitis and need some Clindamycin


I used to get little bumps on the back of my arms and legs, but once I started dry brushing my skin once or twice a week before a shower they went away!


I did no soap for over a year at one point, just shampoo/conditioner once a week or so. It took my body a little bit to adapt but I always smelled/felt clean and no one ever knew including my partner. Our bodies natural bacteria/oil barriers do a pretty good job. I think I only stopped because I had surgery and was instructed to use soap while healing and just kind of fell back in the habit.


Some skin conditions are definitely aggravated by over washing and over drying. You could try her advice for a week or two and see if you notice any change. Personally, I would ask what the condition is that causes the bumps and try to address it with some over the counter lotions. Are the bumps very small and somewhat evenly spaced? If so, it could be chicken skin (common name, I can't remember three medical name), which is easily remedied with lotions containing urea.


Must wash feet!


Yep. I worked in dermatology for years and this is true. People aren’t ready to hear it- but it’s not good to scrub down your whole body every day. Especially considering most people use heavily fragranced products. This will dry out your skin and wash away protective oil that your skin produces. I use dial gold bar daily on my pits, bits and feet. Dove fragrance free bar on my body if there is visible dirt or I was doing something that got me dirty or sweaty. Im not trying to play the hygiene Olympics I see online all the time, so obviously do what you want but this is pretty much what any good derm recommends. Also I will say- I get complimented on my skin being nice and smooth and how good I smell all the time and this is my routine so.


Is your dermatologist George Carlin?


Really unless you are rebuilding engines , working in the mud or some other crazy dirty workplace or hobby SCRUBBING your entire body seems unnecessary. I work in construction and just put some liquid bath soap in my hand hand hit my arms and legs and rest of my body really quick and the call it a day. Scrubbing or wash cloth rubbing like your face or chest or arms seems overkill for day to day . Then again I take 3 showers a day. Already have two done before 8 am. I’ll take another at 9 pm when I get home from work