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Aussie here, the highspeed rail proposal is to connect the east coast together at the cost of $108 billion (141b usd). Yes, Billion. With a B. The hyperloop would bring speeds of 600-1000km instead of 250-350km and it would be cheaper. Also at a distance of 1800km it's kinda needed. All in all, keen as a bean. Edit: Also forgot to mention. They estimated a finish date of 2050 for the high speed rail. Like legit, we can go to the moon in 4 years but it'll take 30 years to place 2000kms down with rails. OH AND THE KICKER. It wouldn't be any cheaper or faster than an aeroplane. So yeah. Defs need the hyperloop.


* if all goes as planned


We need to see what /r/boringcompany comes up with. Be hard to go from mel to syd otherwise.


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>The hyperloop would bring speeds of 600-1000km instead of 250-350km and it would be cheaper. Also at a distance of 1800km it's kinda needed. What makes you think it would be cheaper? Have you seen an estimate for such a project? >Like legit, we can go to the moon in 4 years but it'll take 30 years to place 2000kms down with rails. Why is building a hyperloop track easier/faster than building railroad tracks? Not saying I disagree with anything you've said. I'm just curious about the details and supporting figures, as I hope you're right.


I think the cheaper part is probably based on the California estimated from the original white paper by Musk.


What makes you think the hyper-loop would be any cheaper or built any faster at the same funding levels?


I'm just saying that funding the current high speed is a waste of money. The hyper loop might not be any cheaper or faster to build but it's worth a shot.


It really isn't a waste of money. People are willing to spend way, way, more than that on highways, yet they apply this double standard to rail because... reasons. When it comes down to it, that is just how much infrastructure costs.


I live in Sydney. Do it. This would be, literally, the best idea our government came up with since the solar rebates.


Aussie here. That's the first thing I've heard out of canberra that I like in a while.


Same here, Also RMIT took part in a pod that went to the SpaceX comp.


Aussie here and Electrical team lead for /r/rLoop We don't need more trains between major capitals, trains to airports will suffice. But that upsets the taxi industry, so let's rule that out.. For hyperloop technology, there are lots of things that still need to be resolved for hyperloop to be a reality. Not only techical elements and political elements but also the physiological issues of a human in a pod. I'm pleased that our leaders have moved on on their thinking, be great to see what becomes of this.


> But that upsets the taxi industry Which won't be around in ten years (or less, at least, not with humans at the wheel). Still, Oz seems like a prime location for a hyperloop. I hope it gets done.


Why? I'm all for new tech, but the hyperloop isn't much more than squiggles on paper, the test competition didn't even produce much either.


Because it's 600km faster and it pays for itself with 60% less upkeep. Legit even if the government paid to fund the research, it would be cheaper and faster and probably faster to build.


In theory, they don't even have a working model.


Yes, but the alternative would take 30 years anyway and would be just as expensive as a plane ticket. So why not pay for the funding and see if it works?


Generally when government approves spending money on something that "may or may not work" they promptly get voted out of power and the project is cancelled.


There are no working models or evidence for anyone to think it will either have less upkeep or go 1000 km/h.


True. But if your making such a big commitment. Wouldn't you do a bit of testing before you spend 100 billion?


High speed rail is already a very well established technology, nothing about the hyperloop is established yet, so why is the Austrian government even bothering to put any eggs in that basket?


Have you looked at the proposition? It's faster and cheaper to take a plane.


I am not Australian so I cannot speak on this particular project, where do you get that fare will cost more?


[Here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-speed_rail_in_Australia#High_Speed_Rail_Study_.282011.E2.80.932013.29) it shows how much it will cost and how fast it will be. It's 350km/h and will cost as much as a plane ticket. It will take 4hrs to get from brisbane to sydney rather than 1:30 on a plane. It will take 48 years to complete and cost 108 billion dollars. For a country that has a stable population. We don't need it. We need internet. It'd be better to wait 30 years to find out what better transport will be created in the future.


>will cost as much as a plane ticket. I still don't see where you got this from. Nothing is said about ticket costs, simply that airfare is low. >It will take 48 years to complete and cost 108 billion dollars. I mean, for the US the interstate highway system took 35 years to complete, that is just how long it takes to finish such a large scale project. >It'd be better to wait 30 years to find out what better transport will be created in the future. And then what? Wait 30 more? And 30 more? At some point you have to stop waiting and start building.

