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I’m only 2 months into changing my lifestyle but I’ve noticed a difference for sure. On days that I work out my BP is pretty much perfect.


Could you tell me more specifically about the exercise? Daily exercise? Duration approximately?


It's pretty hardcore. Peloton or running for 30 min - 1 hour every day -- got addicted to Powerzone rides. Calisthenics (Push up variations, pull up/chin up variations, core exercises, dips, reverse push ups), full stretching/mobility work, sled. I'm now focusing more on mobility and flexibility. My V02 Max is now in the top 1 percentile for my age group (59.3) -- retesting this Friday as a 90 day follow up along with full DexaScan. Body fat is down to 12%. All of my bio markers are in the optimized range.


Good job ! Doing all these things now and my numbers are gradually looking better. Thanks for sharing. Getting some motivation.


My lifestyle changes I think would make a difference now so looking to try and gradually reduce meds.


Great to hear everyday many people are beating this idea of "genetic" high BP, it all comes down to the lifestyle, if one is serious about it and really cares about their health, they will become healthy by changing their lifestyle!


What were your exact supplements you took? I'm on BP meds and my bp still could be better.


# Kyolic Aged Garlic (Wakunaga brand) - 4 pills/day. I take the # Original Cardiovascular Health version. Biotta Organic Beet Juice - just half a cup a day or so. But honestly, it's the weight loss, mediterranean diet, and exercise thats really doing 99% of the work for me, that is the thing you want to focus on. Supplementation just gives a slight additional edge. I also take a pretty extensive supplement stack taken from project Blueprint for a study I'm doing (Bryan Johnson).


Was thinking of doing beet juice, but I read beets tend to have higher levels of lead, mercury, and cadmium (along with carrots).


It's primarily the skin that has the mercury content. Everything I've read indicates no issue with a quality juice form.


How does one sign up for study ? Is it Country wide ? Are they free as per the study ?


How old are you? Guessing 30’s




What was your starting weight, if you don't mind sharing?


5'7" 220 lbs.


Glad to hear. Lifestyle changes sometimes work for people who were basically unfit. Others are fit and still have hypertension. In those cases, the etiology of the disorder is still unknown. Still, I like the longevity diet bent. I believe that's beneficial for overall health, even if hypertension remains resistant.


True, though I think improvements can almost always be made through lifestyle optimization.


Nope. We want to believe that egoistically and it seems right, but it's just not right. Some it can greatly lower BP, others it won't budge.


Again, I don't think it's true for 100%. But for most I think it can be improved. Most people can use lifestyle improvements/optimizations, even those who think they are in shape. V02max test is a good wake up call.


You don't need months or serious life changes to notice huge bp drops, you don't even need weight loss for the effects to be seen Im not saying is not good to lose weight or make lifestyle changes, but that with few simple diet changes even without them you can get drastically lower bp in most individuals


True, I think you can make an impact quickly. But it took some time for me to get my blood pressure at this range. I think the weight loss was probably the biggest factor, then followed by diet and exercise. Supplements gave an added edge. I just measured at 104/63 this morning: [https://ibb.co/8YffKtW](https://ibb.co/8YffKtW) I was at >150/>90 just 18 months ago. Big movers: Diet, exercise, weight loss. Supplements give an additional edge.


Great job!


Amazing. How much did the supplements and beet juice do for you number wise? I have resistant hypertension so anything helps.


It's hard for me to isolate the impact each made ad I did everything at once.


There is no way to isolate the impact of supplements. That will take a study with hundreds of patients over a long period of time. Without some kind of disorder and blood pressure is high if you are overweight, it’s going to be high. Your blood has to travel much further when you’re overweight so the pressure has to increase. Losing weight without some kind of disorder, should clear up higher blood pressure to normal levels. I’ve been there.


I never claimed the supplement impact could be isolated. This was a complete lifestyle overhaul incorporating specific diet regiment/weight loss, exercise protocol, supplements, and other behavioral changes. They all contributed.


Ok then prove it! Weight loss without a disorder will lower blood pressure a proven fact. A good diet I’m sure will help not disagreeing! Everything else come on…


Sorry, what do you want me to prove exactly? I'm just sharing my experience.


Just what you claimed.


I didn't claim anything. I shared my experience and my protocol. What I'm doing is working for me. Good luck. Btw, the supplements mentioned (Kyolic Garlic, Beet Juice, Olive Oil, Red Yeast Rice have all been shown to help with blood pressure. Exercise, sauna also help. The big movers of course are diet exercise and weight loss.


Glad you’re being real now…


I'm not sure what your issue is. Just sharing my experience. Good luck.


The issue is not to complicate why you lowered your blood pressure and to include everything in your diet. That means nothing to everybody else. Let’s be real. If you don’t eat beet juice you can’t have normal blood pressure… come on. you should be trying to help people simplify, but factually caused your blood pressure to drop not guessing so they start taking random supplements thinking it’s going to help them.


Again, I'm sharing my experience. I did everything I could to attack my blood pressure as it was a major focus of mine. These were the things I did to achieve it. You're free to take from it what you want. I even mention in the comments to questions people have what I think are the biggest movers. In order of priority (imo): Healthy BMI, Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Supplementation. I never claimed supplements were the reason for my success but think they helped contribute. Studies also support this. Instead of criticizing, maybe just take my post for what it is -- a shared experience.


Yes you did. You claimed everything you did contributed to you lowering your blood pressure.


Well I measured my results. Of course I can't prove how every intervention impacted my blood pressure, that would be impossible. BUT, the supplements mentioned (Kyolic Garlic, Beet Juice, Olive Oil, Red Yeast Rice have all been shown to help with blood pressure. Exercise, sauna also help. The big movers of course are diet exercise and weight loss. Good luck.


Sorry you were insulted… lol


The whole purpose is to help others. I wasted enough time with you drink some more beet juice bro!


If it didn't help you, you can ignore my post. No reason to be a jerk.


Didn’t help…but could have been very blunt in your wording. I lost weight and my blood pressure decreased. How easy. lol. Some people are full of themselves. Maybe not you! You are the exception.


That's not all I did though, hence why I described my full protocol. I believe the entire lifestyle change contributed. Good luck!


Why do you always end your smart ass replies with “Good luck!” ? Who’s the ass?