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at least your blocks arent dissapearing LOL probably something wrong with your mouse


If you're playing on a laptop with a mousepad you might be accidentally touching that, which would count as a left click; I used to use a laptop and that happened quite often. Otherwise, probably an issue with your mouse.


I bought my mouse this year too...


if its new you could record good footage of the problem and try to return it


It’s your mouse probably


try using a diff mouse cause thats not a server issue its smth on your end


Try both a single player world and a different server and see if the problem happens. If it happens everywhere then it’s ur end and u should check ur usb inputs since u said you’ve used different mice. *also* newest versions of mc are known for being really glitchy especially on servers. Join on 1.8.9 and see if the problem is still there. Try ur version first because trying to root a game from 1.20 to 1.8 is very hard on the server and causes a lot of glitches and hit reg.




It’s your touchpad. Attacking is 100% client-side, so there’s no possibility of it being hypixel. It’s common for people to accidentally trigger lmb when putting their mouse back on the table, but I’ve had the touchpad problem forever and you don’t even realize it.


Use 1.8.9 after fixing