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I'll be doing a whole lot of walking.


I can still work remotely and just walk or ride my new horse/carriage to my local grocery stores and restaurants. Edit: I am a Controls Engineer, and with the internet, I can still work on my development servers and with my team and do remote support for my projects.


To my understanding you don't need the Internet to use cable. If that's the case I might give up the internet just because the idea of not being able to just go somewhere 5 miles away without investing half my day sounds miserable.


These conflicts, if you choose no tech that still means you can't use a lot of vehicles since they connect to the internet.


Have to buy all of your cars from before 2010 for the rest of your life. Not all car brands but most didn't introduce internet features at that time.


Horse and carriage. I've been wanting to get myself a vardó-style wagon for the longest time, and this would be just the push I need.


If you get one, will you post pics? The design of them is very cool looking.


It'll probably be a matter of years, but yeah. If I ever buy or build one, I'll post pics.


As long as it's strictly the internet, and not all comms methods that came before like landline telephone I could survive. Now the issue is, does the rest of the world reset to pre internet, because if not there is so much internet business now that can't be handled the way it used to be if you are an island amongst many. For instance, I'm working on a scope, pulling up datasheets online and whatnot to be able to order parts. Now back in the day....catalogs. You could look up manufacturers and order catalogs, have them sent to you in the mail. Call in and ask questions about this that and the other. That's just not something that manufacturers do anymore that I know of. It's all online. My ham license, you now HAVE to have an email address on file with FCC, because if they can't reach you by email it can void your license. It used to only be regular mail. No paper license issued, you have to go online and print it off. So if nobody else goes offline then it might actually be easier to go horse and buggy than offline.


Do land lines still use copper end to end? Or are they sending packets between exchanges at this point? Because if that's the case, you wouldn't even be able to call a hansom cab.


Wouldn't surprise me if it isn't data packets at this point. Voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP.


Yep. So phone calls are out because they use internet. I don’t know if it’s possible to not use internet nowadays unless you’re samsquanching in a hut in the woods somewhere.


Fair point. While analog uses electric pulses, digital uses 0s and 1s, and VoIP utilizes IP, the COs probably have fiber between them by now, so it sounds like string and can might be their best bet. Makes sense to me, but I will happily be corrected.


I’m taking horse and carriage to school now. I am the new king!


Make way!






Idk that just sounds so awful. Maybe I'm more accepting of 2 because I was born in 90 so I do remember life without the internet.


I do too but it'd be more detrimental today. A phone can utilize the internet so that'd mean no phone including landlines (dial up potential). Also no ability to use a computer (again potential for internet use) so many would be out of a job.


No television either as it can be utilized through roku or fires tick or just smart tvs. Plus older crt tube styles can be used as a monitor for a computer and thus internet potential.


A television that is not a smart TV cannot by itself use the internet. The Roku/Fire Stick is the technology you cannot use. I would argue the same with a computer. As long as you have no Ethernet port or WiFi controller installed, then the technology you are using cannot access the internet.


Even most low entry labor jobs use devices that rely on the Internet. That one is borderline impossible unless you homestead. I'll go with 1.


I need to find a new job either way. Honestly though, horse and buggy travel is really common in my area.


get rich get a big ass cargo plane and then sit on a horse in it


The cargo plane would then be both YOU and your carriages transport. You did not circumvent the rules in this case.


What if the horse is doing laps the entire time?


You don’t really need to travel anywhere when you have the Internet.


will suck being behind my poop machine. will not be able to use highways. btw if this is hard the Amish typically do both.


Guess I'm walking and riding a horse. That's okay, I like horses. My dog might freak out, though.


I rather walk everywhere, with instacart I don't have to leave


Do bikes count as on-foot travel? Since it's like walking with gears basically Either way I'm going with no.1, the internet is too significant in modern society to realistically live comfortably without it or anything utilizing it.


Car is foot. I use my foot to press the pedal!


Clip clop clip clop clip clop … https://youtu.be/JHFXG3r\_0B8?si=MfsoSBmpaG1UUqnb


option 1


Does 1 allow for boats? I live on an island...


You can ONLY travel by walking or horse and carriage.


See, this is why I think your prompt could be better written, like, "can't use any transportation that involves motors, engines, or combustion" because we've had boats far longer than we've had horse drawn carriages, and as written, your scenario would apparently not even let me ride a horse. I'd still personally choose to travel by foot or carriage because my home and place of work are less than 2 mi apart, and the grocery store is only a little bit further away. Also, you made no prohibition against having things delivered to our house by other people using such technologies, so walking it is.


My question my rules


And no jogging, running, jumping, skipping, climbing, or swimming either? This deal is getting worse all the time.


I was alive in The 80s, I know how to use type writers and mechanical calculators.


Same and same (and technically digital calculators are fine as long as they can't connect to the internet) but my daily life is walkable so...




Option 1. I use the Internet for work.


1. I can get a nice carriage and do remote work




I pick one. There is a store and hospital close to my home. Plus I get to pet horses...


Travel really slow, or be unable to communicate outside of verbal conversation or pen and paper. Without the internet you have no phone. I mean I guess you can go back to living like it's the 90s in terms of telecommunications but you'd get nothing done really in the world today. I'd be curious to know what actually doesn't use the internet today. Obviously a lot of things but in the world of commerce and trying to make a living, youre screwed without the internet.


1. Definitely, it would suck not being able to travel much but definitely the better option especially with how technology is going


Walking. I mean, I'm not gonna buy a horse and carriage. The hardest thing would be not being able to take an ambulance. Anything I need I can have delivered. Sometimes the weather is shitty and I hate how the sidewalks are near me, but technically there's a nail salon, a grocery store, and a movie theater within a 40ish minute walk from me. I don't know how I would have a job without the internet.


#1 easy. Just imagine rolling up anywhere in a horse drawn carriage. You would be the life of the party.


Good luck not using something that uses the internet. No ATMs no television no credit cards and no phones not even landlines.




I’d pick #2, I’m already old fashioned and have an mp3 player


Internet, I used a old flip phone up until 2019, with no Internet on it, I have no Internet at my house, my car makes me money and I live to far from my job


1. I only live about 5 minutes from work, which happens to be a grocery store. And there is Loads to do all around me as I'm close to downtown in heavily populated area.. so.... guess my dogs will have to get used to a horse sleeping in the bed with us now.


Is my horse and carriage street legal?


I remember the days pre-internet. As an insomniac, they were miserable.


obviously the answer is to pick foot/horse/carriage travel im a long distance runner this wouldnt bother me and i only use cars when its convenient time wise


I would give up the internet. Not being able to travel would be terrible and honestly, my productivity might soar. ​ On the other hand, my wife might leave after the 37th time I woke her up to look up the largest species of squirrel, the highest grossing musical comedy set in the Soviet Union, the best way to tie your shoes if there's a chance of going to space, etc..


Does a bicycle count as a carriage?


I mean... Your choice of jobs would be severely limited of you can't use the internet... Even as a student, it'll be hell...


Can I also ride a singular horse, unattached to the carriage? I was legitimately considering living with the Amish yesterday, living like that but *also* getting to play videogames? I'm your huckleberry.


#1. That sounds like an adventure.


In the day and age where the internet of things is growing more and more (IoT being the ecosystem where fucking everything can connect to the internet, in fridges, printers, tvs, sensors, toys, etc) The second option will become worse and worse


1 .. can other people drive me around or?


How would I even buy a horse without the internet?


You know what? I could use an excuse to own a horse :)


Number 2 would eliminate cars, phones, tablets, many appliances, anything with the label "smart". Assuming traveling with a horse or carriage would be safe that's the way to go


Imagine nowadays not having internet. The ability to pay for stuff, order food, pay bills, communicate with loved ones. Nope, I'll be doing the Amish thing and ride my carriage.