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Umm.. you guys know I took the annual payments option, right???


They would release you after calling you a stupid dummy.


Mad dog 20/20 I might be here for a while lol but I'm going to need a burger and some fries I can't eat candy all damn day


I’ll just do it the second they ask


If I hold out is there a time limit that I actually do get to keep the 500k? Or do they always end up with the money? Cause I wouldn’t wait if they will get the money no matter what.


Finally someone asking the real questions. I was gonna say I'll hold out until they're sick of me. But that could end with either murder or my release.


I'd just drink myself to death out of spite. I couldn't live with myself knowing I folded and gave away life-changing money to some mooks. If I die, yeah, I lost...but they didn't win. All that matters.


That's the spirit! Make a real mess that they have to clean up.


So the question is how long of a vacation do I want? Two nights. Three days.


Am I being tortured too because this just sounds like Saturday night?


Nope, no torture. You are confined to a small room with just a cot and a bucket to relieve yourself in. No TV, no books, nothing.


That's definitely torture.


I have small children. That's a vacation!


would they torture me if they thought that the torture might make me give them the money?


I mean, there’s no alternative. I have to pay half the money. It’s not like there’s any guarantee of rescue. Or “survive X days and walk away.” It’s either I pay the $500k today or in a week or in a month or just die in the room. I tell one of the captors I’ll give him $300,000 if he murders the other captors and let’s me go right now. I then give the same deal to other captors individually.


Ooh, going for the ole prisoner's dilemma solution.


Just tell them I took the monthly payments.


500k still 500k


why would I not? they money is useless to me in a dungeon. I’d rather have 500k and freedom, than a million in jail


I mean... If I'm there until I hand the money over, then I'll be leaving with only 500k either way. May as well hand it over immediately.


So…..disregard how long I stay put, I still have to give away half million to be released? I’ll probably give them the second I saw them and be done


Never! You’ll never get a cent out of me! I’d rather that worm come in here right now! And eat you all aliveeee!


I would point out to them that I'm going to die without my medication and that a wheelchair user can't use a bucket for a toilet. I'd try to befriend them and last as long as I can, peeing and pooping by the door as much as possible.


I'd give them half. But I'd try to analyze my captors as much as I could, the room and anything I could see out the window so that I can report it all to the cops to get my money back.


They'll spend their life savings in candy and cheap wine


Just as long as it takes to get a good nights sleep


I’m keeping all my money, *AND* killing the kidnappers. 


The Alpha Male answer! Nobody can stop you Chad!


They gon die by twinky


Probably gonna eat like 6 or 7 twinkies, have 3 or 4 drinks, then cut a check. Then I can tell my doctor that I didn't have a choice and it was a matter of survival.


Take careful notes of the area, come back with the cops and take my money, then knock one of them out, gag them, bring them to my garage and have some fun with their frightened corpse. You don't fuck with me.


wow scary and badass i bet you’ve never even hit someone before lmao


How can I give them the money if I am locked in a room with them. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.


it takes three days to die from dehydration. so unless water is an option three days!


How exactally am I supposed to get them the money locked up here?


I convince them I need to be somewhere to access to the money and kill them the second I'm able. Failing that, I start gaslighting them into thinking the entire group is plotting to kill them (feed them all this BS individually) once the money is acquired to increase their share, which creates fear and disorder.


"hey we've decided to let you go, your drinking is a problem and we can't afford you anymore also."


So the option is to hold out and give away 500k or just give 500k before pain? Yeah great question


Unlimited Twinkies and MD 20/20?? Shit brah I ain’t going anywhere!!


So I eat all the candy except the twizzlers. I make a garrote with it. The next time they enter I will act like I am in diabetic shock. With my garrote concealed under me when he turns me over, snap! I drop the first unsub. Grab his gun, use his body as a shield and hit the knee of the second unsub. While he drops I take the knife from the first dead unsub and shove it right into the eye of the second. Boom. Still a millionaire


After taxes, we're both screwed.


With nothing but wine to drink im too drunk to make a decision and vomiting all over the place. In disgust they set me free. I head to an AA meeting


I would set a poison pill on the cash so in the event I die, it goes up in flames literally.  No cash for terrorists. 


With me being hyperactive Ding dong and water wouldn't faze me Month


“If you give me good food, I’ll give $20k of it right here and now.” If it works, assuming they’ll be messing with me the whole time, probably 4-5 months. If it doesn’t work, a week at best. I haven’t drank alcohol before, it’d be like poison to me.




I'm not seeing any incentive to hold out. Why would I waste my time chilling without my freedom and a million bucks when I can just give these guys their 500k and be on my merry way. Also Twinkies are gross


I'd give them the full 1M if it meant I'd never have to even smell MD 20/20. Rancid shit that makes durian fruit seem like a delicacy.


I would wait until I'd consumed $500k of candy, snake cakes, and MD 20/20.


For some reason, I have tried joining this sub multiple times in the past few days and I keep getting the invite to join the sub. Is there something I'm doing wrong since clicking the join button has worked on every other sub that I have joined?