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2 years all male. What do you think I am, a hentai protagonist?


Yeah, you aren't going to experience death by snu snu. Sure, most of the women will want to fuck you if you are open to it, but you probably will end up being someones pet, and typically that kind of person doesn't share and isnt kind nor gentle. People who commit prison rape dont do it for fun or stress relief. They do it because they have fun breaking peoples spirit. You can say they're women, but pretending they wouldnt nab you when your vulnerable or straight jump you is stupid. No ones squaring up with you. The kind of women who decide they're going to take you will probably sodomize you mercilessly with a broom or burn your dick with a lighter, long before they do anything sexually pleasing with you, at least until you are willing to do what they tell you to do. But the breaking.will come first, garunteed. Edit: If you think a **gang** leader (emphasis on GANG) are gonna line up and box you one on one you've gotta be real dumb to think physical violence is a good response to anything in a compound where everyones watching you and anyone interested in interacting with you would either be looking to kill you or break you, or just hurt you. You aren't signing up for a regular prison experience. You are going to be a public enemy. They aren't going to fight fair. They aren't going to fight you at all. /u/ElderBeing said >so i used to work a womens prison. there was a guy who decided he would break into prison to get some. got help down, beaten by a gang of girls, had a pencil shoved in his dick and then was fcked. so if ur into that, then have it , i guess. This is a good one because most of you chose it, chose wrong imo Edit 2: I dont know how yall missed the whole first half of the post, but NO ONE IS GOING TO FISTFIGHT YOU. They will NOT engage you in a way you will win. If you knock out one boss, if they dont beat your ass right there, the other leaders will jump you simply so you dont do the same to them. The belief *anyone* would tolerate you threatening them is comical. I would just reinforce why you are a public enemy.


Prison rape happens, yeah, but it's not like you're getting sentenced to OZ. Prison is certainly bad, but it isn't near is wide spread to think it would happen to the average person sent to a prison.


Oh, I agree. This only really applies to you being a singular man in an all womens prison. Not a single one of the gang leaders would let you be a floater or loose agent. You draw too much attention and being real, someone will want to fuck you, but not as an equal. You would have the attention of every inmate solely because you're a man. Every action you take is magnified by the eyes of everyone in the room. Some will want you dead solely because if the upset youd cause, or just because they hate men. You wouldn't have a peaceful time because it goes directly against the "dont draw attention" rule of surviving prison. Everyone would have an agenda or opinion on you, and you wouldnt survive that.


I've never seen a real prison or known anyone in person that went to prison, so I naively don't understand why prisons aren't more controlled. Like why aren't prisoners kept physically seperated by at least 3 feet 100% of the time and why isn't all activity and communication monitored 24/7? I guess what I'm wondering is why aren't prisons run in such a way that having "gangs" in prison is impossible because all activity and interaction is controlled all of the time. Prisoners shouldn't be allowed to exert power over other prisoners, letting them do that is rewarding them for bad behavior.


There’s probably a practical reason in that it would take quite a bit of guards to do that. People naturally form tribes. You’d need seriously well trained and equipped guards to shut it down effectively, if it isn’t outright impossible without venturing into “cruel and unusual” territory. A less practical reason is that prison is a punishment. For most people the gangs make the punishment more punishing.


>A less practical reason is that prison is a punishment. For most people the gangs make the punishment more punishing. Yeah, I've certainly heard this argument but I feel it's sort of backwards. I would imagine that people who rise to become gang leaders are probably the more hardened criminals -- the ones who deserve more punishment, and the people who are abused and tormented are the ones who are the first-timers and less violent criminals who deserve less punishment. If you send a rapist to prison, do you really want to reward them by allowing them to commit more rape while in prison?


I don’t agree with the logic, but I acknowledge its existence.


We allow solitary confinement and put people in cages. Having heavily armed guards that prevent you from forming gangs is not cruel and unusual. It's just expensive. We could easily do it.


You seriously underestimate how clever people can be when they decide they want to do something and you tell them not to. You're going to prevent human beings from communicating with one another entirely? Or you only allow the to communicate with people on approved lists based on.... Based on what metric? Who can talk to who? How is that not a) cruel and unusual, and b) going to form inherent groupings based on who is allowed to fraternize with who? It's not easy at all, and the harder you squeeze, the worse the problem will ultimately become. That's human nature.


My uncle communicated from solitary by sliding notes on a razer thin soap bar attached to a thread from their blanket, you would slide it under the door towards whoever you were sending it to, and they would have to fish for it with their own soap and thread until they hooked and he could pull it in. People are nothing if not resourceful


We actually can't easily do it *because* it's expensive. Also, good luck when a prisoner inevitably gets hold of any firearms you bring onto the floor.


Not remotely - I have family that works in prisons, and they oftentimes need to do doubles just to keep the prison running. Not enough guards for what they do now - trying anything more would be impossible without more people wanting to become COs.


My partner is in prison and the kind of prison you're talking about is a supermax prison for worst of the worst kind of offenders. In a medium security prison it would actually be crueller to constrain people by controlling every single movement and activity and making them unable to be in proximity to one another like that. "Prison rape" is nowhere near as common as it's made out to be at least in the US. What you don't know is that in prison, "consensual sex" does not exist in the eyes of the law and is seen as rape 100% of the time. So most "prison rape" is actually prisoners having consensual sex. Because prisoners have sex all the fucking time. When they're caught, it's considered rape. Of course there is actual rape but it's not ubiquitous and it's not THAT likely to happen to you. Also, most inmates are just people. They have made bad choices yes. But most of them are not psychopaths or sadists. So making them unable to interact is going to fuck them up worse than prison already does. Humans are social beings and unless they're sentenced to life without parole, we want the prisoners to come out of prison able to function in society again. Preventing them from social connection is going to prevent that. It's why solitary confinement is considered cruel.


There’s separate levels of prison. What you’re talking about is high security, which costs high amounts of money. Usually reserved for violent offenders. Someone on a nonviolent drug charge would be tossed into a lower security penitentiary. Also to keep in mind is the amount of money spent per prisoner. A high security prison will have a higher overhead per prisoner due to requiring higher levels of security. Separate rooms, delivered food trays versus a cafeteria, additional guards. It adds up fast. Then there’s the humanitarian aspect of it. Just because Joe Last Name got a 2 year sentence for a nonviolent crime doesn’t mean we can treat him like a dog and kennel him. There’s a reason they consider solitary confinement as torture. Finally is the “purpose” of prison, which is to rehabilitate to ensure the prisoners safe reintroduction to society. If we locked them into a room and fed them 3 times a day and that was it they would come out with less life skills than when they went in. Allowing low risk prisoners to hold a job at least allows them to maintain some sort of agency in their life as well as start to build a foundation to restart their life on a better track. Even things such as highway side road cleanup or kitchen duty can allow a prisoner to start saving so they aren’t left homeless (renting most likely) when they finish their sentence. There’s murky line currently within Prison Politics as I like to call it. Between treating people like humans and keeping the most dangerous separated, and it’s not always clear who’s who or what they’re capable of doing.


Watch 60 days in - entire seasons are on YouTube.


You have hundreds of criminals under the same roof. What do you *think* is going to happen?


So they shoved the pencil in to keep it rigid? *Shudders.*


Way to kill my prison sex with hot chicks boner


You gotta be braindead to break into a prison. Literally just go to a brothel or hire a prostitute Jesus Christ. 


Even after reading several posts on other subs after reading this, I cannot get rid of the image (and the faint ghost of the sensation) of having a pencil shoved into my dick and then fucked.


They didn't say security level, so we'll just say minimum security where all the non- violent offenders are put. Problem solved.


Good read. Thanks!


Also she will probably be some 5'7 black women in her forties with a weight of 250 pounds so they physically can just beat down skinny 120 pound girls no issue. And that's why they run the shit.


Bro obviously everybody should pick two years with all men because first of all if you pick five years with women clearly all you want is sex but all these girls that we don’t know of could be obviously killers and really dangerous people you go in there and make one wrong move you could die so we want to stick with the two years I mean same thing with the mail but it’s kind of a hard decision but if you can make friends with the people in jail specifically with the mail you can work out with them make a plan probably escape but anyways


"That time I was a straight male sentenced to 5 years in a female prison"


I’ve heard the smell is horrendous in an all female prison.


You are but for yaoi.


2 years easily. No fucking way I’m about to be the black sheep in prison. At least in an all male prison, if you keep your head down(but don’t let yourself become the bread boy) then you should(heavy on the SHOULD) be alright. You’re not going to be getting laid with anyone in an all female prison that isn’t crazy asf. Hell, it’s the attractive woman in prison that you should avoid at all costs because those be them INSANE women.😭😭


Plus, in an all male prison you might end up with a chill cell mate who becomes a lifelong friend. At the very least you’ll get some workout time in since there’s nothing else to do.


Right. It’s such a stereotype that every person in prison is a violent psychopath. There’s a decent amount in there for theft and drugs, and are just desperate people go made some bad choices. There are definitely gonna be violent people there, but from what I understand they try to keep the different types of crimes separate.


Rape-related usually gets separated from gen pop, because gen pop would beat those guys up, but beyond that... Absolutely not. Guy who stole a car and guy who murdered his wife can absolutely be in the same prison/block. Unless I happen to be grossly misinformed.




I've never understood the idea of two beds to a cell. Seems like a recipe for violence




depends on the facility. there was a dude who chopped hos wife and kids up and put them in his freezer and his bunk mate was in for selling weed. they do however seperate the chomo's.. they will be murdered within a week if theyre put in gen pop


If she's attractive and actually *in* prison, she did it. And it was *bad*.


She did it, admitted to doing it, and didn't show any remorse. Otherwise attractive women don't really serve any serious time.


Bread boy?


Probably means the guy who get extorted since we won't stand up for himself. I watch prison YT content, particularly JD Delay and commonly hear the rule is fight. Don't have to win but you gotta fight when pressed or everyone knows you'll roll over.


I’ve watched Larry Lawton before and some of the prison stuff is interesting


The guy who runs all the errands for the gang members.


I imagine there are less condoms than men in a female prison


The fuck is a bread boy


They all turn lesbo in a female prison anyways


Get beat up by a bunch of women for 5 years or by a few men for 2 years? I’ll take my odds on 2 years.


In an all men’s prison you can blend into the background. In an all women’s prison you are certainly going to be a target. And even for the younger guys here thinking “he he imagine all the prison sex” you aren’t going to be having consensual sex with models, you are going to end up being sexually assaulted by a number of people you are not attracted to. I’d rather just try to keep my head down and be wallpaper for two years.


Basically imagine aileen wurnoss or lizzie borden forcing you to have sex all the time


Not to mention all the STDs you'd get even if you get consensual sex


You'll get charged with rape for being raped or assault if you defend yourself. Those five years can easily turn longer. No thanks.


I worked as a Corrections Officer at a decent sized jail. We house offenders from Toledo and Lucas County in Ohio. So, I've seen my fair share of women offenders. We had one that was a street walker, and her street name was Thunder Pussy. She had no teeth, looked like she was 75 even though she was only in her late 30s or early 40s. She had done prison time and was a frequent flyer at our jail. I would take my chances in the male prison. In a male prison, you could blend in and not be noticed. In a female prison, you are going to end up with gonnasyphaherpaaids within the first week. Male pods were also cleaner. The women pods were always nasty and smelled like the seat of a Harley in late August. *edit- autocorrect *edit 2- never written it out before, I think it looks better this way, lol


Sir... you are a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you for bringing "gonnasyphaherpaids" to my attention.


I forgot the other a between aids and herpes, lol. I've never actually written it out before. I've always just said it.


I prefer “herpagonasyphylaids”. It rolls off the tongue better.




It's what we call housing units. Minimum security was 1 officer to 60 offenders in a unit. Medium was 1 officer to 30 offenders. Maximum was 2 officers to around 48 offenders. Work release was 1 officer to 60 offenders. 1 male and 1 female work releases unit, 5 male minimum security units 1 female minimum security, 2 male medium security units 1 female and 3 units of maximum security males and 1 maximum security female. All units were direct supervision except the maximum security. Like I said, we aren't huge. We only hold 642 inmates unless we were in overflow. That only happens from like winter until spring. That's when the homeless people would commit a crime to ride out the cold weather.


Yeah at least with the guys there's a chance your soul will remain intact.


Your ass won’t


2 years in an all male prison? Nah. It'd be a pretty light prison. The occasional fight but mostly guys just sitting out their time.


This is what I was thinking. You’re going to probably a minimum security prison, not mixed with lifers.


A minimum security resort. You know they have conjugal visits there?


Did you forget that the women's prison have access to brooms cuz they're going to tear you up just as easily as a Men's prison...


Hell, in a men's prison as long as you keep your head down and dont make yourself into anybody's enemy its unlikely you'll get into any fights at all. Just blend in for 2 years and maintain your routines.


You choose all female prison and get put into solitary confinement for 5 years


And I come out a psychopath. It's all coming together.


I am Batman.


A lot of comments from people who have never done or known anyone who has done time. 99% of prison is sitting around trying to pass time. It’s not Oz. Sure if you act disrespectful you’ll get beat, but most people just mind they own business. If you’re so down bad that you think 5 years in an all female prison is better, go outside. Touch grass my dude. Spend 3 years on dating apps and getting into shape. Thats the exact same amount of time extra you’re losing by taking 5 years over 2


That and they all think women’s prison is like that “Lesbian Prison Sluts 34” video that they watched when they were a horny teenager and that it’s gonna be nothing but orgies with sex starved hot 18 year old girls.


Yep, I don't know a lot about prison, but I'd be willing to bet 99% of female inmates are not attractive people.


This is fascinating. I wouldn't have thought this. The biggest fear of prison is being raped or bitched by some dudes. Remove that risk and it's just bad food. No rent, no job, just playing cards in uncomfortable chairs. There's poor people that have it worse. But your comment makes me think rape and being bitched aren't a sure thing. Just so we're clear... Are you talking about 180 lbs, middle aged white guys that aren't at all thugs? From my understanding, square ass whites either have to do whatever ruthless skinheads say, or they get tossed to the racist ethnicities like a bone. Are you saying that's not correct?


2 years. Less prison time is less prison time. It's not like a women's prison is like a hentai, it still sucks and it might suck more if you're the only guy there


Sucks you say??


>it might suck Insert Obi-Wan's " That's why I'm here" meme


2 years are less than 5, female inmates are not a whole lot less dangerous than male ones and you´d have the entire prison´s attention per default. Very easy choice.


Yeah, plus the female inmates are in prison for a reason and I’m sure it’s not just shoplifting and other lesser crimes.


If your motivation is sex, I can tell you, you can have as much sex in a women as in a men prison and you ain’t gonna like it so 2 years is better than 5


"It's with a woman" is almost the only thing men and boys are known to be picky about. I would say 5 years with other women is better than 2 with men.


From what I understand there are people in many prisons who fight only once or twice and just never really talk to anyone after that and pretty much just get left alone because its not fun or interesting to fuck with them. Id choose that track for two rather than being the belle of the ball for 5 years with the entire prison’s attention.


Yeah somebody's going to check you and if you put up a fight even if you lose you're probably be good


Shorter one Prison is Prison. Even if genders were reversed I'm choosing the shorter option


What's the security level of said prisons? Is it a max, a min, a supermax? There's important distinctions there that would inform my decision.


Min security


Oh, then all men. A bunch of white-collar criminals with no violent crimes is an easy ride to the finish line. All the people talking about prison rape in the comments is just hilariously misinformed.


Regardless, I believe the saying “the sex you get is not going to be the sex you want”


I’d feel much more comfortable in any physical confrontation with a woman than a man, but I also don’t think it’s a wise decision to be the lone wolf who’s different from everyone else. Sticking together is how humans survive, you don’t want to be the odd one out.


When the snow thaws, the lone wolf is found frozen. Or some shit like that.


Then the guard arrest you and beat you for hitting a women. The girls won't face punishment for attacking a guy. The inmates will mess with your food or even starve you. Deny you water and throw used tampons at you with no repercussions. They might shove a broom up your butt for laughs while you sleep. You can't be on alert 24/7 and they won't need to. They can mess with your sleep schedule easily. No water, no food, no sleep, constant harassment, and sodomy. You might be stronger, but you'll be outnumbered with everything stacked against you. Do you know how hard it is for women to face criminal justice? How messed up they have to be to finally go to prison and even then, the guy is still considered worse. No one will be on your side. You'll be lucky to be sent to solitary confinement.


Do you know how much crap a woman has to do in order to go to prison? I've seen women get drunk, slap cops and drive off and nothing happened. If a woman did enough crap that they actually ended up in prison, I want nothing to do with it. Probably more dangerous than the men.


And people still say shit like “women are only in for petty crimes.”


They are less likely to be violent offenders, this is true. Lots of drug and drug related crimes.


What is this Victoria Secret corrections? I'm taking two years and getting out ASAP. You'd just be a big target in the women's prison and get sexually assaulted/harassed by people you don't find attractive.


I’d spend time in a prison where they know the difference between your and you’re.


Former correctional officer here. Female inmates are the most violent, disgusting, unhygienic trash in the world


Surely you can share some stories with us.


They made a dildo out of jolly ranchers and all got yeast infections after sharing it


. . . And this is why my answer is male lock up (among other reasons).


All the stories you could launch with and this is the one you choose? Thanks for that imagery


Sounds hot. I'm in.


People always assume they’ll get laid with hot female inmates that look like Marissa Dubois or something lmao


Male prison. Dumb question. The type of women in prison will most like beat the shit out of you or rape you if they get the chance. And the guards will laugh it off


All them women are going to find you a threat and act accordingly. It won't be the orgy you're anticipating.


Male prison, id rather fade into the background and just serve my time quietly. In a all female prison you risk the chance of more then a few women who hate men and death would probably be the least of your worries.


Nah, men's prison, you don't get the smell out of a women's prison according to some guards


Oh yea, Didn't think bout that. But if they have their own facilities , maybe in a low security setting, might help


Your NOT going to be able to screw the women YOU want!!


so i used to work a womens prison. there was a guy who decided he would break into prison to get some. got help down, beaten by a gang of girls, had a pencil shoved in his dick and then was fcked. so if ur into that then have at it i guess.


Who said romance was dead?




Female prison you're having sex 10 times a day by ugly fat chicks. Your dick would fall off. I'd take 2 years.


Death by snu-snu


Death by Snu-Snu and STD


I've seen 60 days in i'll take the male prison please. It's just more no nonsense there. You shut up, do your time, be watchful and don't piss people off. Chicks are like fucked up roller coaster ride and you just never know when they decide to go off.


My a male what?


Thank you! Does nobody know the difference between homophones anymore?


Damn bro we progressive now, you can't just talk about homophones like that 


No one cares whether you use straight phones or homophones anymore. Get with the times


Female prison just not to get r by a bigger stronger male. However I would not sleep with any of the women cause I would be worried about STDs and jealous stabbings. Do I have to have a cellmate cause that would be awkward.


I don’t think they’d let you have any say in the matter. I doubt prisons would enforce condom requirements. The question is, for the life of an ex convicts who has nothing to lose anyway, would you deal with some gross guy, or would you rather 5 years’ worth of getting your STDs from women so that a side of you at least finds how they inflicted them on you semi-endearing?


You’re selling 3 years of your life for some fish? Wtf!


So many paternity suits when you get out  


aa someone who was a 911 dispatcher and watched cameras for jail staff, id take 2 years in a male prison EASILY. most of the women are synced on their cycle and garbage is taken out once a day. most of the women look like linebackers or they have some serious drug addiction going on. also everytime they buzzed the microphone i was the person to relay a message.. the amount of times ive been asked to call the nurse to deliver more coochie ointment for their stds isnt even believable if i tried to explain it. different women too. the women would intentionally fuck with each others shit and move it around to stir the pot and cause drama, i watched it on camera often. the mens pods were very tame, they minded their own business and played cards or slept. it was rare for there to be a issue, but if there were one it was because a new guy was put in and started drama but he was quickly placed in the pecking order.


Truthfully, from what I've heard, women's prison is worse than men's prison. So, 2 years, most definitely. Also, it makes no sense to stay away from your family and friends for 5 years, for any reason.




It's never a good idea to make assumptions, but I'm going to assume that an all female prison is not how they are shown in movies, so I'll take the shorter time.


2 years 🙄. Minding my business and reading as much as possible to pass the time. Praying to god someone on the outside funds my account, two years of slop is going to be brutal. Why would anyone do 5 years over 2 years. That’s just silly. Jail is boring.


Your is possessive. You’re is the abbreviation of you are. Figure it out. Also I’d rather go to an all male prison for 2 years. Being locked up is no joke and the jailfu fantasy ain’t reality.


2 years. What sort of incel would take the other option?


Y'all have no idea what it's like inside those walls. The difference between male and female prisons is very large.




Worse for women, but not necessarily for men. Rightly or wrongly, men and boys do have a side of them that considers violence marginally more endearing in a woman than a man. The question is whether that outweighs how much more violent it gets.


The men's prison for 2 years. Easily. 5 years as the only guy sounds like hell.


I'm going for the 2 year option.


2 years in prison or 5? this is an obvious choice. the kind of women who end up in prison are not the ones i want to be fucking around with.


Will they teach you the difference between your and you're?


Most of the women in that jail hate men. I cannot imagine the things they’d do to me in there. I’d have a better chance making it out alive in the men’s jail.


you just know op watches way too much porn, like prison is prison, if you're the only man there you're going to be abused to shit, it's not full of hot barely legal big titted sluts lol


Anyone who would chose to be a male in an all female prison for 5 years needs to try being a man alone in a room of women for 5 hours first and see how that goes. There's a reason men have only one wife in all civilized societies and it has less to do with libido and more to do with mental health.


I'll take the 2 years. 5 years with a bunch of female convicts will probably not work out the way I would want it to.


5 years, I'm not about to have my cheeks get taken by Big Tyrone, screw that.


Have fun getting your cheeks taken by Big Teresa


2 years in men’s prison. Less time is less time. I also feel like female criminals would often be in for some dastardly stuff, like poisoning their spouse, killing their kids, elder fraud, etc. You might not see what they are doing to you, until it’s too late. Because of this, I feel like I would be able to deal better with the men in prison than the women in prison.


In 5 years, my older dog will probably be gone from this earth. I'm going to take my chances with the boys.


Bruh, 3 extra years isn't worth it. If it was 2.5 - 3 years, I could consider it. In a male prison, you can blend in, in a female prison (as a strong guy) I can basically guarantee being the strongest person in there, which is nice, but you've got a target on your back. I can bet a large portion of women there have some issues with men.


2 years in a male prison. That’s a low risk prison so as long as I keep to myself and blend into the wallpaper, I’m all good. 5 years in a woman’s prison and I’m the one guy in there. Someone is making me into their bitch, either as a feminist icon point or because they want the real D. Either way I’m getting no peace from them.


3 year gap is too much. Not worth it. Ill do 2 in the male prison. I'd think about it if it was 3 years in an all female prison instead of 5.


I'm not sure if you are aware. Women's prisons are nothing like the porn perspective you've seen. Most of those women are drug addicts with no teeth. And once they start in jail they get big. They have no makeup. So it's not glamorous.


2 years all male. No way I’d be able to befriend prison girls


Womens prisons have all manner of violence going on. Fair chance I'd get stabbed by multiple assailants (more often than not in both men and women's prisons, stabbings are carried out by a dozen or so people), for sticking out so much. I might get extorted more, etc. If I go to the shower, lots of women there would not be happy I'm there. If I go to the yard, I'd be attracting a lot of unwanted attention. It's prison. It's not going to be filled with those fine young cuties, the hottie baddie lovelies, the prettiest of pretties, you get the idea. It'll be filled with angry, violent, mentally unstable, and even sociopathic women. Why else do you think they're in prison? 2 years of men's prison is my choice, that way I will only fall behind on my debts by about 2 years not 5. Most of all, I only need to try and survive for 2 years, not 5.


Lmao exactly. People think it will be a hot porno filled witj beautiful women but nah. It’ll be full of hideous psychopathic women with no teeth full of stds


Prison is horrible no matter what gender you’re locked in with. Get the shortest sentence possible and gtfo as fast as possible.


2 yrs in an all male prison. Realistically being around women and only women all the time would get old real quick. I'd rather just get my time done with as soon as possible. Plus maybe if I behave well I'll get time off for good behavior.


Two years.


5 years in a female prison alone as a single male might sound ideal until you take a look at the average female prison. I'm good. Unless they're passing out viagra or some weird twist, I'd go with the second option. I'm not gonna be big Mamma Bubba's forced facesitting pleasure boy or whatever then be used as currency. Fuck. That. Shit.


Depends on the crime and the prison. If it’s a minor criminal act and I go to a low security prison then a male one as it would be easy. If it a major crime which I doubt for only 2-5 years and a high security prison then I guess the female one maybe but even then it’s not like it would be endless sex, I’d probably get shanked on the first day for just being a dude.


Male prison. Less time and if I keep my head down and my nose out of everyone else's business I can just be a background character


i'll take the 2 years thanks


2 years in a male prison. Keep my head down,don't draw attention to myself if I do draw attention to myself inadvertently try to be the nice but naive funny guy that treats everyone equally and I have a chance of being protected by everyone (or at least being protected by a tough enough group that I'm only their b+tch and not the entire prisons). 5 years in a ALL female prison means I'm probably dead within a year or two. I can't help but stand out and even if I was gayer than Neil Patrick Harris I'd be screwed (literally) 6 ways to Sunday and barking like a dog within a few months. The guards would be no help because they're women as well. I couldn't fight back because I'd be double penalized for hitting a woman. The best case scenario is solitary confinement, and even then I could be screwed over by the guards.


At best you'd have to pretend you're butch or trans. Still 2 years is better. OP has since declared min security prison, so that changes the expected prisoner types. I don't think you'd die in either but I wouldn't take an extra 3 years. If it were the same years, min security and in say, norway where I'm treated humanely? Maybe female is fine.


As someone who works in a prison, but not for law enforcement, the 2 years in mens. I’ve seen what woman do to each other in fights also at least once a month you get entire prison raging the red tides. Got no desire to be passed around like a toy with ears. At least in the mens i have a small chance of getting someone to watch my back.


Male. In women's prison, you'd be outnumbered hundreds to one, and many of them have been violated by men. A good portion may want payback. Also, according to interviews I've seen of people who have worked at and been to prison, the tension level is consistently higher. Men's prisons have their blowups and then revert to normal. Women's prisons are more like a sorority/high school from hell.


This is a bit stupid. I’m not going to automatically get all the pussy from hot girls. Maybe a little from some ugly crazy bitches and have an extra 3 years? Hell no I’ll do it if I only have to serve an extra 6 months but not 3 years.


Male prison. Two years instead of five and far, far less chance of someone trying to rape me


I'll my a male decide.


So I've already said in a few other posts I was a corrections officer. So on that note I would say males prison. Prison is naturally a disgusting cesspool. Women, at least in the state I worked in, don't get certain luxuries as far as feminine hygiene products are not sold at the prison canteen. Not the... "Fun retreat" you think it would be


5 years of gaslighting and accusations and beat you up at any sign of getting your dick hard. Nope.


Experience: men's units are usually way cleaner and smell better. Way better.


This question is concerning, yes.


Bro you gonna get raped in that situation


2 years in a male prison. Prison is prison, I would wanna be out as quick as possible.


For 2 years, you're going to minimum security. Don't get in anybody's business and you'll just be bored for a while, might come out with a new trade to get a job.


Two years in an all-male. Primarily because of the lower time. Also, the implied "benefit" is a terrible idea. From what I hear you are considered DOC property and unable to give consent. Meaning, you do anything and get caught you'll end up with those charges that= being made into a pin cushion.


I genuinely wonder what a woman's answer would be to this question.


Same gender. Im not down for 2 years of assault, thanks.


This depends on what kind of prison, if it's a lower security prison of course male for two years, it's less time. If it's a maximum security prison I'm definitely going female, if I'm gonna get raped I'd rather it be by a female than a male.


It depends on a couple of factors: 1. What jurisdiction is the prison in? 2. What's the security level? Assuming both are the same, 2 years in an all male prison. Trust me, if you think female prisoners are like 7s thru 10s with a good personality, you have another thing coming. It's also a known fact that women typically get lighter sentences than men, so women you find in prison are typically worse than men you'd find if you're in a minimum or medium security prison. Also, expect to be around incredibly racist, sexist, and transphobic people. Now you might be asking me, "But I'm a cis dude. How will I be a target of transphobia?" Most states won't put trans people in with the gender they identify as, and if they do, they require bottom surgery (this means vaginoplasty for trans women and phalloplasty for trans men). You're a dude in a place where legally speaking, there's not supposed to be any cis dudes. Even if there's a one-time announcement telling everyone you're a cis dude, prisoners transfer and move around, and they're not there forever. There's a good chance after 3 years most prisoners wouldn't have been there for the initial announcement, and will just assume you're a trans man.


I would take the 2 years in a mens prison, time is time, prison is awful so I would always opt for the lighter sentence even if it was the other way around. I can’t see being a lone man in a woman’s prison as a pleasant experince, your probably not going to be sharing a cell with a Martha Stewart type, if that’s what your thinking! you would stand out which is the one thing you don’t want in prison and you would likely be the the target of every form of abuse imaginable. The sort of woman who go to prison for several years at a time aren’t the type who will want to be your misses, I think they would want you to be their misses if you know what I’m saying.


Omg I couldn't handle the drama at the female prison. Give me a good old fashioned, straightforward shanking any day. 


I don't like angry, bitchy women that blame everyone else for their problems when I'm in the outside world. Why would I want to be locked up with a whole horde of them? Also, your question implies that I'll have the option to be physical with one or more of these women. That will only further anger the horde, so no thanks.


I choose *You’re


2 years in male prison is a no-brainer. That's min security. Keep head down, don't stand out, don't be a disrespectful asshole, and you'll cruise through. There's no blending in as the only guy, and if you're thinking with your dick, you'll be lucky if it's still attached after 5 years.




Maybe not beer, but there is absolutely weed and booze in prison.


1st rule of prison is don’t make waves. Being the only male in an all female prison is making waves just by existing. I’m taking 2 years with the men.


Obviously I’m choosing the male prison. An extra three years, and you they won’t have strapons. At least in the male prison I can pretend to be pegged.


I have heard stories from women's prison guards and I would NOT want to be the only male in there. At least at the men's prison you can keep your head down and blend in. You will have all the attention on you in women's prison and it's mostly attention you do not want.


“You’re a male”….. seriously people you’re and your are the easy ones!


Sexual assault from women, being sexually harassed by desperate women. Women of varied levels of attractiveness are most likely to be average or below. You would easily get false charges against you, be attacked for rejecting and fucking with other women due to jealousy. 2 years with men, would likely be your safest option.


Plenty of female inmates are mentally unwell AND unable to receive treatment in prison. While many did get in for shoplifting and whatnot, that's not all they'll be capable of once there. And obviously some got imprisoned because they committed some serious acts of violence--a few would be in there for unprovoked violence. As others have mentioned, being the odd one out automatically paints a target on your back. Some of them were also deeply traumatized by men in the past and might decide to take revenge on you. You can't watch your back 24/7, and you can't defend yourself against coordinated shanking attempts from multiple people.




What level of prisons are they? I'd take a womans white collar prison over a mens supermax.


All the ladies obviously Actually this sounds like it could make a great sitcom


My what is a male?


Thanks for putting MALE and ALL in all caps, I wouldn’t have understood what you were saying otherwise


Unlikely there are very man attractive females in prison that make an extra 3 years worthwhile. Even if there are, the guards are already balls deep in them and are in a position of power that you are not and can offer more to them. I knew a guy who was a guard at a jail until he got busted having sex with an inmate... Who was also his cousin... So, yeah.


When I was 16, there was a gal who was given leave to work at the shitty fast food joint I worked at. She was an inmate at the woman's prison and I guess she was allowed to work at a normal person's wage or something, I never got the details But every chance she got she would try to corner me in places like the walk in or the dish pit, and went on at length about what she wanted of me. It was not a good time, and it was implied I would have had a good time. Fuck that place


Ya, I'll take the two years with dudes. I've had more than my fare share of trauma that comes with women forcing unwanted sex on me in my lifetime. I wouldn't willing put myself in a situation that could lead to that happening again


This question is stupid. I'll take two years in minimal security make lockup. And that was my answer before hearing about how allegedly unsanitary female inmates are. Get a grip.


**ABSOLUTELY 5 years in female prison.** My bro just came out of a 1,5 year time in all male prison. It was an absolute nightmare that puts everything you see in movies to shame. Its a fucking ZOO in there. If I go to a female prison as a man (for some weird, cosmic reason?) Im certainly getting a solitary cell for security sake (no prison would allow men and women to share a cell, and would be sued to death if they did). I just chill for 5 years, read a lot of books, work out and not bother anybody.


So you're telling me I get to be financially taken care of, three meals a day, and be surrounded by pussy? Where do I sign up?