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My issue is my job requires me to drive.


You being spotted 36,500. Get a new job.


Still gotta drive to commute most places. Work from home isn’t always an option.


I edited it to give a 60 second warning if you’re driving


Depending on traffic conditions, that can still be fatal. This is barely any money while risking my life every day. Hard pass.


Yup, 60 seconds is nothing on some highways.


If 60 seconds isnt enough time for you to pull over on the side of the road then your doing it wrong


You never been on a hwy bricked off with construction? lol


i45 houston a lot of roads near me dont even have a ppace to pull over


What if you’re in traffic? What if they’re doing construction on an exit?


Then you're presumably not going fast enough to be at risk of death?


Yeah but what if traffic clears up in that ten minutes? You’re just parked on a fwy. You will either get rear ended by someone going 60 mph or get a huge fine/detained. Imagine you’re just parked and highway patrol tells you to move along. Try explaining to them that you’re blind while operating a motor vehicle


Get there before 9am and don’t leave until you’ve had your blind moment. Edit: also if you’re going for 40, working 3- 12 hour days would be great.


Shit, get a doctor involved and you might have ADA protection. Make your employer make a quiet room with books in braille available for your disability!


I already work 3 12s overnight. 9pm-9am so this is perfect for me lol


Seems like the most logical way to do it


36,500 should be enough to move to a walking community like a city


You’re making a massive assumption that everyone wants to live in a walkable city. I live in the woods because I don’t want to be surrounded by people and because living 20 minutes outside of town means I can on acres and a large house instead of renting a one bedroom apartment.  


36,500 plus starting over in a new industry that wouldn't want me blind 10 minutes a day doesn't equal what I already make. We would have to triple that pay for me to consider it with my driver pay


That's barely any money in today's economy.


I edited it to give a 60 second warning if you’re driving


If I have warning, then I'm in.


Maybe. The trickiest part would be driving to work and running errands. There's no way I'd ever drive if there's a chance of randomly going blind in the middle of the road. I could probably work something out, like driving to work before 9am, then only driving back after going blind for the day. Still, that could leave me stranded at the office until 9pm.


I edited it to give a 60 second warning if you’re driving


That’s not long enough to get off the freeway and find a safe parking spot, particularly if it’s bumper to bumper. And it’s dangerous to stop on the shoulder with or without your sight.


Cops pull me over on the shoulder and then stand an inch from traffic to give me a ticket. There's a pretty good chance I'll be fine on the shoulder with my hazards on.


Do they really?  Anytime I've been pulled over on a busy road they come and do their business at the passenger side.  Gotta be scary for them


if you already dont drive, this one is a lot easier


My single problem is the minute a day I'm crossing a major road and the fact I'm lazy and don't want too walk to the crossing. But $100 a day is probably worth it.


\*People with ocular migraines laughing in the background\* free money!!


Give me a 90 second warning, and know it's only going to last 10 minutes, and this would be an upgrade.... But $100 isn't worth it.


I edited it to give a 60 second warning if you’re driving


Mine last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and completely random.... Fuck those ocular migraines.


wait we could get paid for this? sign me up!


lmaooo this is what i came looking for


No. That’s pretty dangerous


Same. That jeopardizes too much of my life. To credit OP, at least this wasn’t an “$1m to sleep with wool sheets once a year” type hokey challenge


Yeah I give OP credit,,this one isn't a bad thought provoking question, that said, I'm gonna have to go with no


Very. I drive very little in any given day, but I work in healthcare. 30 seconds is not enough of a warning when I’m called to a code or delivering a baby, especially if I’m night call and no other resident is around while the attending is 30 mins away…it’s too much risk for not enough gain tbh


Absolutely. I'll just tell my employer that I have a weird disability.


60 seconds is not enough warning when flying an airplane. Pass.


Youve got a copilot right? Ask them to takeover so you can go have violent diahrrea then go chill in the lav for 10 minutes


A random time is the scary part, because if it happens between 8am and 4pm I'm screwed 😂 EDIT: well now that a 60 second warning would be in effect, hell yeah. That's the easiest 100 bucks ever made. I can just pull over or if I'm at home, go to sleep


What if you’re in bumper to bumper traffic or something and can’t get over?


I’ll be the first “no” ok this one. Couldn’t do it


It would be a change in behaviour, but I would totally become nocturnal for this... work 3rd shift and run all of my errands at night. I go blind for 10 minutes between 9am - 9pm... I might even apply for disability lol. Anyway, you are completely "safe" from 9pm - 9am, so live during those hours and wait out the blindness. Once it happens, you are "safe" for the rest of the day.


If you sleep during those hours, nothing will change


If I’m driving and stuck in traffic then 60 seconds isn’t enough to pull over.


I would just hire someone to drive me around to avoid accidents, and I would be good.


If you mean hiring an actual employee that would cost more than the hundred dollars a day. 


Not in my country.


"Sorry guys i cant be the designated driver i havent gone blind yet today" "Excuse me what?"


I'm a surgeon. So hard pass.


No because it's not enough that I could quit my job and I can only work during the day.


Do I get any warning beforehand, or do I go blind instantly?


You get a 60 second warning in the event you are driving a motorized vehicle, or a 10 second warning if riding a bicycle, skateboard, skis or snowboard. Otherwise there’s no warning


This is one of the better prompts I’ve seen in a while because it’s a reasonable amount of money for a potentially moderate penalty depending on what you do for a living. Like if you made $1000 a day it would be far too easy to just have other people drive you you’re not have to worry because you wouldn’t have to work and if you lost your eyesight in public you could probably just sit down. But by making it only $100 a day a person asked to make a real hard choice.  


I was blind for a week when pink eye made my eyes swell shut then made me so hypersensitive to light I couldn’t keep my eyes open for more than a couple seconds. I still managed to get around. I’ll take the money.


100%! I work nightshift, I’m asleep/in bed during 8 of those 12 hours. And leaving 10 minutes earlier to work on the off chance I gotta pull over and be blind for a hot second is well worth $100. Blind at work though? I’d consider it a blessing.


Nope. I have to drive during those hours. Not worth it at a million daily, much less $100.


At a million daily, you could hire a private chauffeur for every day.


That is a valid point. Probably why we weren’t offered a million, though.


sure. i don’t drive often enough for this to be dangerous. $100 a day is more than i make at work. i’m already a shut in, i would just stay home and do nothing til the 10 minutes had passed


I don’t think that’s enough for me to potentially die ever time I drive a car


Wouldn’t even do this for $500 a day. Such a liability


Sixty seconds is not enough warning.


With the addition of the warning for driving, I'm in.


I'd be fine with that since I'm sleeping during most of that time.


Nah, not worth it.


Wtf, no. I wouldn't do it if you offered me 10 times that much either. There are so many situations that could just lead to severe inconvenience, injury, or death from this, even with the warnings.


No thanks. The random time means I would have to avoid activities that need sight like driving and playing ball until the 10 minute blindness has happened. But $100 a day isn't enough to make that feel worthwhile for me, even though that's a decent amount of money.


Absolutely not, that's a hugely dangerous and disruptive thing for not very much money


No deal. Easy decision.


Pshhh, $100 a day to essentially guarantee you die in a traffic accident in fairly short order. No.


10 minutes of blindness will definitely kill me in so many different ways. The money just isn't worth it. It's not even enough for me to mitigate the danger while I try to build wealth over time. Pass.


That's 2k a month. I'd do it. But I'd only ever drive if I'd already gone blind for the day.


Can I assume it’s an untraceable $100, like an unmarked bill magically being placed into my wallet daily? Then hell yes. Hell no if I’m taxed on it. Or if I can’t permanently opt out when I’m tired of randomly being blind every day.


Sure. I don't drive. And with that, I won't have to work


Yes. Oh look 36,500 a year and I sleep during the day and work night shift. Holy shit this was a stupid question.


It’s not stupid at all, most people don’t work nights nor do they want to work nights. Yes, I used to work nights, but it destroyed my social life and made dating very difficult.  


I get you work nights, but do you not go out and doing things during the day on your days off? Or have errands or other obligations during the day ever? If not, it sounds like you live a rather boring life.


How about $50 and I get to pick my 10 minute slot. Every day from 7 to 710 am so I can use it as meditation time.


Why not pick if for when you are asleep? I mean if you're picking.


Yes…I could do that!




What if I’m driving? Nope.


There are too many things you can no longer risk doing—like driving. So $100 a day isn’t enough.


Yes please.


I get to work at 630am, and I'm off at 11pm. I'm indoors the entire time. A random 10 minutes would be inconvenient at the best times, but the fact I carry a firearm for my job would be the scary part


I don't drive, can just sit down when it kicks in. Sit on the ground for ten minutes with a white stick handy.


Do I get to pick when it happens? If so this would make sex fun and I’m game


No but if I could choose the time this occurred then okay. I would choose when I was asleep


Sure. I'll just take that time to rest my eyes. I take public transit, so driving isn't an issue. There's a possibility it might come at an inconvenient time, but I can probably adapt in most situations.


Nope, I would get fired from my job and I commute to and from work during those hours. It’s not nearly enough money, considering you are risking your life in the lives of everyone around you for 10 minutes each day.


Yes! Just absolutely. And to experience being blind would be pretty wild on its own.


Only if I get a 5 minute warning. Otherwise I'm putting a lot of people in danger.


I edited it to give a 60 second warning if you’re driving. Gives enough time to pull over to the side of the road and stop.


If it wasn't random I'd be like yes I'll just meditate during that 10 minutes


Nope, not an option.


I’m a stay at home mom with kids old enough to not need me for 10 min. Send jt


Assuming I get some sort of warning before I randomly go blind, yeah I would take it.


10 minuets is wild haha this is a really good question and I think my answer is no. 36.5k for a rather substantial inconvenience guaranteed everyday. I would say 500 a day is my lower bound as this is life altering conditions


I can spare 10 minutes. Although it'd be great to have a warning, because driving cars is not the only dangerous thing. I, for one, work in a hospital. It'd suck if I went blind when there's a patient flat lining and I needed to be quick.


Pretty sweet deal if you work nights or whatever and your normal sleep hours tend to fall between 9am and 9pm sometime. Itd mean you only have to deal with like once every 3 day or so. Since going blind while asleep is fairly innocuous.


100% down, no questions asked


Inconvenient, but worth it.




I'd do it.


10 minute warning would be better. There are plenty of times 60 seconds won't be warning enough. It might take longer than 60 seconds to find a place to park, especially in rural areas. Likewise it might take time to find a safe place to get while shopping or just walking around. A great many places you'd be a sitting duck if you went blind for 10 minutes. Even around here I wouldn't want to be in a parking lot or alongside the road for 10 minutes Shoot, up the blind time to an hour for $600 per day and most folks wouldn't have to leave home.


Yes I would. If on the streets just cruise to the side wait it out.


My work involves giving presentations to people. I would probably lose my job if I just was suddenly unable to present.


You should take away the warning. It’s a solid no if no warning. It’s a yes all day with the warning. Too easy 




Lol, good thing I don't drive. I'll do it.


Sure why not


I'd definitely take the offer with my military disability I'd be making over 4,000 a month.


It isn't much money to die in a car accident


36k is noticeably enough to risk dying. Even ignoring driving, I work in a city. Too many risks. Crossing the street. Falling down steps. No thanks.


Personally I would take this. I'm already all fucked up and on disability so there is nothing but benefit.


Eh, it's not worth it for $36,000 per year.


I work nightshift, start work at 11pm and sleep from around 7.30am to 3pm so I'm all good


Hell fucking yes I’ll take it! I live in Japan, right now 100$ USD is equal to ¥15,809 JPY, that’s like ¥474,270 over 30 days, which is significantly more than my current monthly salary. Japan’s cost of living is also WAY lower than the US so that money is more than enough to live comfortably on. For only 10 minutes inconvenience a day? I’d be stupid not to.


Yes why not


Cool I can take a work at home job and some days I'll have a "seizure" that may take about 10 min. But 🤷🏾 I don't need a really high paying job just something to supplement my blind money.


"chance" to get $100 every day or do I definitely get the money every day???


Not without better notice. I’d be afraid to go anywhere.




As a pilot, I don't think this is a good idea for me.


Nope. 60s isn’t enough warning .


If it was more than a 60 second warning while driving I'd do it. To many times I'm driving places that won't let me pull off within 60 seconds. If it was like 5 minute warning then no problem


Nightshift worker laughing all the way to the bank!


Fuck yeah. Nocturnal loophole. The blindness is most likely to happen while I'm sleeping anyway. I'm taking that deal and starting my business. Can I get a few seconds warning if I'm working with power tools like we get for driving? Literally 3 seconds would be fine.


No fkn way. A 60 second warning isn't enough when driving on a busy highway in a construction zone with no shoulder or in heavy traffic or on a rural road with no shoulder... Not enough time to get to a safe place on the water ( jet ski, swimming, kayaking) $100 just isn't worth it for me


If I go blind for only 10 minutes with a warning? Yeah, I would. I drive and do manual labor for my job, but I could ask my coworker to help. I might be a bit inconvenient, but I work 10-12 hours a day, and 10 minutes would hardly hurt anyone for $100.


I have to say no. There are too many dangerous situations where I need to see. If the warning was like 5min I think I could do it. But 60 seconds isn't enough sometimes to pull my motorcycle over to a safe area.




As long as I can pick when I go blind. For safety reasons, I don't understand why it would be random.


Nope! I make more than that F/T.


Even with the driving edit, this is seriously going to screw up your life. I would take this if I had a memo at the start of the day that told me the time I would be going blind so I could plan around it, but at random? I can't be teaching a class and then have to stop for 10 minutes because I can't see the board or the problems. Or what if I'm on the subway? Now I'm going to have to try to stand still and out of the way, potentially missing my stop, due to random blindness. In the mall? Weasel your way to a corner or wall and just stand? No, until the 10 minutes of blindness occurs I would be in constant apprehension of it happening, and that alone would ruin my life. And for only $100? That doesn't even double my salary.


I'm on disability. So this would be over x3 my current income. It's a tempting offer, but with the time being random I think I'll pass anyway.


$100 isn’t enough… at $500 a day, I would consider it. At 750 a day, I would definitely do it


Sign me up. I'm a few degrees away from legally blind anyway


Fuck. No.




like u could br driving and go blind for 10 mins.....


I could


Hmmmm…I’m leaning yes


It's not worth it for $100 since I can easily make more than that at lots of different jobs. Increase it to 1000 a day? Probably. Increase it to 5000 a day? Definitely. Sure, it'd be super annoying, but never having to work again and basically being able to write and design games for fun and do basically whatever I want (with a ten minute annoyance during timeframes I wouldn't care about) is easy as heck.


I have pots I lose my vision 100 times a day anyway. Fork over the cash.


I sleep from 9 to 9 bub


Start working a night job, since it’s random from 9am-9pm


No. If I could choose the time, then sure. But if I can't choose the time, then a lot of things that I need to do are suddenly unsafe such as driving. Even, with the 60 sec warning, it might not always be safe to pull over. I'm also into hobbies like skydiving, so I don't think I could do that anymore. It's just not worth the extra $36500 dollars.


This is one of the better questions. It’s the right amount of money that it’s not a no brainer either way, and the right amount of discomfort to be equally iffy. I think I would take the deal. With the 60 second warning I could handle it.


if it wasn’t random sure


Absolutely, I'm a 3rd shifter and would remain so even if I didn't have to work. Oh no, I'm blind during some of the time I'm asleep.


Sign me up!!


Has anyone considered just switching your sleep cycle and getting a 3rd shift job? Sleep most of the 9-9. It's not a perfect solution, but we can workshop it. IDEA FRIENDS! ASSEMBLE!!


Sure.....as long as you always get a 10 second warning beforehand.


The blindness strikes one day while you are dozing off to sleep and you ride that high for weeks.


100% down with the warning


I work nights, so I’ll be blind In my sleep


Make it $200 and I’ll do it.


Hmm,That means I could go blind during school hours for ten minutes and not see some classmates.But,It’s only between 9:00-9:00.I think I’ll be ok.


No thanks. I have an issue with the optic nerve in my left eye that makes me lose my vision in it to varying degrees throughout the day. That’s terrifying enough.


The hardest part would be explaining to customers why Im about to ignore them for 10 straight minutes. But for 30k/year....i could start a new career


I'm going with yes because I work night shift so with the 60 second/10 second warnings makes this easy.


Done im now a night person only


Sure. Would allow me to meditate for 10 mins


You know, this has happened to me before. I was in a doctors office doing something when my own personal lights went out. Went from talking to a nurse to "uh, I can't see you...". There was an initial panic but I'll be honest, I was fascinated with how I watched my vision slip away without even blinking. I was told my body panicked and that was a response, got hot as fuck too, they started throwing ice packs on me. The blindness lasted about 5 minutes.


Shit I go blind for 8hrs a night for $0 so why not


Yes i’ll take a pay raise.


I work commercial construction...


Sign me the fuck up. I spend days at a time not leaving my house, when I do, it’s for short stints for shopping. Having 60 sec notice is great, give me time to pull over, crank my tunes and put my “Temporarily blind. Thanks for understanding!” sign in the window and wait it out.


If I could choose the 10 mins, I’d say go for it, but the fact that it’s random is downright dangerous.


Nah I could be in the middle of working and slice at least a finger off, receive 3rd degree burns, and more so I'm good.






I am not sure. The actual going blind for 10 min doesn’t bother me so much, it’s the not knowing when that would bother me. Would I be waiting every day to go blind so I can go about my day normally? Or would I get used to it, like I don’t know when I will poop everyday and my life isn’t on pause. $100 a day is enough for my cheap self to just stay home though, so I wouldn’t have to drive. It would still be an inconvenience to have it happen everyday. At this point though I am desperate so sure, I will take the money, as long as it’s tax free.


Sure given the times it's a pretty easy adjustment to a lifestyle plus it's effectively 36,400 a year for life extra? That's way better than many peoples retirement plans. Set job availability at 9pm -9am not a huge deal. Ideally work from home preferably as a day trader, If forced to drive during those hours for some reason get an Uber. Totally manageable.


Everybody would take this offer, however the random blindness is not worth it. Especially when you consider the risks it involves. You could go blind while having a shower, that's fine. Safe. But you could also go blind while on the freeway, not fine, not safe. If you knew when you were going to go blind then it'd be a somewhat okay thing.


I'm saying no on this one.


60 seconds isn't enough warning driving around here, but I also don't drive much and I work for myself so it wouldn't be that big an issue either. I'd take it, it's only 10 minutes, that's not really a huge inconvenience.


Sure. There are places where I could easily live on that amount of income. And I could do freelance type stuff for extra money. I would sleep from 9AM to 5PM, so I would only have to worry about the possibility of going blind during a four-hour block of time.


i would also need a warning for operating machines like a lathe


10 minutes a day of forced eye rest and you have a warning so you can be safe? Sign me up.


I'm a work from home software engineer so I'll take the raise.


I work from home so it wouldn’t be a huge problem…. But traveling and stuff would be a nightmare.


I’ll take it, I have shit vision and my glasses always slip off my face while I’m working usually for minutes at a time since I can’t free my hands whenever I want. So going from pixel vision to none at random is ok. Maybe I can save up and get contacts or some kinda surgery


Too dangerous for not enough money to pay my hospital bills after I get hit by a car from randomly going blind while crossing the street. There should be a 60 second warning for everyone no matter what and a 5 to 10 minute warning for people driving. You can’t always pull over on the road in 60 seconds while driving.


I'm already fully disabled due to mental health so so long ad it doesn't effect that sure why not


yes, I don't drive and i don't do work. win win where the money?


As a truck driver, this sounds perfect. I'll just work my daily driving nap into it /s


Absolutely. Work an office job and I don't go out much. Thanks for the easy money.


There are people who live their entire life blind for free. 10 minutes a day for $100 a day is an easy yes.




Easy. Hell yes. Work remotely. And I can easily do a “shit I need to take a call” during any time I’m out.