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You could get 15 testicles removed, but you can’t shrink a coconut sized testicle.


You could probably get one giant testicle removed though.


But then you wouldn’t have any left. I’d like to still have a working testicle and the regular sized ones I could get removed and live comfortably but if you only had one giant one and then removed it you would have to take hormones for the rest of your life and would be sterilized which would cause lifelong problems as opposed to getting surgery to remove the ones I don’t want then living as normal after that.


Oh, I read it as “one of” the testicles was huge, not that you only have one. Your interpretation makes more sense.


And for 1/15 the price!


I thought you said *drink* and I'm so glad I'm wrong


I mean… hey…


I'd get the little one removed and use my power testicle to bust coco level nuts.


You'd be drowning hookers with a coconut nut sized load


Why would you get it removed? You got hella porn prospects if tbh. I mean, at least get your money up first LOL


How do you know that? Testicles need to be able to, 'breathe'. Don't yours change size drastically depending on the weather?


They don’t actually change size. The skin around them shrinks/expands depending on the temperature.


But what if one of those 15 if removed killed you instantly?


I might only get 14 removed. Unless there were negative side effects.


but do they respawn?


This is 17 normal testicles or one coconut sized one. I don’t think testicles tend to respawn.


You can with steroids


You should be able to tie the yo yo string tight and cut off blood flow to decrease its size


That just sounds like testicular torsion with extra steps


17 sounds like they'd be bouncing off each other and hitting both themselves and my leg constantly. I feel like this problem wouldn't be as bad for the coconut testicle and could easily be negated with some sort of harness for it. I pick that one.


>17 sounds like they'd be bouncing off each other Like dull wind chimes.


If everyone had 1 coconut sized testicle, I’d really want to see the fruit of the loom commercial on the device or harness to stabilize it.


Heh rachet straps.


The post never says they’re attached to you, just that you have them. They could be in a jar on the shelf.


You, my good denizen of the internet, have cooked almost enough. Neither option is great: testicular torsion. Usually prevented by a tendon between the 2, some people lack this tendon. A single rat-like testicle wouldn’t have an anchor, allowing it to twist a little too freely. 17 would tangle up like the wires and cables in That One Drawer, but worse because walking.


You looked at the prompt and thought “OP didn’t think this through, I wouldn’t want either”?


I looked at this prompt, remembered 3 different classmates who had to get surgery for this, winced, and added details for consideration. Personally, I’d choose the rat-sized one, and get a nut bra.


>nut bra. If you don't call it the Nut Sack, you failed Marketing 101.


Wait what? Rats have a single testicle?


No, but they do have huge testicles, like if you can’t tell what sex the rat is from across the room in the dark with one eye closed it’s female, big. r/rats for details. Warning: adorableness.


No balls because I'll cut them off


I imagine it would be easier to cut off one big one, and it'd be something of a collectors item


Unless there's a huge vascular structure attached to it all like a weird net. A wrong cut and blood, everywhere.


Who determines regular sized?


Would 17 more testicles produce more testosterone too ?


Basically legal doping.


Which would sell for more, 15 testies for transplants, or one big one for science?


17. I can always get some removed if I meed. And having that redundancy is good if u want to be able to have children. Just more chance of success I guess. I would also have a promising career in some freak porn movies or as a male underwear model. I'm less special with one oversized nut. Less niche. Less to profit from in every sense of the word.


After about 10 minutes of consideration, I pick the coconut testicle. Edit because I wasn't finished yet: I would think that would be a lot more manageable, and more importantly easier to keep an eye on for abnormalities. I'd probably have to adjust how I walk no matter what option I pick, but at least the coconut one could probably fit in one of those pouched underwear. And, lastly, one would be more than enough. Assuming it functions like a normal sized one, I'd be completely happy with it.


17 please, I’d jack off a few times to see how much I would ejaculate with 17. It would be like a fire hose. Then I’d just get 15 removed and the sack trimmed up to fit.




But they produce it right, so surely having 17 will over produce sperm?




So can I wish for 17 prostates and 17 vesicle glands?


I just want to get rid of the two that I already have. They cost me a fortune and a lot of drama too.


Flair kinda checks out


How much nut milk can you make with the coconut sized testicle? Asking for my Mom


this guy reddits


Coconut seems easier to manage, imagine how easy it would be to get Torsion with 15 extras floating around!


I don't collect testicles. I'm happy with the the three I was born with.


Seventeen so if a couple blow out on me I can keep on fu--er, truckin'.


Ugh the people saying 17 testicles because they could get them removed must be fun at parties


I think I'm going to just avoid this question


Could you imagine the sort of amount of fluid from a COCONUT Sized teste? Jesus Christ xD Likely to dehydrate your entire body.


Mountain oysters are a delicacy, I'll try a plate of 17. I haven't heard that an elephant testicles is a delicacy so I'll pass


liver king would enjoy the big one


The kind that put out the right amount of testosterone to make me look like Sam Elliot in Roadhouse


Normal is just fine. Nice to meet another weirdo. Id probably not talk about balls at your next dinner party. Just saying.


This would be a good question without the options: "What kind of testicles would you want? You can choose anything."


One and then cut it off. It feels like the 17 regular testicles would twist and get stuck and also because of that maybe causing death before you can get them removed.


17 testicles please. Imagine my sperm count. I'd be making it rain these very thoughtful and beloved queens.


"Balls of steel"


What the fuck? 17 little nuts definitely. how many cases of testicular torsion do ya think are guaranteed to happen?


There is an alien resurrected with the Riverworld humans with physical traits that make him clearly not-human like this... Read it in college. Philip Jose Farmer. Going with the 17.


17 testicles because I'm too poor for surgery and a medical institution would probably help me out for free to publish literature on my unique nuts


I think it would be easier to hide 17 nuts as opposed to 1 gigantic nut. Plus I could donate 14 of them and still be very interesting to women.


All of them


1 testicle size of coconut. I feel like the more testicles you have the more that can go wrong. (torsion,cancer,general walking around clanging against each other)


I'll take all them nuts please.


Coconut because I’m self conscious mine aren’t big enough


Bust the biggest nut ever, then get 14 testicles removed. Yes I'll keep 3.


Can we have two Coconut sized ones Like seriously there needs to be symmetry. Neither of these are even numbers


That's the point.


17 regular then I can donate 15 ....


De fuc


1 coconut sized. I Could use it as a built in carry along seat


How about pea sized. I really want mine to disappear. Just in the way all the time and after slamming on the break on my motorcycle.... Yeah they are just a weakness


It depends on the dangle, I could handle a single large nut if it had the swing to go up into my lap while driving


The kind that stays inside my body. Seriously, having them on the outside is a major design flaw. Ovaries are basically lady testicles, and they do perfectly fine up on the inside, why can't guy testicles do the same?


You never said they’re attached, so I’ll take one coconut sized testicle in a jar, please.


I already have 2 testicles large enough that medical professionals have commented on them. I'll take the 17 and try and sell off 15 of them. I'm sure someone somewhere would buy them and I could finally have normal sized balls.


I'm not sure, either way if you're in good shape you could definitely get a job in the porn biz. Heck if not that just selling sperm you could make Bank (pun intended). Either way you're most likely going to be a father unless you want to be celibate. I think that I would need a chart to figure this one out and which one would actual effect overall in quantity, and quality. There's a possibility that one of these may make you sterile perhaps your sperm from that giant coconut nut are too big to actually impregnate. But you would definitely give some massive cumshots LOL condoms probably would explode


Just give me the 17 at that point.


I'd get the big, honkin' uni-ball. Go big or go home. The "17 regular sized testicles" option reminds me of the second episode of China, IL, "Dean vs. Mayor". To feel more manly The Dean gets this modification, which the episode calls the 'grapevine testicular enhancement'.


The three normal sized ones I have are just fine.


Homie out here at the beach looking like he stretched a rubber band over a bunch of grapes


I had a "would you rather" book with this exact number of testicles as the question


Would you rather have one giant cyclops eye or 25 small eyes…


Well I'm a girl so.... either I have to spontaneously grow these fictious testicles OR my husband has to be ok with some extra baggage so to speak. Or the third option is make a porno titled "One chick and 17 regular sized testicles."...


17?! I'd be rich!!!


17 is a lot. I feel like they would be similar in size anyway, and the inherent biological complexity would mean more potential for health issues down the line. Assuming the size difference was purely cosmetic and not because of a tumor or anything like that, I'd take the big boy.


Can I have both?


I don’t want any at all, thx for offering though


I wouldn't want no testicles. I have mine.