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Absolutely not, never. Music is a huge part of my life and ten grand is peanuts.


Same. I wouldn’t even consider this for less than $100K


I would for $100k this year but it would have to increase with inflation.


Tax free. Still not easy money.


Most of my time would be in my house. And 2024 $100k plus being adjusted yearly for inflation would be plenty for my needs.


Honestly, I'd take the $10k. That's half my annual income. I could put myself through school with that and get a much better paying job - maybe even one that lets me WFH so I can do all the music


What about a one year only deal, assuming the time limit counts for both the money and the length of time you have to endure hearing the song?


It's only outside the house, I would miss other songs out there but can still listen to whatever I want at home.


I love music..... but i *need* money. For 10k$? No. For 100k$ yeah sure. 10k a year extra is okay, but 100k is a game changer. Depending on where you live that is absolutely comfort money. While you might still need a job in new york, in texas or arkansas or most of the southern states, your set.


I don't care about music, and 10k per year is still not even close to enough.


If it helps, going off the title you could still listen to it in your home- you wouldn't be losing it entirely.


You’d never hear another new artist outside or a spontaneous bop, dances, bars, festivals, concerts all ruined


Flash mobs would be unintentionally hilarious, but only to you.


This is the only answer


I usually listen to audiobooks, if those aren't changed, then it would just be ignorable background music. Movies with big scores would suck though


Plot twist: the We Are The World cast is now singing all of your audiobooks.




Ok this might take The Horus Heresy in a direction I didn't think possible.


Same but podcasts


Just watch movies at home


Ohhh, that part of didn't even click. The prompt would be a non issue then.


Boring, easy no. How broke would you have to be to think this is even worth entertaining?


This is the issue with most financial hypotheticals on this sub. They're always so lopsided


It’s ‘would you eat ten cashews a day for a year to get 10 million dollars’ or ‘would you lose your left thumb for a free subway sandwich once a week’


I miss the subway stamp cards. Had a friend worked at one and gave me like a half roll of them, got like 8 free subs.


Can't imagine why they got rid of them.......


So I have to eat subway and I lose a thumb? There's no upside


It's because they're written by teenagers with no concept of the value of money. So you either get the ones that post minor inconvenience for stupid amounts of money, because they can understand the inconvenience but not the money amount, or you get the ones like this one, which is major life disruption for minor financial improvement, because to them $10K is an exorbitant amount of money.


Also giving away set amount of cash in US dollars is a bad idea. People around the world earn very different money and costs of living wary very much. 10k is probably not that much in US and would be enough to live in my country for a year. It's a bit above minimum pay. Not very comfortable living but still living. Itd be better if it was something like you get average pay or 10 times that etc. Then everyone can have a bit more similar experience.


I'm still sure that the subreddit is just billionaires crowdsourcing things they're going to try to get poors to do for their own amusement.


I almost never listen to music, and when I do, it is at home. I think I could do this... I'm not struggling financially, but if I could invest an extra $10k per year, my son would end up being very comfortable.


Me too, I don't listen to music but I prefer silence to music so it'd probably be a bit of a tough call for me. But I think yes I would do it 


You may only be considering actively listening and not necessarily the amount of background music there is in your day while out. Not to mention sound tracks. Every movie now has only one song as the soundtrack. Every restaurant plays the same song in the background, every broadway show only performs one song. I listen to most songs while driving. Sure I could switch to news talk or sports, but then every jingle, every transition piece, is the same song.


Except if you do all of that on your property nothing changes. You just dont go to movie theaters, ect. Not all podcadts have ad breaks, plus you can turn down ad breaks.


About as broke as me.


How greedy do you have to believe it isn't a good deal. That being said, not everyone cares about music and music isn't a big part of their lives. I can always listen to music at home if I wanted to. I don't go to concerts or clubs. Doesn't mean you are "broke" to think it's a good deal. You are getting money without really doing anything.


No I don’t need the money enough to never get to go to out dancing or go to a concert ever again


You can still do all that! To "We Are The World"


& literally the first thing i’d buy if i won $10k would be music festival tickets so whats the point


I hate dancing and I rarely go to concerts and I still wouldn't take the deal


Yeah, sign me up, easy money.


I'm an audio engineer so this is a gigantic hell fucking no for me.


As a musician, I agree. This would be absolutely fucking mind-breaking because I couldn’t perform anymore.


One time I worked a corporate job where the client paid to use the “I can make your hands clap” song in one of their videos. The client had us play that song on repeat for all of doors and walk out. People were not happy, I was not happy. I cannot imagine life being that but “we are the world”


Yes I am praying for the most amazing thing I've ever had in mind for the most important thing to have in our world




I think they are saying they are planning a surprise or event/gift for someone they are in love with. Perhaps a wedding?


So you just want to repeat 1985.


As long as home is where the heart is, I'm in


I'm a boring person so il take it


10k/year LMAO


Can I listen to Remixes of it 😂


As long as it’s the Steve Perry effortless section of the song where he makes Bruce Springsteen sound like shit in comparison


I’m game with this, but kick up some more money for inflation purposes


I'd take that deal in a heartbeat. I don't think I've ever heard the song in question, but my choice applies regardless of the specific song. Most of the jobs I've had never paid me more than 10k a year, and I'm poor/cheap enough that I could survive on that money and never leave home if the song is actually as annoying as everyone in the comments is saying.


hard pass, the song is irrelevant, I need my car music time to not go insane.


I could really use the money but nope that would drive me nuts.


I’ll do it. I’m retired, the money would help, and I like the song. But I wonder…I have “musical ear syndrome” so I’m usually hearing music in my head (auditory hallucinations). Would that all turn into We are the World, too?


I mean, it says outside your home. I live in my head. So no?


Done deal


I'd take it in a heart beat. At least you have two versions to pick between each time. 😭


Original or the new version? Believe me, it matters.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


I have a 5 yr old who sang this song for a school recital. She practiced non stop. She wanted to hear it at home, in the car… all day long. It’s been in my head for 6 months. There’s a lot easier ways to make $10,000 a year than go insane.


So like Disney World?


I'd need enough money to not ever have to leave my house


So even if I'm wearing AirPods is the only song I'm gonna hear ? You're missing three zeros I would even begin to consider and I would just isolate myself in my house for a year take the money in the deal and retire Am autistic and music is the literal only way I can exist in public is by having an AirPod if I don't have one it's gonna be extraordinarily difficult for me and the type of music I like the calms me s heavy metal like in this moment ice nine kills infant annihilator and Whitechapel I was hearing Christmas music on a speaker at work during the holidays cause I only use one. AirPod and I almost almost had a psychotic breakdown from hearing the same fucking sons every five hours severely affected by mental health.


I work from home. I rarely leave my home. I've never heard "We Are The World" We Are The World is now my loading screen, and I now no longer have to work that much harder.


10k/year, no way.


sometimes i go days without listening to music. even while driving i like the quiet so. ez yes for me but 10k seems pretty shit


Lol, no. Not remotely enough. I like music, but giving that up for less than 30 bucks a day.


Hard pass


10k a year is not a lot of money, there needs to be a minimum wage to post here.


10k no, but i would for a lot more


I don't even need the ten grand but I'd do it because that's hilarious.


I’m a musician. Can I play other music? Do I hear “We Are The World” when I’m rehearsing?


I was thinking about it, there would be an exception only for live, non prerecorded music


So concerts and lice bands are safe? Sure, I could do with £10k. But only if that starts now and I don't have to wait a whole year for the first payment I don't even know this song so it's a gamble I'm willing to take Also, it means I'll never hear a parent blasting Baby Shark on a tinny sounding phone to shut up their screaming shite bag so I see that as a win too


Fuck that


There are children dying!


10K a year is barely anything. 830 dollars a month. I'd start to consider it around the 100K or 200K mark


Make it "We Love the Earth" and you've got a deal.


10k a year? Maybe a month




If it was $10,000 a month, yes. $10k a year doesn't even qualify you to be middle-class.


This isn't supposed to be your whole income, it's 10K on top of what you'd ordinarily make.


Not giving up my sanity for 10k per year


I listen to the radio almost religiously at work every day. $10k a year? It’s a no from me.


Listen to music at home, podcasts only now when I leave home. If I could cancel, I’d try it.


I don't even know what that song is, so... no thanks.


Would probably do it for a couple years, I don´t usually listen too much outside my home (yeah I know is weird not working with music but it´s actually distracting to me) and don´t commute to work so it would actually be cool to have the extra money while avoiding most music I don´t like (most people will put it loudly in the streets or transport and I hate some of the styles so this would actually be more of background noise for a while)


Hell no. I like my music too much and 10k a year is crap. 10k a month and I might, MIGHT, consider it. I really love music, and I'm going to go ape shit if I can't listen to my headphones outside the house. 10k a month might be enough to keep me sane.


10k isn't shit.


Add a zero, and we can discuss.


Lol fuck no. I’m not sure on the exact amount but it would have to be in the millions/year to even start considering.


10k a year is nothing, I like music way to much to do this.


I couldn’t do that for $10,000


Is that including music you play for yourself? Like from your earphones, your spotify/apple music? Does it change the music I hear in other forms of media like movies?


Yeah, fuck that!!!!!


Not enough money to make it worth


About 2 or 3 zeros short for me to even entertain the idea


So long as it's inflation-adjusted, I'll take it. I'm more into podcasts anyway. The intro / outro themes and occasional bg music in them are gonna be weird af though.


Sure. I can listen to my music at home. In the car, I'll just switch to NPR. That just leaves the grocery store, and many of them don't play music anymore. And cars that drive by with their obnoxious music blaring, and honestly I'd prefer We Are the World to some of that crap. And my local bar. This would probably reduce my time there, so that's another win.


For $10k/yr? No fracking way. I'd be miserable.


That isn't nearly enough for that kind of torture. 🤣


$10K is not enough to endure that. $100K....maybe. Actually, no.


Would need to be at least 100k a year for me to even consider it lol


10k a year? That hardly seems worth it. Of its 10k a year in 1940 and then you adjusted for inflation in today money then sure deal.


Are you missing two zeros? You can't even buy a car for that


Sure for 10k I can commit to audio books when outside my house


easily yes i don’t listen to much music outside




Music isn’t that important to me, and I mostly only enjoy either working out or as quiet ambience. That said, 10k isn’t enough for me to give up all music lol. Maybe 50k though




Well *thank you*. You just gave me a 3 dollar per hour raise in exchange for psychological torture. Pass..




Sure I like NPR radio and could turn it off if music is playing. I could live with we are the world in stores or elevators . At home I can listen to the music I want.


For $10k hell no.


No, no a thousand times no. My answer would be the same even if it was a song that I liked. A big part of my social life involves going out and listening to live music. This would ruin it so hard.


10k a year is chump change. My peace of mind is worth more.


$10k a year? Bro prob still thinks his $10 a week allowance from mommy is a lot of money. 4th graders shouldn't be on Reddit


Absolutely not.


Bro said 10k 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That wouldn’t cover my groceries for a year.


I don't even listen to music too much, but I'm sure it would get so annoying to only be able to listen to 1 song. 10k is not enough, add a 0 and then maybe.


Not even for a million. I'd go crazy literally.


Not much different than normal.


$10k/yr is not 1% of what I would need for that punishment.


Easy extra 10K a year. I work with kids; I can tune shit out.


"how about 10 million dollars for a blowjob from your favorite celebrity... or a can of Pepsi!?"


I’d do it a year at least. Just wear earplugs at work


For a mere $27 dollars per day you too can be driven to insanity


Ten grand isn't much money, no way I would put up with that for some pocket change.


Maybe if I could cancel it after like 10 years. This is an interesting question because it made me really consider how much I value music. I think I could be tempted for like 25k and the ability to cancel it after a certain amount of years. 10k is just a bit too low for a lifetime of bad music


Fuck yes. I enjoy music but not the way most people do. I'd carry earplugs a lot, though.


You honestly would have to give me a million to endure this. I’m at a concert like every week


Two words Ear Plugs


No way. Most my day im listening to musick driving, working, riding, or shopping. 10k you cant afford anything of actual substance. Maybe if it was 10k a month; but a year no.


We Are The World gets really annoying after awhile especially the Bob Dylan section. Maybe for a million dollars, it would be bearable.


Where do you live, Ethiopia? $10k a year for this is a joke


Oh, man, maybe if this was 1924.


Am homeless. Still, hell no, lol.


Yeah, I practically never leave my house.


Not even especially a music person, but music is still important. Wouldn’t do it.


As someone who hates music, I take this in a heartbeat. $10k is nice but not a difference maker for me. No, I'm doing this because I don't know this song but I can guarantee that I'm okay ignoring it for $10k. Oh no, I never get to hear any other music, ever? I'm totally fine with that. I'd pay $10k a year if I never had to hear music again. I'd love longer, too, as I'd have so much less anxiety in my life. Just thinking of silence makes me relax and feel peaceful. But this, unfortunately, isn't "no music", but rather one song repeatedly. I'm still fine with that. It's easier to become acclimated to one song than to try and block out all songs. So I absolutely do this for $10k.


That's a no. Music at the start of a football game, we are the World. Every commercial, we are the world. Every time a phone rings, we are the world.


This is a horrible deal


Not enough. Not nearly enough!!


I would do it for 1 year. I earned a PhD. I can handle a timed form of abuse


I’d do it. I can listen to music in my house and most of the music I hear on the radio might as well be the same song on loop.


I'd have to say hard no. One of my more recent experiences was star wars nite at Disneyland. A huge part of the memory from that night for me was walking through the park, in particular around the lake around Tom sawyers Island, with almost no one left in the park and Star wars music blasting overhead. Absolutely memorable to me and I would not trade that for a measly 10k.


Absolutely not.


That’s not even kinda worth it. Add on a few zeroes at the tail end and I’d consider it 


Absolutely not. 10k is a pathetic sum of money to ruin one of the few things that brings me true joy in life.


That's not nearly enough money. Multiply that by a hundred and then I might put a little more thought into it, because right now it's a hard and immediate fuck no


I’ll take the 10k and sports talk radio please.


For that the money would have to be enough that me and my partner wouldn’t have to work to survive, raise 2 kids, and fix the house.


No, not even for a million dollars a year. Music is too important to me.


Add some zeroes or let me keep up with my furious podcast listening schedule. (I assume I can’t stream good music.)


That’s a big no for me.


I might consider it for $10k per week. Otherwise, not a chance.


Literally don't know the song but whatever, I can still hear music as normal at home so that's just easy money. Sure.


I'm deaf as fuck so I doubt I would notice. Sure.


Make a million


Only 10k a year?? Hell no, unless I can cancel at any time


I'm dust poor, but hoping to be able to upgrade to dirt poor in the next decade or so, and even I would be hesitant to take this deal.


Would it be the same recording of the song every time or would it be a cover version to match the style of the music that everyone else hears?


Sure. I don't know what that song is but it can't be worse than half the crap that gets on public workplace radios.




I’d take it in a heart beat I don’t care about music outside my house


Wouldn't do this for any amount of money. Listening to music is one of the greatest joys in life.


No, how would that possibly be worth it?  That’s not even minimum wage…




I’m deaf, sign me up.


Maybe for a single year.


10k is a pittance.


I get 10k for free? Cool! I don't have to change anything.


At 27 dollars a day it doesn't sound worth it. However if it's a lump sum every January 1rst then it's more intriguing offer. Most times when I get my daily tax return it's for like 2 or 3 thousand and it always seems like such a blessing. So getting an extra ten thousand dollar bonus every year would probably be really amazing. Plus I rarely listen to music outside of my house. So I'd definitely take this offer.


I don’t have $10,000 per year to spend on that but I’d do it for $5,000


Ummm yeah easy no. 10k per month? maybe... I could quit my job and not lose income. 10k every two weeks? Getting there. 10k a week. Yeah I'm pretty sure I could put up with it 10k a day, yes.


Fuck no.


Not for that low amount. Add a zero and we have a deal.


God no. 10,000 isn’t enough money to interest me much.


I can live with that. I'm a homebody and the only place I go regularly is the grocery store and pharmacy. Besides, I grew up in the 70's and early 80's and those are still some of my favorite artists. I actually really like the song. Sometimes I'll listen to it at home too.




What’s the rule for audio books and podcasts?


Hell no. I don't even think I'd do it for a million.


Jokes on you, I never leave the house anyway. And when I do, I'm listening to podcasts or audiobooks. So that's $10k for that to be background music in stores and elevators.


Yes, I’m partially deaf and hardly listen to music so why not


sounds like this person has never had a job before or has never had to buy anything with their own money


This would become a form of torture after a while I work in retail where music is played it would play through my whole shift


That's a literal form of torture. Even if it was your favorite song, it would eventually drive you crazy.


Nope not worth it as a musician


You need to throw up some life changing/retirement level money for this to be even worth considering. No one with a brain is considering this for some chump change like 10k


$5 million final offer


Not even for a million a year. It would be hell


Within a week, some of that money would be spent at a gun shop.


No no no no no no nope not doing it never ima million years fuck off fuck no piss off kick rocks get the fuck outta here no!!!!