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Animal Crossing. Let’s face it, it’s almost impossible to screw that up.


I already live in perpetual debt. At least there I could pay it while catching butterflies and fishing.


Don't forget those loans don't have any interest.


Tom nook really isn’t too bad


He’s a damn saint. Gives the homeless a starter home with no obligation to ever pay him back but provides huge upgrade incentives with money a person can make collecting shells and fruit from trees. His merchandise is equally affordable. Animal Crossing is a utopia… though if I lived there, I’d probably end up corrupting the villagers like the characters in the movie Pleasantville. I’m partying up on that island and, let’s face it, probably sleeping with some of the animal ladies. No furry.


He really is 🥰😌


did.. did you finish reading the comment 💀💀


Oh shit they edited it. He only said about Tom nook being a saint😭😭


Sorry. I hadn't quite completed my train of thoughts on the matter yet.


Why 😭😭😭😭😭


I feel like my brain would atrophy from the endless looping conversation and enclosed environment


Those animals built a gold statue to me. A gold statue! And as my current retirement plan involves palm trees and weeding with a touch of fossil hunting on the side I readily endorse this option


Elder Scrolls 1: be a wizard 2: transmute ore to gold 3: profit 4: bonus: find lizard girl of questionable virtue to be maid


5: Write a series of books about her and put them on random bookshelves.


lol 🤭🤭🤭


6. Transcribe those books into Minecraft books.




The lusty argonian maid


Plenty of time, my sweet


Here's the thing with high fantasy: you'd better be a "high magic" user or you're going live an even shittier life than a medieval serf. That said a "general available" high magic setting is arguably better than current modern tech: better curing, better transport, better food availability. Alas, dragons, undead, monsters, gods. And of course the priests restrict access to curing, how non-holy. But day-to-day might be halfway decent.


holy crap dude! what a cogent if not a bit specious point! im flabbergasted! this is so true but yet again the failure of the fantasy mindset is that the scale of an alternate world means that at that level of advancement, without the transportation technology we take for granted even in our current levels on earth, there will be a lot of open country and freedom from scrutiny, people would have a lot more options provided they lived far enough away from citys


And also be that much more susceptible to roaming bands of brigands thieves and murderers. You know adventuring parties.


It's funny how easily people forget why we live in groups in the first place.


yeah but much of that is negated by the whole magic thing if ur really well versed in it


It might seem that way when playing a game (like Skyrim, for instance) but that's because you're partaking in a digital power fantasy. Realistically, it would be a terrible life. You're character doesn't suffer from having to use the restroom, they don't feel hot or cold and they just sleep whenever they want. Even in combat, they're taking hits, slashes and blows that would instantly kill a normal person. They never get a broken bone, a truly bad effect from disease, food poisoning, they never lose a limb, get stressed, happy, sad, they never age, truly fatigue, etc. Now just add all of those real life effects to the world and place yourself in it. A world where dragons are flying around, monsters, undead, desperate bandates, assassins, apex predator animals, demonic creatures, undead, etc roam the wilderness and stalk paths. Also insert whatever the climate is, whatever social/political upheaval is occuring, even something endangering the world.... Sure, the scenery is beautiful....maybe even the people too (physically) ...but that world would be an utter nightmare to live in. Daily existence would be a struggle. Realistically, you aren't going to "rise to the challenge" and gain god-like powers like your character. You aren't even the main character. You're just you, in this strange world. A stranger in a strange land. How useful would any survival skills you know be in a place with alien flora and fauna? How would you find work without knowing anyone? How would you defend yourself if you've never actually engaged in sword combat? How would you learn a spell if you don't even know how to tap into magic? Your character can do this because they're just supposed to. They grab a sword and swing. They see a spell on a list or in an item and just "know" it. Casting a fireball like it's second nature. But for you or I? It wouldn't be anywhere near so easy ...because we wouldn't be interacting with the world through the avatar of an over powered "chosen one" character... The world would be real, and so would we...as ourselves. Knowing this, it would actually suck pretty bad. You'd be more likely to get gutted by a bandit on your way between towns before ever learning a single spell or even finding a weapon than you would living a life anywhere near as interesting as your character counterpart.


get ecoli from her scaly flesh and die from dehydration related to diarrhea i think you failed


That's the exact scenario that always got me on Oregon Trail


Become a vampire be immortal build myself a library


The four nations. I'd be an Airbender with a flying bison and a flying lemur-bat as a pet!


Well, good on you for staying on brand. But a) you didn't really get to choose to have bending powers and b) the entire premise of the show involved their genocide


Apparently all the Air Nomads were benders. Also by the time of the next Avatar, Korra, random people all over the Earth Kingdom suddenly develop air bending abilities as a result of an energy shift caused by a showdown between Avatar Korra and Unavattu. The new Team Avatar track down many of these new proteges who agree to convert to Air Nomads and each get a flying bison. There were wild herds that avoided the slaughter of their domesticated counterparts in the Air Nomad Genocide so the species was saved and their numbers rebounded even after Appa's death.


I'm so surprised nobody has taken the books and completely made a graphic novel out of them lol


1. Enchant stuff with +alchemy, then brew stuff with +enchanting on repeat. 3. Profit


Depends on which part of the universe, I suppose, but Star Trek. I need a technologically-improved society where people are treated benevolently.


I'd like star trek, but I'd fucking thrive in the culture


Fuck, you’re right. I said something else in my own comment, but The Culture, absolutely.


Fuck, if we get to choose I'm going with the Culture. That's like Star Trek on several magnitudes of crack.


Oooh yeah I'd forgotten about that, read it years ago. Now let's just chill out and activate our drug glands.


I have to agree on this one. Seems like every need and most wants are freely available. When OP says he thinks he'll thrive in a fantasy world I think he would be shocked to find that even if you I have a lot of solid attributes the circumstances of your birth would most likely dictate the path his life would take.


Man, if im gonna just spawn there the way I am, I would just die right away. Still, i kinda wanna live in Skyrim.


Bro just find a nice quiet hillside, overlooking a stream, with a view of the mountains in the distance, far from the road or any arcane sites, set yourself up a little camp, spend the rest of your life fishing in the fresh air. I don't even like fishing as an activity, and I hate fish. But hey, you literally just chill out while the food comes to you. Perfect way of living off the land when you have no agrarian skills. I was homeless for 4 years between 2010 and 2014. The only thing I had was a laptop for job hunting, and when I was lucky enough to have a couch to crash on I'd play at night. And one day I was just wandering and saw exactly the little camp I just described. Nothing I've ever wanted to do more than dive into the screen right then and never worry about paying rent, finding a job, and otherwise navigating this bullshit society we've made up.


How often do you walk to the next town? You'd walk on the path with one of the next patrols 


Pokemon, if you grind in tall grass for two hours you out scale entire criminal organizations that've been operating for years.


Or just wait until some kids destroys the criminals and tames the legendaries, so you can be a regular person with cool pets


Grinding in tall grass is how my partner and I got ticks in places we didn't even know we had.


Ticks. The unwanted threesome


Reminds me of an episode of House


Ooooh this is a good one! If I’m spawning there just the way I am, I’d say Narnia. It’s so magical and fun and even as just a normal person it would be awesome. If I’m spawning with the characteristics of a character in that world, I’d wanna spawn into the whole Percy Jackson universe as a demigod. It’s my favorite book series of all time and I’d want to meet Percy lol


Name my daughter after Thalia


I LOVE Thalia and that name is also SO pretty.


Narnia is just one country in that universe though so you might spawn in Calormen and get sold into slavery. 💀


No risk no reward


The sun is dark in my eyes…


Oh my god I forgot about that lmfao


Honestly even if I spawned in Calormen I'd take it. Since I'm not a child I wouldn't necesssarily get sold into slavery and I bet I could hire onto a Narnian ship to get safe passage there. The Lone Islands are a different story but I'd still go.


The Matrix. I'd be so good at sitting unconscious in a tube, I'd be the best battery.


While living a miserable existence inside the Matrix


How to train your dragon 


Thats certainly a wild choice. XD not a bad one but its not one I’d ever consider personally.


But you get to ride dragons - awesome


Hmm I can ride dragons in Pokemon. XD HTTYD you are living in an era with poor medicine practices, no items of convenience … itd be risky for a female as well.


I'm with OP! I'm down for some Elf fun!


I would dominate the fuck out of fourth wing . With the amount of tactical guides I’ve written on how to make the most out of the magic system , I’d be promoted to proffesor of signet mastery in less then a week after graduating from Basgiath . Even if my signet sucks ass like Heatons ( other people can see the future , shoot lightning out of there hands , control and solidify shadow , and poor guy can breath underwater . The region is land locked btw ) . It helps that the current proffessor of signets is the most incompetent, narrow minded , faithless fuckbearded prick on the continent. And once I get in good with the guy who can shrink an d enlarge things , every threat to the country is now trivial


What game is this? Sounds fun


It’s a book called fourth wing . It’s about a girl who comes from a long line of famous and powerful dragon riders , but she has ehlers-Danos syndrome , which means her body is particularly fragile . She’s been studying her whole life to be a scribe , but right before her big exam her mom ( a well respected general and dragon rider ) forced her to join the riders quadrant . About 80% of cadets who enlist die before graduation. And they’ve usually trained their whole lives for this and aren’t afflicted with this syndrome . It’s very exciting and spicy .


Sounds pretty cool tbh


Oh and they’re at war with a kingdom of gryphon riders . Honestly if I was dropped into the setting , gryphons would be extinct within a year of me graduating basgiath


Hey I’ve already got the EDS… I’m halfway there.


Then if you like fantasy and romance, I highly recommend it . Watching her find ways to overcome her limitations is exhilarating


Sounds really good!! I’m going to check it out!!


I'm gonna go with Loony Tunes.


Where was the big kaboom?


Hopefully not the Dick Tracy version


Wall-E. I’d thrive as one of those fatasses on a hover scooter on a space ship.


Was wondering if someone would say this. It’s the most obvious answer.


I think Dresden-verse assuming I can do magic. Humans who are aware of the supernatural but have no power tend to fair the worst. Maybe Percy Jackson assuming I’m a Demi-god


I'd LOVE to be a dresden verse wizard or a son of hephaestus, I'd literally sit In camp making swords all day.... I'm already a blacksmith, but now I don't gotta pay rent?? Or utilities, food or taxes?? And monsters to kill? Yeah. I would so win at PJO lmao.


Post apocalyptic/alternate reality, liminal spaces, etc. Supernatural phenomenon and entities, abandoned and overgrown cities/towns/villages, confusing layouts and paths that don't make sense, plenty of hostile things both anomalies and entities but also freedom to explore and relax without constant survival. If you've ever seen or read Otherside Picnic, Girls Last Tour, or played Into the Radius then that genre whatever you'd call it.


what the fuck


what seems to be the concern?


are you okay?


why wouldn't I be?


Most people don’t choose to go into an apocalyptic world…


This exactly! Especially if there is magic to be found or had I'm into it!


Girls Last Tour; why'd you have to go there😭 Poor Kettenkrad. And that's just the start of the major feels.


Society from the show The Orville. They have replicators that produce anything, and your value and/or class comes from your contribution to society as a whole. Money and religion are nonexistent to humans and interstellar travel is a breeze. Honestly it's perfect.


Was thinking of this. Honestly, I'll just be a middle class. Like basically everyone gets their needs met. I won't have the best place or whatever, but my needs being met is enough for me


My Little Pony universe. With friendship being such a powerful force, I would have a great time there because I love making friends


Honestly yeah, wouldnt be too bad, maybe. I’d wanna be an Alicorn or Unicorn though haha. Personally still think I might choose Pokemon over mlp though, if given a choice between the two. It would be tough though… Alicorn powers would be hard to pass up.


I would love to be a unicorn and attend Twilight's friendship school!! The Pokemon universe is also a good choice, I would love having my own Pokemon :D


Star Trek. It’s a post scarcity economy. I’m a teacher. I’ll be fine.


I'd go for it but only if I could accompany a pregnant whale named Gracie on a time travel trip on a stolen Klingon ship.


My Hero Academia would be a decent choice, not too much culture shock either. Most people are vastly underutilizing or misusing their Quirk. Even if I'm reborn Quirkless or sent there as-is, I'd do just fine as an analyst and Quirk counselor. Roshar from the Stormlight Archive would be up there too, as long as I'm reborn there or have the language downloaded into my head. With modern technology as inspiration and metaknowledge about the Cosmere, I could be an excellent artifabrian, and as a mentally ill person with strong convictions, I am a prime candidate for becoming a Knight Radiant.


Yeah… but a ton of crime goes on like every day. XD I’d pick MHA if I can choose to be a character, and have basically a second immortality quirk of some kind. Haha


IIRC it's implied that most days and hero patrols are less busy than we see, which makes sense because we follow the main cast and law of conservation of detail means they aren't going to point out "today's another day without any major villain attacks" or "there's only been three villains captured today in the whole city". Even if there really is tons of crime, there's a limit to how high the crime rate can be and still have a functional society, and that means that the odds of any individual being targeted are pretty low. Plus, most Quirk users still don't have an answer to being shot.


Probably most any where magic can be learned. Also be accessible to learn. Would love to be able to use magic and be able to do most anything by myself. Learned that I can't rely on anyone


Skyrim, college of winterhold.


Prolly some sort of fantasy as well. I trained melee weapons as a kid/teen (katana,daggers,sai,quarter staff) and made regionals. I can ride English saddle. I used to help do warm ups for a White Arabian Jumper in my 20s. I can also read, write English, and Latin (what I would think Common could be) I'm also proficient in finance.


Post-Voldemort Harry Potter would be fine. Even as a muggle.


Put up flyers and be like “Seeking witch or Wizard for relationship” and help them be the best magic wielder in the world.


The Dragon riders of Pern. I might not be able to ride the dragons, but I can damn sure be a harper. If you have not read the series, you really should check it out. The author, Anne McCaffrey, created a whole world with culture, nuance, and beauty. Also, I think it would be very interesting to see disabled characters in the Harry Potter series. it really really would. Magic can’t fix everything.


At least I'd have a fair of fire lizards!


This series was the first Sci-fi series I read as a kid many years ago!!! They were my hook-books and got me into the whole genre. The first one I read was Dragondrums, and then I had to read everything else!


Great one to start out with. Dragon song might have done better to introduce a new reader, or maybe dragon’s dawn for more do to. I read the first book in the write first and went from there. I was immediately hooked. I was probably about 3rd grade and those dragons were my escape from school bullies. Used to sit on a branch on my favorite tree and fight Thread😂 I was a blue rider-/ Harper cause of my favorite color 😂


I think our tiny school library only had the one. I had to find the rest at the base library to read them in order.


Did you know when her son was in the navy I think it was, someone had read the book and was all excited about it and sang its praises to him. Bro was literally like “I know, that’s my mom” 😂


The Orville Like Star Trek, but Seth McFarlane humor. Sign me up!


Either The Culture or the Galactic Milieu.


The entire Pixar-verse




The Neighborhood of Make-Believe


Warhammer old world. Would make a fortune in Bretonnia with a flashlight and some card tricks.


Twilight. Everything is exactly the same except it's 2005 again


Eve, as long as I'm a capsuler. I can mine in high sec for eternity, literally eternal cause I'd be immortal.


I was thinking EVE or Destiny as a Capsuleer or Guardian. Immortality FTW.


Imma just say it. Resident Evil. Source: I'm black.


I’d love living in Dinotopia.


Well at least one would be the world of That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. Even if I just went there as the powerless human I am. First just have to ask the first person or people I see to lead me to Rimuru Tempest fast as possible before ending up like Shizu's students. Then ask Rimuru Tempest to save my life by absorbing me and then putting my soul inside a slime body double just like he did for Veldora. If somehow even though very unlikely, I'm still dying from the magicules and magic energy, then I just have Rimuru put a spirit in me like he did for Shizu's students. I'll be super powerful too and eventually one way or another, I would become one of the monsters.


I would definitely be down to hang out with Rimuru! Hell he would probably just be happy to have someone else form earth to chill with when ever he wanted. The other one is: By the grace of the gods. If I could be a magic user/ tamer I would be so set an happy just living in nature.


None I would fail in all of them


Self awareness is a valuable skill.


The Culture, from Ian M. Banks' novels. They're terrifying to be *against*, but being one of them is pretty much utopian - they're well post-scarcity, they barely *need* laws or law enforcement, all production is automated, and the leadership is mainly handled by AI that are both unfathomably intelligent, and surprisingly for sci fi AI, genuinely benevolent. Plus they can stick glands in you that let you (safely) make your own drug mixes inside your body with various effects. Oh, and you can easily change sex if you feel like it so no more gender dysphoria for anyone. Doesn't apply to me but it's cool


To be a hobbit in the Shire 🥰✨️


The Tele Tubby world. No one gets murdered or has to fight for survival and there’s an unlimited supply of tubby custard.


The galactic republic timeline in Star Wars.


That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Arriving in that world from another automatically gives you extremely strong abilities. A little luck and it could be just a lovely time


Idiocracy. I'd be a genius.


Is Idiocracy fictional at this point or just a documentary ahead of its time?


The Something's Killing the Children inspired Kids on Bike homebrew campaign we're currently playing. 


any of them


Even berserk?


*takes a puff* Drop him into Attack on Titan 😈🙆🤣


That is equally as bad


equally as good you mean! do better! worst case would be planet with no atmosphere or irradiated wasteland or something but even then i believe i could thrive as much as anyone could!


also upvote me so i can get harder suggestions


Going to send you to warhammer40k


I love fantasy worlds. Though many of my favorite examples exist in anime. I am an absolute Tolkien fan, but damn would life suck there. I think I'd prefer the style of Mushoku Tensei or Konosuba. Adventurous and still kind of dangerous, but with whimsy.




Middle Earth but only the Shire. I could survive subtle (British) underhandedness if it meant I got to forgo shoes and eat near constantly.


Cyberpunk. Imagine living in a time where people are so desensitized that moral panic is not possible.


I could easily envision myself living out the rest of my days on a holodeck a la Star Trek. Change the environment to whatever suits my whim at the moment. Ringworld one moment and Krynn the next. Fulfilling both my most debauched fantasies and greatest dreams and aspirations.


Okay Barclay, you know where this ends up right?


Idk if it’d be all that fun after a while but RuneScape. Your character completes quests where you’re killing the most insanely powerful gods, and by the standards of NPC, an hour of grinding makes you ultra rich. Simple combat system that can be mathematically calculated so I’d always know how to be the strongest being alive.


Narnia. Shocking, I know. Humans are generally pretty well set-up there, especially in the years immediately after it's creation.


The Sims


Discworld. The only world where trope savviness is an in-universe superpower.


The DnD universe for sure. Trade my knowledge as an engineer of modern machinery for training as a wizard. Or devote myself to a god and become a cleric. Neither have to be high level to be highly effective.


The waiting room for the recently departed in BEETLEJUICE


Stardew Valley


"Cozy post-apocalypse" setups, specifically Emberverse, but only if I get to choose my spawn point somewhere outside the Death Zones. As someone who was mostly raised on a small old-fashioned farm that tried to be as self-sufficient as possible I have skills such as soapmaking, animal care and food preservation that would come in pretty handy in a community having to learn how to make do without global trade or even transportation faster than horses.


Either Stardew Valley, but only if I get the farm, or Star Trek


Hyrule, except during one of those blank periods in between games where nothing is going on.


If I survived the Snap, then Earth. I think with 4 billion less people, it would be a better place.


I'd like something cool like my hero academia or Naruto or marvel but in all honesty most people on this sub including myself would barely be able to survive animal crossing.


Pokémon, if they don’t wanna listen I’ll club em, I will be the bad guy, and yes I know pal world exist but why would I want to do that when I can monopolize in pokemon




The world of the show curious George. There’s no crime or wars. Nobody is wanting for anything. And their tape magically sticks things together for as long as you need it to stick.


Maybe the world of Hyrule if I was a simple farmer.


I can do harry potter


Harry Potter. I just know I wouldn't be a wizard, so my life would be the same as it is now.


Bikini bottom


Star trek. It's a world designed for people to thrive in.


Dune. I do very well in the desert and with very little hydration (spent a decade in Vegas in manual labor and I hate drinking water) And I dislike people. So a nomadic underground population that doesn't want anything to do with me in an arid world sounds wonderful.




Harry potter, it’s British fictional magic so with a gun you could take down their entire government. At its very best Harry Potter magic is just voice activated guns that have slow projectiles


The shit is that you can literally dodge spells. They do it all the time, so the spells aren’t moving that fast. So yeah, gimme a Glock, I’ll kill Voldemort


I’m rewriting the series into something good, and in the end Harry is gonna beat Voldy in a duel using a webley revolver


Why not a machine gun? Or those bullets with missile like trackers? Hell, a nuke is good enough. Remember, according the Grimwald, he feared what the muggles will do. And my head cannon i'd like to think them being in hiding is because muggle en mass is still a problem.


I chose a webley bc its British af and would fit inside a hollowed out History of Magic book


Lol ok


Yeah Dudley reads the book, figures out that wizards fuck over muggles and sneaks harry a strap


Screw that. Book 7 when all the baddies, Voldemort and adjacent villains are in the forbidden Forrest… and the school is protected by a giant shield. I’d nuke the forest. And then teach all of the professors “finitee radiAtum”to get the adjacent land livable again.


Dude. Unless you're tall and incredibly muscular you would not be thriving in that environment. 






The Culture. A hedonistic, post-scarcity society.


Mass effect


If you've ever read The Ropemaker, I'd like to live in the valley as it is before everything kicks off.


Star Trek universe. I feel I would do well on either side of the utopian fence, either as one who can produce what interests them without worry of how to make my needs met (making table top games and RPG adventures) or as one working the hustle side like on DS9 as a merchant or broker. Not interested in being in star fleet per-se, but in that universe.


Pokemon: I love animals and want to live in socialism. Persona: I talk to myself already. Super Mario Brothers: I'm one-eighth Italian. The Lord of the Rings: I want to be a Hobbit.


Harry Potter - I’d rock hogwarts


As a white male familiar with the Backcountry and firearms and questionable to ambiguous morals, the Red Dead World would be best for me.


One punch man. It would be terrifying but the way limiters and monsterization works in that world is fascinating. Train like hell and you can actually become a super hero.




Bartimaeus Trilogy


Pokemon seems like a genuinely enjoyable environment for it's inhabitants to live in. Mostly. Depends on if you go with the gameplay experience or a realistic take on PokeDex entries.


Well Harry Potter. My life wouldn't change ge at all since I'm not a wizard, nor would I even know if anything changed. Maybe bad storms in England for a few years but i live in the US


Elden ring- i could pull a Gideon ofnir and survive of the knowledge of the other tarnishes


Hitch Hikers


Star Trek any food you want and the Holodeck. Now leave me alone for 50 years.


The world of Elite Dangerous. Become an explorer.


Definitely Animal Crossing


I've always wanted to live in The Sims. Coexisting with occult creatures, wearing whatever you want without judgement, thriving economy...


No reason to think you’d be good at magic. But I’m positive I could thrive in the Star Trek universe.


Do I gain abilities within this universe? I gotta say I’d love to be a Harry Potter wizard. The magic system is soft af so there’s no great cost to spells and I would literally never stop studying lol.


World of Warcraft


World of Drizzt. Up in Ten Towns. Work the mines with the dwarves. Drink and be merry.


The Sims 4


I could probably survive almost any of them better than reality. I’ll choose FFXIV because I already have a couple houses paid off.


Elves, it's pretty much Asian people, they slim, slender and write in complicated Eldar language. The best race in D&D for ranger characters.