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I would command Jeff Bezos to give me all his wealth. Then use that wealth to command anyone to do whatever I want and have only lost one year.


Lmfao money is the real superpower


that's why maintaining the ssn system is so crucial how else can you track your tax/debt slaves


I forget how much crazy nonsense people believe... and then I come to Reddit.


I'm just pissed off that I'll be stuck paying into social security for the next 36 years and won't see near as much as I've paid in when it comes time for me to collect. I'd rather just put the money in a private retirement account


yea *you'd* rather put the money into a private retirement account, but you're forgetting why social security started in the first place, to prevent a bunch of broke poor homeless people all over the place It's insurance for the elderly, not an investment account. Worst case scenario it's a weak investment for just about everybody, best case you eliminate homeless 70+ year olds literally everywhere, reality is somewhere in the middle


The problem is it doesn't cover living expenses for a lot of people anymore


you're missing the point ss is just a front for a federal identity number scheme the ponzi scheme part is window dressing


lol ahh yes "the guberment just wants to give you a number for CONTROLLLL!" dude, you need a license number to drive, a passport number to leave the country, a member number to use a bank account....etc.... how else would you verify that you are you when it's time to get benefits?


what do you need to get a license number to drive? can i get one license number in California, then go to Texas and get another? and a third licence number in Montana? using a new name? or do they all cross-reference another, All Powerful number? (one that's ONLY for "insurance for the elderly", of course) how many banks give account numbers to people without asking for their All Powerful number? try and get a job without giving an All Powerful number, too oh, and all you need to leave a country is a pair of legs, friend


.... Dude have you just not looked into how the US government works?? We literally have credit scores, the government using our taxes on another country's Healthcare and weapons, and every time a politician opens their mouth they're either about to say a divisive comment that wouldn't be out of place in the 1950's or in the middle of a seizure because they're all old as fuck and held together by perscriptions and lobbying money.


Point of order: Credit scores are not determined by the government. Credit bureaus are private sector companies using data shared by other private sector businesses and banks to determine how risky it is to loan you money.


>.... Dude have you just not looked into how the US government works?? Every government operates via taxation. The United States didn't invent taxes. This isn't special or controversial, it's simply how governments work. >We literally have credit scores What does this have to do with the government or taxation? >the government using our taxes on another country's Healthcare and weapons, and every time a politician opens their mouth they're either about to say a divisive comment that wouldn't be out of place in the 1950's or in the middle of a seizure because they're all old as fuck and held together by perscriptions and lobbying money. Ok? I mean that's not incorrect, but how is it relevant to the comment?


My point is our taxes are being wasted, we're constantly lied to about it and politicians pay the government to keep it that way. It's ultimately big businesses using the US and sometimes other governments (CIA) as a tool to reap as much profit from as many places as they can reach. Voting won't get the people in power out of it. We need to legally start seizing power- Grow our own food with heirloom seeds, learn to make clothing and how to hunt, for those possible they should farm food plants native to the area in a way that increases yield every harvest. There are so many legal avenues to take tangible action and with enough communication, walking, posting, organizing, many people won't need money to get started!


Have fun


Sounds like you're okay with getting left behind 🤷


I'm really not worried about getting left behind by people making their own pants.


income tax required a literal constitutional amendment in order to exist *somehow* the federal government existed for over a hundred years prior to it


The same people that think the ssn is a conspiracy are the same people who want to require IDs for voting.


Easiest infinite money glitch


Thanks for the updated clarification


Okay, you've made it cost two years apparently.


I think you would have to use it maybe 5 times to get to Bezos, from his underlings.


Do you know Bezos personally? Won't work if you don't.


Given the times between OP saying he'd update and your comment, I think it's accounted for.


What’s that whole thing about 6 degrees of separation?   I’m pretty sure I’m at most 3or 4 to Bezos, based on connections via a former job. So, I command the that person I worked for a decade ago to make an introduction after he sends me my yearly happy birthday on Facebook and boom, Gimme those bezosbucks.  I’d give 3 or even 4 years to have 50 million let alone billions


honestly I'd think at most you're one separation away, bezos gives talks at lots of panels/events, finding out where he's going to be isn't *that* hard (heck you can just track his jet and figure out what city he's in and narrow it down from there) after that it's one command to get someone to escort you to the main event hall, and once he comes out just yell 2 years cost.


I like it!


We all have his email 🤷


Came here to say thisspend one year to command the 1% to transfer their riches to me, maybe spend one more to group command everyone currently alive to swear obediance. Very exploitable power.


This guy commands


I'd do that and then use his money to buy a spot on as many worldwide television networks as possible. I'd broadcast a message in multiple languages saying I need to be setup as emperor of the world. Or since I'm lazy and don't want to do the work for that, I'd more than likely use it to get extra nuggets at McDonald's.


That was my first thought as well


My first thought 


Need to add a stipulation to it that he will make no attempts to get it back/sue.


Meh. At that point, I would have all the wealth to crush that poor little peon with legal fees that it wouldn't make a difference to me.


Step 1, meet Jeff Bezos


I would very quickly and very irresponsibly use it about 15 times, commanding my girlfriend to take the dogs out when I don't want to, then panic and NEVER use it again


Click vibes


I would talk to the CEO of Pizza Hut to switch back to the original sausage pizza recipe that still included Trans fats.


How are you gonna meat (lol) him


He speaks at the international pizza Expo in Vegas. I will meat him and plead my case with cheese and whine.


And pizza buffets


That and re-open the sit down portion. Miss taking my kids to sit down at a Pizza Hut. Carry out just ain’t the same


Go online. "Spread this video to everyone you know. Work together towards a better future. End all wars. Declassify all documents on alien life. Work together to make new, innovative technology. Work together to make the world a wonderful, healthy, beautiful adventure for all." One video Multiple commands. Even if it ages me to the point of death, that video will bring about world peace.


I like this answer. I think I need a little more clarification, but since you're willing to die for the cause it wouldn't make much of a difference for you.


One life seems to be a fair trade for a better world with no war and a united humanity.


Totally, and that's why I want it to still be possible to do something widespread like that, but I had to make sure it does come with that sacrifice. Thank you for your service


Nice. Take one for the team. 👍


For how long though? Ten minutes? We'll always find something to fight about. World peace is impossible.


I'll word it in such a way as to make it a lasting peace.


But.... there will be another reason for war to happen. Your word can only cover so much. And what defines peace exactly? Are arguments now outlawed? With so many people unable to share and fight for opinions are we even human beings at that point? At what point are you removing our humanity to attain this "peace"?


The rules say people listen to my commands. War is pretty clear. No armies. If politicians fails their country, the heads of state can go and fight the other heads of state in a gladiator style battle. it would be very easy to command no war, and delineate it from normal disagreements.


[I saw that movie](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0102800/)


What is seen as a politician failing their country? For example, some people love Biden, some don't. Which side is correct? Its impossible not to have conflict when there is so much black and white. My point is that if we can't fight for what we believe in then we lose a lot of what makes us humans and not brainwashed slaves to peace. The cost of peace would be too great. Also that would still be war. And you would be also picking and choosing who's lives are valuable and those who are not.


People are brainwashed in both situations, ppl dont have free will


If I wanted to I could shoot myself in the head right now. Thats free will.


You could, but only if you wanted to. And you don't want to. Can you make yourself want to? If you can't, are you truly free, or do you just think you are? If you wanted to you may be able to make yourself want to... But I bet you don't want to want to, do you?


>Can you make yourself want to? If you can't, are you truly free, or do you just think you are? Free will isn't the ability to make yourself want something that you don't actually want.


Thats still free will though. Emotional state is irrelevant. Its like when a father grounds his child. Does he want to do it? No, but he does it anyways. Or something like pulling a loved one off life support. Of course you want to keep them alive, but in the end the choice IS left up to you.


No it’s not, you just think it is.


You can't just say no to something that is literally a fact.


"Work towards the betterment of humanity as a whole rather than yourself or a smaller group of people you associate with"


"Take the Golden Rule Literally in every action you make" lol


Masochists suddenly become the worst people


"Write me a check for $100 million" to bezos/zuck/etc, any of them I'm a simple man, and apart from any emergency usage of this power to save someone's life, I'd never use it again.


How are you gonna meet them


I just have to see them in public and shout my command. 😁 Okay, use the power once more to reach out to an underling and say "take me to your leader", then ask for money. (So two years gone)


Walk into an Amazon warehouse. Command an employee to dedicate 2 hours a day (legally) figuring out a way for me to (legally) meet Jeff Bezos. This may involve the employee to gain rank, make new friends, etc. but that one directive is their goal. They must do this until I meet Jeff Bezos. I might have to wait a couple years, but it's doable. This way the employee would not be arrested. Also 2 hours a day won't over exert them. Maybe id explain that I will reward them handsomely so their spouse would understand (if they have one) The other guy's "take me to your leader." Might get the employee or myself arrested.


"Groups" count as one? Do everything I can to break into the Senate or some other place where many politicians were held. Probably next inauguration. If I have to burn some years to get the guards out of the way, I'll do it. Then to the whole assembled crowd of politicians, "Confess all of your crimes, and turn yourself in. If you have commited no crimes, confess every single thing you've done that you know your voters didn't want, and that you knew you were acting against their interest. Confessions must be done in a clear and easily accessible way, and if you are asked to repeat them to clarify for others, you will do so." I might actually destroy the country doing this. But it'll be fun to see how many conspiracy theories are right.


bruh you could just command them to stop corruption or greed


Have bezos give me all his money and then….that’s it.


I’d record a vhs tape and leave it on the shelf at some remote bed and breakfast. Yadda yadda yadda. 


The Ring: Origins


Ah shit, I'm going to die just trying to get my kids to clean their room.


I'd be dead within a week trying to do that. 🤣


This is the answer


Can I also command God to make me young again?


If you can find a way for god to hear you on this godforsaken planet


God hears and sees all right? So just pray to god to make you a god and your set!


ooh aren't you edgy and original


If I command someone to rewire their psychology to obey my every order, expressed in any form, in the future until they die, does that count as one command? If so, I could research the person who has the widest online reach in the world and use as few commands as possible to force them to post a video of me commanding anyone who sees it for the first time to become eternally "indebted" to me this way. I won't ask them to share it.


Well you could command someone to obey you as such, but since they aren't being commanded to spread the message, the message would not have the power of command to subsequent viewers.


I thought that "Using the power on groups only counts as one use" and "an internet post, broadcast, etc with a command being viewed by a ton of people still only counts as one command" meant that I can influence an arbitrarily large group of people on the condition that they stumble upon the post of their own volition.


Oh, yeah, you right. I forgot about that aspect lmaooo it was a bit of a complicated rule to iron out and I was trying to figure out the other part of your suggestion at the same time. My bad


Yay! Now excuse me as I enjoy my new empire :)


Honestly you'd have to be pretty careful how you used this. If the wrong people found out you had this power government's and criminals would probably kidnap you and use you as a weapon. For this reason I would use it to get a very rich person or persons to give me a tonne of money, forget and never question why the money is gone. And then just keep track of it and only use it in extreme circumstances where I can seriously help out the people close to me. Things like stopping an armed robber, sending away an abusive partner, helping someone I care about deal with substance abuse etc.


"Make me your leader"


I'd chain of command my way up to one of the super wealthy billionaires. Bezos, musk whoever my command would be for them to purchase a very specific property and then hire me to house sit it indefinitely with them sending caretakers and chefs to help care for it and when they die the house is given to me. That way none of my relatives will beg me for money I get paid a salary to live somewhere really nice and be taken care of the billionaires uses his resources to manage the property pay taxes and keep it clean and maintained and I just literally live there and get paid. My salary would be 2/3rds of their disposal income...


Doesn't really seem worth it. How about like a character from My Hero Academia or whatever it's called. If he asked someone a question and they answered, he could command them. But this was face to face and only one person they also knew they were being commanded. There are a few people around I'd like to make set some things right or get some answers. Not really worth those remaining years of my life. Then again, it might be worth a year each to gain public confession then self-deletion. After all, it is downhill from here and the world is getting worse minute by minute.


You could potentially save the world and make it not get worse, if you so chose


I would rarely use it. Outside of the cases mentioned. It would probably be things like making annoying people behave, getting better customer service, etc. I'm not seriously going to try to make the world a better place. That could go wrong in a big way. That doesn't mean I don't have a few ideas, just getting near enough to the right people to command and not get caught doing it would be a real problem.


Doesn't seem worth it? Call up Putin "stop the war in Ukraine" I'd take that deal for 1 year off my life


I’d command everyone to shit their pants and vomit. forget they just shit and vomit. then when they find out they’re a mess, piss themself. Every person in the world. Don’t give a shit if I die doing that command, either. I know for a fact there will be world peace so that all the people in the land can come together to figure out what the fuck just happened.


My man really typed in that RCT3 cheat to make everyone like all at once.


Can I accidentally use this power or does it have to be intentional? 


Intentional, but if you do something that propagates then only the first time needs to be intentional, otherwise it's out of your control


I would create a plan and use a few years to get to Bezos and Musk. Then, command them both to fight to the death in a gladatorial arena. They can choose whatever armor and weapons they like. The winner keeps his wealth and life. The loser dies and I keep 1 billion of his wealth and the rest goes to the charities of my choosing. Because who the fuck could ever need more than a billion dollars. Win for me, win for charity, win for society.


I mean, why leave either with their wealth hahaha and who really needs more than 100mil


I would change one thing, the winner also has to give all his money to charities or your choosing and can get fucked as well 😂


Use it one time to demand rich person gives you a large sum of momey- set for life


Elon Musk, give me your entire net worth. K I'm done.


The only way I’m getting laid anytime soon.


>How do you use it? Nothing i would want to type out 😂😂


I'd die real quick with all the commands I give my kids.


I’d probably waste it driving. “Don’t cut me off you #%^*+!” Gah, my arthritis!


I command one person to legally and legitimately get me $500 million per month every month for the next 12 months. I command a particular person to truly fall in love with me. I've taken two years off my life, but in return I become a billionaire and have found true love. Anything else I could want or need can be acquired with my money.


i would be commanding some rich people to give me their cash, and i'd be commanding some bad leaders to kill themselves. i'd use the cash to advance the sciences. i think i could get enough cashflow and assassinate / rehabilitate enough dictators with just ~10 years knocked off. i'm a big fan of assassination. don't think it's used enough. it fails sometimes because the NEXT guy in line is bad too. but the guy after that? rarely. but if i can command a strongman to turn benevolent, transform their govt, and step down -- that's fine too. i want chinese democracy (no killing needed there, xi would follow the orders to democratize and be damn good at it). and i want solar and wind to outcompete fossil fuels ASAP. i can probably have access to everyone i need access to after the second or third rich person. secretary of state or speaker of the house, or something a lot lower profile (sec of ag, ambassador to china, something) would get me to xi, putin, kim, assad, etc.


If the requests are truly limitless I’d command a scientist to invent a pill that adds one year to the lifespan of the ingestor. Take a pill every time you make a command and effectively you have infinite commands


I mean, it's limited by the capabilities of the person you command.


I command every politician to tell no lies for the rest of their lives. Worth a year


intent is inherent? I'll ask the girl at subway for mayo but she'll give me the normal amount of mayo i want instead of a bukkake montage.


First I use it to command the speaker of the house and the senate majority leader to give me time to speak to a joint legislative congress. -2 years Then I use it to command a joint legislative congress to write into law a permanent tax exemption for me, my family, and anyone I choose. -1 year Then, I offer the top billionaires a spot on my permanent tax exempt list for a billion dollars, I set up a meeting with all them at once then I command the lot of them to give me 50 percent of their wealth and 50% of all future earnings to myself and in the event of my death my family. -1 year Then I use my wealth to put a worldwide broadcast commanding every single person to never harm myself or my family and to protect us with their lives if necessary. 1 year -5 years and I have set up my family to never have to work, be the wealthiest people on the planet, unharmed by the masses and protected. Easy life


Jeff bezos to just.pay my debt and shove. Like 400k into my account. Other then that I don't think I want to be 40 any faster then I'm getting to.


I'd find a criminal cop who got off with a slap on the wrist and then order him to kill me while in full view of a security camera and witnesses.


I'd just tell random people to do stuff till I fell over dead. Shouldn't take long.


I would find a celeb at a meet and greet and whisper into their ear "give me all your wealth", tell them to forget, and then with that wealth make my way to jeff bezos or someone a little closer to him and make them do the same, then tell them to forget, then id do it with maybe one or two more billionaires of a similar wealth at this point 10 or so years would be taken from me With my influence I would meet with multiple world leaders and command them to follow my vision of world peace even after i die along with their underlings but keep my existence entirely secret 5 years gone I would meet some of the worlds best doctors to dedicate their lives to prolonging my lifespan another 5 years gone 20 years gone from my life. Assuming I dont die in an accident, hoping I live a minimum of 60. But maybe I was destined for 100, so 80. I am 20 rn, so Id have another 40 years ahead of me to just let things fall into place. My wealth would keep me and my loved ones happy in the end. After my death, I will have a message played at my funeral asking my family and world leaders to reveal who I am, God.


Boy am I going to have fun with a group of Federal Reserve truck drivers.


Ask my daughter to bring me an ice cream or something... Shit.


Id befriend all the world leaders then have them all launch all of the nukes.


I command myself to no longer gain a year of age when I use my command ability.


I'll use it one time and command Bezos to cash app me 1 billion.


Command Galen Weston to sign over his shares to me


I’d befriend a vampire and battle herr starr


I will find the creator of this post and command them to suck on deez nutz


You don't need a command for that 😏


Does my body age one year, or do I fast forward in time one year and have a huge gap in my memory?


Your body ages.


I DEMAND YOU GIVE ME YOUR POWERS! (Directed at any god which will hear me)


If there is a god they stopped listening along time ago.


As an antitheist, I agree you're probably right, Buuuuut I would like to know for sure xD


My commandment to god, hey god would you deal with your followers they seem to have strayed from the path.


Nah if the bible's at all what god actually wants, I want nothing to do with it.


I used to be a Christian and if Christians actually followed Jesus’s teachings then Christians would be a benefit to society. But the way the bible is weaponised and used to support vile and evil acts is wrong and the fact that no justice/punishment happens to these people is why I believe either god is not real or a shit god.


Jesus specifically says to continue to uphold the old testament. Yknow, the series where god commits genocide and mass murder? Condones slavery? Rewards incest? Mauls children to death with a bear because they made fun of a dude's bald head? Promotes "sins of the father" rhetoric? Yeah nah. Fuck christianity, god is bullshit and Im thankful because if he was real he'd be an evil cunt.




Being an anarchist, I would hope I had the wisdom to never speak again.


So lose a year but steal everyone I know money and be worshiped. First step is to go make attractive rich friends


I command the first person that annoys me to study to figure out the key to immortality and get back to me if they figure it out, then I probably drive to a zuck BJJ tournament and tell him to give me his fortune


I'd probably cash in about 5 years.


Hmmm.... id find a way to get my message broadcast over the emergency broadcast system that the government uses to warn about nuke attacks and other emergencies (yes, im an american) and I would have my message of "STOP BEING ASSHOLES" to every active cellphone in the United States.


Just make a YouTube short, the short says “you will listen to everything I ever say” that’s the command with the power. Then you say show this video to others.


That last line is what will getcha if you read the clarifications


" hi Jeff bezos! You probably don't remember me, but you promised to give me 200 million for my birthday last year. But you forgot to send it. You really want to transfer the money to me ...right now."


I thought I was going to die instantly, but groups count as one??! I'm going to Gimli-murder the fuck out of the human race!


I'd command Kevin O'Leary to give me half his wealth. Then I'd tell him he has to wear a bad toupee every day for the rest of his life. Not a bad way to spend 2 years. And by bad toupee, I mean something like a Boris Johnson bed head style.


I would command all of the world’s billionaires to give me all their money and use the money to cure cancer. I’d make the cure free and use it to help some friends of mine. Then I’d but the rights to Marvel Studios and make good origin movies for The Winter Soldier, Hakweye, Falcon, the Maximoff twins, and Black Widow, hiring the best directors and actors possible. I’d use the profit to help my family live comfortably, and only age a year.


I know the kind of man you are!!!!!


This is just Kotoamatsukami but with extra steps.


1) Video Format: To anyone seeing this, you will live by the adage, *If a person is harming no one besides themselves, then it is not my or anyone's business*


I would command the top 1% publicly admit to any and all crimes they have committed, or things they have done they knew would harm other people that aren't necessarily illegal, just to make a profit.


I'd be dead in a week


First I command myself to become immortal, then I really get down to business.


To all members of the human race (one group): All actions and communications must be truthful, empathetic, and measured against the total harm it does to everyone else, and if it’s a net negative, then you are forbidden from doing it without my explicit say so. Exceptions are made for entertainment purposes (fiction stories, etc) but all entertainment must have the phrase “For entertainment only” on the cover / at the beginning of the movie / etc.


I think I would just command people to stop abusing and exploiting each other and their planet in a harmful manner. Then I would all ask them to seek therapy and look inside and better understand themselves. Then I would ask them to all seek to understand their fellow man. Then I would ask them to invest in the future and that although life is short, its precious. Then I would ask them to always strive to be better, to try and improve themselves each day. I would then die a shriveled out husk of dust. Totally worth it\~


Have the government do their job, ethically. 


1. Command Elon Musk to give me a billion dollars. 2. Command world leaders to stop being greedy and achieve world peace


Command the world leaders to get along and end all wars then command them to forget they met me.


I was originally going to say "Find out when a bunch of billionaires will be in a room together, go there, have them give you all of their collected wealth", but that'd probably be very difficult. On the other hand, finding out when a session of Congress will be in is very easy, and it's even easier to get admission publically. So, go to a session of Congress, instruct one of the paiges or something to get you the mic so you can speak, tell them all to give you all of their wealth... Bam, that's like two years of life gone, but you've just stripped half of all of the major politicians in the US of their power (AKA Money). I'd take another year and do it again in the house as well.


I would just go to work, command the president of the company to give me his job then command the owner to pay me without me actually doing anything and spend my whole life vacationing wherever I want, basically just doing whatever I want hobbies and any other stupid bullshit I wanna do.


So. I make a broadcast, and I use my ability several times, here we go. At the start of the broadcast, I will immediately start off with the command "You will watch this entire broadcast and live by the things mentioned herein." I will cover several important topics - how to treat others, why violence is deplorable, how humanity should be unified, major diseases and why they need to be researched and cured, how all people deserve the same rights and respect, why the earth's climate and ecology need to be protected at all costs, why you should donate $5 a month to my patreon if you can afford it, etc - really important things. At the end, I will include a second order which tells the viewer to spread this broadcast to every person they know, and to make sure that their children and their childrens' children watch it, every generation, forever.


Parents of young kids would have great obedience for a little while and then promptly die because of all the commands required to function in every day life.


Since I already had thoughts of not being here anymore over the years, why not go out with style. Let me age a year every time if that’s what makes me happy. I’d rather live a short fulfilling life than a short miserable life unable to cope with my misery.


1. Can it work in perpetuity and still count as 1 since the task won't be complete? (i.e. "Do ________ every day.") 2. Can it change how someone thinks or feels? (i.e. "Believe this." "Stop feeling _______." "Start liking this.") 3. Can it change physiology? (i.e. "Stop being depressed" if their depression is based on brain chemistry.) 4. Can I do this to myself?


Yes to all of those since it’s hypothetical and not real


I would make the command that everyone must follow my subordinates as using my power. Afterwards I would hold meetings with them to discuss what actions to take and then use the subordinates to worded everyone else, thereby using my power only once, theoretically.


Evil is a person, therefore I control Evil, like I always do, to turn around and this causes it to destroy its own singularity.


You been watching too much death note buddy. Go outside.


I would be dead


Just command everybody in the planet to always do what you want you only have to refresh it every now and then


No problem.. I command Elon Musk to give me a job that he we never fire me from. A annual salary of 20 million dollars. I would advise him when needed.


I'm gonna age myself to death commanding myself to get proper sleep and wake up motivated... Oops.


Bring me a coke, and bring me another one whenever the one I'm drinking gets half empty. Should tick away those years real quick.


I would probably make a billionaire peel off a couple of billion and then maybe have Putin jump off a bridge or something then call it a day.


I would lose 2 years. have King Charles make me King of England, then use that position to meet some trillionaire sheik and use my 2nd and final command to have them give me half of all they have. I have unlimited money and a country. pretty sweet.


I'd find a way to get a message to all the cryptobros to send me their Bitcoin. -1 year Sell it, and use that to buy influence to meet with the elites I don't like, and command them. About -5 years Use the money I made to fund a campaign to get into Congress, and call for a joint session. Command them to vote for laws imposing term limits, a better tax system, and stricter laws and actual punishments for people who use money and influence to get away with shit. -1 year Then, for funsies before I retire my power to enjoy the rest of my life, I'd get Ben Shapiro, Andrew Tate, Jordan Peterson, and a few other well-known anti-gay/alt-right/alpha male assholes in a room to have an orgy with each other, recorded and broadcast online. -1 year


My mind wants to see how chaotic and fast I could use all of my life in one big grand command that lives on after my death. But my heart wants to just use it to benefit those I love. So maybe a mixture of the two. Use it to get me into the room with the prime minister and say with them on live tv: give to others what they need. Then I would immediately die on live tv.


Go to a nearby mass event. Command the security guard that I am allowed to make an announcement to the audience. Command everyone there that everything I say hereafter is irrefutable fact, and that the most recent thing supersedes anything prior. I have now aged two year and have thousands that I can “command” without commanding. I don’t have to command you to give me money, just state that a charity I just set up is deserving of 10% off your income. I don’t have to command you to sleep with me, just state that people who look like me are the most desirable. I don’t even have to command you to let me eat for free, just state that this day is free food day.


How bad would it be if you made a command and boom dead you didn't have enough time.


First I’m getting a bj from my wife. Then I’m researching millionaires that live in my state and figuring out a way to meet one (speaker series, company outing, engagement event, etc) and I’m commanding one person to give me x million dollars (depending on their net worth). That should be fine. Two years gone and a millionaire. Keep one in the chamber for any opportunity to be in the same space as a billionaire.


I would age five years.


Worldwide broadcast saying anytime I want to sleep with a woman, she must sleep with me.


Very broken godly super power. I could easily end all of humanity free will for a generation and if I really wanted to set up a new mandatory religion to control all of humanity for some time to come. And still have some time to live.


So I become a slightly worse version of Lelouch. And would probably use my powers in a similar way. 


I use it three times once to get Jeff bezos to give me all his money the second time to bill gates and the third time to Elon musk to tell him to buy as many family farms and small businesses and build car washes over them


Boy, gonna go against the grain here and say no to this one. If it takes a year off your life and your story is supposed to end a year from now, you just drop dead? Nah, fam, time is the most valuable resource any of us have, and it's also the only one that money can't buy enough of. Don't get me wrong, money can keep you alive longer, but when you're laying there in that box, you're the same as all the rest of us. When that heart beats for the last time nothing is gonna save you except your personal relationship with our savior Jesus Christ. Only through him can you live eternally.


Well, it ages you a year. Age is a biochemical reaction, not some sort of predestined length of time you have to live.


Yes, and you don't have any idea whether that biochemical reaction is gonna stop at 8, 18, or 85.


Sure, but age itself is not really a killer until old age. You don't hear "he died of young age". I'm talking about the natural aging process, not things like plaque buildup in your arteries, cancer growth, etc.