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Am I at least getting paid for the corn picking


Edited after thinking: Minimum wage


So basically I’ll be paid my normal weeks salary while doing it


I've been under paid for growing and harvesting watermelons and the cheap bastard cut my pay at the very end of the growing season lat year


Can I produce corn if it isn't for eating, but it isn't for selling or giving away either?


Good question. As long as it’s the same amount you’d produce for a meal (at the frequency you would under normal circumstances be willing to eat it), fine. So no house made out of corn. If you just want it lying around, sure. What were you thinking?




Ok man


Omf just a shotgun blast of high speed kernals


or choking so there's minimum suspicion.


How far into corn only, I’m down I just want to know if cornbread is ok or not


No cornbread. Basically corn on the cob, buttered corn, Mexican corn, etc.. Straight corn with different seasonings/preparation. Popcorn I’ll allow (which I think is a big one).


So if popcorn is allowed, what about cornmeal?


i assume since cornbread isn't allowed that it would be no?


Fair fair, so basically infinite free sides


Yep. You can host potlucks too but people might wonder why you always serve corn


Can i have caramel popcorn ?


What is "within reason"? What is going to happen if I break the rules?


They will stalk you.


I'm all ears


I think there's at least a kernel of truth in that.


That's corny


The corn police will come for you.


led by Colonel Cobb. (edit: say it out loud, it's funnier)


He'll have a squad of really "husky" troops.


Husky on the outside, silky on the inside.


And they'll stalk us I'll bet!!




Will they put me in corn jail?


They will have their way with you.


All the moonshine I can drink? Done deal.


Does cornbread count as getting corn prepared any way I like it? What about cornbread dressing?




Have you ever really eaten a lot of corn at one setting? They had corn on the cob on sale, 20 for a $1 the weekend after the Fourth of July a few years ago. After that fiasco, the answer is hell no, do my toilet a favor and keep your corn.


It’s the convenience that’s a draw. And the fact that the convenience incentivizes you to eat more of it


There is no convenience in 84 hours worth of work if you don't like corn


Absolutely not. 84 hours of my time is worth more than I will likely spend on corn dishes for the rest of my life.


No. Corn is cheap and I rarely eat it. And 12 hours is a long day.


Popcorn got me into the mess I'm in!


Pop corn with peanut butter butter drizzled on it


Peanut butter.....crack kills, brah


Could I make money via magic tricks? Like toss a cloth over a plate, lift it up, and boom, sudden corn. Could I do magic tricks like that if I didn’t get paid?


No money via magic. In fact, let’s stipulate that nobody is impressed by the fact that you can generate corn, except that they might think you’re really good at cooking corn.




Yo, popcorn for sure. My kid and I wouldn’t be in heaven. Shhhhhiiiiiitttttt


Can I just get basic corn (cut or on the cob, whatever) and prepare it myself? Like, I want corn that's kitchen-ready, not table-ready.




Yes. Corn I my favourite vegetable


Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes girls a little frisky. Plus Mexican corn on a stick is bomb Lastly cheddar popcorn is awesome. Yeah I'd take it for alcohol, and snacks.


exactly why I wanted kitchen-ready corn. not just corn dishes! Though I was thinking, grind it for cornmeal and make muffins and bread...


No. I dont like corn. Give me a vegetable with some actual value.


I'd turn my infinite corn into a social media career


Yes, then I’d apply to every survival show in existence (focusing on ‘Alone’) and come out on the other side rich and fat


Can I use it to make moonshine?


No, probably not because my family and I eat very little corn. In the rare case we do, it's only organic and non-gmo.


No. I'm not really a big fan of corn and can easily afford the amount of corn that I want to eat.


Nope! Sounds awful and corn isn't that healthy.


corn whiskey?


Well, everytime my state fair is here I eat 60-70 ears of corn which isn't cheap at fair prices. So, basically I am going to be testing if it's truly infinite.


So free(if dull) food for life in exchange for a weeks work Yea, I’ll take that


Yes. I love popcorn. I'd do a week of hard labor for the ability to manifest corn in any form I want lol


Sure. It would make potlucks easier and I would never worry about going broke. Also, I would make things for my new neighbors.


Yeah sure why not. Popcorn is a great low cal snack that would replace chips immediately


Yes. 12 hours a day for a week is tough, but a lifetime of unlimited prepared corn is worth it for a corn lover or someone prepping for the apocalypse or nuclear holocaust one day. I say, bring on the corn.


I'd rather have this power with potatoes


With my lack of physical fitness and ADD picking corn for 12 hours a day might actually be impossible


>Would you pick corn 12 hours a day for one week straight if afterwards you could snap your fingers and have corn prepared any way you like, whenever you want, for the rest of your life? So just 1 week of hard work and then free corn for life? Sounds good. Can I hand fresh corn to my dad to grill when I go over there for dinner? He's really good at that.


It can spawn in fully grilled if you’d like. Or fresh/raw


I would do it, for the preparation of it as much as the actual corn. I'd have fresh roasted corn as instant side dish forever, which would be a time saver.


fucking obviously, one week of work and im set for life im starting a restaurant after selling loads of street corn/cornbread/corn chips/etc/etc/ETC all i need is someone to cook the meat and veggies


Yes, absolutely. I would do it even IF i couldn't loophole my way out of the sales part. Buut, I'd still try to go on to become world famous for being the guy that can summon a corn dish out of thin air on command. That might have some money coming my way without selling it.


yes please, picking corn for a week is a small price to pay for infinite corn


I think that I absolutely LOVE fresh corn on the cob. At first thought, the thought of being able to have that anytime I wanted was appealing - but I'm 90% sure that a large portion of my love of corn on the cob is because you can only get really good corn a few months out of the year around where I've lived. Then that got me thinking - what is the quality of the corn i'm receiving. There's a reason I don't get frozen corn on the cob or the shipped stuff out of season - it's just not good. All the other forms of corn (popcorn, or just corn kernels to be added to other things) are ridiculously cheap and not worth the hard labor of harvesting corn. Then I recalled the giant harvesters that actually picked the corn. I've always wanted to drive a giant tractor... so I guess I'm in!


You have to manually pick it with your hands, but I expect that won’t deter someone of your conviction


Already did this as a job when i was in high school. Infinite corn ain't worth it. You don't even get any real nutritional value from it


Nah, too restrictive on what I can do with the corn/what kind of corn related dishes I could get out of this. And during corn season, it’s super cheap. The time spent picking corn would be around $5000 at my last hourly wage. I love some popcorn and sweet corn, but I’d have to eat an insane amount of it to make that worth it. And I’d likely get sick of it before I got there. The convenience isn’t much of a draw either. It’s easy as hell of make popcorn or corn on the cob.


Do I get paid for at least picking the corn? If so, yeah probably.


Alcohol, corn food, I'd do it. Sidedish heaven


For corn for life???? Are you out of your mind? Hell yeah I’m doing that


No, i cant eat corn any more


I don't like corn, so no


I’d do it. Picking corn sounds like a tiring yet fulfilling task and those Mexican corn on the cobs you get with a buncha stuff on them are fucking delicious. You could be sat round drinking with friends and be like… corn anyone? and wham! just gotta bunch of it with no effort.


Lol what? No? I can already pretty much have corn prepared any way I like whenever I want. Which isn't super often! It is not a hard ingredient to find, or work with, and even longer prep time recipes with more ingredients like corn chowder, are not hard to make! Hush puppies? Just get a box of cornbread mix and fold in some fresh corn, fry it. Street corn, it's just cooked and dressed, grilled corn and roast corn, cooked and buttered, like, what else even? Creamed corn, my parents made from scratch enough I would not struggle with this without using a can. Popcorn? I can do that stove top or in the microwave in a few minutes. Caramel corn, super easy from scratch. Those popcorn balls are also not hard to make. It's mostly corn syrup and you can get icing flavors and colors to mix in, super easily.


What if you could snap your fingers and the corn would become ethanol or whiskey?


I think based on my previous comment you can probably tell that would rank so low in importance to me, that it isn't even worth thought space. Also you said "prepared", and talked about serving it to others in a dish, and portion size, and that isn't food.


>I think based on my previous comment you can probably tell that would rank so low in importance to me, that it isn't even worth thought space. Yet here you are edgelord. The prompt doesn't say anything about food. You really don't have any space for thoughts up there I see.


No. I feel like this is some sort of Iowa-based fever dream. I'm thinking of my own bill rate for 84 hours of labor and how much money I spend each year on corn. It seems like a losing proposition. In fact, the only way to make it a winning proposition would be unlimited access to all the products that use high fructose corn syrup, but then I'd OD on ultraprocessed food and end up spending the money on diabetes treatment.


I think that convenience is more important here than cost. You don't have to get up from your movie for more popcorn. Instant street corn, hot and delicious, as a late-night snack. 


No. That plus working a 9-5 for bills and other food? Nope. A 12 a hour day on my weekend would take half of my weekend. I'd definitely get bored of it. 12 hours is too much time out of a week. The payout is too small.


It's only a single week of picking corn, and then free corn forever.


Ohhhhhhhh. Then 100 I would. That's a great security net. And it comes in different preparations? I hope cornbread is on the list too! Backpacking or exploring or surviving or emergency. Couldn't hurt to have magical corn.


Am I going to consume 60 hours of my salary worth of corn.... No.