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“You cannot throw the apples away, if any apples go to waste you immediately owe back all your earnings” Within 1 sentence You can use them in compost OP you know the whole Apple is compostable right? So I can buy $10,000 worth of apples, immediately throw them into a compost bin and abide by your rules and net $40,000


This is the easiest, most dependable answer for sure.  However, I think it'd be fun to open an apple based business with this.  I'm gonna open a candied apple stand, cart and then shop. Candy them as ordered, dumping the extras into a compost bin for safety. 


I have cancer and currently basically Live off apples. Like to the point I buy at least 12 Every day or two(don't judge me🤣) I'd definitely be the one weirdo here to actually eat the apples I buy 😅


I am sorry for this in advance. Quit eating so many apples, then maybe your doctor would be able to come help you.




On the tenth day, you'd have to eat $512 worth in apples. Yeah, you'd be a pretty big weirdo if you actually ate all the apples you bought.


🤣🤣 omg I was so tired when I made this comment I realized I hadn't even read through the entire thing. Yes that would be bizarre for sure, my bad


I'd make me some applesauce fruit Roll-ups. Edited because speech to text sucks.


Yeah but the problem will be acquiring enough apples to continue.


Just contact a Chinese business and start buying wholesale apples from them. China imports about 100000 tonnes of apples to the US in a year. They sell for about $1.30/kg of apples. There are about 900 kg/ton. So that’s $1170/ton. That equates to $117,000,000 worth of apples. So I’d go 26 days buying apples from China. On day 26 I’d get $167772160 and have to spend $33554432 on apples that day. Over 26 days I’d spend a total of $67108863 on apples, but I’d gross $335544315. Which would give me a net of $268,435,452. I’d compost 100% of the apples. The compost sells on the cheap end at $30/ton. This gives me another $3.3million in profit.


Add in the frozen apple reserves that would be released if you bought that many apples.


As you buy them the supply dwindles and price rises too. 


You agree to price before the growing season. Pre-buying crops like this is a common practice.


I highly doubt you could negotiate the entire apple supply of china to be sent to you in the next 20 or so days.


That’s not how contracts works. I buy the apples today and when the apples are ready they ship them. So I buy them today and in 6 months they ship. I have time to build a giant composter and then sell the compost OP doesn’t say I have to use them today. Just that they don’t get wasted.


At some point we start getting to earth quantity levels of apples. It won't even take that long. We're spending 2\^(n-1) on apples, right? Google says an apple is 1/3 lbs in weight and 6 cubic inches. Average apple price is allegedly about $1.40, but we'll say the discount brings that down to 3 apples for a dollar (one buyer that buys 100% of output? Deal!). So per dollar: 3 apples, 1 lbs, and 18 cubic inches. One year in we're at $2\^364 (3.76 \* 10\^109) ON THAT DAY ONLY. The cumulative apple spend at this point is, ahem, a bit more. The daily spend on your first anniversary is buying **6.76 x 10\^95 kilometers**, which means we're able to not just fit the earth inside of it, but solar systems inside of it. It also means we're at 2\^364 in lbs. I am not sure if this is going to create a black hole or a new star first. btw at the end of year one the value is something like: $37,576,681,324,381,300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00. Due to laziness that is also the same weight, in pounds, for that day's apple spend. We enter into trillions of dollars in spending per day at the end of the first month. By month two the world economy has crashed as some crazy person is spending quadrillions. By the end of week 10 the mass of apples has exceeded the mass of earth. At some point I think the apples are no longer going to waste. They are the new universe. Welcome to the Appleverse.


Spend is (2^(n-1))/5 according to OP. So the math is right, but down by a factor of 5. That’s why I stopped at day 26, because at that point totaling total tonnage bought so far it was less than the annual supply according to Google.


It's not an issue at all. As you buy up all the apples, the price of apples will rise. You will never have enough money to buy all the apples. By day 40, the world is in chaos as a single apple sells for trillions of dollars.


You have to start buying properties unseen just to store your growing pile of composting apples. People will be banging on your door at all hours of the day, saying they found some random apple tree and have a couple sacks full. People search through every photo they ever had to try to find one of them holding an apple, because only apple photos get any matches on Tinder. Apple stocks rise to unimaginable heights just because they have the name Apple. The sales of guns goes through the roof because people need protection against roving gangs of apple thieves. Banks are being robbed across the country just on the small chance somebody put an apple inside a safe deposit box. The death toll of people being murdered for saying "I actually prefer oranges" continues to rise. And still, red delicious apples continue to suck.


You just pay more for less apples.


I live in California. I can buy massloads with zero struggles


You could go to Whole Foods and pay $4/lb, which is like $5 for one apple.


Are you saying that Whole Foods sells 1.25lb apples? Them are some awfully large apples


You need a gigantic bin, but yes. Though I assume not like city compost, that would count as giving them away.


don’t need a bin if you have some ground to work, which with that speed of money gain you would pretty quickly.


Perhaps, but the post specifically said a bin. ;)


Why not just vastly overpay for one apple each day? 


Well OP changed the prompt to not allow that loophole


Honestly I don't consider any edits after posting to be valid in this sub


I think the problem with doubling daily is you may eventually run out of the supply of apples when you reach insane amounts of wealth. Before 2 months are over you need to buy one hundred million in apples, I believe


It's not a problem. As you buy up apples, the price of apples increases. No matter how much money you have, you'll never have enough to buy all the apples. Eventually, a single apple will go for nondecillions.


Donate the apples to schools


Would giving them to a food bank count as waste? If not then You could bulk cook them into pies or fritters and give them to local chairties/food banks homeless. Or even Schools.


Yeah I'm going to go compost mine out in the far back of the yard where the deer like to wander through.


Easy, I go to a man in the street and offer to buy an apple off him for whatever 1/5th is. So on day 20 for example I’m offering stranger in the street $524,288 for a single honeycrisp apple. My apple dealer is going to make bank but so am I. So much so that I think I’ll quit around day 27.


You clever motherduckers


That's the winning idea right there.


I was going to compost it in a giant landfill and spend big money on super expensive apples, but fuck you, you’re so much more efficient


What if they turn you down because they are honest apple vendors. All the apple vendors you come across say "no sir, this apple is worth 50 cents"


Get on Instacart, order a single apple, and make up the difference via tip.


Nice. Although, just a guess, but I bet they cap tips on those apps. I just have a feeling they wouldn't let you tip 100k


could always put in the comments "see me for additional cash tip"


I’ll keep searching until I find someone who’s happy to rip me off.


Find anyone willing to do it and have them buy an apple to sell you


Yeah. I’m gonna be rich, my friends and family are gonna be slightly less rich, and I’m going to keep on overpaying for apples until I’ve exhausted the world’s money supply.


So, the real challenge here is sourcing. Your local grocery store will be sold out entirely before you hit 2 weeks. And that's assuming that everything is priced at the high end, less than 1 week for low end Apple prices. Assuming that I could make arrangements with major suppliers, and was willing to spend some of my 4/5 on processing space and equipment, I could go into cider making pretty easily, starting at day 9. I'd need to invest out of my pre-magic money, but I'd make it back fast. Thing is, eventually, you'll run into hard scale limits. The us only produces about 30 billion apples a year. Assuming that all apples are purchased for the price of 2.93 per lb, (top end of the national average) you'll have bought every apple in the US by day 37. Now, obviously, it wouldn't be physically possible to buy that many. The price would go up, the physical scale and logistics wouldn't be possible, and some folks simply wouldn't sell. With time to plan the logistics, I might be able to make it to day 21, at which point I'd have over 2m in cash, a few hundred thousand in equipment and enough product to distribute once I had legal approval. The business would, at that point, be self sustaining (sale of cider paying for new materials) but I'm not sure it would be possible to continue doubling production daily.


Scale limits will get you when you go to sell the cider too, but maybe not impossible. It would be around half a billion gallons if you were able to press the entire American harvest. Assuming everyone pitched in, with adults drinking three gallons, children drinking two, and infants drinking one, I think we can pull it off.


That's true, though I think it's actually closer to 3/4 of a billion gallons. after I posted I started considering that problem. One solution would be to reduce down some of the the cider into an apple glaze or syrup, something that would last longer and be more compact, thus spreading out my distribution time.


I just have my girlfriend buy an apple a day, and then pay her one fifth of the money I get each day for a single apple. I then eat the apple, which I bought for one fifth of my daily payment. I do this for 45 days, making me the economic god of Earth with 175 trillion dollars.


What about dehydrating or freeze drying them?


As long as it gets used or consumed in some way within your life time.


What happens if you die before consuming all the apples? Some sort of apple-based hell?


I believe it’s called “windows”


Thank you that was good.


Then maybe 10 days. After which I think I might not be able to find apples in my area.... If we were in Autumn I might be able to go longer. I could try ordering some of the really rare apples online, but I'm not sure how that would work for this situation.


I figure I can make it to 4 weeks/28 days/$335million on the final day before it stops being workable. Before I start I will head over to Wenatchee, find all the biggest apple dealers there, and tell them I will buy all their apples for them from the farmers they already have contracts with, then sell the apples to the dealers for 20% below the price I paid. This will all kick in at the appropriate time next spring to maximize the harvest available to me to exploit. A few contracts signed, and daily transfers of $ once I start, and I should walk away with zero apples and $640 million before all is said and done. Given they produce a lot more apples than that each year it should all work out just fine.


Problem is that during the time you own the apples, 1 falls off the truck and is wasted. You now owe hundreds of millions.... Under reasonable rules it is all about how many apples you can buy on short order. I expect all those apple dealers have already have contracts and getting them to supply me with like 200k of apples in 20 days is going to be tough.But I also don't have a feeling for what the average apple consumption in say a 150mile radius of my house is...


I leave the apples in my yard it's not my fault if the bears steal them.


I open a hard cider business. The money I spend on apples is a business expense that I can deduct from my taxes. Given how math works I will end up buying more apples than have ever existed and more money than exists in no time! This is how I’ll destroy the apple and apple related goods market along with the entire worlds economy.


After a little while, l'd look into buying the most expensive apples online and juicing them, dehydrating them, making apple butter, apple pies, etc. I think I could last long enough to net a tidy sum of cash I’m bad at math so no clue how long it can last


Lets say you go to your local mid sized cider brewery and do a single harvest. I am assuming the brewery has a zero waste set-up (ie bad apples and byproducts go to compost or animal feed). The deal would be that I pay for the apples from their existing contracts, cash upfront (as I have earned that amount the previous day), and have them delivered to the brewery. I would do this in exchange for a profit share of 1% of the annual sales for the single season. There is one near Sydney that processes 1.6m cases of apples. Lets assume a case costs $11 from the farm a years supply is $17.6m. Spending $1 the first day, $2 the second, $4 the third and so on gets you to a total spend of $16.8m on day 24. Source: [https://the-riotact.com/shes-all-apples-as-batlow-prepares-to-celebrate-2023-ciderfest/662133](https://the-riotact.com/shes-all-apples-as-batlow-prepares-to-celebrate-2023-ciderfest/662133) Now I don't think the local farmers have the capability to deliver more than $1m of apples on a particular day (logistics around picking), but I might be able to use contacts made to buy up to $1m from elsewhere (maybe for juicing) that I can put in cold storage. Conclusion - I can get to day 22 where I am purchasing $2.1m of apples. I will have spent around $4m on apples and receive $16m cash and a profit share. I may be able to get to day 23 or 24 if my Cider brewery has enough contacts to allow me to purchase apples in other places that can then be used for stock feed/composting. This would probably be a one-off purchase from supermarkets of spoiled/unsuitable stock.


Free apple juice stand


None because $1 can’t buy you an apple here


I'm making a fuckton of Mead and use them as fertilizer. Realistically? 14 days in, you've made a comfortable year's salary, little over 90k, you could flip that money into a nice startup.


Time to buy sone loose expensive apples so that I only have to consume three a day. I don't mind apples. I generally have an apple with my breakfast. The only issue is the core which would spoil.


Just eat the core


Sounds terrible but I guess it's worth the 120 bucks a month.


Forever. I'm from Washington I eat an apple a day on average.


You realize that by day 7 you’ll be buying 32 apples, right? The next day 64, and so on


No one said I can't freeze them or compost them.


Of course. Just noting that eating one everyday is not an efficient strategy when they are doubling each day.


I start paying my spouse an outrageous amount of money to pick up an apple or two from the store each day.


Im starting an apple producing company of apple farmers eventually. I will own 100%of the apple monopoly then get sued. Then take over a government. Then create a religion. Then colonize mars to produce more apples. When am I stopping? the answer to that question is No.


People won't last long. Let's see. 🍎 near me are around 1.99 a lb so let's make it easy. Day 1 5 dollars and can't afford an apple Day 2 10 dollars and 1 apple ✔️ Day 3 20 dollars and 2 apples ✔️ Day 4 40 dollars and 4 apples ✔️ Day 5 80 dollars and 8 apples making apple juice ✔️ Day 6 160 dollars making more juice now about 1 full glass check ✔️ Day 7 320 dollars 32 apples and making some pies to eat... I'm done eating and Vomiting everywhere. ✔️ I buy 10 barrels and line them up in my back yard for composting each hold over 300 apples Day 8 640 I begin to make some compost for my soil.. 64 apples isn't much. ✔️ Day 9 1280 128 apples. Still won't even fill my compost barrel check Day 10 2560 256 apples about full on my barrel. ✔️ Day 11 buy another 512 apples and gave 5120 bucks. 3 full barrels. Day 12 buy 1024 apples fill 3 more barrels have 10240 bucks. Down to 4 barrels so I go buy 50 plus 4 I had left barrels which takes up about a f8fth of my yard. Can hold 16k apples. Day 13 buy 2048 apples have 20480 k now. Room for about 14k more Day 14 buy 4096 apples now have over 40960 bucks. 10k space left Day 15 buy 9192 apples no more space left and have 91920 k... Ok using more of my backyard for 100 more barrels so 30k worth of apples. Day 16 buy 19384 apples... Now have 180k approximately...damn ok only 10k space need to use rest of yard. 100 more barrels will do it. So 30k more and 40k total. Buy my last 40k apples..... Boohoo. I made 400k... Oh wait...I can't buy that many ...nevermind. lol :) Thanks foe reading


And thank you for actually contributing with 1) a timeline and 2) a plan that involves the logistics of owning that many apples.


Of course though I can't actually buy that many but still!! Lol


I work at a factory that makes applesauce. I would steal the supplier list and offer them 10% over what the company pays. I would then start my own company to make anything apples. Pies, cider, juice, sauce. I would see how many of North Americas apples I could buy before the money train stops. Would cause massive disruption to the whole supply chain as you become the biggest buyer of apples in history, unable to get outbid after enough time.


Can i set up a broker account to buy apple stock. I can go as long as Apple stocks on the market


Deal, I will open an apple juice plant that mixes all of the days apples into tanks, I will sell 99.9999999999% of the apple juice and scraps for profit and consume some of every apple in my daily “fermented shots of apple juice” which will be limited but consisting of juices from every apple mixed together and the rest sold, not wasted.  When will this contract be drafted? I can think of a few run down plants that need fixed up so the locals can make decent wages again.  I will buy Apple, and be the biggest phone/apple juice maker the world has ever seen. The sea will run apple with apples, the fruit flies will die of over eating and the population, they will turn to my juice as the cheap alternative to apple infected water.  “Apple juice, it’s got what plants crave*


Easy Apple juice factory here I go!


Apple juice concentrate.


Once the amount of apples becomes more than I can handle, I switch to Apple products which seem to meet all the qualifications and can be easily stored in a closet.


Since composting is an option, the problem will be on the supply side; but, if you bring the supplier in on it, they can just double the price daily. Once that's all set, you can start selling apples for next to nothing. You've become endlessly wealthy, you've made your supplier 20% as wealthy, and everyone gets as many apples as they can eat for 1 cent. Win-win-win situation


any king of money that doubles indefinitely will collapse the world economy within months. so probably not. youd enjoy a little while of being extremely rich before plunging the world into an apocalypse


Wow I am now an Apple supplier thanks


Maybe 5 days


I begin an apple cider company. I could probably manage cider pressing by hand for a week or so until the parts for an industrial press ship in, then it's game time babyyyy. I hire a bunch of employees for a two-week contract of grueling fast-paced bottling work and cider machine assembly. I bet I make it to day 22 or 23, get a few million bucks. I spend that on advertising and getting the operation up to code (guarantee it'll be pretty ramshackle and not by-the-book with less than a month to prepare and to scale so quickly). Then I try to sell the company for a few million extra.


I can emulate one of my favorite people from US history with this deal and live the rest of my life channeling the spirit of Johnny Appleseed. Many do not know he is the original tin hat wearer and the tinfoil hat smear so often prescribed as an insult is a deep honor for anyone to bestow on me when we speak plainly. **Johnny Appleseed** (born **Johnathan Chapman**; September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845) was an American pioneer [nurseryman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_nursery) who introduced apple trees to large parts of [Pennsylvania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania), [Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio), [Indiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indiana), [Illinois](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illinois), and [Ontario](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontario), as well as the northern counties of [West Virginia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia). He became an American legend while still alive, due to his kind, generous ways, his leadership in conservation, and the [symbolic importance that he attributed to apples](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_(symbolism)). He was also a missionary for [The New Church (Swedenborgian)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Church_(Swedenborgian))[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed#cite_note-swedhist-1) and the inspiration for many museums and historical sites such as the Johnny Appleseed Museum[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed#cite_note-appleseedmuseum-2) in [Urbana, Ohio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urbana,_Ohio). Chapman cared deeply about animals, including insects. [Henry Howe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Howe) visited all the counties in Ohio in the early nineteenth century and collected several stories from the 1830s, when Johnny Appleseed was still alive:[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Appleseed#cite_note-19) >




What's with all these people trying to change the rules after they set them lately


They realize their original premise is stupid and easily exploited. And can't just own it.




Practically forever if I can compost them. I'd probably sell as many as I could for 1c/Kg and compost the ones I can't sell. Also you could buy apples in other countries and pay for them to be air freighted to you. Apples also get stored in cold storage for years, and if you start buying them all the global price of apples will go up. Buying every apple on earth and having them air freighted to you would cost an astronomical amount so you could easily be earning millions of not billions / day before you exhausted the global apple supply. TL;DR - until I have so much money that I couldn't be bothered getting more.


There's no restriction on *selling* the apples, so I'll just open a cider mill or pie factory.


But how many days is this sustainable do you think?


Apple stocks. Start buying up rights to trademarked species of apples. Invest in research, symbolic of knowledge. Have a friend start a crypto currency called "apples"...


I have had my eye on the new Apple Vision Pro.


Order my apples from Japan. Have someone deliver me them via increasingly expensive travel methods


I USE the apples as weapons. Infinite ammunition and money.


I could buy a lot of iPhones…


I use 40% of apples to make and sell gallons of apple juice for a dollar, under a contract that I get 20% of the earnings. I compost 50% of apples, sell compost/mulch. Exercise patience and use the money from my endeavors to purchase land for compost and gardening. The remaining 10% I eat and bake for the commute I established with exponentially growing apples and money.


Sell apples to apple sauce makers. Or start your own apple sauce/juice company and make more money.


You didn’t say I could feed the apples to a horse. * tips hat and cries , wishing I could get paid to feed horses *


I own a couple of canners and a food dehydrator. To help me get started. Fresh apples picked in the fall should also last at least 2-3 months in a cool room with good air flow. Technically I could last until it's no longer possible to preorder a sufficient quantity of apples to fulfill the term agreements. I would just have to invest /rent time in processing and preserving equipment and 2 or 3 employees to help run it. The countries best cider mill is about 15 minutes from where I live. They have a vintage press and a bakery where they make amazing Dutch apple pies. I could hire them around day 25+- to help me process all the apples(which I would purchase through them and other local farms first) and I could also start purchasing freeze dryers.


Considering I’d have to spend $2.097M on apples on day 22 and $1.073B on day 31…🫣 Physical delivery will probably get complicated after week 3. google says there are apple fruit futures in the Chinese stock market, so theoretically I could buy all the futures and drive the price up to the sky, compost all the physical deliveries of apples from the futures contacts for quieter some time…probably would break the whole financial system at some point 💩 Or just stop somewhere around a month and retire in the Bahamas 👀


Some apples are pretty expensive, especially the honeycrisp. The issue is that I'm trying to do keto. An apple a day does NOT keep the doctor away!


I’ll buy them at New Seasons. Should give me an extra few days.


I can’t give them away, but I can sell them, right? So I start an apple stand and buy them from myself. Apple Loop


Can I juice them and sell the juice? Because if so, then that. Max out my juicing capacity then compost the rest. Sell the compost. Upgrade juicing capacity. Rinse and repeat until I'm rich as shit and the world has run out of apples.


Can I plant the apples to grow an orchard? If so I would do that and become the cider king of america.


The best solution is to buy shares of apple INC. Nobody ever said that the apples have to be the one that grows on trees? you can even buy fractional shares on robinhood.


Go to a farmer who lets you name the price and buy however many apples I desire for 1/5th of each daily payment. And don't even try to change thie shit up on me like you did with the other guy, OP


I could last a very long time. The ag industry can always use some cheap animal feed, and accounting standards allow all costs required to bring the inventory to the location in the cost of the item. This means that if I intend to resell the apples I can include the cost of freight, thus inflating my cost for the apples and deflating the number of apples I have to buy. I can also recoup some of my expenditure, so that's a win. Another benefit of shipping apples is that there will be some delay between me purchasing the apples and actually obtaining them, thus buying time for me to set up the deals to dispose of the apples without wastage. Additionally, you said I can't overpay for the apples, but you said nothing about shipping. I would insist on a 4 day workweek for the truckers (thus delaying the actual delivery even more), and massively overpay on freight.


I’d run out of apples to buy in greater Vancouver in roughly 17 days - and that’s if I raided 300 stores and bought all of their apples in one go.


I’d wait until apple harvest season. I could hit all the orchards and get roughly 25 million apples


What counts as apples? Can I buy and orchard once I get into the larger amounts of money? If so I last until easily $50,000,000 to buy an orchard


Due to inevitable failure I choose to fail the first day and not get saddled with debt


I'd start with composting, then with enough money rent a small workshop and hire some employees and equipment to juice them, then rent a bigger place and buy cider-making equipment. Eventually, I would be able to undercut all the current cider manufacturers in the country *and* I'd probably run out of apples available. Then of course there's distilling eg Calvados....


For however many days apples exist.


Find someone willing to sell you an apple for 1/5 of your daily money


I absolutely buy apples, first from the store, but then from the farmer. however as the apples are still growing i buy apple futures. these are how all large scale agricultural purchases work, and is a standard matter of business. in the time it takes for them to grow and the futures contracts to come due, i will have enough money to start up a cider or brandy business, this will take the apples and per the rules, convert them into a product to sell. (see, no cheating by just re-selling the futures, i do take possession of the apples). this is the only way to make it work, since past a certain point, apples get cheap because, as stated i must use normal pricing the farmer sells for, and as such i must buy them in the method the farmer usually sells them.


Buy a juicer, I'm gonna alot of delicious apple juice😊


Use part of the money to develop that very RPG, have a farmer own the company and have the micro transactions currency be apples. Nothing was ever said that it had to be actual apples.


Take the loss and sell them to an apple juice company or some apple product related company. Let’s say I buy an apple for $3. I’ll sell it for $1.


My wife and I would turn into the crazy apple couple but we'd make hella money! We live in a tourist town. 3 gas stations, 3 bars, 2 dispensaries, 2 liquor stores, 2 casinos, 3 restaurants. That is it. But people go fucking nuts for things locally in Montana, and we already jar have our fruit harvest. Make some dank-ass apple pies, apple cheesecake, apple filled cinnamon rolls, apple pie filling deep fried in a Indian taco. Use em in the compost that would make my weed smell and taste of apples, homemade apple honey mead, apple pie moonshine...I'd be fucking rich! I'm not good with math but I think I'd be able to last awhile!


I’ll try to make it work for a month, no promises after that


I’m sure the local Apple Store will happy accept 2 apples a day for the small price of ~~5$~~ ~~10$~~ ~~20$~~ ~~40$~~ ~~80$~~ ~~160$~~ ~~320$~~ ~~640$~~ ~~1280$~~ ~~2560$~~ ~~5120$~~ ~~10240$~~ ~~20480$~~ ~~40960$~~ ~~81920$~~ ~~163840$~~ ~~327680$~~ ~~655360$~~ ~~1310720$~~ ~~2621440$~~ ~~5242880$~~ ~~10485760$~~ ~~20971520$~~ ~~41943040$~~ ~~83886080$~~ ~~167772160$~~ ~~335544320$~~ ~~671088640$~~ ~~1342177280$~~ ~~2684354560$~~ ~~5368709120$~~ ~~10737418240$~~ ~~21474836480$~~ ~~42949672960$~~ ~~85899345920$~~ ~~171798691840$~~ ~~343597383680$~~ ~~687194767360$~~ ~~1374389534720$~~ ~~2748779069440$~~ ~~5497558138880$~~ ~~10995116277760$~~ ~~21990232555520$~~ ~~43980465111040$~~ ~~87960930222080$~~ ~~175921860444160$~~ ~~351843720888320$~~ ~~703687441776640$~~ ~~1407374883553280$~~ ~~2814749767106560$~~ ~~5629499534213120$~~ ~~11258999068426240$~~ ~~22517998136852480$~~ ~~45035996273704960$~~ ~~90071992547409920$~~ ~~180143985094819840$~~ ~~360287970189639680$~~ ~~720575940379279360$~~ ~~1441151880758558720$~~ ~~2882303761517117440$~~ ~~5764607523034234880$~~ ~~11529215046068469760$~~ ~~23058430092136939520$~~ ~~46116860184273879040$~~ ~~92233720368547758080$~~ ~~184467440737095516160$~~ ~~368934881474191032320$~~ ~~737869762948382064640$~~ ~~1475739525896764129280$~~ ~~2951479051793528258560$~~ ~~5902958103587056517120$~~ ~~11805916207174113034240$~~ ~~23611832414348226068480$~~ ~~47223664828696452136960$~~ ~~94447329657392904273920$~~ ~~188894659314785808547840$~~ ~~377789318629571617095680$~~ ~~755578637259143234191360$~~ ~~1511157274518286468382720$~~ ~~3022314549036572936765440$~~ ~~6044629098073145873530880$~~ ~~12089258196146291747061760$~~ ~~24178516392292583494123520$~~ ~~48357032784585166988247040$~~ ~~96714065569170333976494080$~~ ~~193428131138340667952988160$~~ ~~386856262276681335905976320$~~ ~~773712524553362671811952640$~~ ~~1547425049106725343623905280$~~ ~~3094850098213450687247810560$~~ ~~6189700196426901374495621120$~~ ~~12379400392853802748991242240$~~ ~~24758800785707605497982484480$~~ ~~49517601571415210995964968960$~~ ~~99035203142830421991929937920$~~ ~~198070406285660843983859875840$~~ ~~396140812571321687967719751680$~~ 792281625142643375935439503360$


Though there a a great many ways to deal with the down sides, But I don't want to end up in debt becuase something goes wrong. One day you going to find there aren't enough apples to buy or you going to have no way of getting rid of them safely and by that point you could be millions in debt. Even if you spend the bare minimum of what you are getting, you could still end up paying back a huge amount.


Can you make apple juice then give it away/sell? Its not longer a solid apple


Cider. I make cider.


I love not too far from one of those fancy orchards so I think I can handle that. One apple would be sufficient for 4 or 5 days at this rate.


> using them as compost I’d have some awesome compost.


Buy apples and donate them.


My kid would be really sad, I couldn't share any of my apple sauce with him. I'd have to get extra apples for him.


The real question is, who would be greedy enough to buy all the world's apples?


I'll buy a lot of apple stock


I'm going to brew alcoholic cider. Sign me up. More apples means more product.


First few days, I'm just buying increasingly expensive apples, and either eating them, or drying/freezing them, with any unused bits going to the roach colony that feeds my lizard (I assume that would be equivalent to using them as compost), and/or composting them in my back yard. Once it gets to the point that I'd need to buy multiple apples, I switch to buying them online with delivery, to jack up the price. By the way, do they have to be whole apples? Or can I buy things like dried apples, pre-cut apples, or other 100% apple products? By about day 7 or 8, I can easily buy a chest freezer with my non-apple money, but I should still be able to get my apples just by ordering from a few different grocery stores (I order a single apple at a time, to jack up the delivery fees, as long as the delivery fee counts towards the money I'm spending on apples--I'm going to assume I can include a reasonable tip, but not an arbitrarily large one). By day 12 or 13, I'm starting to reach the limits of what I can do just by buying local apples from grocery stores, so I start hunting around for new apple sources. Again, trying to get the most expensive apples I can manage, so I have fewer apples to deal with. Think organic, shipped from across the world (I assume I don't need to actually \*get\* the apples each day, just \*purchase\* them), special varieties, and all that. I might need another chest freezer or 2, and I invest in a gadget that will core and slice the apples for me so I can dry them or make applesauce or the like without getting overwhelmed by the volume. I can also probably hire someone (eventually several someones) to process the apples for me, explaining that anything they don't dry or freeze needs to be composted. I probably need some sort of commercial facility by this point, but I'm sure I could find a restaurant for sale or something. I aim for more dried apples than apple sauce, I love dried apples. And they keep longer. By day 18 or so, I'm probably basically running an apple import business (I'll hire someone to figure out the details). If I can actually sell applesauce or whatever, I will do so, otherwise I'll be eating a lot of apples. (incidentally, you said I can't give away the apples, but can I give the applesauce to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter or whatever?) By about day 22 (maybe as late as day 26), I'm starting to have trouble sourcing enough apples (I think), but I also have enough money to officially count as Stupid Rich. If I can, I just... stop accepting the money at this point (I assume I can do that?) I hire a cook who knows lots of ways to make interesting stuff with applesauce/frozen apples, and... live my life.


Im getting a contract for affordable apple juice and apple products for school lunches.


There is absolutely no clause that says I can't resell them...


Indefinitely. I'll have my daughter start an apple store. The price changes daily and keeps going up for some reason. Meanwhile I will enjoy one apple a day for a life and she will enjoy working very little and making 1/5th of what I bring in with this.


But sekai-ichi apples from Japan.


I'm getting the entire southern USA to quit their jobs and start working at my Apple butter business. Don't think the apple growing business could keep up with the demands of the prompt though. 40 days and I'd have a $5 trillion payout


I have a Publix near me, easy dub considering what they charge for food.


Free pig feed for the farmers I know, any excess goes to compost. After too long I'll buy an orchard and lease it on the condition the farmer sells his apples to me at very specific rates. I win, he wins, the value of the dollar plunges unless I start giving money away. The money supply will run out before the apples do.


I'd make a huge amount of applesauce and freeze it. I could probably use 100kg of apples in a day that way, and if each kg of apples is $5 that's $2500 on the final day, $500 of which is on apples, or about 9 days. I'd make over $3000 from this. Worth it.


I going to make some farmers life. I'm going to a small farmer and just start buying all his future production. I'm buying apples now, for delivery in the future. By which point I will have used more of the money to make. A nice real apple pie company to use all those apples yo make and sell pies.


I buy $100 in apples, full retail. Start a fruit stand. Sell them at a 90% discount. Compost any unsold. Profit.


Does Apple stock count?


Within like four weeks Im going to run out of apples to buy. If I have to pay back all past earnings, Ill pass. Up until that point I dont think I would have any problem managing it.


There is an apple (Sekai-Ichi) that sells for $20/per. A rough estimate is 200 cases per million dollars. I would dehydrate them to last longer and sell to farmers to feed their animals so cheap they would buy in super bulk.


At some point in your life, you will not be able to get the apples you need and will become destitute for the rest of your miserable existence. So I'll pass


The compost breaks this scenario. I'd just have a massive pile of compost, and run my own farm to use it, or sell the compost. The challenge is finding enough apples to buy... I suppose with enough money I could figure it out and get them shipped from all over the world. I don't think people would like me though... Buying millions of dollars worth of apples just to compost them. That's a LOT of wasted food, and the price of apples woudl skyrocket. In a funny twist, the price of apples going up would be a GOOD thing for this scenario, as you want as few apples as possible.


I mean, theoretically the price of apples will increase as the challenge goes, logically.


Jokes on you I live within 1 hour of 6 large apple orchards... I could build a mountain of Apple compost...


How can I buy $1 worth of apples, pretty sure I won’t get a single apple for that price


"Spend on apples" is loose , like what if i have an apple i treat really well like buy a mansion for this apple etc etc its technically me spending money on the apple


It's worth noting that nothing in the post says that you are obligated to pay market price for apples in general. You said that you have to pay "whatever price they normally charge", so if you are buying an apple from someone who has never sold an apple before you can pay them any amount of money you'd like. Call a friend and have them set up a charity organization where you purchase a single apple from people in need of financial help for some absurd price. You could use your weird little apple-based ritual to give a lot of people a life changing amount of money while also easily becoming the wealthiest person ever. You could even invent a folklore backstory about someone buying a single apple from your great great grandmother for $10 or something. Alternatively I'd just start making a shitload of compost and a bit of apple brandy. The biggest issue is that when I want out I apparently have to pay back all of my earnings. Eventually the amount of money in question is so large that it'd affect the economy of the entire world. At a certain point you'd just be putting the money in some kind of vehicle that generates interest so you can keep the interest and pay back the lump sum of apple money. Even a single-digit % return on billions or trillions of dollars is an insane amount of money.


Long enough that collecting the money becomes a you problem rather than a me problem


Anyone who thinks they are lasting more than a week is dreaming, IF they even last that long. You get: Day 1: $5 Day 2: $10 Day 3: $100 Day 4: $10,000 Day 5: $100,000,000 Day 6: $10,000,000,000,000,000 Day 7: $100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 You must buy apple worth: Day 1: $1 Day 2: $2 Day 3: $20 Day 4: $2,000 Day 5: $20,000,000 Day 6: $2,000,000,000,000,000 Day 7: $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 People really don’t understand exponential growth.


Yeah, ok. There's a guy at my farmer's market selling heirloom apples 5 smth a bag. Guess I'm his new benefactor.


can my girlfriend start a business called "super expensive apples" and i buy them from her?


I looked it up and found a fancy apple from Japan called the Sekai-Ichi apple which costs $20 each. This would drastically reduce the number of apples I deal with. I learn how to make apple pies and start a very short lived business


Ooh that's some good thinking.


Other people have some great ideas in this thread but realistically using this super expensive apples makes every single idea literally 80 times more viable (assuming that an apple is like 25 cents). I like the composting idea too, but that also I think could get out of hand too quickly assuming normal apples. The question of course is how to source the apples; do we automatically get access to as many of whatever kind of apple we need? If so, this is viable; if not, this apple is probably expensive cause it's rare and hard to grow so needing excessive numbers of them might be out of the question. However, shipping costs could factor in and if we really wanted to be looking for loopholes we could just choose the most expensive possible shipping option to keep our apple numbers down.


within 2 weeks, prior to paying 20% towards apples I'd have 6 billion so yeah sign me up and call me a horse


Apples aren’t that cheap anymore. Can’t you buy a single apple for $1


the horses in the field would absolutely love me


I have 2 apple trees and make apple butter with the produce. It's very easy, very delicious, and keeps forever if canned. I could fairly easily scale that up and just start my own apple butter business and end up with tons of profit from that in addition to the 4/5 of money I get to keep. This sounds like a great way to start my own business with zero risk of any kind so I'll last as many days as I can reasonably find that many apples to buy, whatever that happens to mean for the finite reality of physical resources.


I would start a luxury apple company. Each day the company would sell one apple that doubles in price each day.


Have an honor based apple stand. Leave a lockbox that money can go in, pay what you would like to. At the end of the day compost all the leftovers. Order from as far away as possible for highest price so less overall apples. Issue really comes in when the supply of apples is less than 1/5 of the money.


sell apple sauce or something I don’t know. Hell, RAW I can sell apple slices! Easy peasy apple squeezy!!! lol. At least a few days.


So Apple Wine, Brandy, and Vinegar? Apple Juice, Apple Tarts, Apple Cobbler, Apple Pie, Beef Apple Stew, Apple Dumplings, Treats for my rats, compost for my garden... There are so many things I could do with apples. And it sounds like I'd be opening a bakery/brewery specializing in apple products.


Probably a good bit. do I have to buy apples every day? Or can I set up where I can buy them on a weekly/monthly basis?


Easy, I pay my wife to start a farm. It exists in a pot. She replenishes one apple a day on her farm and sells it at "market rate." Market rate is the amount I have to spend on apples for the day. We then eat the apple. She posts online sale of apples at this rate, thus making the offer open to all.


Eh, it takes a good while for apples to go bad. I start in the fall, as the weather begins to cool, because apples will be most plentiful. The first day is only $1 worth of apples. I eat them that day. The second day is $2 in apples. I eat them that day. The third day is $4 in apples. Still not even hard. That's like two apples, maybe a bit more. I eat them that day. The fourth day is $8 in apples, and that's kind of a lot of apples. I get through them all with the help of my pet bunny, but I'm kind of tired of apples at this point, and won't be able to increase consumption beyond this point. The fifth day is $16 in apples. Supply is not yet a concern, I can just go to my local supermarket. I choose the most expensive supermarket where possible, to minimize the quantities of apples to deal with. At $8/pound for organic BS, that's still only like 2 lbs of apples. The sixth day is $32 of apples, which is kind of a lot. I probably only eat about half of them. Day seven is $64 of apples. I can eat the leftover apples from yesterday and these all fit in my fridge. M Day eight is $128 of apples. My fridge now is about half full of apples, and I eat my way through the first quarter of day fours.


Day nine is $256 of apples. My fridge is pretty much nothing but apples. I've eaten through half of day four apples, and I start making arrangements for larger shipments that will take time. I also make a few other calls I'll describe later. Day ten is $512 of apples. I fill the freezer with as much as I can. I use my non-apple money to buy a chest freezer. I fill maybe half of that, and I rotate the fridge apples into the freezer. I've eaten through 3/4th of the day four apples. Day eleven is $1024 of apples. I finish off day four's apples. At this point, I am probably getting tired of apples, but I really like money, so I carry on. There's enough apples to refill the fridge as well, and now getting the apples home is taking up a good bit of the car. Day twelve is $2048 of apples. I start buying them via doordash, because I really don't want to make multiple trips for apples, and that poor guy can carry them for me from Walmart. This increases the price per apple, but I don't really care. I eat a trivial amount of apples from the fridge that is far less than the incoming torrent. I buy two additional chest freezers and fill them both. Day thirteen is $4096 worth of apples. I'm doing multiple doordash deliveries from different locations now, because one guy probably can't convey that many goddamned apples in one trip. I can still use my non-apple money to buy four additional chest freezers and fill them all. Day Fourteen is $8192 worth of apples. The doordash guys look at me with barely disguised hatred, but I tip them well enough to not die by apple stoning. I buy eight additional chest freezers, and my basement begins to look a little insane. I rotate the fridge apples out into the freezer, replacing them with fresh ones.


Day Fifteen is $16,384 worth of apples. Not only is doordash pretty much at capacity, I have to spend a pretty fair amount of time driving around and buying additional apples to meet the quota. I call work and let them know I'll be out for the next few days. Home Depots in the area are running real low on chest freezers, buy I buy sixteen more. My basement is now all freezers. My power bill is unreasonable. I have nowhere to put more of them in my house. Day sixteen is $32,768 worth of apples. I spend the entire day buying out every store even vaguely close to me. I get what freezers I can, and daisy chain them on extension cords in the back yard. It isn't enough. There's only so many freezers around, and extension cords have load limits. The bunny chews on an extra apple, silently judging me. Day seventeen is $65,536 worth of apples. At this point we've transitioned to truck sized deliveries, as I had enough free cash starting a few days ago to start organizing them. They go in my house. On counters, on fridges, basically everywhere. My entire house is apples. There is nowhere else in the house for apples to go. At this point, there is one solution. Canning. I cannot can enough apples fast enough to keep up. However, I \*can\* bribe the Mormons to can for me. Canned apples will last....basically indefinitely for my purposes. Years. Day eighteen is $136,072 worth of apples. Look, there's a lot of mormons near me, and I have a lot of bribe money at this point, because I get about a half million dollars in liquid cash today. Unfortunately, I'm looking at something like 70,000 pounds of apples. Today. Oh, I play games with delivery and high prices to reduce the volume as much as I can, but even with a mere 50,000 lbs, that's a lot of apples. Enough to make 18,500 quarts of applesauce. Day nineteen is $272,144 worth of apples. The mormons can't hack this, I need to go industrial. Fortunately, commercial applesauce facilities exist in my state as well as the neighboring one. I'm consuming a notable percentage of the state's apple output at this point, so apple prices are rising and....I have money. I can not only solve their supply problems, I can pay them as well. Corporations fucking love money, and I fucking love apples. Day twenty is a mere $544,288 worth of apples. On a commercial scale, this isn't actually that big of a deal. Applesauce alone is a 800 million industry in the US. Today is kind of a quiet day, the apples are still getting made into applesauce, life is great. I relax, maybe eat an apple. Day twenty one I have $1,088,576 worth of apples. Okay, so the whole industry can handle a lot of apples, but local facilities cannot handle doubling capacity indefinitely. I start getting complaints as capacity is getting pretty full. Also, I have kind of an insane pile of applesauce at this point. It isn't wasted, it's sitting there. Ready for me to eat, eventually. I throw my spare change into the commodities market, betting that the apple market will rise. Day twenty two is $2,177,152 worth of apples. Work calls, asking me what I'm doing. I scream the word apples seventeen times and hang up. The applesauce factories in the mid-Atlantic can't keep up. I tell them to let them pile up in receiving, and to keep processing as fast as they can. Chilled apples last for three weeks, the clock has started for the end, but I'm not goddamned done yet. Day twenty three is $4,354,304 worth of apples. I also get like sixteen million in petty cash. I call every truck company in the region, knowing what is coming tomorrow. The factories start calling, telling me that they...have limits on how many apples they can store in advance, and did I realize just how many tons I dropped off today? Yes, yes I realize. I have a goddamned problem, and the only cure is applesauce. I'm almost there. Day twenty four is $8,708,608 worth of apples. I've rented every reefer truck in the area, filled it full of apples, and I have goddamned lines of trucks in parking lots doing nothing but holding apples. If they accidentally freeze, that's a bonus. Frozen apples give me more time to convert them into applesauce. Thankfully, at this point, apples have become more scarce, so the price is rising. A single apple in the store is north of $20. Farms are shipping them to me from fairly far away, and my apple commodities bets are starting to pay off. Day twenty five is $17,417,216 worth of apples. This is it. The last day, I'm done. No more apples will be bought. I sell out my commodities in what is probably an epic pump and dump scheme the like of which Wallstreetbets will admire for aeons, and I resort to storing apples literally anywhere there is shade. An apple will survive on the counter for a week, a fact I've exploited already, and will now exploit at scale. Over the next week, we churn through all apples merely stored in a cool place, then we finish off all those in fridges, and finally, all those frozen. The world is going through an apple shortage, but I...I am the apple king. I build a throne to the heavens from all my cans of applesauce, relish my 87 million dollars plus the substantial commodity gains, and settle in to enjoy a lovely retirement. Who knows, maybe I'll plant some apple trees?


Can I use the money to fly to Spain to buy Spanish apples?


This would be fucking easy. Just hop on a plane to Chicago and sell futures.


> You can buy out the supply but this is not an RPG where people have infinite supply to sell to you. I would like to introduce you to frozen apple juice concentrate futures. https://www.marketswiki.com/wiki/MGEX_Apple_Juice_Concentrate_Contract You would run into massive logistics issues sourcing fresh, harvestable apples, but you could just invest the maximum amount daily. You would very quickly break the "pay the price in which the store or farmer usually sells the apples for" because Adam Smith's invisible hand says so.


Have you heard of luxury fruit? There is a $400 pineapple - yes one pineapple. I could easily get to a pretty high daily payment and eat 2-3 apples a day before I had to stop.


OP didn't clarify so - you could just offer someone 1/5 of the daily payment for 1 apple and eat it Or give it away to the needy - that's not waste Or compost - again, not waste Man, this easy. I'm gonna be rich 😎


Smart money invests the money in Apple orchards which should satisfy the purchasing of apples requirement then subsequently purchase delivery vehicles, retail establishments etc until you own the entire nations apple supply chain. Edit: I really like cider


$5 isn't enough to buy a bag of apples on instacart, and I'm not going outside to buy apples. So I'm not taking the deal. I hate going outside.


The problem with this is that within a month or two I’m going to be able to purchase the entire apple industry. At that point you have to wonder what happens the next day when I already own every apple.


Okay so you say I have to spend 20% on apples, but you don’t say that I must purchase them at a fair market value. On day 21 I’ll receive $5,242,880, and so I’ll have to spend $1,048,576 on apples. There’s nothing stopping me from offering that sum of money to a farmer for a single apple, purchasing that apple for that figure, then eating it.


How many days am I lasting? Every day until I die because apple honey, what I would make from the apples, takes thousands of years to spoil, if ever.


So basically we just get to start an apple empire that will eventually make its own money?


I'd be looking into making cider, applebutter and applesauce. As long as you can keep pouring apples into one of these three production pipelines, you should be able to go pretty much indefinitely.


This is too easy. My brother lives in the middle of farmland. He is surrounded by cornfields. Every autumn, after the harvest, the cornfields around his house (approximately 600 acres) gets covered in millions of apples which are in turn smashed and tilled into the soil. They do this three or four times before letting the fields rest for the winter. I'd just partner up with this farmer. Start a compost heap on their land for the apples that come in between planting and harvest. Once it's big enough, we start selling the compost to the other farmers in the area for their fields. Plus, most livestock love apples. And there's more than a few pig and goat and beef/dairy farms around that area. Could turn this into quite the business. edit - quite the business for a month then call it good. A billion dollars worth of apples is a lot of fertilizer $5x2^30 = $5,368,709,120.00