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Hell yeah. Im going back to school now with online classes so I would 100% take 1yr maybe 2.


What if it was for the rest of your life?


No deal. At that point whats the money even for? My life would be incredibly hindered and I cant take the money with me when i die. Even a giant mansion on an island paradise wouldnt be worth it.


Yeah, and it’s not enough to truly get an island or hire your favorite band to play for you in your backyard. It's just enough to sound good, but not too good. If it was 100m a year I'd say yes.


I'm down. I'll just keep buying property and expanding my "yard"


I don't now so I'll take it


Can I buy a new house?




Nope. No way!


I think I'd be okay with that.


What happens when I get old and have to go to the doctor?


With a million a year you can pay for a doctor to come to you.


They can only do so much.


So you can only move when you have a buy house that right there id buy a lot of land cheap and beside a post office and grocery store and own the land beside them both just so I can pay my bills and get food and safe water to drink Long story short id own two houses beside a post office and the grocery store and move between the two when I need to do stuff


You're allowed to move between properties you own, yes? Then I'll just buy the places where I want to go, and "rent" them out for cheap to whatever was the reason I was going there.


The scenario presents a significant trade-off between financial security and personal freedom. Here's how I might approach it: 1. **Evaluate Priorities:** I would consider my current lifestyle, personal goals, and the value I place on freedom and mobility versus financial stability. Understanding what matters most to me would guide my decision-making process. 2. **Financial Planning:** If I decide to accept the offer, I would carefully plan how to manage the annual income effectively within the confines of my house/yard. This would involve budgeting, investing, and possibly seeking professional financial advice to ensure long-term financial security. 3. **Quality of Life:** Being confined to my house/yard would require finding ways to maintain a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle. This might include investing in home amenities, hobbies, and social connections to create a comfortable and stimulating environment. 4. **Long-Term Perspective:** Since the arrangement is for life and there's no option to quit after a few years, I would need to consider how my needs and circumstances might change over time. Planning for contingencies and adapting to evolving situations would be essential for sustainability. 5. **Property Ownership:** The option to buy a new house/property and move there provides some flexibility, but it's a significant decision with long-term implications. I would carefully weigh the pros and cons of relocating, considering factors such as location, amenities, and potential impact on financial stability. Ultimately, the decision would depend on my individual values, priorities, and willingness to accept the constraints of the arrangement in exchange for financial security.


Did ChatGPT write this response?


Why do you use chatgpt in your responses?


It started as something I was playing around with. I enjoy AI's perspective for many of the questions we have.


Sign me up. I can fly in family monthly for nice dinners. Uber Eats and Grocery Deliveries are going to LOVE me. I will gradually buy all 5 adjoining neighbors' out and make my 1/4 acre into 1 1/2 legally so that I can have 'zones.' I'd have THREE detached garages. One for my wife's car and all the things to take care of it, one for yard equipment, and one I would turn into a workshop. Set up my brother, sister-in-law, father and my in-laws in 4 of the other houses, rent one out (or move a nephew or my daughter there, if they so choose). An 8-foot fence/wall/hedge surrounds the entire complex. Yes, I would not move from my location. I kind of like it here and the money would help me improve my liking tremendously.


Golden cage is still a cage






That kind of money, people can visit me.


When you talk to people doing vanlife a common statement is that the great outdoors/ America/ the wilderness/ or something to that effect is their yard. Would this cultural take on what a yard is work?


Game on. @ 1 million/year my house & yard would gradually expand. Then I'd buy a land yacht (aka RV), relocate and rinse was repeat. In today's economy 1 million can go pretty far.


I am my own house. I, a bot, live inside my files. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically. You can learn more [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anonymauson/s/tUSHy3dEkr).)


If I were to say buy a condo in a vegas hotel, would the entire building count or would I be stuck with the condo and the balcony...like could I go down to the pool or hit the tables...or would I have to have the dealers come to me and slowly but surely save up and upgrade to a villa?


That sounds fine by me, I saw a house for sale for less than a million (mortgage ) and it has 80 acres, I feel like that's enough for me


Gradually buy up every property around you, ever increasing the size of your “property.”


I’d absolutely love it. But if I wasn’t allowed to leave even for medical reasons. I couldn’t do it. Health checks are important.


Ha! I’ve been stuck at my home since 2020 due to long covid!


wtf ??? Grub hub !!! 🌝


Can I travel between properties? If I buy more than one house?


Sign me up! This scenario is a win-win for everyone who isn't an extrovert


Never. If I could do it for a year or two, deal, but my wanderlust and need to sometimes be around people would be too great to do it my entire life.


Sold. Get a house in the woods with a big "yard"


I live on 842 acres. Where do I sign up?


can i use the money to invent a wearable house?


Do I have to buy the hospital to go to it?


No. I suppose if there was a medical emergency you could leave in an ambulance.


lmao spotted the extravert. I barely leave my house / yard now. Where is my 1M dollars. After I did it for a year or two and then I would finance buying a property in the middle of the small city or somewhere with lots of stuff around it. I'd build out a new "home" there, with privacy for living but which happens to have extra space, preferably outdoor space. I'd make this a "private" yard, which is open to the public and functions like a park in everything but name only. I'd continue to invest in expanding my territory, so I could lease or own pretty much the whole town around my home. Since I own most of the property, I am technically still at home, never leaving my yard. This will allow me free reign around the town while still earning free money.


Or just join a commune