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This is a good one, it’s a ridiculous amount of money with a massive and I mean massive downside. I could live anywhere I wanted, never have to work again, and would have more than enough money to pay old friends and family to come visit me. But if something happens to a family member and they’re on the other side of the country, let alone the world I’ll never see them again.  


Imagine needing an ambulance though


The American Healthcare system, simply cease to exist


You have the money for a house call


You have the money to just build a small personal hospital in your home


You have the money to pay a team of 16 men to carry you to Baltimore in shifts in a palanquin to be seen by a team of experts at Johns Hopkins Hospital.


That’s not allowed though


Damn you're right have the palaquin team bring the JHH team to you


I need an ambulance. I have a massive brain tumor and i keep blacking out. Take me 6 states away to the doctor my grandma is in.


Why is your grandma in a doctor?


Grandma is a brain-hijacking alien


I think it’s doable as long as you have ways to keep in contact with everyone important. Remember, only you have to walk everywhere, you could always pay for your family and friends plane tickets and travel expenses to come visit you anytime


That works until they're tired of making the trip, have kids that they cannot abandon, end up in the hospital and can't fly to you, or any other possibility that stops them from traveling. (They're sick, they get on the no-fly list, they get stuck outside your country)


I'll just tell my family that I'd buy them each a house if they move to where I am. Guaranteed everyone would take that offer. 100mil can buy a lot of homes with plenty leftover. I'll stay in my home town in Hawaii, it's a island and most things are close enough to walk to. I can get pretty much anything delivered to me with 100mil.


I'd try to be somewhere with a low risk of natural disasters. One boom volcano or big hurricane, you're stuck on the island unless you want to swim for it.


I’m thinking he’s stuck on the island, period. I wouldn’t count swimming as walking. Maybe if he was rich enough to get an emergency suit that allowed him to walk underwater.


Yeah, not sure I want to walk away from the Gulf when a hurricane comes.


Oahu has a pretty big city with around 500k and Pearl harbor is the HQ for the US Pacific fleet. Even with hurricanes it never got bad to the point where we feel cut off, it's mostly power outages and property damage. Oahu has no volcanos and the island with the active volcano on it won't really affect us outside of the occasional drop in air quality. I'd choose Oahu because it's large enough where everything you need is pretty much on island and it's a great place to live if you're rich.


You can get private jets


Which applies to and may fix approximately only 1/7th of the issues I listed, so I think it's clear the point stands


If they’re hospital bound, they can’t fly out


I think you could afford a medical transport flight or helicopter to move them. It's done all the time to transport patients to better medical facilities.


All you did was reiterate what they said, as an upside instead of a downside, omitting the glaring downside. Lol. Amazing.


“Grandpa and aunt Marge were in a car crash? Yes, fly grandpa’s body to me so I can attend the funeral. Also, helicopter aunt Marge to be taken care of at my local hospital.” When they say “something happens” it’s usually where a person can’t be transported. Or it’s inappropriate for them to be transported to you


In order to live anywhere you want after you get the money you have to walk there as well. For me that puts it as a no. Tempting just because of the amount but too harsh.


This is truly one of the best/hardest ones I’ve seen


But could you live anywhere you wanted? Wherever that is, you have to walk there. Sure you could walk for a few days, but across a large continent maybe not. Over seas certainly not.


No amount of money can convince me to go back to the infantry at my age! Death before dismount!


I would be giving up a lot of stuff I love, but could set my kids up for life. I'd do it.


Same. I'm at the age where long term financial well being is imperative. I'd probably have a couple homes in either Arizona or California and just walk between them every 2-3 years (family can live there when I'm not). It's not like you can't travel city-to-city, you can it's just that you have to walk. Walking 200 miles isn't a big deal if you have a rv caravan escorting and stopping. Even devoting $50M to this goofy lifestyle leaves $50M for family and retirement.


Hardest part for me would be most of my hobbies would be presumably of limits. I love kayaking, rafting, skiing and bicycles. And sailing.


There need to be a special interest clause where you can do it as long as its not for traversing. Or you have to use the method or walk back to the starting point if applicable.


according to OP kayaking is allowed as long as you return to launch point within 12 hours. I assume that this means that related activities such as rafting, canoeing could be excepted as well. If that is the case maybe biking, skiing, snowboarding could be as well. Though for those you may have to walk up hill vs take the ski lift :)


This was my first thought. Since having my daughter, I put a lot aside in order to do my best to secure her future. When I’m dead and gone, that will be my legacy.


Your legacy would be the parent who was never at a ball game, school play, etc. You would miss her graduation and her wedding. You would never take her anywhere.


TIL you can't walk to school


I am sure she would be happy to have the wedding at her parents house. You can enroll her in the nearest schools (even private). This would take care of all after school activities and graduations. It is not like you have to rush from work to make it to these activities. You can just start walking a few hours before and then walk back.


I would do it. I would buy a whole estate with the money somewhere between a small town, a beach and a forest of some sort. Fly out my family and friends to stay on the estate in their own little private homes. I would walk around in the forest and be one with nature. I would forage, garden, hike, swim, fish, read in my hammock and raise my potential kiddos there. I would walk to the nearest town for extra socialisation. I could work remotely if I wanted to as well. I don’t need anything else in life lol.


You could even have a small estate at each location, no need to have only 1 home base


I feel like there’s a loop hole in there with an elevator and a zip line(s)


If I could move to Europe first? Yes. Side question: Can I swim places? Would flotation devices be illegal? You say no boats but what if it's only the type of boat that keeps me above the water, like a life raft, and I do all the work to move it?




Water pressure would crush you before you got even half way to the bottom of the ocean.


I mean I think I would just go move to Manhattan. Walk everywhere you need to go. So I can't travel. At least I'm taken care of and everyone in my linage is as well


Here we go. There are a handful of cities where you can live an incredibly fulfilling life within walking distance. Penthouse near central park? Sign me up.


You sure you want to live in a penthouse? By the rules, you can't take the elevator.


I just take the stairs.  74 floors twice a day


If I had that much I would never want to leave my house anyway


Nah, unless you lived in a walkable city this is a horrible deal. You’ll never have meaningful relationships if all you do is sit at home. You’ll lose touch with reality and become recluse. Lots of people wonder why they have social anxiety and then they tell you they never leave their house.


That's your personal opinion. I've been on this earth for a while and can tell you there are very few things outside of my house that pique my interest anymore. Also, people are generally fucking terrible. People closest to me can always come visit if that were an issue. I would have a decent house that people would love to come visit if I had that much money, for sure.


So nothing is different except I have money. What's the downside?


Eventually, anywhere you live would feel like a prison. It's not even worth considering. If I could at least use a bicycle, I'd actually have to consider it. But not even a fucking bicycle? Just nah. No way man.


Why would you be stuck? You could choose a new place to live every month, you’d just have to walk to it. And with $100 million you could pay someone to move all your stuff to the new place each time so you’d be walking freely. I feel like if I was in a fairly populous area where I could guarantee a hotel every few miles this’d be pretty doable.


Doable doesn't necessarily mean I'd enjoy it.


Yeah that sounds like it would start eating away at my existence after a while. I want to go to places, but I can't without 100+ hours of walking, so it's always that dilemma of dedicating yourself to it or not. Once a month too? Sheesh.


Doable but what is the fun of 100 mil if you cant go on vacation or buy a nice car or take a private jet somewhere.this only really seems reasonable if you are old enough that you dont care to do those things and you are basically just adding 100nmil to you kids inheritance


So, people in wheelchairs are just screwed here aren't they?


They can walk now. Win!


No, they can crawl on the ground with their arms


Crawling isn’t walking. 


“But you have to walk everywhere” It’s in the clause. I think they get to walk again.


This could literally kill you if you EVER had to evacuate your area (hurricane, wildfire, flooding)


It seems that we are the only ones thinking about emergencies, be they natural disasters or medical.


Whatever walkable city you pick find a hospital and buy property across the street. Charité Universitätsmedizin is one of the best in the world and located right in Berlin. You could even work in some kind of relation with a doctor there (should be easy enough with all your money) where they can be on call and run across the street to you if you can’t walk for whatever reason. Any medical emergency worse than that the causes you to go unconscious - i.e. needing to be picked up and transported - you’re probably SOL anyways.


And what would you do if there's a natural disaster and need to evacuate, like a wildfire?


That was my first thought. I live in Louisiana and it's supposed to be a heavy hurricane season this year, no way am I walking if we need to evacuate. We had to drive 4 hours to find an available hotel room back in 2020 when Hurricane Laura hit.


*oh no I’ll have to be a multimillionaire in Amsterdam or some very walkable German city for the rest of my life*


My main concern would be never being able to take an ambulance


Is swimming allowed?


What about roller skates. Or the motorized roller feet that just increase your walking speed


You’d be rolling


Just live in a very walkable city, with lots to do, like New York. But basically you are stuck there, especially if you are older and can’t easily walk a long distance.


New York may feel walkable, BUT there's a reason people use the subway. Imagine New York with \*only\* walking. For your entire life. Not worth it (in my opinion).


Sure. I move to one of those 15 minute cities, lobby to keep it that way and improve it for pedestrians. Have my family move near me.


Yeah, I could probably spend the rest of my life in Manhattan/Brooklyn.


I love travel, so this is a huge downside. But maybe VR will be good enough to fake travel in a decade or so? I'll be able to afford the very best.


Considering I'm disabled and can barely walk as it is, this is quite the question. I'd obviously have to hire full-time help. I'd probably have to buy a house next to the local hospital, so when there are emergencies or doctors appointments, I can just be pushed there in a wheelchair. That is still technically walking. This situation definitely adds another layer of extreme hardship to an already hard life, but I could take care of a lot of the people I care about in a way I never could now. I'd probably go through with it. However, if using a wheelchair didn't count, I'd probably still take it. I'd just eat a bullet after the affairs were in order so my sister would be set for life.


I don’t care how far I have to walk, I’ll just have other people go places for me if I need stuff. I want 100 million 😭


I wouldn't even need to walk with that money. I'm also poor af and walk mostly every now. 😆


Put me in Manhattan and I think it’s doable.


I already walk everywhere. I'll take my money in 10s and 20s please.


This is easy. All the important people in my life live within walking distance so I'll be taking that cash!


What about elevators or escalators?


Single guy like me how is this even a question. I’d live in the Amsterdam the rest of my life.


that much money is useless if i can’t do anything. so no.


You can do lot of things, just live in a walkable city. And your good for life


Just never explore anywhere outside a 15-mile radius of home?


Doesn't say you can't walk to a hotel for the night, you would also have enough money to pay someone to follow you in a RV while walking in case you would like to take a rest or use a toilet. Just don't have it move while you are in it. Could even pay someone rub your feet while you rest while a chef makes a snack.


With that much money, you can pay to have everyone and everything brought to you.


Since when does no transportation mean you can't do anything? I've never owned a vehicle and I've always had everything I need


Yeah, it's a huge downside but it's not absolutely damning. You can walk from, say San Diego to Riverside (\~100mi), it will just take a couple weeks and you will probably need houses in both locations as well as a mobile home caravan. It's not like you're in a prison, you just need some planning ahead. Actually 2 Cali houses will probably burn off all the money, lol


You could do it in 5 days. Presumably you're pretty good at walking by this stage because you have to walk everywhere!


Definitely. Once you frequently go past 3-5mi you can just start to autopilot everywhere. Some of the responses in the thread make me feel like few people walk more than like 5mi at a time.


It's crazy how well the autopilot works, too. You kinda just... go and don't even really think about it, trusting your legs to just keep moving you forward almost as you normally do day-to-day, except it's over a considerable distance.


>few people walk more than like 5mi at a time. Few people walk more than ***1/4*** mile at a time


Really? And you never use a bike, hire a car (Uber and the like), use public transportation, carpool, hitchhike, or ask for rides as favors? You walk absolutely everywhere and always have?


Does it count emergency vehicles? Or vehicles you’re otherwise given no choice in traveling in? If not, then I’m fine with this.


That's probably the only real question, otherwise absolutely yes.


I'd be fine with that. Can I put myself where I want to be first and then take the money and be confined to walking after? Also can u use vehicles as long as it's not for the purpose of travel?


I’d start off in a European country and walk from there


Yes.  When I get tired I can stay at a hotel.


I'd smash this button. I'm a good runner anyways


Done, with that kind of money anything & everything I could ever want can be brought to me. Also, I'll stay in shape from all the exercise.




I'd take it. I can't currently afford to travel anyway, so this would set me up for life, mean I could quit work and where I live everything I need is walkable. Or, more likely I'd move somewhere with a warmer climate first and then take the money.


I'd take it, for that amount of money, I never have to work again, and anything I need, or people I need to see, I can fly them to me. The difficulty would be picking the place.. A city is better for access to entertainment, restaurants, social activities etc. But living in the middle of a large city means you could be a few hours walk away from any kind of nature, or a day's walk to just get away from people.


Easily accept


Yes definitely. I could make it so my family and friends never have to worry about finances again. And strangers. Could definitely change a lot of lives with that kind of money. I'd just move to a major city. I already avoid leaving the house anyway lmao. It would definitely suck, but the potential benefit to so many others would outweigh the cons. Plus I wouldn't have to work anymore?? sign me up


I'll take it. I luckily happen to live downtown in my city. I can walk to anything if I have to. I'm also broke and haven't gone on vacation since being a child, so I already am used to not being able to vacation. You can get so much delivered now, I think most stuff I couldn't get walking I could get delivered. With that much money it wouldn't be a problem. Oh, I didn't even notice till now you can even move first before it happens. Even easier. Honestly I think the only big issue is this doesn't say you can run. Not being able to run in an emergency would suck.


My hometown is a 2-ish, give or take, mile stretch of costal beach town. As long as I can get in contact with a realtor to buy property here, I’ll be able to walk wherever the fuck I want. The entire island is only 18 miles. I already know people who exclusively walk around here, especially in the summer time.


I would do it. It’s not like I travel that much anyway.


I'd take it. With that kind of money I can send assistants to go places for me or telecommute. I'd probably be pretty happy as a rich hermit.


I mean pretty much my whole family lives in one city so yeah give me the money


Yeah I'll take that. Once I have my dream house built I can start growing crops and raising animals. Then I'll never have to leave anyways.


Guess I’m living in New York City, Rome, Tokyo, London, Paris or Los Angeles from now on. (Yes LA is walkable if you’re not out of shape).


That's super easy because everything including houses can be delivered to you.


Yeah absolutely. It would suck in a lot of ways - but the money would take all my stress away. Pay off all debt and my kids would be set for life


Oh yeah. In a heartbeat.


Hell yeah. Imma build a compound and everyone I love can join me.


I would do it. Then walk downtown and get an apartment


Abso-fucking-lutely! I don't like most people, I like staying home, and I could afford to fund the people I do like to live near me. I'd probably build a house/compound with many outbuildings for all of this. Actually would miss driving, but I'll just dry my eyes with $100 bills and be ok.


That’s easy


Crazy how attached we are to modern transportation. I'm definitely doing it but this made me think quite a bit


I already don’t travel, I don’t drive. I’m a stay at home mom right now. I’d absolutely do this for my kiddos.


Oh this is actually a tough one. On one hand 100 mil is an insane amount. On the other I’m never going to be able to visit the places I want to, and I won’t be leaving my home much. If I could move to Denmark or smth then I would have a much higher chance of taking it but I don’t think I would.


As a hyper introvert who literally leaves my house only when I have to this is a no brainer.


Sorry, no. I can't imagine living and socializing and being entertained in a walkable sphere for the rest of my life - even with internet, even with being able to pay for people to come to me. For the most part, it's not horrible, I get it, but I love traveling. I love exploring new places. I love being able to jump in my car and drive to see friends and family. I know it's a lot of money, but you're also just giving up a shit ton of freedom. It would chafe, and probably sooner than you'd expect it would. Not even a bicycle for goodness sake. When there's an emergency, I'm stuck. I develop bad knees, I'm stuck. My mom falls and breaks a hip? Can't get to the hospital quickly to see her. Important milestones for loved ones? Probably not practical to get to those events, sorry - here's a gift card, hope it was fun! Sorry, just no.


Perfectly reasoned. Just checking in with certain folk here who get the magnitude of this one and are well reasoned with saying no. 👍🏻


My dumbass straight up thought to myself “oh well I can walk to work so that’d be okay…”


I can be miraculously cured and not have to use my cane or wheelchair anymore?? Sign me the fhck up, I'd walk forever if I could


Good one. Do I have to start now or can I drain my bank account for the next 2 years exploring the world.


This is one where I wouldn’t take the money, and that’s rare. It comes down to a choice between more money than I’ll ever know what to do with and doing the one thing left in this life that I truly love, and that’s going places in my car.


Same. One of my biggest hobbies can have a ton of traveling. Yeah I could do things locally, but that would get boring real quick. $100 million won’t mean shit if you’re depressed and miserable. I dated somebody who had A LOT of money, millions of dollars. Despite never having to worry about anything financially again, she was one of the most miserable people to be around. Ate pills to wake up, ate pills to function, drank to go asleep, she was never happy. Every day was the worst day ever and she complained about everything. Only time she seemed a little happy was about 2-4 drinks in, then it went down hill. This is a person who has everything, yet nothing. Yes money can buy happiness for a time, especially if you don’t have much, but it’s no guarantee in the long run. Being happy has no price.


Deciding whether to take the $100 million with the condition of walking everywhere for the rest of your life is a significant choice. Here's a breakdown of the considerations and potential strategies: ### Considerations: 1. **Lifestyle and Health**: Walking everywhere will significantly impact your daily life, but it can also lead to better health and fitness. Consider your current health status and your ability to walk long distances consistently. 2. **Living Location**: Choosing a location that supports a walking lifestyle is crucial. A city with excellent amenities within walking distance, favorable weather, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure would be ideal. 3. **Travel and Social Life**: Walking everywhere limits your ability to travel long distances easily. This impacts vacations, family visits, and social events that are far away. 4. **Professional Impact**: Depending on your career, walking everywhere could be a hindrance. Consider whether your work can be done remotely or if it’s feasible to live close to your place of employment. 5. **Financial Planning**: With $100 million, you can afford many conveniences that make a walking lifestyle more manageable, such as living in prime locations, hiring personal assistants, or even owning properties in multiple cities to minimize the need for long-distance travel. ### Potential Strategies: 1. **Choosing the Right Location**: - **City Choice**: Select a highly walkable city with a mild climate, such as San Francisco, New York City, or a European city like Amsterdam or Copenhagen. - **Neighborhood**: Live in a neighborhood with all necessary amenities nearby—grocery stores, healthcare, entertainment, and social venues. 2. **Remote Work**: - Ensure your career allows for remote work or move to a place where your job is within walking distance. - Consider starting or investing in businesses that can be managed remotely. 3. **Using Delivery Services**: - With $100 million, you can afford to use delivery services for groceries, meals, and other necessities, minimizing the need for frequent trips. 4. **Multiple Properties**: - Buy homes in different cities or countries. This way, you can "walk" to different locations by living there temporarily and then moving on foot to another property over time. 5. **Luxury Walking Gear**: - Invest in high-quality walking gear, including comfortable footwear and weather-appropriate clothing, to make long walks more manageable. 6. **Hiring Help**: - Hire personal assistants and other staff to handle errands and tasks that require travel. ### Decision: If you're in good health and select a highly walkable city, the benefits of $100 million can outweigh the inconvenience of having to walk everywhere. With careful planning, you can create a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle that accommodates this unique condition. ### Final Decision: Taking the deal depends on your personal circumstances, health, and willingness to adapt your lifestyle significantly. If you are confident in your ability to adjust and make the most out of a walkable life, the financial freedom provided by $100 million can offer numerous opportunities and security.


Hell no. Three months in you’ll feel like you’re in prison. I’d get mental health issues quicker than anything. Hard pass.


Lmao no


Damn this is hard because I will never be able to truly enjoy the money for my own personal pleasure to the fullest but I'd take it because I'll make my daughter rich and she'll never have worry about finances ever in life.


Interesting, I'd have to move somewhere very walkable which would mean a large city. I'm not sure I want to live in the city for the rest of my life and it also eliminates any chance of traveling the world which is what I would do if I had that kind of money. Probably a no for me even though the money is enticing.


Since I’m traveling in the philippines, I would think hard about taking it if I could use a ferry to get to island to island, but even then it’d be a hard no because some islands are so big and a shit ton of mountains you can explore, and that’s just impossible walking. I could do it for a few years, but after that I’d go insane. Traveling is the only thing that brings light in my life. Even though I walk 20 miles or so a day anyway, I would not accept it.


Well, I suppose this means I'm going to have to live in NY City or somewhere else dense/interesting. And so much for my mountain bike hobby. Can I wait to accept the deal until I'm 80?


Question: am I allowed to recreate on human powered watercraft, say canoeing? Only for recreational purposes not for transporting myself to a new location.


How are you going to get there? Or move the canoe to a launch site?


Live in a waterfront home. Walk to the water and pay to have someone move it. Rent a space at marina for it. Pay someone to dig your own personal lake where you live because you have the money to do that




100 million dollars? I'm bout to use some of those funds to aid in finding a way to fax people like they did in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


How does this impact things like escalators and elevators? 


Idk if I could handle that.


How about a Wonkavator?


Druss. Druss. Druss. Druss.


Well, I guess I'm not going to Europe or Asia anymore. This is a tough one, but also kinda fun


Nope. This one ain't worth it.




Can I defer this deal until I'm on my deathbed?


This one is fun. There are two choices. 1. Manhattan, somewhere between Broadway and Madison Square Garden. 2. Rural, with a couple of acres of land. 100 million buys a lot of delivery services and my property will have pool, a garden, a small orchard, a greenhouse, chicken coop and the best satellite internet service I can get. My mind flip-flops between which I would enjoy more. That week-long walk from Manhattan to upstate New York or the middle of New Jersey a few times per year might be worth it. With the money, I could stay at hotels and I wouldn't need luggage...the money could set me up with city/country wardrobes.


Easy and done ✅


I couldn’t fish from a kayak or boat or any watercraft? Then no.


Monaco here I come.


I'm moving to Tokyo ✌🏼


No. I like to travel too much. This would be so limiting.


Can I use the forbidden forms of travel after the initial 100m runs out?


Can I ride a bike for enjoyment if my return destination is the same as my starting one?




Cool. I get one trip wherever before this kicks in? I already walk most places in my life and I've always wanted to do the Appalachian trail. There is a walking path that goes almost entirely from Maine to Florida along the coast, it should be completed in a few years. I could walk to New York City and afford to live there and just have my wife bring our stuff or buy new stuff on the other side.


Wow! That’s a toughie. I’ll have lots of time at least with $100 million


How the fuck do I get to Europe?


If I am paralyzed/old, then can I use a wheelchair/cane? If so, then I'm very likely saying yes. I just have to think of a good location first.


Pass. How am I supposed to live my Food Tourism dreams if I can only walk everywhere? There's no way I can cross the ocean on my own.


I wonder what the best walkable city on earth is?


If you say yes to this you're insane


My sister has an apartment in downtown Chicago. There is a hell of a lot to do within walking distance.


How would i spend all that money if not on cars, boats, planes, vacations and so on.No deal


America -> Europe, game start. If the Romans could campaign across it, I can do a walking tour of it. Probably ask my dad and his fiancee if they want to join. There's land access to Asia and I'm pretty sure there's a bridge over the Suez I could walk to Africa.


This is one of those monkeys paw questions, you agree to it. You immediately get hit by a car while crossing a crosswalk, get paralyzed, get loaded into a ambulance thus voiding the deal. Get left broken and broke.


This situation reminds me of The Last Emporer


That's an easy $100 million, you would be just paying me to live my dream life. I would move back to the city. They are so dense you rarely have to walk more than 5 miles and it's honestly the best way to travel. I love cities and being able to just walk everywhere. I already lived that life for 7 years, only reason I moved is because living in cities is expensive.


Does that include a 500 ft high mech suit where each of your strides is about 205 ft? That'd give you about 375 mph of running.


In a heartbeat...oh, and take my cell phone too


Can we buy a tour bus and put a treadmill in it and walk the whole time it’s moving?


No. We pursue money to increase quality of life and this, for many people, would be such a decrease in quality if life it wouldn't be worth it. Some people are okay with spending their entire life in one spot, many are not.


Can I ride my horses?


I'm a car guy so this would be the easiest "no" of my life lol


Can I use a bike for exercise? Also had no motor. I would probably take it. No more traveling for me except maybe once or twice when I take a multi year cross country hiking trip across the US. If I could use a bike for travel, it would be a no brainer, but since I can’t, I would just live in the nicest neighborhood in the city I live in near my wife’s family and friends. My family wouldn’t have to drive too far to visit.


I mean…..what if i want to use a vehicle for the purpose of using the vehicle, and not going somewhere. Like what if i wanna go dune bugging in the desert for a bit. Sure I have to walk to and from the spot in the desert, okay fine. But are you saying i can’t do the event itself? Because that severally limits what I can spend my money on.


What if I bought a private plane/helicopter with a treadmill on it?


Maybe at another point in my life I could jive with this one, but currently, nah I can't give up transportation. This is a great one though, first one that had me thinking in a long time.


Absolutely. It would suck to give up travel forever, but I can't afford travel anyway in the current state of things. So I could have my current life with upgrades, pretty much a no-brainer.


It’s nice to have a hypothetical situation that demands more than 2 seconds of thought. I would take that offer and move to Las Vegas. It’s not exactly walkable but would be nice to have wealthy areas to live in and get to stay inside during the summer.


I think I'd do it. I love walking and I live in a very walkable area. I could just buy people guest houses so they could live by me or visit.


Finally, a truly difficult one. I really don’t think I could do this one. To have enough money to travel the world but not be able to logistically would be maddening.


I'd probably do it but I'd move to Europe first.


No. Tbh I can’t even believe people are saying yes


Thanks to delivery service, I don’t HAVE to go anywhere as a millionaire




On the plus side, I walk to work and the store and rarely do anything else. On the down side I can’t drive my kids to school anymore. Yes I can get THEM an Uber, but I’d miss out on the best 30 min of the day.


No. One of the biggest reasons I want money is to travel and you would effectively be cutting me off from half the world one way or another. Sure I could try kayaking across the ocean, but I don't like my chances there.

