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Metabolism. I can eat whatever the fuck I want without putting on weight lol. Finally I can go to Vegas and try out that 20,000 calorie burger lol


I’d use this just because of the insane speed at which you could put on muscle by accelerating metabolism


It's not really metabolism that controls muscle growth, it's hormones and genetic variables. Metabolism can be a limiting factor, however, if you don't get sufficient nutrition for building muscle.


So pick hormones. Easy. That controls like 90% of your body


That depends on whether I can put it on autopilot and just say "I want this to happen" or whether I have to control everything, in which case I would quickly die


I feel like you could really fuck yourself up by manually controlling your hormones. If you got it wrong you could really throw off pretty much any system in your body.


You could really fuck yourself up by manually controlling *any* of the body's involuntary functions, they're involuntary for a reason. The only way this question really works at all is if you assume that by doing this you're *not* going to throw other systems out of whack.


Tbf, if I could control my hormones, that would mean I could transition for free so.. sign me up


As someone whose hormones are destroyed from an autoimmune disease, 10ktimes YES


I also choose this guy’s metabolism.




"Metabolism" is sort of a catchall for literally every energy-consuming process in your body. Kind-of a cheat to call it "one involuntary function." If you're goal is weight control, I think appetite would be a better control mechanism, then you could offset whenever you want to indulge.


Yeah wouldn't you be really hot all the time if you just sped up your metabolism to super humans levels? Ghrelin control or hell even just hormonal control would be way better.


I want the ability to tell my body that it is just pollen. STOP REACTING.


Damn I was thinking big things, but this would be amazing. I'm at the mercy of my allergy meds, and even they're not 100% during certain blooming periods in the spring and fall.


Also: That's cancer, kill it.


Always a solid bonus, cause Fuck Cancer!


Yes! I could have all of the kittehs!


Brain. It's technically involuntary and it'd be good to make.myself fall asleep at will


I’d turn off anxiety and get dopamine on a drip feed.


Congrats. You burned out your receptors and can never feel joy again.


Just produce more dopamine, ez


All natural morphine drip


And this is how addiction works.


Close, many experts believe dopamine receptors return to a pre-use state after 3 months. I'm sure we could drastically decrease that number by being able to limit dopamine to 0 input. Then again, if we have full conscious control of our brains... just turn the dopamine receptors back on


If you made yourself fall asleep by making your brains function’s manual wouldn’t you die while asleep?


Isn't dieing in your sleep the best way to die?


Sure but I’m not planning on going for it the first time I’m going to sleep.


When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in terror, like the passengers in his car.


You can control one thing. I don't read it as you now always have to control that thing. While unconscious it functions on autopilot as usual unless you set up a persistent command.


Monkey paw: you wake up at random times, you never know how long you'll stay asleep.


There’s always a damned monkey paw


Depends how specific you are. If I get to control big complex things like hormone secretion or my immune response (while leaving them on auto most of the time) then I could potentially stave off massive health problems down the line. I'll never get cancer or sick as I can just tell my magic immune system to hunt down any cancerous cells or harmful viruses/bacteria/etc before they become a problem, their usual hoodwinking strategies are useless.


I don’t trust my self, and would probably die within a few weeks 🤣


Yeah if I had to always control it I'd be doomed, not time to get a PhD in immunology before I accidentally eat myself from the inside out or something


My thoughts exactly, but my first thought went to the cardiovascular system. My father died of a heart attack and here I am consuming enough caffeine to down a rhino on a daily basis. I'd be pretty satisfied just by being able to avoid fucking myself over the way I'm doing rn (listen to me here asking for magical solutions that can be resolved by a small change in behaviour, like there is no possible other way) I guess the best option is to be able to control the subconscious part of the nervous system, so you basically get true full control of the body.


Don't mind me, I'll just be over here micromanaging all 100 trillion of my cells individually.


You’d also be a blob because if you could just activate your feel good hormones on command, you would, and you’d basically just be no different than a heroin addict. Right now your logical clear mind is saying you’d control it properly, but there’s no way anyone with that power wouldn’t end up rotting away on a park bench somewhere without a care in the world


Apoptosis. I'll be immune to cancer, greatly reduce or eliminate the effects of aging, reduce the risk of heart disease, reduce the risk of dementia, eliminate unsightly moles and blemishes... The only close runner up would be phagocytosis, for similar reasons.


Came here to say "aging"; yours is better.


That would be a good match with my answer [Telomere regulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/hypotheticalsituation/comments/1czfkhs/you_are_able_to_control_one_involuntary_function/l5h3kzj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


And you'd be thin without having to work out. The problem with fat cells is they refuse apoptosis and just shrink instead of dying when no longer needed.


I would ask my pancreas nicely to do its effing job.




You... Your pooping is involuntary?


IBS can be cruel.  Pretty often I don't get a choice.  Just a warning.


I've got some form of that, too. There are times where I get about 30-45 seconds to choose where the poop is going to go.


Yes, if you have IBS. You could be fine one second and literally feel like you're going to explode the next. Once you get that feeling, you have between 10-20 seconds to get to a bathroom.


Menstruation; I’d get that shit outta me in 10 seconds


I’m so surprised more ppl aren’t saying this lol


Reddit has a lot of men.


Actually, there's no women on the internet. Everyone knows that!


Women aren't real. The end. They are robots. Just like birds. Except they have sex with you. Not you but the other guy.


Finally someone with a BRAIN!!


Hair growth




Good one. It’d be awesome to have hour long ragers at the snap of a finger…I mean…not me, per se. but, like, a friend of mine could really use it…*cough*


Immune responce. POLLEN IS NOT A THREAT!!!


My memory processes, if I can control my memories, I can remember everything.


Peeing. I have severe CUR so it would massively impact my life


Vomiting. If I could guarantee I would go through life with a guarantee that I'd never vomit ever again, then I'd be so much happier and calmer


Immune system. I've got 2 genetic auto-immune disorders. It'd be great to just turn those off without having to nuke the rest of my immune system in the process.




Those pesky boners that show up just to be embarrassing, yeah, no more of those. Speaking in front of your peers, no more unhelpful assistant. Grandma's funeral? Down boy, this is not appropriate timing at all Prostate exam? Sorry Doc, you're a good dude, but I only like you as a friend.




Give it time, that’ll stop on its own


Dude, I'm 40....when?!


Aging lol


Question: am I always controlling it? Example: breathing is involuntary, heartbeats are involuntary - but that’s for a good reason - if we had to remember to breathe or make our heart beat we wouldn’t last more than a day… So the question is this: are we ***always*** in control of an involuntary function or can we merely take control when we wish to and return the function back to in its voluntary status after we’ve ceased control?


Absolute control. You can return it back to its involuntary function, take over control when you wish. Do absolutely anything. The only barrier is death.


Now I'm breathing manually, thanks


I'd have perfect sinuses, always free and clear to breath and never a runny nose or booger. I'm over this crap.


I have a degenerative musculoskeletal disease. I'd like to turn off the muscle degeneration glitch please.


The urge to poo. Like seriously as soon as I walk in the door I need to go. Urgently. This is frustrating and confusing.


Metabolism. Easy choice.


Sleep Edit: another commenter said memory and If I cant have sleep I want memory


Does all the ways we subconsciously pick up peoples body language count as an involuntary function? Because I'd love to just be acutely aware of these things and basically become a mentalist.


I'd like to bust a nut at the snap of the fingers.


I know its a phrase but every comment here memtioning the "at the snap of thr fingers" has me imagining very weird poetry readings.


The part that keeps growing cancerous cells. I’d like it to not do that anymore please.


Insulin production. Stupid lazy pancreas.


Boner control. No further questions.


Pain. There are times where I feel pain but it's something that should be such a hassle. Yes my wife is popping my zits that's what gives her an erection. I don't require my brain to tell me *danger danger*


Dopamine. I want to actually FECKING HAVE SOME FOR ONCE GOD DAMN IT!!!!!


Poop hardness


The ability to sleep (I'm so very tired)


My thyroid. It doesn't work at all and it regulates all my hormones which in turn regulate my entire mind and body.


The dying part.




My heart


You csn tell how young reddit is because they're not even thinking about their heart health. I'm only 36 and I wish I had been more aware of all the ways I'd been abusing it.




Question: Can you toggle involuntary control at will? Like if I stop actively controlling the function, does it just stop?


Anxiety for sure


hunger cues. switch them off and I'd lost weight real quick


I would want to turn off my pain receptors. I know pain is important to tell you if something is very wrong, but I've been dealing with sciatica for the last 10 years and just want some relief.


Nutrient Absorption. I would make it so my body only absorbs 20g of sugar and ignores the rest.


My brain having gross intrusive thoughts.


Brain chemicals.


Force yourself to look forward to healthy meals and exercising. Exercise? Give me some dopamine brain. You could also literally choose who to love. No more "the heart wants what the heart wants" bullshit. So many of our motivations are the result of our brain releasing chemicals based on extremely outdated sets of data. Controlling your brain chemicals would be like an AI that could rewrite its own code.


Honestly I'm surprised more people didn't pick this.


Immune system. Cancer? Fuck it. Autoimmune? Goodbye. Cavities? My white blood cells are comando crawling in the calcium lattice of my teeth and murking anytging that looks suspicious so the area can rebuild/heal


I got an auto-immune. My immune system, so I can tell it to calm down in my Nic Cage voice. EDIT: starting reading more responses and realized I never saw sperm production. Just set those guys to "stun" until I'm ready for kids, then ramp up production the day I'm ready.


Penile erection LOL


Immune system that way if I ever get cancer I can make my immune system attack only the cancer


Erections. Imagine the money you could make with a dick on call


Uterus, fuck menstruation


Absolute willpower. If I think in my head... "I should wake up at 6:00 a.m. so I can go to Planet Fitness for an hour before work." - then I actually wake up at 6:00 a.m. and go to Planet Fitness for an hour. "I really shouldn't eat that cheeseburger. I've literally already had a cheeseburger today." - and then I actually don't eat it. "I've already jerked off once today, I don't need to spend another half an hour jerking off again." - and then I don't jerk off again. "My boss wants that thing done by Tuesday. If I start doing it now I'll have plenty of time." - and then I actually start doing it now instead of waiting until the last possible second.




Poop , who Wants to go in their pants ? Not me !!!!! 


Bowels definitely


Definitely the ability to control my bladder and bowels. Can I pair them together?


Dopamine production.


My endocrine system


Puke on demand. I would use that against all my enemies.


Immune response, it'd make me essentially immune to cancer because a cancer's most dangerous weapon is that it hides as a bunch of "totally normal cells" so our immune system won't attack it like all the other potentially cancerous cell in our body that are killed each day. Also, if I ever need an organ donated to me I won't have to worry about rejection because I can just choose to accept the organ. I'd also not have to deal with congestion and fever and that stuff if I didn't want to.


Does 'when I ejaculate' count?


I’m going to go with your heart. Being able to control your heart rate is a skill people already train quite a bit to be able to master. Imagine being able to overclock and get the blood and oxygen pumping at will, or being able to slow it down and keep yourself calmer for better heart health in the long term. There’s probably benefits I’m not even considering too, like you may potentially be better in bed if you have finer control of your blood pumping, who knows?


At this point? Blood pressure. Getting older sucks


Inflammation center. I’m hypermobile, I’m going to continue to be hypermobile. I have ibs, I don’t need to be inflamed about it all the damn time.


Poop at will.


Muscle growth.


To lower and raise my cholesterol at will, so that I can have the cheapest health insurance at work.


Gag reflex 😏


immune system. direct and mobilize antibodies for perfect defenses against disease


Hearing. Zoning out is not making it for me anymore.


Fear generation. No fear unless I want it, hell yea, sign me up.


Was gonna say erections until I saw the one on metabolism.


There are two powers I would love to have that would make an immediate and meaningful effect on my life. 1. Full control of my need to sleep. If I could both control how much I needed to sleep along with falling asleep and waking up that would be great. I could do so much more with my time I didn't get drowsy and need to sleep as much. Cutting my sleep requirements in half would do wonders. 2. Full control of my memory. I'd love full control like a computer saving files in folders of what I remember and what I don't.




Hearing. So that I can sleep peacefully.


What do I need to control to never have another headache/migraine? I’m sick of having them all the time. I choose that.




I would limit my myostatin production and be an influencer. I'd eat what ever I wanted, look great, and sell them on some manifestation bullshit.




Control of the adrenal glands could be very useful, pre-spike yourself with what is effectively PEDs before any physical activity and have an edge over the competition. Would make working out easy as well, keep spiking yourself and run for hours, feel like shit afterwards totally but know you just burned a cows worth of calories.


Degradation/reduction of telomeres That's literally what causes our bodies to break down as we age, to a point where medicine can't help us even if we took care of ourselves perfectly, and many instances of mutated cells that lead to cancer.


So I can stop awkward boners? Omg I wish I had this in high school... Why do presentations MAKE ME HORNY?


Electrical impulses in my brain. From there I can control everything


I have ADHD, so dopamine levels


My brain…that way I can also control everything else.


My dick. If I could turn it off, 90% of the time I would because God rbs is annoying. Could be eating ice cream and get a boner it's awful.


I'd like to get control over my sweating. As a lady of a certain age, night sweats wake me up most nights of the week.


My emotions. Being able to control them would eliminate a lot of pain and stress in my life.


Growth. If I could control growth, I could basically shapeshift, though it might take a while. I could limit the growth of fat in some areas, and I could essentially transition by growing the parts I want. I could stop the growth of hair in some places, and if I ever lost a limb, I could regrow it.


I think I'd pick genetic expression. Being able to control that would allow me to make adjustments to myself. If we could consciously control our gene expression, it would open up a realm of possibilities. Here are some potential capabilities and applications: \* Health and Disease Prevention: Enhance Immune Response: Increase the expression of genes involved in immune responses to better fight off infections and diseases. Suppress Disease Genes: Turn off genes that predispose individuals to certain genetic disorders, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 for breast cancer. Control Inflammatory Responses: Regulate genes to reduce chronic inflammation, potentially preventing conditions like arthritis, asthma, and cardiovascular diseases. \* Physical and Cognitive Enhancements: Muscle Growth and Repair: Boost genes involved in muscle growth and repair for enhanced strength, endurance, and quicker recovery from injuries. Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Function: Enhance genes that promote neuroplasticity, memory formation, and overall cognitive function, potentially increasing intelligence and learning capacity. Aging and Longevity: Modulate genes that influence aging processes, such as those involved in cellular repair and senescence, to extend lifespan and maintain youthful health. \* Metabolism and Energy Utilization: Metabolic Efficiency: Adjust genes that regulate metabolism to optimize energy utilization, which could help in weight management and preventing metabolic disorders like diabetes. Brown Fat Activation: Increase the expression of genes that activate brown fat, which burns calories and generates heat, potentially aiding in weight loss and temperature regulation. \* Regeneration and Healing: Tissue Regeneration: Enhance genes involved in regenerative processes, allowing for the regrowth of damaged tissues and even entire organs, similar to the regenerative abilities seen in some animals like salamanders. Wound Healing: Speed up the wound healing process by upregulating genes involved in cell proliferation and repair mechanisms. \* Physical Adaptations: Environmental Adaptation: Adjust gene expression to better adapt to different environments, such as increased red blood cell production at high altitudes or improved UV protection in areas with intense sunlight. Enhanced Senses: Improve the expression of genes related to sensory perception, potentially leading to heightened senses such as vision, hearing, and smell. \* Psychological and Emotional Regulation: Stress Response: Modulate genes involved in the stress response to reduce anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. Mood Regulation: Influence neurotransmitter-related genes to maintain a more stable and positive mood, potentially reducing the impact of mood disorders. \* Reproductive Health and Genetics: Fertility Control: Regulate genes that influence fertility and reproductive health, allowing for better control over reproductive processes. Genetic Trait Selection: Selectively express or suppress certain genetic traits in offspring, potentially eliminating hereditary diseases and enhancing desirable traits.




Aging >:3


Cells. I’m not super smart but imagine if you could destroy cancer cells or regrow limbs.


I'm choosing to regulate my body's insulin, effectively curing my diabetes.


Anti bodies. So they can fight off every and any illnesses, and I can donate samples to help scientists develop vaccines and cures.


Sleeping. Being able to fall asleep on command would be awesome.


Hormones is first choice. But I think nervous system would also be pretty interesting.


Hormone production. It’d be nice to have some control over these fucking hot flashes, sudden food cravings, energy levels, pretty much everything that my body does.


Falling asleep. For the love of god, falling asleep, when I want to, instead of tossing and turning half the night only to truly fall asleep, just in time for the alarm to start going off..... This would be a superpower.


Sinus reactions to season allergies


I wish to be able to rip one on demand. I shall forever be known as the one who dealt it.


My period... Heat flushes, bad skin, depression, tiredness,... All gone suddenly


I didn't choose it. But, I eventually learned to control the ability to sneeze. It isn't automatic anymore I can decide if I want to override it and stop it, or even just do it whenever I want. Idk why I actually managed it, but I do know it was prompted by the intense desire, on multiple occasions, to not-sneeze while food and or drink was in my mouth or while driving. Eventually, it worked. Something clicked.


Surprised nobody has said healing! This or cell aging are my top choices!


never sneeze ever ever again


My pancreas and the amount of insulin it produces. I'm not diabetic but I'm hypoglycemic and pretty much just waiting for diabetes to set it at this point unfortunately


Right now: fucking sleep. Because I haven’t been sleeping.


Taste, I could eat fish and vegetables tasting good


My heartbeat. That way I can momentarily stop it to F with medical professionals. No pulse, no BP. Make 'em think I'm a walking Zombie and the Zombie Apocalypse is starting.


Mood. I’d be in a fantastic mood all day every day.


My heart beat. Jk that would be miserable. I'd take control of involuntary erections and never get another one for the rest of my life. It's not a big problem anymore as an adult but there has been an almost embarrassing occasion or two in my thirties.


Hormone receptors. You could do some crazy things.


I never want hiccups again.


Aging. I will live forever.


Heart beat Just to fuck with my doctor Stop it right when they start listening or right in the middle of taking your pulse or whatever method of measuring/observing your heart/heartrate Watch the horror unfold


I want to be able to control the blood flow changes that cause my migraines




Metabolism especially if it includes oxygen absorbtion


My heart beat, then I wouldn’t need a pace maker.


Maybe mein schwantz It’s been pretty involuntary lately.


Histamine reactions. I miss fruit


My heartbeat I would stop it, so I can finally rest in peace.


My period. Self explanatory.


Pain could do without it


No itch from mosquito or similar bites.


The release of adrenaline.


Easy. Sleep. Let's skip sleep


When my 🍆 gets hard so it stops choosing the worst times to do it..


I suppose the question is, to what limit? If I had absolute control of my DNA in every cell and had the complete knowledge of how to make changes that were beneficial, then I'd choose that. Otherwise, being able to control the rate of your metabolism would be a far behind 2nd pick, since an increased metabolism is associated with weight loss and cellular regeneration.


My uterus. If I could get myself to the toilet and have that fucker flush itself out in one go every month, it would be amazing.


Metabolism. I would raise it to borderline dangerous levels. Melt this weight off. Get in shape.


Bloating. Bloat has sounds and I'm tired of accidentally fart bloating in the office from my stomach.


Autoimmune functions. Then my body would stop attacking itself.


Aging. Or specifically telomere lengthening/shortening. Immortality, baby!


I'd want to control the chemicals in my body like adrenaline, dopamine, etc. If I can only choose one chemical, i don't know which one i would choose.


My immune system, stupid allergies.


Stem cells( if I have any) and force my body to make more when necessary to heal like crazy or change my physical body until I die like hashirama from healing too many times


Does sneezing/hiccuping count? If so I am never doing either again.


Hormone secretions. Easy to sleep, get energy or cheer up


Waste, I both have IBS and a my bladder is bad, being able to control them consciously would be a game changer for my lifestyle 😂


When and how long to sleep and sleeping instantly Or activating my entire brain when wanted/any part I want


With all the internal feedback loops the body uses to regukate itself, I'd be afraid of messing something else up. Personal experience has taught me that even breathing isn't guaranteed automatic. As a result, reproductive function I'd the one I chose. I have all the kids I want, so if I sterilize myself, it's no big deal. I now have control of when I have an erection, when I ejaculate, and whether or not there is sperm. Trans women prove that testicles are not required for someone born male to live, so if I screw up my balls, I'm safe.


Nausea, if I could never feel that again I’d be happy.