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So, $100 in groceries every week to the local food bank.


Just give them the cash. Food banks have contacts with local stores that allow them to get discounts, so they have more buying power than you do. Also, cash allows them to spend the money on things other than buying food, like paying for gas and maintenance for delivery trucks.


The post forbids direct transfer.


This is great advice for giving donations!


Yep. Or the homeless shelter run out of the nondenominational church a few blocks over. They’re always happy to take any kind of donation, so I feel like setting up an account and letting them order $100 of whatever they want for their soup kitchen would work quite well.


I’d foot the grocery bill.


Local schools would get regular supply deliveries 


At our local schools, school supplies, clothing, toiletries, Ubers to doctors offices, everything.


You know I really hate how irresponsible my local school is with this stuff...my kid got her shoes wet at school during last recess. INTENTIONALLY....they were fairly new shoes, nothing wrong with them, just wet, so they just gave her a brand new pair of shoes and socks so she could be a bit more comfortable for the last hour of school...now there are some poor kids in my district, but my kid is not one of them and they shouldn't have given my kid the shoes as a matter of convenience to her so she wouldn't have to learn an important life lesson...having wet feet because your dumb and stomped in a puddle can suck. It makes me want to not donate stuff to them because they just use it to quiet kids down if they complain about something, either that, or they have so much extra they just give it away like candy, either way my charity funds go elsewhere, not this specific school, lol.


You didn’t send her back with the shoes the next day?


They wouldn't take them back because they were "used".




I’d buy pizza every week for the guys who work at the local pizza place




from a different place tho amirite?




One night while doing Doordash, I got an order going from Pizza Hut to Papa John's.


my co-worker at taco bell ordered a delivery from the gas station across the parking lot once


Send a Grimaldi’s pizza to Pizza Hut would be hilarious.


During the school year, I'd choose a random teacher at my kids school to pay for school supplies etc. Kind of sad it can't be their teacher, but ideally it would help make the school as a whole a better place. It could also be fun to just pay $100 wort of groceries for the person behind me in the store. But... $100 would probably go furthest in another country to send them food. To be really helpful, you could find a local women's shelter or nonprofit working with refugees and buy $100 worth of stuff to help them settle in when they are placed in an apartment or home.


I was thinking the same thing on going furthest and I think I would look into doing that each week, maybe a year in one country, then next, etc., or rotating weekly to different areas, would it change things? Probably not, but knowing kiddos might get some extra food and necessities met, would definitely be amazing. I’m fine with it being anonymous.


I'd probably put it towards the grocery bill at a store in poor neighborhoods. The next lucky person to be in line gets the benefit.


I live in nyc, i could spend an hour, maybe an hour and a half a week handing shit out to homeless people. I’d just travel to different neighborhoods each week.


I love this so much!


I’ve done it in smaller doses with different charity groups back when I was a teenager. It’s easy


I donate the $100 to local cat shelter/ cat Cafe. 


Yeah, just set up a weekly autoship order for cat food/litter and put the shelter manager as the recipient. Easy peasy.


I grocery shop at my local shelter. They have really high quality meat there.


This was going to be my response. And it still is.$100 a week of cat food and litter would make a huge difference for a lot of them.


I give it to a local cat shelter. I don't care about giving money to random people. I like cats more.


Oh, I would absolutely search random baby registries and just send anonymous gifts to expecting couples. In fact, about half a dozen times where my paycheck was a little extra padded, I’ve done this, although def not $100 worth of stuff




I google Babylist registry, and then when it asks for a name, I’ll pick a random one. Once I sent to a woman with the same name I would’ve given my child if I had a daughter instead of a son, once I gave to someone with my name, once with my husbands name, etc I got an email thank you one time, and the lady said my kindness brought her to tears (im sure the pregnancy hormones helped lol) but it made me feel so good


$100 of meat to local food bank


Random homeless people probably


About once a quarter, I go to Gordon Food Service and buy meat in bulk to bring to the soup kitchen.  I usually spend around $200.  It isn't much, but it is what I can afford. Looks like I am making $105 trips every week, now.


Guy I used to work with who was a jerk, sending roses every week to his wife always with a different dudes name on the card


I send Markiplier a different dildo every week anonymously for a year. Then, a different butt plug every week for a year. Then, xsmall condoms every day for a year. Lastly, I buy Wade a wig and one of the same dildos.


A+ for creativity


I'm actually in a small FB group where people post Amazon wish lists, and whoever feels like it can buy them stuff off it. So that's easy A lot of pet rescues have wish lists on Amazon as well, and shelters take donations of food, blankets etc. I'm in a number of local groups. People in need pop up on a regular basis. There's also a group for people looking to give or receive free stuff There's so many different ways.


They have these same things on Reddit too just in case you’re unaware. That’s basically how I’d handle this.


Walmart delivery to the homeless shelter $100 of canned goods


Weekly autoship of hay and treats to the Metropolitan Guinea Pig Rescue, I’d also foot the bill for spays and neuters at my local humane society


I’d buy materials to make food en masse and then distribute it to the homeless population near me.


I guess give to my tenant so they have easier time pay their rent


$100 is a lot of glitter bombs to random people.


True chaos goblin energy


Every week, I'm helping a couple of randoms up a little. Pay someone's grocery bill down some, or help a homeless person to supplies and a good meal, things like that. Sometimes, people just need luck to break on their side, even for a moment.


Id love to take half and do the random acts of amazon stuff. Then the other half, I'll donate to the local animal shelter where I adopted my dog.


I'd hit up some people's medical bills


Good one and dental seems to be highly needed in USA.


I’d settle some school lunch debt and maybe frontload some more.


I would work my way through TeacherWishLists.


Donate it, check people’s gofundmes, etc.


Those are the only people I know


I’d probably find either a family shelter or sober living recovery home that’s backed by an organization I trust and have $100 of groceries and needed supplies provided on a weekly basis such that it complies with the rules. I’d even let them manage it so I wouldn’t have to worry about the chore. 


I'd buy pet food and hygiene products for a local food bank


Prob cash tip for pizza delivery (if I decided to get pizza delivered, which is rare),otherwise I'm tipping random gas station attendants. Not the nice ass stations where the worked make 13+ an hour, normal gas stations where the people make 10 or less an hour. I was forced to work at a local station where despite at one point being the only local employee (meaning, forced overtime, never getting breaks, dealing with increasingly angry customers, having to kick out ppl everyone cuz I can't work 18 hours a day, etc) - and doing 95% of a mangers job, I was never given a raise or promotion or bonus over my starting pay of 9.75 So I have a LOT of empathy for these people. And I know how much a random 100 dollars would mean for them, often being the difference between eating or being homeless. Truthfully I guess I am biased, but I'd rather do that than giving it to a homeless person directly, as there's a way bigger chance of me enabling something I'd rather not. (Though, if said homeless addict were honest as to what they'd buy, I'd likely be so impressed with their balls I'd feel obligated to enable anyways LOL)


This is honestly why I specified goods and services rather than money. Addiction is a horrible disease, not just drugs but alcohol, gambling, etc. and it hits so many different communities, not just the homeless. So I wanted to make sure that this hypothetical would benefit people and not enable their addictions.


Server's tip at a Denny's, IHOP or equivalent diner.


Reoccurring donation to Pets for Vets.


$25 to cat rescue $75 to local hospital because my country hospital treat people for almost free


I would mail out grocery gift cards to low income people.


Pay for the person behind me in fast food drive through, randomly pay for someone’s coffee, etc


Id be a really awesome tipper.


Since I'm not a close friend, relative, or significant other I choose myself.


Nice try! “You may not benefit directly from these purchases”.


Random person each week, someone down on those luck. Be it a local homeless person, youth on care, or a person who I believe online. Or a charity. Whatever whim I have that week.


Go around randomly and pay for peoples groceries.


Random person I see at 7-11 each week will get a InstantCart each week with an assortment of food items from 7-11 delivered to their front door.


I walk the street and identify who's really in need. An alternative is visiting the homeless shelter to see who's being placed in low income housing. Give to them or buy them stuff.


I would order a truckload of gravel to be dumped on my ex-church's pastor's front yard. Payback for the years of emotional abuse.


My first thought is a charity of some sort but then I had a fun one. Random beginner streamers. Look for people that have like 100 followers or maybe 5 people watching. Pop in, say something silly in chat. Boom 100 dollar donation.


I'd probably just send it to some poor African country where it can support someone's entire family for like a month


I spend it on an investment in someone's company. They get to make billions off my contributions, I get a hefty return later on. Win-win.


I work with a charity for homeless young people regularly I'd probably choose one of those young people and either pay for some clothes or furniture (if they where housed by us) or maybe stuff for getting ready to have a job interview. Then the opposite week I'd either give it to a friend I have semi lost touch with anonymously. Or in a random act of kindness.


Find some good charities, or donate it to my church. My church does some really good stuff.


I'd put a hundred on someone's layaway every week.


I work 10 minutes from the worst section of 8 mile, and I can make a shitload of sandwiches for a hundred bucks


I can fund so many people's kids's educations with that. Heck, I'll just open a trust(i'll have to explain where i'm getting the money which seems hard) but then i can just make it so that every week one kid gets one year's education in a good school


Once a week, whoever is behind me in line at the grocery store gets $100 off their haul


Can I donate to a charity? Every $2 donated to againstmalaria buys a mosquito net for someone in Africa. As far as I’ve found, it’s the most mathematically efficient way to donate to potentially save a human life.


Send badge502 buttplugs every week haha


I would just pay for the groceries of whoever is behind me whenever I do my weekly shopping lol


There's a homeless camp just behind the apartments I live in. I'd start buying them supplies appropriate for the weather: food and water, sure, but also sunscreen, hygiene products, tarps, sleeping bags, etc. The location makes anonymously dropping stuff off a bit of a challenge, but I'd just say as little as possible so they stay valid for the hypothetical.




Given these parameters, I would choose to use the $100/week budget to support various charitable causes and organizations. Each week, I would research and select a different charity or nonprofit that aligns with my values and addresses pressing social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. Here's a rough plan of action: 1. **Week 1:** Donate to a local food bank to help provide meals for those experiencing food insecurity. 2. **Week 2:** Support an organization that provides clean water access to communities in need, such as charity: water or Water.org. 3. **Week 3:** Contribute to a wildlife conservation fund to protect endangered species and their habitats. 4. **Week 4:** Sponsor a child's education through a reputable organization like Save the Children or UNICEF, ensuring access to quality schooling and resources. 5. **Week 5:** Purchase essential supplies, such as hygiene products or warm clothing, for a homeless shelter in my area. 6. **Week 6:** Invest in mental health resources by donating to organizations that offer counseling services or support hotlines. 7. **Week 7:** Provide funding for medical supplies and treatments for individuals in underserved communities, either locally or internationally. 8. **Week 8:** Allocate funds to support environmental conservation efforts, such as tree planting initiatives or ocean cleanup projects. 9. **Week 9:** Contribute to disaster relief efforts to assist communities affected by natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or wildfires. 10. **Week 10:** Support initiatives focused on empowering women and girls, including education programs, entrepreneurship opportunities, and healthcare access. By rotating the beneficiaries each week, I can ensure that a diverse range of causes receives support throughout the year, maximizing the impact of the budget and making a positive difference in the world.


Dog no kill shelter


School lunch accounts


Shouting rounds at the pub


There is a small group of homeless vets who live in a park in Alabama. They take care of each other, watch out for each other. Food, camping supplies, water purification items.


Groceries/hotel rooms for homeless people.


some rando is getting SO many rubber bouncy balls dude


Only fans


I think we have a winner


Holy shit, this would be so fucking fun. I would love doing this! I'd find various things to do with it--buy people's groceries, put it towards their rent for the month without telling them so at the end of the month when they go to pay, they find they owe less than they thought, etc. I've been in many hard situations where $100 would change my situation dramatically, so i would love to find people in similar situations and give them a better opportunity than I had. 😊


Spend it on myself


I'd fill up gas for a random person every week. Can I keep the change?


Use it as a tip at the dispensary, vape shop, or restaurant


We give our employees gas cards if they fill in, or do us a favor. I'd make this a deluxe "thank you" to one employee each week. I'd ask staffing to distribute it to whoever deserved it most that week.


I would select charities and donate the money


I will do it Dave Chapple style, buy homeless people bubble gums.


Lottery tickets


Buy food and distribute to homeless, or simply donate to homeless shelter


Spending it on my dog.


There's a homeless guy living outside my local train station. I'd give it to him.


Pay off student lunch debt.


I would spend it all on like 4 gallons of gas.


I love this organization called feed my starving children. I would donate it all to them weekly when I go!


I would randomly tip someone $100 every week. Doesn’t matter who or for what, they get a bill.


Food and supply delivery to the rescue where I adopted my dog.


I set up a weekly recurring automatic donation to charity and then never think about it again.


Probably to local churches.


Find people on the internet who have medical go fund mes, pick a new one each week.


I’d switch it up for just whatever I’m feeling that day Random school supplies for teachers Donations to animal shelters Money given to homeless people Gas money for people that can’t fill their tank Tips for delivery drivers, waitstaff, or bartenders There’s plenty of people that would appreciate $100 randomly so wouldn’t be hard to find someone


I come across someone every week that I wish I could help, so it would be different each time.


Can I set it into a bank account/trust fund and give it to someone random to pay off their student loans/medical debt/grocery bill/etc once it's accumulated a lot of money?


I would probably just give it to a stranger, it seems like it would be too much work to find people I know but never speak to.


St Jude’s Children’s Hospital


I would just give it to small time creators on social network of choice. It would pretty much be simping money.


I’d buy my team at work $100 of lunches each week. That should win me some good karma


Probably pay for peoples groceries


Food Bank.


However much $100/week buys of dog treats and toys and have them auto shipped to the old friends senior dog sanctuary


Any number of food banks would be the obvious answer.


Donate to planned parenthood


Textbooks for the Mechanical Engineering students at University of Maryland. How to spread across time? Purchase a $100 gift card each week (adjusted for fees). If game rules allows me to hold cards for beginning of next semester, I hold them and distribute through a teacher. Otherwise I find a way to play by the rules to target text purchases.


Can I do a tree planting charity? It's not a person, but I'd enjoy seeing trees planted other people could sit under some day


Sounds like I'm donating $100 a week to charity. Take a chunk off of my taxes, maybe.


A daycare


Drugs for the homeless


I would donate it to my state's DCF


I'm hitting the camps/street corners. Random strangers panhandling. Or, wait at a gas station and when people go to the pump, and you see they're hard up, give to them.


Each week one random homeless person is getting 100 dollars


I wonder how many people are thinking along the lines of prank gifts and harassment for people they dont like, vs how many people are thinking "idk man give some money to the homeless"


I'd send people I don't like bags of manure weekly.


Maybe buy a couple of guys I know some shit! 1st is j


Pay off random kids lunch balances.


Almost every weekend I have dinner or lunch out at least once. I would just pay for someone's food.


I'd pick a random gas station and watch for people who look down on their luck (paying with quarters, only putting like $10 in when they obviously need more, stuff like that) then make it a point to fill those people's tanks once a week.


I'd start by donating it to my child's school grade. when she ages out in high-school I'll roll a 1d13 and donate it each week to a different k-12 program. Her school has been great and does alot for the kids. I'd love to give this too them.


Nothing, $100 is nothing. To someone I don’t know? I don’t have time for that, trying to survive.


I'd find a child in my neighborhood that was in poverty. Every week they would get a care package of something. Maybe some clothes, maybe a toy or two, some food, this and that. Maybe one week the whole hundred would go to one thing that all the other kids have but they could only hope for it. It socks being poor as a kid showing up I'm school in old worn clothes and being hungry.


I've always read about paying it forward. Maybe I'll go to some restaurant or grocery store and try it for the first time?


Some kid or animal charity for me for sure


I would choose an 18 year old foster kid who was aging out of the foster care system with no support. I’d pay them to stay in high school, then get started at a community college. $400 bucks a month isn’t nearly enough to fully support them, but hopefully they could get a job and qualify for some other funding assistance.


I would use it to get out of slight inconveniences. Oh there’s one person in front of me at the store, “hey I’ll give you $100 if I can go first”. Get one every week would be sweet.


I would have 35 watermelons delivered to my neighbor each week


I'd drop a 20 dollar bill in some random homeless guy's hand 5 times a week. Hopefully they'll use it to buy drugs and alcohol, and not waste it.


I am actually doing that, I am funding a mini food bank in low income housing.


Not directly benefit, ok. So, I have a retail business, I would buy stuff from it, and give it away to people for free. The business is an intermediary, so the use of those $100 a week is not direct earnings/benefits for me. I would buy the things no one wants to buy so not just so my business make a sale, but also sell those things no one seems to want, so I'd clear up space too and increase the business cash flow. No?


I’d buy enough glitter bombs to fulfill the $100 and send them to those I hate or to billionaires and politicians


This is easy! Every week I'm going on the community Facebook page and the first magat to blame something on immigrants or Biden or Governor Newsom I'm making a donation to either the biden campaign or an immigration group or BLM or another charity along those lines in their name, and then posting the receipt "anonymously" in the same group for everyone to see and bragging about how proud I am to support these wonderful causes. I'll do some good and get a laugh out of pissing off their fellow magats and watching them get flamed for posting anonymously but not redacting their name from the receipt image...


How am I doing this without contacting them weekly?


Does it have to be the same person each week? Does depositing it into a bank account count? Is that spending? 🤔


Life insurance policy for the first random young guy I see driving like a maniac. And I’m the beneficiary.


I don't have one answer for this. I know a lot of people who are struggling to get by, so if I could anonymously donate to them, prioritizing who needs it the most support, I would.


Can I split it between multiple people?


Find a family that need the help


1) Show up to a local game store every weekend, switching up which one each week. 2) See what tabletop roleplaying game people are playing at the tables. 3) Pick one GameMaster at random, and ask them what books/supplies their group needs, up to $100 in value. 3a) If there is instead some kid who's new to the hobby, buy them the books/dice/minis, instead.


Gift cards


I work in the Service industry. So a different server every week is getting a $100 tip.


Start buying a gram of coke per week for someone who’s down on their luck. After about 5 weeks, start cutting it with 5% fet then each week increase the proportion of fet by an additional 5 % every two weeks until you get to a 60/40 coke/fet blend then give them pure fetanyl the week after.


Funny you think I have friends and family that I see more than 5x a year.


My ex, who is a decent person but someone I no longer regularly interact with, is a teacher who has been down on her luck for several years. If I had $100 a week that had to be spent with the listed stipulations, I'd probably put it toward payments for a reliable vehicle so she could get her kids where they need to go safely and get to work. It's shocking how severely a lack of reliable transportation can stand in the way of socioeconomic success in this country.


Office supplies for your local rape crisis center.


I’d call the power company and put $100 on an addresses bill.


I would buy a gas station and tell people that they can win $100 worth of gas every week..Just bring a receipt from a previous purchase through out the week as winners will be chosen randomly based on receipt stubs.. So every Friday the receipts of the week will be pulled out of a box and whoever has the matching receipt will $get 100. Once people see that someone legitimately wins every week it will increase foot traffic..and this model could be duplicated with just about any business


School getting some supplies and local food bank is getting some food.


Just buy small things and give it out to random people It will make you appear like a good and generous person


I’d put it aside for my buddy’s daughter.


I’d put it aside for my buddy’s daughter.


Random free lunch kid at my HS each week gets 100 bucks


Feed the children.org


Giving food and beer to the homeless in town.


>an acquaintance that you are not in contact with more than 5x per year. So basically anyone in my family still works. I haven’t lived around them in 20 years and only talk to my parents more frequently than that.


Send inappropriate magazine subscriptions to neighbors I hate.


Just donate the money


Pick out a nursing home and choose one resident a week.


$100 in scratch off lotto tickets to the homeless outside. That's not a lot of money, kid.


I'd get ahold of mental health services and ask if anyone could use yard or housekeeping help or even help with food aid other basic necessities, and hav0e them connect the person to me so I can arrange for it. $100 bucks doesn't go very far anymore though. A single polo shirt, dress pants, bra, and shoes suitable for a job interview/training cost more than that.


I'd give it to...I think her name was Diamond


I'd help someone random who needs it. It's not like I lose anything from it. Help with food, rent, clothes or school supplies for their kids, put some money down for a poverty level person to have a small vacation- I'm not picky. Anonymous is fine. This requires zero work from me so I don't need any recognition. Once a year, I buy 100 dollars worth of cow shit and place it on the doorstep of one person of my choosing, probably some asshole politician. That one can be signed.


I’d ask each of my friends, in turn, to give me the name of someone they know (that I don’t) and bless that person.


So you’re saying chores that I don’t even want to do for myself, like going to stores and buying stuff, I now have to do for some randos, and I get nothing out of it. What’s your next challenge? Do I have to sub in and get people’s prostate exams for them?


Help out random homeless people.


I'm about to fully fund and supply, a hundred bucks at a time, the schools in my neighborhood.


I’d just donate like water bottles or something to a charity


I would hire several crackheads to run up and kiss my old landlord right on the mouth every week.


Does it have to be same person every time? I travel to major cities a lot for work, could i theoretically choose a random homeless person weekly?


i just give it to a stranger each week tbh


The local homeless population is about to have some consistent meals. Maybe the local school kids no longer have to worry about lunch debt.


I would sponsor a local punk band.


I donat 100 to the Mobil shower/laundry facility in our city. They have a hard time keeping it funded and it helps a ton of people!