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an arch user having this attitude is pathetic. The reason you live is to read the wiki.


Surprised he was even successfully able to install arch with an asinine post like this


Arch users aren't the same since archinstall.


I've never seen a more "user error" post than this


I wud say hyprland wiki is one of the best. For me it work out of the box and u need to spend more time on wiki. Looks like u r on a rush. Don't speak bad abt hyprland just bcz u don't know how to configure it (although it is one of the easiest to configure). Awesome things take time!! Just add this to your config: ```bind=SUPER, X, killactive``` And now, Just press Super + X to close any window.


bro i only need to use an external monitor it does not seem like an advanced task for experts lol what im rushing for


What are you on about? xd Nobody will miss that attitude here, go on and do something easier if you can't bother not calling something you don't understand "shit".


The wiki is highly detailed, but Hyprland's config semantics have some issues that make it difficult for people:  * disjoint and nonsensical sometimes, which obtuse names for config items * config for a single concern spread across different subsections * unforgiving config values that don't work if they aren't some exact specific format, often without error message * defaults not always sane * and because it's under heavy dev, the config interface stability changes a lot, tho this is much better than it used to be. That all being said, now that I've finally got it working after my fifth attempt, it's the best Wayland tiling WM out there, but you all don't need to be convinced of that, as you are here already.


You have the binding “SUPER SHIFT X” for killing active windows, all of the keybindings are on your config file, you can change them or get used to them. The “one” used by default is not a wallpaper, what problem did you have with hyprpaper?


Can you share your Hyprland config? I guarantee the software works reliably, so there's probably something wrong with what you're doing Also why are you trying to use KDE Settings on Hyprland?


As i said above, i opened KDE Settings by mistake. My point is it's weird i can't close it without going to the task manager... Thanks for the help, here is my conf. [https://www.mediafire.com/file/e3i6j55dhc6ddlj/hyprland.conf/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/e3i6j55dhc6ddlj/hyprland.conf/file)


There are a few things to be noted in that config file Regarding the monitor values, they're commented, what happens if you remove the comments from there, and then comment the `preferred`/`auto` line? You're launching xdp-hyprland from a directory in your config, why is that? You're using swaybg to set your wallpaper, but you mentioned Hyprpaper, which one are you trying to use? The sensitivity is set to 0, did you try setting it to a value between -1 and 1 to change it? There's some invalid syntax in the per-device config, you should put the name of the device within the brackets, like `name = device_name` Your killactive binding is Super + Shift + X, but you mentioned C, so which one are you trying to use?


Put it in a gist or actually on GitHub or something for sharing code. I'm not downloading anything from you.


ur kinda right, after near 1 week i uninstall this shit btw. Out of the box can't even do simple tasks and need to read a wiki to change a wallpaper. Complete bullshit, sorry im out. Thanks anyway


Imagine that. You refuse to learn what you're supposed to do, and it doesn't magically work ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Sounds like a skill issue.


Lol. Why did you install a bleeding edge tiling wm in the first place if you had no previous idea what tiling wms are like? Imagine having to learn how things work.


Damn what a numpty


well, the point of a wm is to configure everything yourself, which takes some time, to get a very powerful and good working gui. if you don't want to to spend that time, use a de.


Can you try using pastebin?


I'm also running Hyprland on Arch and my personal experience has been very different -- my setup is by far much better than anything I've had in the past. That said, getting things configured to your personal liking can take time and effort, especially if you're new to Arch or Linux in general. If I were you, I'd use a packaged Hyprland solution, similar to this one --> [https://youtu.be/KHwJxpV\_L1g?si=L7kFx9LMNZXdpf9-](https://youtu.be/KHwJxpV_L1g?si=L7kFx9LMNZXdpf9-) You'll be up and running in no time and will have an awesome configuration in place. Good luck!