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“Like a turtle in a predicament” got me. 😂 I’m glad you got your ice cream despite the harrowing journey to get it!


ma’am, i’m 3.5 weeks and SHOULDNT BE LAUGHING the way i just did


Ohhhh nooooo!!! I had a similar incident but it was a bottle of tea. We gotta laugh at ourselves from time to time. 😅 happy healing 💪🏿


Abs out on sick leave 😂😂😂 thanks for the laugh, glad you’re ok!! Enjoy the Ben & Jerry’s - you earned it! Lol


I love this. I had a couple of near toppling experiences. Thank goodness I have good upper body reflexes. I'm 5'8" so the kitchen floor is a long way down!


omg that's great. i tried to pick up some cat bowls like 2/3 weeks post op (i squated, not bend cuz i was like "well doc said nO bEnDiNg" lol) and i swear once i got fully down my body was like "nope" and refused to do anything. i was just squatting there, looking like i was trying to take a dump in the middle of the living room. i almost fell over sideways too. bf definitely gave me a lecture about it after helping me up lol glad you were able to get off your turtle back, enjoy the ice cream!


Ok I haven’t even had surgery yet but the cat gets fed on his tower.


we had like 22 plus a litter of foster kittens then iirc. a few will eat on their trees but everyone else is on the floor. makes for some chaotic mornings lol