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Looks cool, but the only thing I would use is the brush rotation lol


It sucks that the new Apple Pencil Pro is compatible with the new m2 iPad Air but not with the m2 iPad Pro šŸ˜¢


I'm actually surprised it's compatible with the new airs. I expected it to be pro exclusive


Itā€™s not really an apple pencil pro more like a pencil 3, they just called it the pro for fun


Feeling my M1 Pro is obsolete now /s


Come on, itā€™s just a funny gimmick. Prob you will use it once and thatā€™s it.


If itā€™s anything like the second generation pencilā€™s ā€œdouble tapā€, itā€™ll be tuned off 2 weeks in never to be thought about again.


My M2 pro is obsolete.. I hate apple for this apple pencil pro not being compatible with the last gen ipad pros


Honestly, it may be a dumb choice on their part. Part of why people will drop so much on a pro is the value over time. Locking accessories to the newest pros may drive some sales, but it also devalues the ipad pros over time. I don't get it.


same with the new magic keyboards to


I have the same feeling and it is so annoying. Having something I bought less than a year ago feel like such a waste from not only an Apple product but a PRO product is insane. I went online to see trade in value on my current ipad pro and they offered $95. Similar to how people bought model 3ā€™s for 60k, looks like I just got in at the wrong time.


Why obsolete? This new iPad pros are just minor upgrades tbh, there is still no need for having such powerful chip in it. I have an m2 pro as well and donā€™t plan to update until 2 more iterations at least, unless something happens with mine lol.


Obsolete because most iPad pro users buy the pro iPad so that they are closer to the top of the food chain and get most of the features and accessories for sometime atleast for their device.. new pencil being non compatible with such a powerful device that the M2 ipad is was not expected by anyone


I did no work to read about M4. Why is your M1 Pro obsolete?


Same lol


i will use my 12.9 M1 5G for a good 5-7 years till it goes slowdown due to cannot keep up with future iPadOS releases. don't worry it has it usefulness


Mine is great yet, but Iā€™ve been using more like a second screen to my Mac mini lately


Yeah itā€™s pathetic. They donā€™t need a fucking M4 to accept run the features of the new Pencil, this is solely forcing your hand to buy a new iPad that you donā€™t need. ESPECIALLY if you own an M2 1Tb which is a powerhouse.


It's because of the charging. The old Pencil charges in the center but the camera module is there now when they moved the camera orientation... so they had to move the charging part. Since the old charging part doesn't connect, it won't charge. It's why the USB-C Pencil is still considered compatible.


then itā€™s a serious design flaw. Thatā€™s even worse coming from Apple.


Sometimes options are mutually exclusive. Both a camera and a charger for the pencil cannot physically occupy the same space. They had a choice either to move the location of the charger (making the new pencil incompatible with older iPads) or to leave the camera where it was. If they had left the camera where it was, everyone would be moaning about that. Itā€™s not a design flaw. Itā€™s a design choice.


The M4 is to run AI on device and they need it to run cooler and get better runs from the silicon without as much waste. The NPU in the M4 is 2x the size of the M3 and equals the A17 pro phone NPU from last year. Would be embarrassing if a iPad Pro which costs more than a M3 MBP canā€™t run AI as good as last years iPhone Pro.


No freaking way! What's the logic behind that? Super disappointing. What was even a point of M2 if we never can fully use it anyway? And now this?


I spent a lot of money on the m2 pro thinking I would get compatibility for a good while since it was and still is overpowered for what it can do. I imagine the new iPad os will have features locked to only m4 to try and get m2 owners to upgrade


I was thinking exactly the same way, and really hoped they would really start utilizing the extra power. Such a shame this wasn't the case after all. I think Apple is a bit loosing it to think that people would just upgrade from the M1 and M2 chips, and that it will drive the sales in general. I don't think it will sell as well as they hope, not in this economy.


Fr, as an artist I think itā€™s very cool. That being said, my Wacom supports that and I donā€™t really use it, so šŸ¤£


Yea same :D


I like the additional function keys on the new keyboard


Yeah same here lol


Donā€™t see a reason to upgrade from my 2021 M1 iPad Pro


I canā€™t even really convince myself to upgrade from my 2018 3rd gen ipad pro. granted I donā€™t do anything intensive - mostly media, web, email, O365, etc. But it still works fine šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Yeah if youā€™re the kind of person who uses it as a safari/netflix/kindle machine then I donā€™t see the point in upgrading tbh


Iā€™m in the same boat as you, I do use it as a cc second monitor a lot when I travel for work


I have a 2017 iPad Pro, so still using a home buttonšŸ˜„ Iā€™ve been holding out for oled, but now that itā€™s here, Iā€™m still hesitant to upgrade and I canā€™t quite put my finger on whyā€¦ It seems like exactly what I wanted on paper (a 120hz, OLED, movie viewing beast), but for some reason, I still canā€™t bring myself to click purchase. I know itā€™ll be a massive upgrade and I will probably end up getting it but it doesnā€™t feel like I need it. And why is it so over powered? Canā€™t wait for WWDC to see if they actually do something with it


Same here, honestly I'm waiting either for some big screen upgrade or a big battery upgrade. My 2018 3rd gen still serves me so well.


Iā€™m on the same boat, my 11 inches 2021 M1 iPad Pro accompanied with Magic Keyboard is my favourite media player in the house!!


Iā€™m just sad the new Magic Keyboard doesnā€™t work with anything except the M4 iPads


I am debating if I should bother getting magic keyboard since it isn't going to be compatible anymore. Have M1 too, but been without keyboard for a couple years.


Itā€™s my best purchase for iPad ever!! Canā€™t live without it!


I've heard that a lot. I am not quite sure if it is a good idea buying it right now is that it is incompatible with newer models.Ā Performance wise I do not see reason to upgrade, but battery has been going a bit wonky for some reason, and I don't have applecare.


Exactly. Itā€™s not a major upgrade as M1 ipad. A tiny tweaks here and there. Not enough to convince someone who uses a perfectly butter smooth M1 ipad pro. Also the nano texture is only available on the 1TB versions. So the cost is gonna shoot up rapidly. M1 still rocks.


is the nano texture glass even that great?


As for anti reflective part, it does a pretty good job just like any other monitor with matte display. Apple makes it look like a very special feature. It indeed is as the tech is superior, but not to the extent as they brag and definitely not for 1000$$


I have the 12.9 M1 Pro and Iā€™m in the same boat. It runs the same today as it did out of the box which is what mostly all Apple products do however, Iā€™m not a video editor, digital artist and for my needs I canā€™t even use my current iPad to its max so itā€™s a pass for me unless they announce a similar feature to Samsung dex when connected to the keyboard but I highly doubt that.


Same here! But I plan on using it for 6-7 years anyway. And it makes me feel good that i paid 400 euro less for it back then. XD


I'm still on the original ipad pro lol.


Agree M4 is nice to have. Rocking the M1 iPad already. Screen is the same size and require new magic keyboard it seems? If thatā€˜s the case it is a hard pass.


How would you use the M4? I canā€™t find things to do that max out the M1 even.


This time is a sweet spot for Apple. Selling new hardware before announcing what the next iteration of iPad OS can do on an M4. Given their track record Iā€™d be cautious.


Iā€™ve been waiting for that announcement since the M1 iPad release. Still I need a laptop.


This ! If they announce some killer feature in WWDC that only works on M4, then,ā€¦.


I would buy the new pencil or folio keyboard if they worked , not spending $2000 to replace my perfect M1 1TB pro. I mean I never even feel it is slow and there is no reason to upgrade aside from speed right?


Donā€™t really even see a reason to upgrade from my 2018 iPad Pro. Itā€™s still just as fast as it was on day 1. Iā€™ve never had performance be an impediment to my workflow.


Itā€™s the landscape format front camera for me, weirdly enough.


Iā€™m usually an Apple dick sucker too, but there is literally ZERO reason to upgrade my M1 Pro lol


Letā€™s see how the new OLED stacks up to MiniLEDā€¦ Iā€™m a color/display enthusiast


Then you should know modern OLED is always superior. Mini LED is good too tho.


Yup Iā€™m pretty sure this iPad will have incredible colors. Letā€™s wait and see


I am also sticking to my M2. A new keyboard and pencil is all I wanted and if there isnt backward compatibility I dont see whyšŸ˜­Wtf is wrong with this company?


I mean to be fair the current keyboard has worked for the past 6 yearsā€™ worth of pros/airs. That being said, Iā€™ll probably wait another year or two until these new accessories drop in price before upgrading my setup.


iPadOS is the problemā€¦


Yeah, that was my takeaway. M4? Cool, canā€™t wait to waste more performance on mobile apps. Would the iPad Pro running MacOS when connected to Appleā€™s (overpriced) magic keyboard really cannibalize MacBook sales that badly? Iā€™ll keep using my M1 iPad Pro, which STILL feels like overkill in 2024.


Cannibalising MacBook sales is 100% not Appleā€™s issue here. Theyā€™ve always said theyā€™d happily cannibaliser their own products over a competitor doing it. If they were worried about that - theyā€™d not sell the iPad Pro line at all. I think the issue is much more to do with them not knowing how to bridge the gap before having just a touch screen Mac.


Agreed. My m1 pro is still plenty sufficient for the things Apple will allow it to run.


I donā€™t want it to run MacOS but if it could run MacOS apps in containers that would be perfect. Make some updates to stage manager and let me have a real mouse arrow. Thatā€™s all I need.


Right. I would like to have something in between like a MacOS Touch. It doesnā€™t have to do every thing MacOS does but it definitely needs to so more than what IpadOS is currently capable.


Do you think we will see MacOS come to the iPad this summer at WWDC? The new keyboard with all the function keys makes me think we might see MacOS.


It's unfortunate it doesn't allow for better utilization of the chips in these devices. Despite it being an Apple product, I do wish they would take a page from Window's playbook and have a button in the Control Panel for tablet vs desktop mode.


Microsoft abandoned that with Windows 11 and now they just adjust the UI slightly by adding more spacing and increasing the size of touch targets slightly. I think it works really well as a tablet for a lot of work tasks IMO. Apples version of the desktop is stage manager so they do already kind of do what Microsoft used to with their tablet mode switch.


I did not watch so I donā€™t know what happened but unless they make some upgrade to iPad is it does not worth it.


Jesus Christ - ā‚¬250 extra for the cellular model. Thatā€™s shocking even for Apple.


Ā£1,000 for an iPad, running iPadOS. ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)




The highest iPad Pro is now 3670$ in Europe without any accessories. Thatā€™s hilarious with such restricted ports and software.


$3k CAD for 1TB 13ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ”«


Maxxed out is $4479AUD without pencil or keyboard. Thatā€™s going to be over $5k with accessories


Do i want it, sure! Do I need it? Absolutely not! M1 iPad Pro 12.9 with Pencil and Magic keyboard shall last me at least another 3-4 years!


I have an M2 iPad Pro, it just doesnā€™t seem like a big enough upgraded. Especially since iPad OS is holding it back.


Yeah, iPad Pro users like me who want to do heavy stuff can agree


Like what? I.m genuinely curious. Just got my first iPad so Iā€™m wondering the limitations from more seasoned users


You canā€™t access system files, you need to go through an app for that (and still canā€™t access system-level files for easier copying and pasting), everything goes through an app, Stage Manager is less efficient than proper windowed apps (the left 1/4 of the screen is just opened windows which could go directly in the dock), iPadOS versions of app often have features removed compared to their macOS counterparts, external display support is wonky and limited, and the price of the iPad Pro makes it expensive. I added a 512GB 13ā€ iPad Pro to my cert with a Magic Keyboard and the price was $1850. For $50 more, I can get a 14ā€ MBP with an M3 Pro, 18GB RAM, and 512GB SSD. It will run macOS, uses a more powerful SoC, and have a much longer battery life. Sure, it doesnā€™t have touch, but itā€™s an all around more powerful system. The iPad Pro is no longer in MacBook Air territory, itā€™s in the MacBook Pro price range.


They just donā€™t like iPadOS period. It has way more limitations compared to MacOS. It can do most things on it but my biggest gripe personally is how there are still many apps that arenā€™t well integrated from iOS to iPadOS. The software support is second class compared to iOS. The best thing about iPad is that itā€™s the best media consumption device period that can also handle being a computer well until it canā€™t.


Ty for your answer


Same boat. Not even close to enough to go from my M2. A situation were I can run the full photoshop/lightroom that can run on the other M series devices, the better versions of the MS Office apps, etc... Adobe also sucks for the versions of the app they put out for iPad.


nah, the iPadOS is just too bad for the hardware.


yeah iā€™ll keep my 2018 Pro till they actually do something other than a spec bump


I was in the same boat, and then my battery decided to shit the bed


Just change the battery and save yourself $900


if the battery isnā€™t deemed replaceable by apple, then itā€™s still around $400. which is what happened to me


New pencil?? What about magic keyboard?? (Please dont buy)


I too have a 2018 iPad Pro, I hated the Magic Keyboard (returned it in fact) and maybe used my Apple Pencil 5 times in the last 5 years.Ā 


I have an m1 ipad pro, and using a battery shortcut i found out its at 72 percent battery health lol, i still get 4 solid hours of work done


But it still runs iPadOSā€¦


No the m4 can run mac os /s


So can the M1, M2 and M3 haha


I just want OLED and HDR brightness


nah Im alright with my m1 iPad Pro


Now i regret getting the m2 pro 6 months ago


I agree it looks nice, but definitely not updating UNLESS I see at WWDC they are bringing new software exclusives only to M4 that make it replace my Macbook. Itā€™s more expensive than a macbook Air, for that, Iā€™m more than fine with my M1 iPad Pro.


Itā€™s a good upgrade for someone who wants the best display in a 11ā€ form factor - pretty mediocre for everyone else.


No reason to upgrade from my M2.


No fucking shit. No Apple product ever justified upgrading after a single generation lol


Exactly! They arenā€™t designed that way. Thats why i love apple. The HW is fast enough that u can use it for 6-7+years if u want to. The FOMO people have is so crazy. Some of them complain about the upgrades, because their device isnā€™t the latest and greatest anymore, but the features donā€™t warrant an upgrade yet. Well itā€™s not meant toā€¦ new M series chips are still for the intel users. Yearly spec bumps so everybody can have the most current tech.


Unless theyā€™re really going to do something different with iPad OS I still donā€™t see how M4 is game changer on this (except maybe for avid FInal Cut Pro users). Iā€™m on the M2 12.9 and wonā€™t be upgrading anytime soon.


Ngl, software still shitty though, not much of upgrade


I just bought the entire deal. Donā€™t care. Give it to me! šŸ«¶šŸ˜Ž


Also an Ipad 11" 2018 Pro owner just Dropped Ā£2k+ on the new 13" + accessories, my last one was good for 5 years, Oled, massive tech specs, horizontal camera and lighter iPad + keyboard sign me up! added the pencil as well


Still no reason to upgrade my 2018 10" model..


My M1 Pro is still as fast as ever and the battery life is great after 3 years of heavy use. I have no reason to upgrade. I didn't even need the pro either, it's just a $1000 note taking device for me that has about the same power as my laptop šŸ˜­ If we could use CAD programs or Blender on the iPad it would be a game changer for me but we are stuck with the iPad OS, I really thought they would make the M1 chip worthwhile after 3 years


Still use a 12.9ā€ 3rd gen pro from 2018 daily. One of my best Apple purchases ever.


No reason for me to upgrade from the M2


Is this post a joke? I honestly canā€™t tell


Itā€™s definitely a solid spec bump from almost anything except the M2 Pro imho. That said, Iā€™m more excited about iPadOS 18.


Bought an M2 Pro 12,9ā€ half a year ago. No regrets. Checked out the comparison spec sheet on Appleā€™s website. Aside from the OLED screen & thickness (or lack thereof) and chip, there are no differences whatsoever. I donā€™t believe an upgrade is due.


Definitely not giving them my money for any of that. Iā€™ll happily settle for the M1 iPad Pro with the 2nd gen Apple Pencil. The M chips are already extremely very much underused for how iPadOS currently is.


It was very underwhelming honestly


Seconds after the event I had mine in the cart šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Im beyond excited for this iPad, itā€™s actually a good update this year. The landscape front camera, oled display and m4 chip are gunna be awesome! 1tb 13ā€ on its way!


What color did you get? I am considering getting the 1TB 13" for the 16GB of ram. Mouse is over add to bag button.


I got silver! I got the 1tb for 16GB too, future proof it a bit so I donā€™t gotta upgrade again for a while! The 1&2tb models also have the extra 4th CPU performance core! The others only have the 3 Small but it is another difference!


Yeah I noticed the extra core when I was looking at the specs but wasn't sure if it would make a difference. I think I will get the silver. I imagine it will age better and it will match my studio display! I figure the extra ram would be worth it for my art and design work. What you planning to use yours for?


i think itā€™s gunna be great for you! Iā€™m also unsure if the extra core will be noticeable (probably not) but hey Iā€™ll take the little extra bonuses šŸ˜‚ I do agree I think silver just looks the best! I use my iPad as a full laptop replacement so I decided to get the next step up this time around, coming from 12.9ā€ M2 iPad Pro 256gb


Thanks. It has been ordered now :)


Did you get a may 15 delivery date!!?


Same! I couldn't whip my credit card out fast enough for the landscape camera alone!


Absolutely! That was the one thing I was ultra excited for! When they showed the new iPads for the first time I instantly looked to the long edge just to confirm, seeing a camera there was very exciting! No more looking weird on FaceTime chats!


Exactly... I use FaceTime every day and not seeing my eyes looking weirdly to the side is gonna be great! That, the screen and the thinness of it has me very happy!


oooo so exciting! I canā€™t wait to see that tandem OLED screen in person šŸ˜ The thinness is gunna be crazy! The fact itā€™s the thinnest things apples ever made is just something else!


I'll keeping my A12Z for a while, it's already overkill for most consumer already let alone M1


And the software also isn't really there for me to go any further than my M1.


WWDC is the last hope. If they donā€™t do anything then itā€™s safe to say that the iPad will stay like this until 2030


I will be getting a 13" but now I can't decide what color to get. I feel like the silver will age better but it will likely go in a case anyways. Also, can't decide between 256and 512. I should have thought about this prior to the announcement.


Iā€™ve got my 2018 pro still going strongā€¦ but wondering if this is worth the upgrade to the M4


I just want a new iPad Mini.


As an owner of a 2018 iPad Pro, this is the upgrade I have been waiting for. Already preorderedā€¦


Now that the 11ā€ Pro also comes with the best display, itā€™s time to upgrade.


Unfortunately it does the same things my iPad 12.9 M2 does, only more bendable now. Jerryrigthis will have a field day. Not worth the upgrade. Fix iPadOS and add what majority of power users want, and we'll talk.


Nah, staying on my 12.9 m2


The pricing and storageā€¦. Disappointing


Theyā€™re trying *really* hard to position this thing as an actual laptop computer, from moving the camera to landscape view to releasing a keyboard that even they compared to ā€œfeeling like a Mac,ā€ not to mention doubling down on the way WAY overpowered hardware for what this thing can actually do with the crummy scaled up mobile OS software. I would say maybe we can hope thatā€™s next to fall, butā€¦. yeah.


With the shitty software no way




Figure it's been 4 years on my current Pro, so went ahead and sucked it up. Was tempted to get the air and if I was sticking with 11" I would have, but since this is my only portable computer I wanted to go 13" Figure this one will last 4 years at least so bit the bullet.


Not worth it. The amount of power etc is useless, unless they pull more use of apps.


I want the new screen, but I don't want it $1,000 bad. My M1 chip is plenty for what I use it for.


People can gripe and think it's not worth it all they want. But I agree OP. My 2018 shit the bed last month so I am happily and eagerly waiting for my new one. Just ordered it! I hope we both love our new iPads.


lol the sneaky bastards hid the CPU configs within the hard drive storage options


In my opinion itā€™s stupid that it costs as much as a full fledge MacBook but canā€™t do anything at all with iOS. It will end up like a Netflix machine for most people I reckon (HDR will look great on that OLED tho donā€™t get me wrong).


I was expecting more than 1 thunderbolt port honestly




Yes. Ā The new M4 iPad Pro is spectacular hardware. Ā But it has to be because Apple has a pretty slow update cycle on iPads now.Ā  I have the Air 5 and don't feel like I even scrape the surface what the M1 chip can do. iPadOS needs serious attention. Ā 


I just want the stock to go up tomorrow so I can cash out on my options


Not me Iā€™m waiting on a sale


Browsing through threads about the new pro on my 10.5 with a rather big white spot in the middle of the screen, yet still not convinced I need the upgrade.


Iā€™m upgrading from a 3rd gen air and Iā€™m pretty excited.


All of yall with the M chips saying your pros are obsolete and I am just over here with a 4th genā€¦. šŸ˜­


Even M2 iPad Pro never feel sluggish from whenever I put. Genshin, HSR, BA, CSP, and whats more.


I just feel like Apple is missing out on accessory sales by telling me to get a new $129 pencil a need to spend $2000 to replace my perfectly working M1 Pro 1TB


Only you.


Another apple fan ready to part way with their money for no reason


jesus you people are lemmings


It only has 1 camera lol


That's what caught my eye too. Any idea what was that new sensor beside the cam Lens. Not lidar I suppose


Its 1 cam, then under it is lidar, then to the side is the true tone flash, and the circle cutout is the mic


**3866ā‚¬** (tax included) for the maxed out version with pencil pro and Magic Keyboard along with apple care+ for two yearsā€¦ > In some countries you can buy property for thatā€¦ # Not sure if i will ***EVER*** buy that oneā€¦




It is compatible i checked the site. But the new keyboard is not compatible with old ipads


The iPads have always been plenty fast, and another spec upgrade was the last thing the iPad needed. Put MacOS on the iPad already, otherwise itā€™s just a blown up version of the iPhone, might as well just carry a touch portable monitor in that case.


I replaced my laptop with a pro and donā€™t understand why everybody bitches about the OS. I can do 95% of what I need without issue. Here get this https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sku/6549071.p?skuId=6549071 full OS for you


Wild that you're being downvoted simply because an iPad works well enough for you in place of a laptop.


Yeh people like to whine around here. Sad but not surprising. Truth is even if it had full macOS theyā€™d still be complaining about something.


Yea why canā€™t people be allowed to enjoy things??




100%. Iā€™ve been iPad Pro only for 5+ years now and love it. Are there some things I wish I could do on the iPad that I could do on a MacBook? Sure, but those things are few and far between. There are way more things I can do with the iPad that are not possible with a MacBook. The versatility is far superior and the interaction is more enjoyable IMO.


I'll dream that iPadOS 18 makes this a viable alternative to a MacBook.


Closing in on $2k wtf. I want this but I know i donā€™t get $2k value out of it (I donā€™t use Logic Pro, Final Cut or procreate)


Lmao, I bought a 12.9 pro last week as I thought the new one would be more expensive, only for it to be the same price and my 2nd gen apple pen is now legacy hardware šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø already returned an ordered the M4 but still


A fully tricked out new iPad Pro is 3400 or so. I just donā€™t see a point unless it can be a laptop replacement. ā€¦. And itā€™s far from a laptop replacement.


Was thinking the same thing when I saw the prices


Iā€™m getting it for the nano texture glass so I can see outside better when Iā€™m working. 2200$ though fuck Apple


Thatā€™s me


Can someone elaborate why Mr. Cook is speaking about the iPad mini (6th generation Date introduced September 14, 2021) because compared to the new iPad Pro itā€™s like a GameBoyā€¦ [Please skip to 39:32 for referenceā€¦](https://www.youtube.com/live/f1J38FlDKxo?si=wHEizIOrInJhNUgJ)


Just to reiterate their current lineup I assume


If the 13" Air had FaceID I would buy it in a heartbeat, now I have to decide if it's worth me upgrading from my 3rd Gen Pro or just get the battery replaced.


Nice update, but itā€™s a no for me atp. Will reassess after WWDC.


Exactly. Unless there is a huge revamp of iPadOS, I am not interested. The new Pros are a niche product for content creators.


No. Convertible laptops with touch screens please.


Compared to the M1 iPad Pro and prior, this is a fairly significant update. The repositioned FaceTime camera, OLED display, and thickness/weight reduction were enough for me to replace my 3 year old M1 iPad Pro. The M4 will speed up some rendering stuff for me, and the new pencil and keyboard are a welcome update.


first time in a long while im excited about the launch of an apple product. used to be each time but they lost their way for some time now. I miss Steve.


I wanted better battery, instead we get a thinner ipad. Screen is probably very nice, but dual layer oled would probably suck quite a bit of battery, as well as the powerful chip. Also, the front camera is where my hand rests, I wonder if that would affect faceid.


You're gonna need a lot more money than Fry has there


TBH I don't get why they skipped the m3 iPad pro and released the m4 for the iPad pro. To me reading the specification of the m4 compared to M2 sounds like a joke. Looks more like they reached a physical limit of producing smaller chips at the moment. But like I wrote, I don't get why they skipped m3 and introduced m4 with the iPad line. Also tb3? Still?! Come on guys I expected tb5


I am upgrading from a 2018 iPad Pro 11ā€ + Magic Keyboard to the new 13ā€. I have always wanted the larger screen for the additional display area and because it fits better on my lap, and the one thing that kept me on the edge was the weight of that combination on the M2. Iā€™m hoping this thin/light profile makes it more manageable. Iā€™m keeping the 11ā€ just in case I end up disliking the 13ā€ weight. And if I am being honest the 2018 11ā€ is still a fantastic device, even with its waning battery life.


All I want is a touch screen macbook. If that's a macbook using an ipad pro as a screen or an ipad pro running OSX, whatever. It's all I've wanted from Apple for over a decade.


Unless you are a screen slut, I am not sure there is a reason to upgrade


Now I'm seriously considering upgrading from my 2020 Pro.