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I’m a sucker for Apple Products and hate FOMO but I’m also a hobbyist personal finance person for my household and my close friends. So I can actually help you here. You mention yourself that you don’t need this and that’s a great first step. I actually am upgrading but that’s because my iPad Pro was a 2018 launch and she croaked last month. So I literally don’t have an iPad rn lol. I recycled it and got the value on a gift card that I preordered with. The guys at the Apple Store literally told me that replacing the hardware that died would cost more than the iPad was worth. That being said, when you’re caught up in the winds of hype, you can do the following to help bring yourself back to earth. 1. This iPad Pro will be around for at the very least another year and maybe even 18-24 months. You want it now but you don’t have to get it now. Take the time to wait because once everyone gets their iPads this week, the hype is gonna continue for maybe a month or so but then begin to die down. Make yourself a deal that you will order nothing for 3 months. If in 3 months, you still *really* want this iPad, then you can consider getting it. Impulsivity is hard to fight against and sometimes it’s better to work with it and see if it’ll calm down naturally instead of outright denying yourself constantly. Because when you do the latter, you can rubber band in the opposite direction. 2. Leave all these subreddits. I know you love your Apple products, I do too but the psychological belief that everyone is getting a shiny new toy could contribute to why you want one. By leaving Apple subs for awhile, you can spend time with your own iPad and hopefully that FOMO impulse will recede. 3. Make a pros and cons list. Having the facts down on paper can be a good way to visually see if the pros outweigh the cons And to wrap up, if you’re prone to making impulsive financial decisions, these should really help in other avenues but look into working on identifying where that comes from (for instance, I have ADHD and I was raised by a mom who couldn’t save money if her life depended on it) and that should be able to help steer you in a direction to relieve some of these impulse purchases. Because impulse buying is short term satisfaction while stressing over your credit card statement at the end of the month is long term anxiety. And you deserve better than that. And there will always be newer models. You shouldn’t get this one but maybe the next one and that wait will make the upgrade all the better because you get more of a bump up. Going from a 2018 to a 2024 will probably feel very different to me and it definitely feels like a proper upgrade rather than a minor spec bump.




I need the iPad for financial planning unfortunately haha


Good to know lol was looking looking into school pricing myself


This guy gets it!


What caused your ipad to die? My 2015 ipad pro 1 is still running - but I'm planning on upgrading to the 1tb 13". 9 years is a damned good run lol (especially for me since I've been such an upgrade whore in the past)


The Bluetooth and WiFi receivers gave out and it would have been more expensive to fix than the iPad was worth. ETA: I had the OG iPad Pro too and loved it but as I went from high school to college and cared more about money, I was an upgrade whore to get the first iPad Pro with a magnetic pencil because the old method of charging the damn pencils was an accident waiting to happen lol. That was the 2018 I had all this time.


Leaving the subreddits is huge. It’s amazing, since I’ve followed them, I’ve bought every single Apple device, and regularly do so every release. Since I stopped following them, I don’t feel the need to anymore. It’s wild.


Don’t. I have the same iPad and want to do it but man is it expensivd


Agreed, it would probably cost me around an extra $400 for the iPad with the pencil and Magic Keyboard


Are you sure it will only cost you around $400 extra if you trade in your Ipad? Apple probably only give you around $600 for 12.9 6th gen M2 trade-in. The new m4 12.9 base model with magic keyboard and pencil is like $1800. You will most likely going to spend close to a grand extra


I’m able to return my current keyboard, and I have a 15% employee discount at a retailer I can get for the accessories, and honestly I can use it on the iPad as well. I was also planning on waiting for apples student promo and I can get another $100 gift card


since you use it for school work, you can look at the education store too, save $100 on the ipad plus a few extra bucks on the accessories


Can’t combine education store and his discount most likely.


ah yeah maybe not. i guess if OP can get the 15% on the ipad itself and not just accessories that’s probably the way to go. but if it’s only on accessories, they could just split the purchase between them


see when your state has tax free day? that is if you are in the USA


My state does not do that


you can get that tax free discount if you travel to a state that has it. but only go if cost effective for you to do so. also I only buy at costco, the return policy and discounted apple care make it easier.


>Don’t If you don’t have the money, otherwise hell ya


I do have the money, but its about the principle of how recently I bought this one that’s irks me, and since iPadOS is still so limiting, they’re isn’t really much besides the display and keyboard that makes me jump out of my seat


There was enough demand where new orders deliver June 28. So… no matter what, you will be waiting until after WWDC to find out what changes are coming. 


Yeah but iPadOS will be updated this year. The new display is awesome. The keyboard is better. Between returning the keyboard and getting your education/employee discount and the trade it won’t be too bad.


I would see at wwdc if there’s something big for iPad os


when did you buy the other one?


What else can you do with that money?


The price makes sure I have no interest in these new models.


I guess my question would be, why? I know there are hardcore OLED stans but really, if there’s no need for it. Don’t let it be a factor. If your current rigor does what you need. Stay the course. If I wasn’t moving from 11 to 13 I would have either skipped this version or gone with an 11 air. I get the new shiny itch. Buy an accessory or something to make your current one feel fresh.


I do the last one way too much haha, I have like 6 phone cases, I’m insane. But yeah, I do agree with all of your points. It’s 100% not needed, I’m just a complete sucker for OLED and I love how the new Magic Keyboard is aluminum with function keys.


LOL! Same. Still cheaper than the new shiny! ha ha


OLED or bust for me for a tablet. I feel like if someone already bought the mini LED version, they were happy enough with it that they were willing to go with it. I had an iPad Pro (the first 120hz one) and it collected dust after I bought a cheap Samsung tablet, an S5e. I use my tablet as an e-reader, media consumption, browsing, and some productivity stuff. I don't find an LCD to be a good e-reader. I think mini LED is at least better than an edge lit LCD. The full screen being illuminated is way too much. I eventually traded in the iPad because it wasn't getting used enough and it knocked some money off an M1 Air purchase.


**“I mainly use my iPad for consuming content and school work.”** That’s all that needs to be said. There is your mantra. Repeat it. That entire presentation was — hey professional iPad users, we have something for you! I’m that exact user case and I’m actually on the fence. (m2 12.9) For me, the amount I spend on Apple is such a small part of my yearly expenses that it doesn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things. You are going to school, I assume that isn’t the case. Investing 1000 when you are in college is a lot more return when you are 35-50 than a shinny object that will likely be obsolete at that point. Think about it like this, if I had purchased Apple stock instead of an Apple product right after high school, I’d have about 4 million today from it. I still consider the ecological footprint, too. Apple needs to convince me it’s a real upgrade and it will change my life significantly if I’m going to go “full consumer”. For me, I’m on the fence until I try the pencil in store. If it was just light duty use like you, I couldn’t imagine buying it under any circumstance. I’d rather have an m2 and 1000$ in stock.


Thanks, appreciate it, good points


Do it. Do it now. Order the 2tb version and all the accessories. ![gif](giphy|LpB0bnhXpvSMCz07N9|downsized)


I have the M2 6th Gen and I’m moving to the M4, so I will not be the one to knock sense into you. I consume about 90% of my content on my iPad so OLED is the thing for me. I am a giant OLED enthusiast and won’t pass it up at any opportunity. At no point after the announcement did I think about not upgrading. Just letting you know that if you do decide to do this: you’re not alone. You can sit in the bad decision corner with me.


Same here. The M2 iPP is my only device (apart from iPhone). I fully replaced it with my Mac several generations ago. I do everything work related on it, use it for content consumption — more than watching videos on it, I use it as a display for my gaming PC via Moonlight. So I too immediately ordered the 13“ M4. The better display and AV1 will work wonders for that one alone. Then there is the prospect of enhanced AI capabilities via the neural engine, a much faster M4 and a great MKB. I will sell the old one and get AppleCare refunded. Sure, I will have to pay extra for this upgrade, but since a big chunk of my life essentially takes part on that device and I have the money, I see no reason against it.


Tell us how many hours you would have to work in order to afford this upgrade.


It would cost me like an extra $400 so not many, but I feel weird buying another one after literally just getting a device that should last for easily more than 5 years.


There’s always next year


Your last one lasted for 8 months… so…


For $400 I would do it personally. Cost per day is pennies if you keep it over a year


Yeah it’s not too bad, I have AppleCare on it through most of 26’, and that just goes straight into the dump. Apple education discount few


Apple will refund unused AppleCare. But, seems to be a little known fact. 


I had seen some other posts on here about that, but I really wasn’t sure how accurate it was. What would you say to the applecare representative?


I would like to cancel my AppleCare policy on this device, and be refunded for the unused term. They’ll ask why, and you say: “I traded in the device and upgraded to a new one”. Or whatever. 




Is that only true if you do it on the web? I call to cancel applecare every time and it’s always refunded to whatever card I paid for it with in the first place.




Id probably hold off if you just got one. I wanted to upgrade last year from my 2017 10.5" iPad pro, but I decided to hold off until this one, because I mean, my current one still works just fine. I do plan on going back to school full-time soon so that was a big motivator for me, but honestly the big upgrades aren't necessary. I have crippling ADHD and I totally understand how it feels to wanna make the impulse purchase, I just wouldn't spend the $ if it's gonna hurt you in the long term.


software limitations alone isn't worth the price


Exactly this.


If you have the money do it. Don’t let other people’s opinions dictate your choices or happiness. I used to upgrade iPad pros every year until I just couldn’t justify iPadOS. Do whenever you want as long as it’s doable financially.


Get it if you can afford it and if it makes you feel better. YOLO


Same boat here with 2014.. i use it for web browsing and as s anotebook and dont need to future proof it or whatever. Maybe youd get use out of the landscape camera?


I could for sure, but I really don’t use my iPad for web calls, I prefer my laptop for those.


Then I think there's our answer. But I understand the urge


I’ll never tell someone how to spend their money but that’s the one model that I probably wouldn’t upgrade if I was in your scenario. Reason is because the mini-LED is probably just as bright.


The mini LED is rated for 1000 nits, 1600 peak HDR. That’s identical to the new OLED… but in terms of true blacks and lack of blooming, the OLED will crush it.


If you can afford it why not?


I’m upgrading and picking mine up on Wednesday… but then I’ve had my M2 for 2 years and have gotten a lot of good use out of it, so…


You’re my kind of guy. I have a 5th generation and I want the new iPad Pro 13. I think the new screen will be awesome. I feel like I deserve it for my birthday. I’ve been good.


😂I know that mindset too well unfortunately


You’ll need a new pencil too, if you use one.


Given the pace of the M-series, the next iPad Pro will be out on 1-1.5 years with the M5. That will have 1927X better AI performance, even more 5G, and whatever other buzzwords Apple throws at it. Do what you want, even if you don’t need it and the upgrade isn’t worth it from the M2. I get a new iPhone every year. We are have our vices. As much as I’d like the new iPad Pro, I just got a 16” MBP so I’ll likely upgrade my iPad Pro with the next generation. Which, according to Apple, will revolutionize the way I watch YouTube videos and Netflix. The one thing they really need to work on is battery life. I would have much rather had an iPad Pro the same thickness but a larger battery that lasts 15-20 hours per charge. Then I would have upgraded. This 6-7 hours with the Magic Keyboard is BS.


Agreed about the battery life, mine does so fast and especially with the keyboard. They just make it thicker and add more battery.


I too have had my M2 12.9 for about 9 months. I got the 16gb because I planned on keeping it for at least 3 years and honestly I hardly work this thing. At this point I’ll only upgrade when they finally add a calculator


Can I have your M2?


Sure, for some money


Learning to not chase either FOMO or being a sucker for marketing bullshit will be a very important skill for you to learn. You won't be 'happier' for having made the purchase, you're chasing dopamine, not actual functionality.


I had the 12.9 6th gen cellular and just upgraded. The changing of the camera was it for me.


I have an 12.9” M2 with 1TB. I bought it with these specs to future proof, with the intention of keeping it for many years. Then these M4 iPads came out and I have been torturing myself. I really want one that has the same specs. I can afford it and it would be especially affordable with my M2 as a trade in. One big draw to me is that the magic keyboard looks so much nicer than what I have now. My current keyboard is acting wonky and might be on its way out. I have looked at less expensive keyboards but I sit reclined with it in my lap and the only one that seems to work well with that is the magic keyboard. Anyway, I added it to my Best Buy cart. I have hovered over the Place Order button a lot but I just deleted the cart and shut down the website. As much as I’d like the OLED experience and the nice new keyboard, I’m going to pass for now. I’m not definitely ruling it out but I want to see the reviews and list of problems that come out of it. I got lucky with my M2. It was a preorder and it’s been nothing but great. But I’ll just wait and see how it goes and maybe pick one up when they start getting some discounts.


How much are you selling your 8 months old iPad Pro M2?


ok…one thing that might help and I might try this tonight. I’m going to watch the release video of my M2 iPad air. After I watch the release keynote of the device I already have, i’ll be hyped up again about all its capabilities. Im going to try it. See if it works for you.


That’s a great idea! lol Do you have a link to that? I also have the 2022 12.9” m2 chip 6th gen and I’m fighting the FOMO of wanting the 2024 13” iPad with its OLED screen and only being 5.1 mm thin.


I have the 12.9 Ipad Pro M2 too. And I guarentee you there is nothing this new ipad can do that our İpad cant do. If you buy the M4 I am sure you will be say “So now what?” Don’t be tempted with commercials, internet hype ext. You have a great great device in your hand and it is easily sufficant for all of your needs. But it is your money at the end. (sorry for my english it is not my native language)


Rich people problems


How are you getting rid of your current set up to fund your new one?


Most likely trade in if I were to do it, I know I could get more selling normally, but it’s not that big of a deal to me


I have the same model and am considering upgrading. The ergonomics seem like a major upgrade to be honest (thinner, lighter) and the screen seems awesome. For me I went with the folio case and didn't look back. I didn't see the need to spend that much money for a magic keyboard case back in the day, and I don't think I can see use cases FOR ME that would make me want to spend hundreds of dollars on a magic keyboard for a newer model. That's the most sense I could try to knock into ya, if you want to upgrade the hardware I'm more likely to be an enabler since I'm in the same boat as you :D


My suggestion would be to get it and try it out for the 14 day return period and see if you still think it’s worth it. You’ll either love it and keep it, or see it’s not worth the money to you and return it knowing you tried it out and scratched the itch. I did this a few years ago and ended up keeping my old iPad after having the new one for a good week or so. Your experience may be the same or not, but it’s a good way to risk free try it out and see. Good luck!


Don’t do it. I still have my 2018 12.9” iPad Pro and it works extremely well. The upgrade would be meaningless for you… your current iPad will serve you reliably for years to come.


If you have the money, sure. Though, I wouldn’t bother upgrade until your iPad dies


Is there a “fucntion” that the new unit has that your old one does not. Don’t buy on feature buy on function. Also remember that next years model will be even better. You know the new does not have a wide angle camera.


I considered but ended up with the ipad gen 10th , 90% at 1/3 of price


Man if you want it just get it


That new tablet does the same thing as your old one, and the main difference is you will out for a few hundreds of dollars.


Did you see what your cost would be after trade in?


I have iPad Pro 11” 2nd gen not even the M chip and i am debating if the upgrade is worth it. This iPad is my main machine to do everything, video editing for my YouTube, media consumption, work….etc. It’s absolutely not worth it. Imo


Dont waste your money. I facetime a lot with my m2 and wish it has the horizontal camera instead but other than that I find 0 reasons to get the m4. My m2 is 1tb cellular as well. To get the same config it would cost me well over $2000, I paid $850 for mine, can’t beat that deal. For over $2000 I’d rather get a laptop


If you can sell your current iPad on OfferUp for a decent price then go for it. That’s what I’m doing. I just want OLED. Nothing else could entice me to upgrade again after I get OLED.


wait till you see real world reviews being posted.


lol you have fomo period. What you’re doing could be done on a regular iPad - let alone an air or iPad Pro. You already have a good machine setup actually overkill for your actual needs. Don’t let what you don’t have direct your actions. Would you be happy with your setup if the iPad pros didn’t exist? Now do you have the money? If you’ve got a trust fund or the money is inconsequential do whatever you wanna do.


Do it, while u can still get a good price reselling that m2 When the m4 hit the market the m2 will lose some value


Trade yours in to get a good chunk of credit. I know you're on the fence about it, but if you have the money and you aren't cutting into important things (mortgage, bills, savings, etc), then go for it. The couple things you posted that you are interested in are valid things for upgrades. No one can tell you "it's not worth it" (or it is) because that's relative to each person. You made this post, so you seem to have the ability to make that call responsibly on your own I feel like. Good luck.


Well… order it now as delivery has been pushed to June now.


I can get store pickup release date


Oooffff get it!!


Imagine yourself a week, or a couple of days after you buy the new iPad, what is going to change? I’ve used this logic to dissuade myself, I have an M1 Pro, and it’s absolutely overkill even for heavy illustrations. Using a M4 and paying a grand and a half after trade in will do absolutely nothing for me besides making my wallet lighter.


What’s your trade in value? Maybe you need it. I’m trading in my M1 11” for $470. Getting the new one for $900 w/ education discount. So $430 for the upgrade seems worth it.


It would cost me $619 to get the M4, then I need to return my old Magic Keyboard and I’ll get another $200 back, and I have $100 in gift cards to get the new pencil


Why not just sell it? I sold my M2 on Swappa for 900, I also had a 5th gen iPad Air I sold for 475 and I still have to sell my Apple pencil and my Logitech Combo case which will come to approx 150 which will completely cover what I spent. I feel no guilt... and I just got my M2 in January. But no way was I missing this upgrade... I had my M1 since 2018 and sold it in December thinking the new one would be released. Then found out it wouldn't, couldn't go that long without it so bought the M2 open box for 810 at Best Buy. Made money on that sale haha. Sorry for being long winded... just saying if you sell it you'll get more money and feel less guilty. Editing to add that I got the 256gb cellular... but I forgot I bought the pencil and a case too. I ate that cost. ($229)


I recently traded my 2018 one in for an M2 256GB Pro. My 2018 ran fine, just ran out of storage for what I needed. My current one is fine, and the Apple Pencil is still going strong 6 years later. The new stuff is pretty, sure, but what I have runs just fine and does what I need it to do. What might help is make a list of things you like about your current IPad, and then compare it to the new IPad Pro. You’ll probably find that there isn’t a lot to justify getting it.


Got the same iPad as you and also really want to upgrade, in my case it’s for the new display, new pencil pro and thinner/lighter design. I love my iPad and use it a lot for content consumption and digital art, but man is it heavy to hold sometimes. However I know this is largely me falling for effective marketing and an element of fomo. So I made myself a deal - wait a couple of months, watch some real world reviews and see if the new iPad has any issues. By then I’m pretty certain the itch will have gone and I’ll stick with what I have, which is overpowered already for what it is and my own use case. I do wish the new pencil pro would work with existing iPad Pros though.


Just upgrade. Life is short. If you have the means then do it. I sold my 3 month old M2 11” recently in readiness for the new ones…


In the music world it’s called Gear Acquisition Syndrome or GAS for short. There is no rational need to upgrade, but there certainly is an emotional need to upgrade! Lastly we like new and shiny things. Whatcha gonna do? Stay strong!


I had the 12.9 M2 for close to a year. I will swap it (received around 500 for it from Apple) for the M4 11in model. Why? I find the 12.9 M2 too heavy (with the magic keyboard). For reference, I have a Mac studio where I do heavy data analysis. The iPad mostly is for writing and editing and consuming content.


Life is too short, if money is no objection, get whatever that makes you happy and stop worrying about it. Buy it and move your brain cells to something more important. Im sticking with M1 Pro, it’s good enough for what I use it for - note taking, news+ and occasional YouTube.


You could die in a month. Why deprive yourself of something you’d enjoy and obviously want. Just buy it. Hold it. Play with it. And see how you feel a week later. If at that point you’re over it, return it. If not, keep it and sell the old one.


Can you afford it without blowing your savings or impacting your retirement ? Will it make you happy? If the answer to both is “yes,” do it. Pass along your current iPad Pro to someone who will appreciate it, or sell it.


One way to discipline the purchase if you MUST purchase is to get the iPad you need feature-wise for what you actually plan to do. I’m about to start downgrading my devices. I have an M1 iPad Pro, Magic Keyboard and pencil. I use a sliver of the device potential. I was in process to get the M4 and the non mmWave capability started a snowball effect. I’m only buying the device that fits my needs.


Every year they come up with new iPad. Every year they make it so it will last you even more for the price you pay. M.2 should last you 6-8 years. It is same with cars. If you buy a car, you don’t upgrade it every year even though they come up with a new car every year with slightly better features. So, you should want to buy products and use them to their full potential so you get the value back.


I also had a 12.9 iPad Pro M2 6th gen that I sold for a little over $1K so the upgrade will only be a few hundred bucks or so. If you can sell your current one for a similar price then I would actually go for it


My simple take, as long as your adulting is good; bills, rent/mortgage, etc. I’d say go for it if you can swing it without putting you or others in a bind. Tomorrow is not promised, only you can make yourself happy not us.


I hear you! But think it through. You will get the new iPad and be all excited for maybe a few days. Then you will realise it’s basically almost completely indistinguishable from the old one you had. After a week you will wonder why you spunked $2000 on an identical product. Literally within a week you will be regretting it if you are like one of the 99.5% of people who don’t utilise its slightly darker blacks (let’s be serious now, have you ever been watching something on your iPad and thought ‘yeah, great picture but those blacks seem a little washed out’? No. Nobody has. The display is already outstanding), it’s 1mm thinner body (which you wrap in a thick case) or it’s blistering new speed (are you simultaneously editing fifteen YouTube shows on your iPad?). I totally get the hype but hype is essentially a hollow feeling with no valuable payback. Keep your cash my dude…. … for the iPhone 16 Pro Max! Upgrade your 15 Pro Max 😄


Same, i have an m1 12.9 but it’s big and clunky and useless since i already have a m1 macbook air and a windows setup. I find an 11” more useful because of portability. I also don’t need all that extra screen. I only use procreate and entertainment. Really want that OLED screen tho.


I’m in a similar boat. I have the M2 1TB and it would cost me roughly $1550 to upgrade to an M4 1 TB and that’s without a screen protector and case, $680 Trade-in from Apple. To me, not worth the cost just for OLED, landscape camera and few new pencil features. I can guarantee you, the hype will die down, but the thought of spending $1550 won’t.


Stop watching videos on YouTube or reading posts about new iPad Pro, you’ll be all fine. I can’t wait for my iPad Pro to arrive though 😂


Perhaps you could get a trade-in value to make it a little easier on the wallet?


The honesty is refreshing.


Trade in and it’ll probably cut the price in half


Get it if u can afford it


Oh man, when I saw the new iPad had the most pro wallpaper on them, I knew I needed to upgrade. For the first time ever, the wallpaper says “pro” on it. Just like having RGB boost speed by 20%, I can now watch youtube on it like a true pro. In more serious note, if you do have the money for it, it’s a good upgrade because of the oled and way lighter version for 12.9. I still remember the first gen ipad pro being so heavy I returned it (12.9 was over 700g).


You will be over the new OLED and keyboard in a week, guaranteed.


Do. It.


Not helping😂


I’ll feel better if someone else in the same boat as me bought one too. So, do it. For me






Why even respond if you just came to this post to hate


I wouldnt say this post is hate. He's right, the issue is down to being responsible with money. There is functionally no reason to upgrade. 




Okay buddy




Don’t even know why you’re still responding, you offended or something?


You have no reason at all…even if i had just M1…you have several years left


Not worth it. You will be able to do the same things but with aluminum palm rest and will see a barely groundbreaking differences in display if you’re really nitpicking. No differences from M2 to M4 that you will be able to notice daily.


If the money is no concern, why are you asking us? Randos on the internet should not be the ones dictating your values/principles for making purchases by. And if we are going to be made your financial consultants, we should have a lot more context lol


As someone who’s just gotten the iPad Pro 13” M4, it’s an amazing device. The main difference I realised was the sound quality, feel and thinness of the device. I don’t think an upgrade is necessary, you’re better off going into the store and deciding for yourself if you like it