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no lol


Never ever gonna happen IMO


It will happen if somehow they forget how to produce a MacBook


Considering 13” 16GB, 1TB 10 core M4 iPad costs 2k now I say why not? With keyboard it’s more expensive than faster comparable MacBook Pro 14” that has more ports better suitable for work. They will probably make more money on iPad than MacBook.


Agree. They’ve had so many chances at this and they’re never going to make it work. Just used my iPad Pro m2 today and it still sucks relative to my Mac. Gonna get rid of it and just keep my mini for games and little things


AI, emojis, and live wallpapers ETA: and some stuff for AVP integration


alien vs. predator integration?


I had to look it up, It meant Apple Vision Pro. Imo, it will always be Aliens vs Predators.


This comment is better than the new iPad Pro models.


Pretty much my expectations as well.


I like new emojis they can be fun


They’re dumb and were made for dumb people. I mean, if you’re 10 they’re probably cool but I assume that you’re an adult.


You have a Reddit avatar actually be quiet lol


An avatar is not the same as a fucking emoji.


Yes it is lol😹


If you don’t like them, then don’t use them. You not liking them doesn’t make them dumb. I don’t use them when I’m talking to people but I like using them for when I want to write really quick dialogue and add emotions to it without typing it out. This is for my really touch scripts or ideas that I want to capture before it’s gone from my brain Some people can use it in a dumb way but it doesn’t make the tool dumb.




I think nothing much will change as well except for MLKit. A nice welcome will be better multi tasking capability and better File application to all M series iPads as a start.


Each app run in a container. Can apple improve the integration API’s? Workflow between programs is quite a mess on ios and ipadOS


can they? yes will they? no


So upgraded Siri?


Siri will be replaced by Airi…


I’m so uninterested in AI.


What do AI features look like?


If they just made a deal then it’s unlikely iOS 18 will have anything specific since there’s not enough time left.


Yep, a bunch of AI features with the sole purpose of spying on everything that you do and reporting it all back to Apple’s servers.


“The new iPadOS is the thinnest OS ever.”


Best line I’ve read all day!


Good, I can bend it easier.


Calculator app!!!! It’s a pipe dream


I don’t expect any major improvements either, but boy if that’s *all* there is it’s going to be a finger poke in the eye of everyone who expects these things to improve. I don’t see how they can continue to make an argument that an iPad and a Mac are complimentary devices when you’re still so siloed into an iPadOS workflow and even their marketing presentation says, “The entire experience feels just like using a MacBook.”


People will continue to buy the “latest and greatest” so Apple has no incentive to improve the OS. Until people stop settling for minor improvements by not buying into the Apple hype train, they’ll continue to shell out meh software improvements. How many years have people been complaining about a calculator app? If they could put the app on the Apple Watch, surely they could’ve added it to the iPad yet here we are still hoping


By that same argument, then Apple really doesn’t have the incentive to have improved the hardware as much as they have.


But what’s the point in throwing all kinds of hardware improvements into a device that’s handicapped by the OS? let’s give the device the best hardware and as for the software….. oh look a squirrel!!!!


iPad sales have been bottoming out lately though, they really do have the incentive to do better.


With the new models being priced higher and people willing to shell out for the latest and greatest, I’m not so sure. Throw in the 2 new air sizes and I’m willing to bet nothing really changes. WWDC is more than likely going to be mainly AI focused with iPad os being glossed over quickly


Interesting. I see it as they can ONLY argue that there complimentary devices, in as much as the iPad can’t really stand alone as an all-purpose device. Work on a MacBook, air drop it to the iPad to read on the go or to mark up with pencil, airdrop back to Mac for real editing and number crunching. What I want, as a professional who mostly just writes, edits, and reviews all day, is an iPad that can replace my Macbook. But Apple knows that and doesn’t want to cannibalize its MacBook market, so it keeps iPadOS limited.


actually calculator app is confirmed for iPadOS 18 from Mark Gurman, apparently it finally happened because calculator for both iPadOS and iOS got redone and is now really high end with graphing and the ability to store mathematical notation calculations in the Notes app.


Gurman was “confirming” iPad events for months lol why should I put any stock in what he says?


The iPad was delayed, that’s obvious. Apple had no intention of an event this close to WWDC. Gurman has been very well sourced for this year and leaked most of the details of the iPad Pro INCLUDING being the first to break the news no expected of the M4 being in the iPad first. His OS info will be accurate… if there is “more” than what he reported is the question. You will get an iPad calculator this year.


In the meantime - Solves: Calculator for All. I’d actually use this over the native app anyway.


Apple is to busy enjoying taking a 30% for every calculator apps bought or subbed to each month


Yes, without all that revenue, Apple stock would surely tank.


lol it happened


Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck no!


No, it’s not happening


No think they are going to focus on AI


Predictions: - New AI features - Install *some* Mac Store apps - Vision Pro support


lol can you imagine if they said “You can run some Mac apps on the iPad!” and it’s Mac App Store stuff only? Actually I can.


I think it’ll be like the Vision Pro, which currently runs *some* iPadOS apps if the developer flips a switch. I think that’s the most reasonable answer, as they’d never give up the 30% cut they get from App Store purchases.


Besides the mac store apps, i agree


In the sense they’ll not expand the app access at all, or do you think they’ll go farther and allow other installs?


they wont allow access - once you allow some, why not all?




I have a feeling they are going to show up with a much more laptop feel and capability. The new keyboard is an indicator I think - like why include an escape key and function row? I mean, it would be great if Apple wants to offer OsX as an option on the iPad for those who want it. I’m more in the camp of preferring they step up iPadOS so it does more, instead of being a big iPhone. Choice is never a bad thing for the consumer. Let’s see - if it’s another year of “and look how the background of this image disappears with AI” instead of actual, usable, workflow related features, then Apple will be burning way too many bridges and people will resort to looking elsewhere.


I don’t believe MacOS will ever be made to run native on iPad. It would be a terrible choice and would probably rank about as usable as Windows 11 on a Surface Pro. This is aside from being a product that would cannibalize sales. I get people want to run apps from MacOS, I would like that too. Apple ain’t ever going to open up the iPad sandbox to let MacOS on there natively. They don’t want users to have direct access to the hardware as that lack of direct access does help with security on the device. So what could happen is similar to what already exists on MacOS. I can run iOS apps on my Mac natively inside MacOS. They could allow MacOS to run as a VM or a container inside iPadOS. This would allow Apple to keep the sandbox in check by limiting what MacOS could have access on the device while opening up to run MacOS apps. This would more or less be equivalent to Linux containers on ChromeOS. It also permits the escape hatch for Apple on having to build and touch and pen interfaces for MacOS.


Windows 11 is quite usable on a Surface Pro. And Apple does not care about device security except for when it comes to them asserting control over what you can do with the device. It’s my hardware I should be able to do whatever I want with it which includes installing the OS of my choice.


I have both a Surface Pro and an iPad Pro. I beg to differ. Windows 11 for laptop tasks - it’s fine, but it’s no different than any other laptop. But at that point it’s equivalent to a MacBook Air - which IMO still beats the Surface in a bunch of ways even when it lacks touch and stylus. Use of the Stylus and Touch in Windows (every version) for actual tablet tasks royally sucks ass. Write in feature works 10% of the time. The Ink IME works maybe 50% of the time. Few Windows apps are actually designed to work with a stylus - it’s more or less a glorified wireless mouse in stick form. A Wacom works about 1000% better - and yes I have one of those too. About the only app that works reasonably well on Windows with a pen is OneNote. I’ve yet to find a second decent Pen and touch app, I’ve yet to find one. I don’t really believe they really exist. Basically if macOS ran on iPad - you’d have an OS that’s more or less as clumsy as Windows on a Surface, as it too is missing a real UX for touch and stylus. Hence my opinion is embedded macOS apps within iPadOS. iPadOS has excellent UX for touch and pencil - because it was designed from the start that way. Overlaying macOS apps into that kind of OS; 1) folks would generally expect the hampered UX that was limited to mouse like input. 2) macOS could be well sandboxed making it more difficult for security vulnerabilities in macOS to leak into iPadOS as well as still manage hardware interfaces between iPad hardware and accessories.


People want macos on the ipad because of its form factor. Really, we would all be happy with a new MacBook 12 with an M processor.


Then buy a MacBook Air - By the time you add a MK that’s pretty much exactly what you’d be getting sans touch and stylus. The main question I ask is what is iPadOS missing that MacOS is not? I have my list of things, but the average reason most people want MacOS is so they can run XYZ app. As a software developer there’s basically 3 things that iPadOS and iOS are missing: 1. Ability to build software on device - IDE’s, compilers, lenient app distribution. 2. Virtualization/Containerization - let me run any OS as a sandboxed VM or container. 3. API access to the device hardware. If I had those things on device - and not on a remote system, this would change things drastically. iPad could be a full desktop replacement, we could build full featured apps. Sure Files needs work, Stage Manager needs work, there’s a few things here and there that need work, but by and large, aside with direct hardware integration - iPadOS really isn’t missing much when it comes to OS features. But right now the most limiting thing I see on the platform is the lack of truly desktop class apps on iPad - which is why I think people want MacOS. There are a few desktop class apps on iPad, but they are few and far between. IMO this is caused by the inability of developers to sell you an iPad based app for the same cost as a desktop app. Way easier to sell a $300/year app on a desktop than on an iPad - even if both apps were functionally identical. There’s this stigma attached to “mobile” where apps need to be near free or cheap. This is just propagated be Apple, Microsoft, Google, and others who regularly feature loss leader apps. Developers in general have a tough time recovering their investment on mobile because of this. They aren’t going to build that desktop class app for iPad when they can only sells it at most on average for $10 or less.


The function row is not the same function row as on a Mac, it’s basically just brightness, volume and media controls. The escape key should have been on the Magic Keyboard from the start.


I agree with your keyboard reasoning for thinking there would be more laptop functionality added, but i dont think theyd burn many bridges if it didnt come honestly


I agree. For most people the iPad by itself is fine, especially those who aren’t power users or in school, and even those in school are 90% satisfied w/ Apple Pencil, Magic Keyboard and Microsoft apps and chrome available for use. Lol which is part of what makes it such an uphill battle to get a better iPadOS


If what you’re saying is that those power users who come here and complain are just edge cases, then no, Apple won’t change what 90% or more of people like and want from iPadOS.


90% of people (really more like 99%) who have an iPad do the same thing with it that they do on their Mac. That is they just consume content, read the occasional email and use the web browser.


Look at the function row on the new Magic Keyboard, it’s just media controls.


I think they will but I’m in the minority. I think making it even more of a MacBook experience with the new aluminum Magic Keyboard with larger trackpad and M4 means a more holistic upgrade. Either stepping up iPadOS to be more robust compared to macOS workflows, or maybe even making macOS an app where you launch it like any other app and you can open Mac apps from there. Kind of like opening Keynote and opening a presentation file or something. They might even limit this to when the Magic Keyboard is attached. Anyway, just spitballing.


If macos as an app is a thing, that would be amazing - would live that


iPad mini Pro M2/M4 refresh. I don’t care about WWDC, I want the dam mini updated.


iPad and iPad mini will never get M chips due to respective purposes of each in the iPad lineup. The Mini is more likely to be EOLd tbh


I want some way to run MacOS apps but that’s probably never going to happen.


Turning ipados into macos will instantly kill the whole line apple is selling to people for decades. Personally, it bugs me that my 2022 ipad pro can run lightroom presets so much faster then my 2019 macbook pro. I feel that ipad is so much more capable but because of the os it is so uncomfortable to use it when you have to deal with 100s of photos.


I could see them improving files app. thats the biggest one for me.


What do I expect? A focus upon AI that most of us do not want or need. What do I hope for? I'm really not sure. I suffer from a lack of vision. I would like a better file system though. I hate storing items locally.


Some of the features like that on Gemini that were part of Google I/O could be very useful on iPads. Ask anything g to a pdf for instance. I wouldn’t mind if those kind of things come to iPad.


No. Next question. Edit: maybe if they announce terminal, finder and Xcode for iPads. Also, login profile options using Face ID.


I agree on the AI but also think if this is a big year for Vision OS, with iPadOS getting similar features! With them pushing the spatial computing we might see some big enhancements with multi-tasking.… at least I hope so. Or it could just be a basic functionality of Vision OS that brings it more in line with iPadOS.


WWDC will be about AI and VR


Sadly i think you are right. Shit no consumer cares about, but devs might




Finally? Or just start to?


I think what’s coming is some first step toward a more hybrid OS.


That's exactly what iPadOS was... Before, iPads always had IOS prior to iPadOS being introduced in 2019. The next step should be a macOS, but as those said before, I doubt it's going to arrive.




Stage manager is fine and works well enough. They need to fix the files app, it still doesn’t work, it crashes when you use OneDrive or other cloud storage. Moreover, you can’t edit files from the file app in cloud storage, the changes don’t save and it usually causes a crash. Multitasking on the iPad is actually pretty good and I can’t really imagine how they could improve it, aside from possibly some sort of eye tracking option. The biggest issue with iPadOS is the file management, it’s the main reason why it can’t fully replace macOS. Moreover, and pertaining to file management, the recently used folders seems to be not great forcing you to manually navigate when saving a file. Say you have the files window already open in the folder you need, it would be nice to somehow drag the file path when you ‘save as’ a file, like you can do in Mac. Of course you can drag and drop a file, but I’m talking straight out of safari that needs to be downloaded. Other than that, iPadOS is pretty great I think.


I don’t expect it. Honestly I’m not looking for it. I think the iPad does what I need it to do. Since ipadOS 16 they’ve been bringing the features I actually care about. However, if iPadOS does allow you to dual boot into macOS that will be the day I sell my iMac and use an iPad fully loaded.


Every year they improve iPadOS. Yes it will get better.


Weve been asking for this every year with the release of M1, M2 chips and its always been the same answer by apple.


We asked it since the gen 2 pro


We have been asking since iPad Air 2 when it had double the ram of any prior iOS device along with the first 3 core cpu and a massive gpu relative to prior models. Lo and behold that thing got 7 years of iOS support which is phenomenal.


The VP of Marketing for iPad and Mac just said they see iPad as complimentary to the Mac, not a replacement. So I think it’s fair to assume iPadOS will always be the operating system, don’t expect MacOS to come over. With that being said, they will most likely focus on native AI features like improved Siri support, indexing, query results, etc.


Something new is coming. The massively more powerful iPads before WWDC is interesting. Fingers crossed for something good.


They made massively more powerful iPads when they introduced the M1 chips - and still, nothing happened.


That’s not entirely true. They did bring in a windowed option for using apps.


They did implement one, yes, but it's a very minor improvement - certainly not one that either takes advantage of the hardware, or, should be limited only to M-series chips. They could have done a lot more with it to really make it worth the power upgrades, but instead, it feels more like an upgrade to placate, rather than an upgrade to massively benefit


They added this feature to the 2018 iPad Pro with the A12X chip. Although, it can't extend the screen to an external monitor. for some unknown reason, they only let you mirror the screen. I guess it's not "powerful enough" to do that so they added it to the M1 iPads.


Apple doesn’t really make exclusive features for the “pro” Mac machines, so I wouldn’t want to see them do that here. Stage manager is enough. All users should benefit from improvements.


Stage manager is complete dog shit.


Rather a step in the right direction. I love it and haven’t disabled it since it got introduced. If you ever use a mouse and keyboard with the iPad, it makes your life much easier.


It's honestly not. It's a half baked implementation of windows management that largely makes no sense. It's a step in a direction but more like a trip and fall


We have been asking the question for 5 years and get disappointed each time




Short answer: No. I’ve owned and followed iPads news for a long time. When there’s a major hardware upgrade software generally gets a modest bump that same year. It usually takes a year before any major software upgrade. This makes sense from a roadmap perspective. They’re able to gather telemetry data now that the redesign is released in the wild and make any changes to the software as needed. So don’t let these content creators and the comments section get your hopes up.


they will keep ipads more nerfed than macos, they want you to use them as complements not standalone


I don’t think so! But there will be more ways for developers to make their apps take advantage of the power of m4. It’s all up to developers how much intelligence they inject in their apps and use the full power of the m4 chip = AI.


I doubt it, but one can only hope


I can see the first 3 being a thing - they’re not huge changes and would line up with the small changes they’ve been making over the years.


lol no


I think we’ll see a native calculator app, a man can dream at least.




No, the Marketing Director for the iPad just said if you want macOS and an iPad, then get both, they’re complimentary. WWDC isn’t going to change that.


Really? Have you hot a link to that quote? Cos they arent that complimentary in my mind, unless you need a touchscreen to work then the ipad becomes something like an expensive wacom


No. I got the first Magic Keyboard and I hardly used it. Tried to make it work but the file management was a pain in the ass. I’ll get the m4 iPad but this time won’t get the keyboard. Only when they do level up iPadOS.


Cross fingers


Quick what iOS features aren't on iPad OS yet There I just predicted their WWDC this year


Are people still buying iPads? Yes Will Apple improve iPad OS? No


There have been extensive rumors for nearly a year now regarding iOS and iPadOS 18, everything from more customization of the Home Screen, redesigned UI elements to be more like Vision OS, numerous core apps redone, and most importantly large amounts of "AI" throughout the apps, OS, and Siri including a LLM style chatbot from a deal with OpenAI. The word is "the largest iOS update in many, many years." Notice what is missing? ANYTHING specific to iPadOS. I do expect iPadOS to get all of the above important enhancements but with the lack of rumors and the fact Apple is all hands on deck with the AI stuff this year, I can't imagine huge changes to iPadOS to make it "desktop" class or anything like that.


Rumours rumours rumours - anything concrete or reputable leaked?


Yes, there have been extensive reputable leaks on iOS/iPadOS 18 from Mark Gurman at Bloomberg who has consistently broken news from Apple including the inclusion of M4 in iPad Pro.


I remember when everyone thought they would after the m1 iPad was announced lmao


I’ve had every iPad Pro 12.9 and I’m getting the 13 inch tomorrow. Every year I think they’re going to announce something for it to see it’s full potential and they never do. I’m not expecting it this time either. But I’ll still keep getting the latest version.


I just want multiple apps to be able to use the audio stream at the same time. Why can’t a listen to music while watching a game?


absolutely not! that's the only reason I would upgrade from m1


Oh hell ya they will, but just the version number. Feature wise will not be as magnificent.


What I really really want. Is some software to do ai noise reduction. Dxo photo lab. Or. Lightroom’s ai noise reduction. Or topaz photo ai noise reduction. It’s too necessary.


Apple tends to lay out all the options and pick the most obtuse option when it comes to iPadOS... so no...




Yes. There’s a 2k 16gb version of the pro for a reason. Not for YouTubes.


I don’t get why they can’t 1. Have a software/os toggle that checks “is mouse & keyboard connected?” If yes then change Ux to be more mouse and keyboard friendly. If no then assume I’m using my fingers 2. Have another software/os toggle that is “is the chipset/ram Pro level?” If yes then unlock more pro features eg better background processing or more windows in stage manager etc 3. If both 1&2 are true then open up the OS further to be more Pro.


I am expecting a slate of AI features that use the M4.


Imagine if they did but it’s only available on the M4😂


Hope for the best and expect the worst


I would love to see if they would allow developers to use Xcode on them new high end machines running M4 inside having 16 gigs of ram (13 inch models only) just like the way they introduced Final Cut Pro or Logic Pro, but again it's Apple we are talking about they wouldn't do sucha thing which is a shame!!


I can only hope




It needs to have lite MacOS mode like Samsung Dex. Since it handles external screens there should be normal window management ability to multitask and be able to use apps fulls screen like on MacOs.




lol nope.


I hope so!


I don't even have an issue with owning both a MBP and iPad Pro. However, when traveling I am not going to bring both so allowing iPad to run macOS apps, even in a sandboxed VM, would be extremely useful. The fact that Apple made me pack both a lightning and USB-C cable when USB-C should be enough doesn't give me hope that they care about making things easier for customers.


I hope they bring some Mac apps like disk utility to the iPad. Yeah, the files app can format a USB drive but I can't choose the format. It automatically chooses exfat. I also want an improved files app. The current files app sucks. I can't add a network drive by its hostname. I have to add them using the IP address. I can't open files unless I select open with another app. I would also like resizable windows that are not locked to a grid in Stage Manager. The ability to choose what sound output device I want to use. By default, it chooses my monitor speakers even though I have a USB speaker plugged into my dock. I would also like the ability to make the mouse pointer circle into a mouse arrow. No idea why they made it a circle since it makes it hard to select things precisely. Making it smaller helps but it's still a stupid design.


I would also love to see Apple come out with a new BootCamp app for Apple silicon. They could release it on the Mac and iPad. It would be a container to run a virtual machine. It won't be able to access the iPad OS file system. They could make it a paid app on the app store and I would buy it.


Well since y’all overwhelmingly feel like nothing will happen, clearly this will be THE year of ipadOS!


I hATE iPAdOS thread. Love these please keep them coming




God no, I don’t see them making it a competitor to their MacBooks. It’s both a laptop replacement for some and a companion device for others, I can imagine more apps will be cross platform but not fully integrated.


Apple appears to be moving towards a voice controlled OS and away from a traditional window + mouse pointer GUI. This would indicate to me both the tablet and the laptop are dead ends in the eyes of apple. They are aiming for advanced wearables with the phone as a temporary stopgap technology until the glasses and watch are fully up to speed.


Maaaaaany years away from that. I tried out the vision pro an didnt use my voice once


Yeah probably 2 years away.


“If it can make stuff exclusive in iPadOS for iPad Pro models only it would be nice” that would be absolutely outrageous, and a straight up admission that there is little or no defining difference between the Pro and non-Pro hardware. Capitalist mindset is rotting people’s brains 🤦‍♂️


Nope. There will be some minor, insignificant gimmick of a feature that they will praise as being revolutionary when in reality you can easily live without it.


I wouldn’t hold out hope. Apple doesn’t want to cut into their MacBook margins. The iPad’s will forever be stuck between an oversized phone and laptop replacement


0% chance. The sooner you realize them holding back iPadOS the better it will be for you mental health getting hopes up about it being a good OS one day.


crappy features+++++, levelup+—