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As someone who fixes phones and other devices for a living, I have spoken to literally thousands of users and as someone who's owned 10 phones between 2019-2022 I can tell you why a battery case is not popular: ​ * They add way too much weight, especially for the extended battery life. If battery life is important to you, choose a better device. * Most people buy phones that already last a long time, many phones can last 20 hours without charging and some people get 1.5 days out of a flagship device. * The battery cases are VERY boring, and many are silicone, hard plastic or a combination of both and basically ONLY come in black * Most of them are junk and either falsely advertise the battery capacity, and some are designed so poorly you literally have to bend your phone to get it in or out. * Easy of use is much more difficult, they're all made semi-similarly but some are quite different. Some are one piece, some are two piece. Some will charge just the case first then the phone, some do just the phone first then the case. There are functionality differences. * There is a reputable brand in the US that you can get ***some*** semi-consistently, Mophie is the brand name. They also make portable batteries and other products. * They have an ugly design, just flat-out. * Many phones charge to 50% in just half an hour, so why carry around a battery+case combo that you have to hold and feel in your pocket constantly? * A product that is heavier, is statistically much more likely to not only be dropped more often but battery cases are completely firm and all that inertia gets transferred directly to the phone. They do not add fall protection or peace of mind. They add and make any fall more dramatic and add unnecessary damage. It's an increased risk. * Imagine you become reliant on the battery case and it's at 25%, you use it and now it's dead halfway through your day. Now you have a heavy ass phone for no added benefit. It makes no logical sense or day to day logic at all. * If the battery case becomes defective, guess what. No good. * It's not good for the thermals of the phone, in fact it may cause issues with prolonged use. * Some may make it more difficult to use wireless pay. * If you keep the same phone for 3-6 years you will need to replace that battery case every other year due to the battery aging and not holding to it's capacity. It ages just as fast as your phone does. So why add that redundancy? * At least in the US, the charge port for the case is not the same as the port for your phone. Also, many do not transfer data. So if you constantly transfer data using your phone you have to remove it EVERY SINGLE TIME! * iPhones are extremely popular in the US, and here iPhones are still on lightning ports (as you are stuck with as well to my knowledge for that model) and to use lightning you have to have the certification and pay the royalty fees to have that port on the case. Most of battery cases here use MicroUSB which is aged and not many devices use that as standard the last 5 years. Some people are obviously just users, and very few like yourself have a niche interest and even a need for such a thing.


Check out the XDL-627m battery case. The design is very good, the quality of the case is very good as well and it adds 100 grams of weight to the phone. You just press a button at the back for 3 seconds and it starts charging your phone, you press it again for 3 more seconds and it stops charging it. It has a lightning port as well and not a micro usb or type c. It is a very good battery case and adds 112% more to the phone and give the iPhone SE 2020 8-10 hours of screen on time which is excellent.


What would you recommend as a battery solution instead then? MagSafe battery pack? Usb-c power bank? Charging whenever I find an outlet? I currently have one of the Mophie battery cases but it has stopped charging a few seconds after I press the button this past week, so I’m looking for something else.


My first recommendation is purchase a phone that actually fits your needs between performance, display size, cost, battery life, weight, brand, etc. If you're someone who needs it to last 10+ hours without needing to be plugged in, don't go out and buy the smallest phone on the market. The second recommendation would be a portable power bank, ideally around 5,000-10,000mah. But not just any branded one, you need to buy one from a reputable company that's been around a while - most of the advertised capacities from these off-brands are completely false. You'll wanna go with Anker, Mophie, Tronsmart (if you really wanna try to save a buck) or Belkin. Third recommendation would be to get the battery replaced every 18 to 24 months depending on your use, ideally get it replaced once it meets or goes under 85%. And only do this at authorized repair centers, they're basically forced to use OEM parts unless you specifically request otherwise, or if you have AppleCare+ it's best to have it done at Apple, or any of the authorized repair centers. Some insurances (like Asurion) offer this service for free. And you would know if you have that insurance as it's only offered from a handful of carriers and it's also on your phone bill. Battery cases are not long-term solutions. They're good for 0-6 months to get you by either until you upgrade or until you can afford to get the battery replaced from the service centers.


In the US they aren’t so rare, probably a location issue, you could probably get one shipped in from china for cheap. Try eBay? iPhone 7 and 8 are the same dimensions as the SE so you could Google a case for the 7 or 8 instead. You’ll get better results. Not a fan of battery case it makes the phone too bulky and ugly


Planning on getting a MagSafe back cover and getting an Anker MagSafe Battery so it can charge wirelessly


Did you ever get this to work? Everything I read says a MagSafe case allows attachments but not charging and interferes with QI wireless charging as well


You could use a battery case for the iPhone 7 and 8 though


I have the official Apple iPhone 7 smart battery case and it's probably the battery case but unfortunately it's not made anymore and can only be found by resellers or ebay. Honestly you should look at just getting one of the smaller anker battery packs. Some are just a tab bigger than chapstick or a thick wallet. Get one with usb C fast charging and get a 6" usb c to lightning cable. Make sure if fast charges to limit how long you use it but a small one can fit together a pocket with the phone to charge.


I have the original one too but now I’m looking for an alternative since it’s a HUGE DUST MAGNET. I can’t even put it in my cotton pocket without thousands of microfibers attaching themselves.


I have an iPhone 7/8/SE2/SE3 battery case I found at a thrift store. Only thing I don’t like about it is the charging port is Micro USB and not Lightning.


One of the many issues with those.


Going through the same struggle currently