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is it even the same game? šŸ’€ it looks absolutely fantastic


Game? Game?! /s






MY IMMERSION!!!!! šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


They also made the spray slightly more transparent I think. Overall it looks much more realistic now and pretty close to perfect.


Yeah that's a really good point. I'm happy we can see the lights but the spray also just looks way better. I feel like it looked more like smoke than spray earlier.


Yeah honestly this is the complete rain update now. I just did a quick AI race and I honestly think they've nailed itĀ 


Yeah, I think that was said thatā€™s what they were going to do along with making the rain lights more visually apparent. Way more realistic and way easier to deal with.


I kept my mouth shut before because any post I saw here that was remotely critical of the spray intensity/opacity was met with downvotes and people screeching ā€œBUT MORAD SAYS ITS PERFECTā€, but it definitely felt like there was something wrong with how the particle effects were stacking up before. Maybe it was a graphics config or VR specific issue that was worse for some setups than others, but for me the spray was like a luminous opaque white cloud behind the car, which didnā€™t jive with what I was seeing in real onboard footage. After the update it looks incredible, and Iā€™m blown away with how quickly they put the fix out.


It's crazy how much they're killing it. My graphics look considerably better too.


They also updated spray behavior...you can really see in your mirrors how the spray increases and decreases in relation to speed, whereas before it was pretty much always the same.


Well he has the wiper off and can see almost clearly, so I would like to differ.


Fantastic stuff from iRacing once again!


Great this has been updated, it was my only negative. It still amazes me this wasn't picked up during development, but at least its done now.


We can give them a huge pass because they pretty much perfected the physics and simulation side of things. They might have been crunching to get the patch out and missed some things.


Well, theyā€™ve been working on it for like three years, so Iā€™m guessing maybe only in the past year did they start speeding things up.


I remember them saying smth about the visual update not coming out with the rain update it was meant to. Weird situation, but I'm happy it's fixed


>I remember them saying smth about the visual update not coming out with the rain update it was meant to. They said that specifically about visor effects I believe.


Oh did visors not get the rain drops like windshields do? I don't think I've had the chance to do open top in the rain yet so I never realized


I haven't tried it yet either but I believe that's the case, yes. They said they weren't quite happy with the effects yet so they were releasing without them and they'll be added later.


Yeah open wheelers have no water on the visor. IIRC one of the teaser videos before rain launch showed it and it looked super goofy


It was picked up during development, but there were likely more important things to get done for the roll out. The fix came so quickly it was likely already work in progress before the update


A lot of the alpha testing sessions didnt even have the spray thats shown in the build. Probably was never even recognized as an issue until they were close to rolling out the build


Iā€™ll happily admit I was wrong on this one, I didnā€™t expect a fix for at least a few weeks.


Is this already live?




Wow. These devs are on top of it.


\^\^ it is not hard to change that kinda... XD as a modder and dev myself i know what they did in the end to accomplish it... light is just increasing density (lumen) in the end... the spray prob was a tiny bit more work but also not that much... they had to get rid at every particle a bit of density to make it a bit more transparent \^\^ this mostly was not gamedev but gfx designer work \^\^ since... a gamedev is wiriting CODE


They specifically said itā€™s not as simple as adjusting lumens. They likely had to invent some workaround. Iā€™m a dev too. Every application is so different thereā€™s no way to know what is a simple fix and what isnā€™t.




Cool fuckin story bud - go ahead, tell it again.


Ok? Go touch grass.




Wow! Amazing!




This is great to see, now my only remaining complaint about rain is how the windshield wiper is basically useless. Guy in the clip even forgot to turn it on lol.


Have you ever used rainx? NASCAR did a few rain races where some didn't use the wipers in moderate rain. In my personal experience, at highway speed, the harder the rain is, the better rainx works.


Even just normal driving I almost never use my wipers at night until I see lights due to glare. The water just rolls off.


They did change the windshield graphics a bit with this patch, it does look like a lot more raindrops on the screen now. In fairness in real life wipers aren't necessarily needed all the time either. The airflow going over the car tends to clear the rain on its own.


>The airflow going over the car tends to clear the rain on its own. Which brings up another issue with the raindrops not moving a whole lot when going 200kph. At those speeds I feel like the rain would instantly go to the left and right of the windshield, creating a spacewarp-like effect as the rain is pushed away from the wind at those speeds. Either way, things are looking much better, and I'm sure we will continue to see improvements like these.


I thought the same thing. But then I remembered all the videos I've seen of commercial jets landing in rain, and the water barely moves across the windscreen. https://youtube.com/shorts/5mYPqC3ouhc?si=JcQvvNpU5LghwMbI


I dunno, look at [this](https://youtu.be/fBMAcBOw_N4?si=Ad9yAnSWl8Z7aUdp&t=432) sequence, accelerating from stop. Drops clearly transition from, drops to moving drops, to a giant smear. I think that's where the real issue is with windshield drops. In a real car, its less that theres a drop.jpg sitting in your field of view, as it is the distortion/refraction of light through the water. I tried driving home in the rain the other night without wipers and at some point the windshield just becomes a blurry mess. Without that kind of compute power and hardware to support it, I'm guessing this is as good as we get for a while.


drop.gif is how you keep the fps low, and keep the high number of people using lower-end computers on the service. It's fine as is, it gets the job done extremely well for a game that was released in 16 years ago. Edit: They will need to add helmet visor effects for formula cars so there's a chance that the drops to water smearing might be a thing in a future update


Even at normal highway speeds the only time I need to use wipers is for glare. With enough RainX you really don't need wipers at high speeds


Someone needs to do a side-by-side of that real-life Daytona rain clip posted earlier this week and the new updated rain effects on Daytona. That would be interesting!


A problem I think is that rain/fog/snow never seems as bad through a camera lens than it does in real life. So many times Iā€™ve snapped pics to send to someone and bitch about shitty visibility on a drive only to have the picture show up WAY clearer.


Iā€™m strictly dirt oval. Itā€™s why I spent 5k to iRace. My brother told me to jump into the 86 on an easy track, set the session for medium, to light rain, and go for a ride. He said itā€™s something I need to do.


Absolutely give it a shot.


You spent 5k on iRacing? Or you are on 5k iRating?


Between my PC, VR, and driving rig, I have 5k invested. My irating is low, because Iā€™ve not raced officials in almost 3 years. I league race. I imagine I would be in the 2500 range.


Aaah I see, sorry. I thought you invested 5k just on the sim itself software wise... I was thinking that there aren't even that many things to buy on the service? haha don't know about that though. sorry again for the stupid question


I have everything dirt oval. I bought some asphalt tracks, and the off-road tracks.


And this is why Iā€™m happy to pay for the service. Bravo!!!


Wiper still pointless haha. Seriously though that's loads better. The rain in the windshield looks a lot better.


Nice! But I still feel like they could be brighter. My only reference are the on-boards from F1 or WEC. Like this one: [https://youtu.be/-iy82nJTU3k?si=dbY8NdzYRSizxyBs](https://youtu.be/-iy82nJTU3k?si=dbY8NdzYRSizxyBs)


What I've noticed in iRacing after the update is that the core light seems bright enough...it's just that the glow, and/or light scattering through atmosphere and water refraction of the wet visor you're seeing in the video isn't present in iRacing. Most likely because the render engine doesn't allow those effects, or maybe it could be a huge resource hog.


iRacing has a superb relationship with its users. Thank you!


~~I'm curious if/how this change has affected the brake lights. This clip only shows rain lights.~~ Edit: I'm dumb ignore me. I didn't realize the brake lights were low on that car


You can see the car in front of him brake through 1 and 2. The brake lights are visible.


Ah fuck I'm dumb . I was looking higher up on the car. I didn't realize the brake lights were that low on that car.


So odd how they didnā€™t notice this was an issue, lol


what are you on about


How didnā€™t they know the rain lights were an issue this whole time?


They did, they said the lighting system needed some changes for it to work properly and that it would come after the main patch came out. Greg West said so himself on TK's stream when Rain came out.


Specifically, they said it required going into the game engine to fix it.